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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4246
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    hollywood fl

    ohhh boy

    seems like he is now confused

  2. #4247
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I remember seeing this foreign movie (roughly ten years ago), it may have been Spanish or Italian, I cant really remember... anyway, it was quite erotic and very explicit.

    If anyone can help me identify this movie: the title, the actors it would be a great help. I saw it once roughly 10 years ago and have not been able to find it since.

    Anyway it's about this gorgeous brunette who falls head over heels in love with this playboy. From what I remember, the sex scenes were pretty 'full on'.... The guy is some sort of artist, he is also fairly good looking.

    To make a long story short, she finds out that he's been cheating on her with multiple women. She tries to leave him, but he somehow turns on the charm and.... next thing you know: they end up shagging once more.

    In the end, she actually catches him in bed with another woman.... she walks in on them. He doesnt apologize or cover it up, he merley says that this other woman is her lover and he loves her too. The other woman is also pretty hot, as I recall she was a blonde.

    Anyway, he somehow manages to talk her into joining them in a threesome the following night.... but she has ulterior motives. She is so jealous, so angry and hurt that she buys a small hand gun the next day (we think at first to kill him).

    Later that night, the three of them are having dinner. He is sitting in the middle and the ladies are on either side of him. He is loving the attention and is particularly horny tonight. The blonde is giggly and is 'getting into it' as he talks about what he intends to do later that night. I cant remember what was said exactly, but... its just dirty talk to get them hot.

    The camera goes underneath the table. He's grabbed the blondes left hand and her right hand and is getting them to rub his crotch underneath the table. He's loving it.

    That's when she slowly reaches over to her purse (this happens underneath the table, no one can see) and extracts the small hand gun. Meanwhile he's still going on and on, talking 'dirty talk'... she's lining up the shot: perfect right between his legs and BANG!! she fires.

    He goes silent and gasps. She pulls her hand out from underneath the table and slowly puts the gun in her purse. She smiles at him and leaves... he has this hurt, shocked look on his face.

    Thats how the movie ends.

    So that's it. If anyone knows this movie, let me know. I'll rip it and endevour to share some clips from it.... but i need to know what the title of the movie is. lol


  3. #4248
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krissss4 View Post
    Сборник видео, кастрации животных,девушка рядом комментирует кастрацию кота:
    Inspired me to search the russian part of the web and I found:

    Eunuchs (Part-1) / Кастрируйте меня (Часть-1)
    Eunuchs (Part-2) / Кастрируйте меня (Часть-2)
    Eunuchs (Part-3) / Кастрируйте меня (Часть-3)
    Eunuchs (Part-4) / Кастрируйте меня (Часть-4)
    Eunuchs (Part-5) / Кастрируйте меня (Часть-5)

    The following screenshot is from part 3.

    Please notice these video's are on youtube and the moment they disappear is just a matter of time.
    Pornography = boring.

  4. #4249
    Senior Member
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    awsome vids

  5. #4250
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    this is good

  6. #4251
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    I Recently bought BALLBUSTINGPORNSTARS VOL. 3 And a couple other cbt/********** type movies from my local adult bookstore.......i should be entertained for a while!

  7. #4252
    Join Date
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    let us know how they r

  8. #4253
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    The psychology of ********** seems more interesting than the act itself. I am specifically talking about the various posts women have made in this and other thread on this topic. Women's fantasies tend to be all in their heads (as the rest of us), and not usually visually oriented. This accounts for the huge variety of erotic literature. Some stories have been written by women (one hopes!) on that Eunuch site, and it does give a eye opening peek into SOME women's fantasies on this topic.

  9. #4254
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somaticlips View Post
    The psychology of ********** seems more interesting than the act itself..
    This has always been true for me. Getting into the castratrix's mind has always been more arousing to me than the mutilation itself. What, specifically, drives her to do this, and what kind of satisfaction she expects ...and ultimately experiences?
    Sadly, for me at least, the majority of the EA stories really miss the boat and just focus on the bloody act and nothing more.
    I think there are several reasons for this.
    1) Not everyone is cut out to be a writer, but that won't stop untalented people who believe they do have what it takes from filling up that memory space with shlock. Add to this the fact that the audience for this form of lit is so desperate for anything new, that they are afraid to criticise anything but the most obviously insincere attempts. So they praise and encourage the crap, and wind up getting more crap -- and they are happy to get it!
    2) Read what the regulars there post most of the time, and it becomes clear that they really couldn't give a rat's ass about what is going on inside the mind of the character doing the **********. This is because they are either already eunuchs, or eunuch-wannabes, and identify 100% with the character being *********. And not in a "oh, please don't do this to me" sort of way. In a "oh, thank you so much for the service you are performing for me" sort of way. So for them it is wish-fulfillment. The ending is the important thing.
    Unfortunately for the rest of us, that kind of story leaves us cold.

