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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #331
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Um...Because I Originally Posted it Here?

    And have no less a right to my opinions on it than you do.
    And no less a right to post it here than you do.

    Quote Originally Posted by kenthastings View Post
    Most everyone who has a legit penectomy has paid for it. So there is nothing unique about this. The guy wanted it done since a child, and he happily achieved his dream...and had three hot young girls do it. I feel pay would cheapen it for me, but the fact they enjoyed it made it hot. I could also add that he could have gotten out of it, but they were all enjoying it. He even went to the ward because he refused to give the names of the hotties that did it...wish he would at least give the names to me.
    You weren't there.
    You don't know any more of how it went down than the rest of us can glean from the story.
    You are projecting yourself onto this story.
    You can't or won't differentiate between fantasy and reality, either, it seems.
    Like several others here, you just think with your little head. And don't care about the consequences that these people have brought on.

    "Legit" penectomies are done after long extensive probings of the candidates mind by professionals. Then done properly and safely and painlessly in a medical environment. Not in hotel rooms by whores who have now discovered what they are capable of. And are probably bragging about it somewhere.
    These "hotties" as you call them, still have the rest of their lives ahead of themselves to top this thrill. And they will.

    Because they are monsters.

  2. #332
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    Um...yes. That's what penectomy is about!
    It's so easy to call someone to be "of unsound mind" and "not competant to make such a descision, beacause of Mental issues", just because he has a mind or mentality that is different than yours.
    Thank god, I'm not dependent on your allowance.
    Then you either misled me with your words below, or else I misunderstood:

    No I don't hate my manhood at all, the opposite is more likely to be true. I also need it nothing lesser than you need yours.
    That is the kink, you know? If it wasn't so important to me, than there wouldn't be a thrill in having a sexy woman take that "man pride" away from me.
    So, what you are really saying is, your manhood only exists for one lose it in that last ultimate thrill? The fantasy of it does nothing for you? You must lose it for real? And to hell with the rest of your life? Is that what it means to you? Or do I still have you wrong?

  3. #333
    Supreme Poster
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    Severed Penis Necklace Tattoo

    found this intresting specially the penis that says mom lol

  4. #334
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    penis necklace tattoo

    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    found this intresting specially the penis that says mom lol
    iam out of storage on this site soo i have too use imageshack thats why iam rediting this post cause i tryed too insert the pic and it wouldnt let me

    its odd cause iam almost certain shes a lesbian

  5. #335
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    Did the girls really dispose of the guy's dick? Perhaps they did not. I would think that maybe they kept it for a souviner and pickled it some sort of preservative to remember their joyous experience.

  6. #336
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    You are projecting yourself onto this story.
    Well, nothing less du you: "These "hotties" as you call them, still have the rest of their lives ahead of themselves to top this thrill. And they will.
    Because they are monsters
    In my view, you are just projecting your wishes into them. I don't suppose anything like that. You are quick in negatively judging people you don't know and you have a quite strange opinion of women.

    You must lose it for real?
    And to hell with the rest of your life?
    You think life is over, once you don't have a penis anymore? You think your "manhood" is over then? I AM not my penis.

  7. #337
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    Hello all, I'm new here... sorry if I write anything that other people have already stated, I take advantage to introduce myself and my penectomy interest here.
    Mine is mostly a fantasy thing, indeed I think I would never have my organ removed for real... but the fantasy is one of the hottest I ever had in my life, and the idea of a woman doing it (and enjoying to do it) is one of the most erotic scenery I can figure.
    Althought being a very complex issue in reality, the "my-body-my-right" philosophy becomes absolutely feasible in the fantasy perspective... the idea that I could decide, at a certain time, to have the ultimate sexual experience in my life, to pick up one or more women to give me the last pleasure and then cut off my organ, is one of my best erotic fantasies (not only for masturbation, as long as I am so lucky to find real women that like to share the idea).
    This isn't my only fantasy, I have others, but I will post them in the future...

