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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #361
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    Stand to what you say.
    "...and to hell with the rest of your life?" tells your mind, that life is over without penis.
    "your manhood only exists for one lose it?" tells your mind, that penis = manhood
    I then sayed that I am not my penis.
    Those statements were my attempt to ascertain how your mind works, and not any attempt on my part to give you my mindset.

    Here is my response(again): Life is not over without a penis. A great part about being a man, however, is.

    A lot of people use the term "manhood" as a euphemism for "penis" in the English language. I see that is where the confusion entered, so I will be more specific in the future.

    You talk two minds: On the one hand you find it arousing, on the other you find it insane.
    One mind. Arousal is just a sexual response. And I freely admit I'm messed up in that regular porn doesn't do that for me. What I wouldn't give to be a normal guy and just be turned on by the sight of a beautiful woman (without a severed penis in her hand, that is). What I find insane is the cold reality of actually destroying a perfectly healthy part of me, that never did me (or anyone else) any harm, and, in fact, has brought me (and certain others) a lot of joy. Once again, the differenciation is that fantasy, itself, causes no physical harm. OTOH, the brutal reality does.

    The urge itself may actually be "insane" or at least seem so to our limited understanding. To want it to happen for real on the other hand is not more insane than to take great risks for any "fun" or to suffer great expenses for it, something many "sane" people do when driving motorbikes or skydiving or the like..
    Non sequiter. Risk takers do not intend injury to themselves, rather they are trying to avoid injury while in their pursuit of their actual goal. You can say
    Evel Knievel wanted all those broken bones that he received while performing his stunts, but I think we both know that's not the case.

    Penectomy is a one time thing, ok. But it is such a big part of my sexuality, that I would call it a loss to end my life one day, without having had the chance to experience it, before I was too old for it...
    OKAY! Now that makes sense to me!

    And now cut it here please, I may answer in your poll-thread if I want.
    And let you have the last word here? No way. But I still hope to see you there.

  2. #362
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    Russian site - new video with penectomy

  3. #363
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly View Post
    Ah! Finally a response! (And a marvelous one, too )

    Well, now that you've started, don't leave us hanging!

    Do continue, and answer these intriguing questions!
    Thank you for appreciating my poor effort to put up an interesting scenario....

    Well, I try to continue.
    Certainly, there would be a difference between the official duties of the nuns and the unofficial lifestyle, I bet
    The sinner, once having his penis removed, would be held in the hermitage and spend his life in prayer and contemplation of god. His severed former pleasure organ should be kept and preserved by a taxidermist, just to remind him his former life as a sinner and the price he had to pay for his own salvation.
    But there would be some activities that will take place covertly. I'm sure some of the nuns would take their advantage of having a dickless man in the convent. They could indulge in some sexual activity with him, sithout any fear of having intercourses that would end in an unwanted pregnancy, or even just in loss of virginity, that could be revealed in some way. The former sinner would become a clandestine sexual servant for the nuns
    And I'm also sure that some of them would indulge in perverse play with the severed organ....
    The nuns that have to take part to the ceremony should be picked up by a sortition. Officially, that would be considered an ungrateful duty, but everyone of them would be secretly enthusiast to be drawn...

    Sorry for all my mistakes, but I'm italian!!

  4. #364
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Works for me!
    Great job!

  5. #365
    Senior Member
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    Works for me.

  6. #366
    Registered Member
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    Great job. Thx

  7. #367
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    great job (?)

    Lol... thank you for the positive feedback.

    But now I'd like to know something about your favourite penectomy fantasy and context.....

  8. #368
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    My Favorites

    When I fantasize, I'm not even in my fantasies.
    It has to be happening to someone else.
    Putting myself in the various situations is a little
    too close to home for me to be comfortable
    enough to relax and enjoy it.
    Do I have favorites? Well, there are a few chapters
    in Betty's book that never fail for me. Namely,
    "The Hitchhiker," "The Handyman," and "The
    Erogenous Zone.'

  9. #369
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    Love the thought of losing my cock to an older woman. But better one with an evil streak who would like to torture it first.

    One idea would be to see how many needles she could push into my cock before I plead with her to remove it and the torment. If she runs out of needles, well will have to see what else she can find.

  10. #370
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirk View Post
    It is all just fantasy for me, but as a fantasy it is great because the girl or woman gets so much power over the male in it. A nice escape from daily reality. I wrote a story about this, sorry for the mistaken spellings.

    What do you think about this story?
    Not a bad start Dirk -- will be interested to read the follow up.

  11. #371
    Supreme Poster
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    Jul 2008

    penectomy video

    does anyone still have the real video where a guy gets his penis cut off and its in somones hand and they twist it in there hands and show the person

  12. #372
    Junior Member Rabbitman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    does anyone still have the real video where a guy gets his penis cut off and its in somones hand and they twist it in there hands and show the person

    yeah i'd like to see this too

  13. #373
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    Hi. I'm new here, and penetctomy is one of my fantasies too. Once I saw on a movie called "penis chopped off in torture event". This was something, quite cruel when a guy tied and blindfolded got his dick cuted off with garden scissors. Can't find it on web anymore though.

  14. #374
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    Good evening Rebecca I wanted to ask your advice on these things. What is it that gives you happiness when thinking of these things? It is puzzling enough that i myself am fascinated by it although i think it is routed in the fact that my drive is too high. But i am curious about what you like

  15. #375
    Big Supporter johnny_cockNballs's Avatar
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    In My Pants
    Quote Originally Posted by ballz2spare View Post
    Good evening Rebecca I wanted to ask your advice on these things. What is it that gives you happiness when thinking of these things? It is puzzling enough that i myself am fascinated by it although i think it is routed in the fact that my drive is too high. But i am curious about what you like
    "drive is too high."

    It mean that your testosterone is high level?

    That is same for myself. It is criticism of me lately. But, I like it my lady say this and criticize me. I can say "Fix me!"

    Last Sunday morning we bathe together and she squeeze my balls very hard/rough, like angry. She say want to neuter me, and my neuter will fix 99% of problems in our relation. No more testosterone washing in my brain. (Maybe she is correct! Maybe she like me better a eunuch...)

    I am very polite and kind to her nowadays...

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