    I am specifically talking about the various posts women have made in this and other thread on this topic. Women's fantasies tend to be all in their heads (as the rest of us), and not usually visually oriented. This accounts for the huge variety of erotic literature. Some stories have been written by women (one hopes!) on that Eunuch site, and it does give a eye opening peek into SOME women's fantasies on this topic.
    Women are at a disadvantage at writing ********** stories right off the bat. First of all, the readers tend to easily jump to the conclusion that they must be man-haters. (This isn't helped by the fact that some of them clearly are.)
    But even so, I imagine that it must be as cathartic for them to set their stuff in text as it is for their fans to read it. I am never one who believes that freedom of expresion should ever be stifled -- even if it is hate speech. Better it should be all out in the open where we can see it, than squashed into the shadows where it can fester.
    Secondly, this kind of story necessitates male characters. They are the ones who possess the organs, after all. I find that only a few really talented female writers bother to do their homework when it comes to how men think, what they think, and why they think it. To me, there is nothing more funny than a badly-written male character, fucked up in a way that only a woman could fuck it up. This is something she can't hide even if she uses a male nom de plume. I can ALWAYS tell.
    Thirdly, I've come to understand that even when cloaked in internet anonymity, the majority of females into the ********** kink aren't about to open up and bare their souls to a bunch of strangers. This has nothing to do with the man-hater perception of reason one. This has to do with stuff that is just too personal, filed under the none of your business folder, only to be shared with someone very, very close and trusted. Maybe.

  10. #4255
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    Сборник видео, девушки кастрируют парней и обычная кастрация:
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails snapshot20100505082046.jpg   snapshot20100505082241.jpg   snapshot20100505082458.jpg   snapshot20100505082746.jpg  

  11. #4256
    Junior Member
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    Hong Kong
    Quote Originally Posted by krissss4 View Post
    Сборник видео, девушки кастрируют парней и обычная кастрация:

    Thank you for sharing..!! I love it very much

  12. #4257
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by krissss4 View Post
    Сборник видео, девушки кастрируют парней и обычная кастрация:

    anyway we can get this reuped?

  13. #4258
    Join Date
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    very very danger

  14. #4259
    Registered Member
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    wow this site is so cool !!!

  15. #4260
    Join Date
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    central valley
    Quote Originally Posted by Trouble View Post
    Sadistic Sara said:

    The feeling of powerlessness and being controlled releives a lot of stress. It's fairly common among both men and women, although women typically act it out (if they do it safely) by going to a "kidnap" service (ask for light torchure and no sex unless you want to have the REAL experience of being kidnapped and raped -- in which case, don't pay the kidnap service, just hang out in aa dark alley and wait).

    But I digress; the question was just about female domination, right? As in what this board is all about? I think I only ever was threatened with ********** once, and it was very exciting because I was SURE she wouldn't do it... and then I was 99% sure... and then I was about 95% sure... and then I started pleading and begging and whimpering (etc.) and I would have promised anything and everything.

    It was such a huge relief when she released them that I probably would have married her.

    So: WHY do I enjoy it? It gives me the chance to try to confront one of my biggest fears (well, okay, my BIGGEST fear; death would be, like, maybe 3rd): maybe I'll come out okay, maybe not.Facing a fear like that, stepping into the danger, and facing it is a total rush when you come out un-permanently-busted/sliced off. It's wonderful to give a lover, friend, playmate, whatever THAT much trust -- most women really enjoy being trusted that much and respect and enjoy that someone will trust her that much. So it's an emotional high, too -- it allows an incredible emotional intimacy, not just a sexual one.

    How's that for a start?

    I couldnt have said it better.

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