  8. #338
    Senior Member cballs's Avatar
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    love reedkrits tatoo pic that looks soo cool but must have hurt getting that done

  9. #339
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbonator View Post
    Actually, I believe there is a substantive difference between circumcision (which in most cases isn't 'needless') and permanent destruction of a major body function. The same as there's a difference between cutting one's nails and cutting off one's hand.

    They specialise in superficial restoration of the body, or aesthetic enhancement rather than mutilation.

    Which makes the moral judgement of these women even more questionable as it is taking advantage of someone who is of unsound mind for financial gain.

    I don't believe that our rights regarding our own bodies extend to the right to damage or destroy it. But even if it did, I should hope that most people would not agree to inflict such violence upon another person. A person's consent does not make everything right.

    I can't speak for everyone, but I suspect that most people's moral outlook has more substance than them simply not liking it.
    So circumcision isn't mutilation? It's the disfigurement through removal of a part of the body. And circumcision IS needless.

  10. #340
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    On a side note, Rebecca, for someone who is tired of the "self-righteous indignation" of others, you sure have displayed a fair amount of it yourself all over this website.
    Oh really? Show me a post of mine here where I have condescended to criticize someone elses fantasies or sexual interests.

    Where have I echoed your moral superiority?

    I'm not defending what the women in that news story did. I think they should be charged.
    What I don't like is your attacks against anyone who doesn't follow to the letter your analysis of it. That if anyone here finds this story to tweak their own fantasies (I'm not one of those by the way), is then subject to your scorn and ridicule.

    I find it odd that you come to such a forum and spend most of your efforts in demeaning others, and criticizing their interests.

    So again I ask you to show me one of my posts where I have done likewise.


  11. #341
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    So circumcision isn't mutilation?
    No, not in the sense of irreparably damaging an essential function of the body. His willy still works; if it's been severed completely, it doesn't (obviously). However, this is really a question of semantics so if circumcision is included in your understanding of the definition of 'mutilation' then I'm prepared to cede that point. What is perhaps a more pertinent question is whether or not such things can be justified.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    And circumcision IS needless.
    Actually it can have strong religious significance and, in Judaism at least, is essential to be a part of the the covenant with God.

  12. #342
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    So circumcision isn't mutilation?
    No, not in the sense of irreparably damaging an essential function of the body.
    Oh, your essential functions will of course keep working if your willie is removed. You can even still ejaculate, at least in your sleep or even awake if you have a strong imagination and are heavily turned on by the subject and maybe a little stimulation at your still fully functional balls...

    I can come without touching my penis. Sometimes...

  13. #343
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbonator View Post
    No, not in the sense of irreparably damaging an essential function of the body. His willy still works; if it's been severed completely, it doesn't (obviously). However, this is really a question of semantics so if circumcision is included in your understanding of the definition of 'mutilation' then I'm prepared to cede that point. What is perhaps a more pertinent question is whether or not such things can be justified.

    Actually it can have strong religious significance and, in Judaism at least, is essential to be a part of the the covenant with God.
    Sorry. Religious views (while generally worthy of respect) do not equate need.
    And unless you're here on a biblical sting operation to see all us women put to death, you might want to look at what Leviticus says about women using attacks to the groin even in the defence of her husband. We're to be put to death for it.

    In other words, biblical verse does not equal absolute and final authority.

  14. #344
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebecca View Post
    Sorry. Religious views (while generally worthy of respect) do not equate need.
    Why not? And which alternative views should inform us as to what we need, and why?

  15. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibbonator View Post
    Why not? And which alternative views should inform us as to what we need, and why?
    take ur views and whatever opinions you have too a site that cares or open up a new thread n preach ur opinions otherwise u can garggle my balls and my circumsized penis Rebeccas been here long enough too contribute her views and opinions you on the other hand are just being a annoyance too the forum

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