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Mythical Pain
Princess Rebecca stood at the edge of the elegant, semi-circular balcony that ringed her bedroom, high atop one of the castle’s many tall, white-stone towers. She placed her hands on the golden banister that capped the railing of graceful arches and ivy leaves carved from the same white marble that made up the tower itself. The railing felt pleasantly cool in the evening air, as was the breeze that swirled around the tower, rustling her curly, copper red hair around her fair-skinned face.
From the balcony, she had an excellent view of all that would one day be hers. Included in the sweeping panorama were the many soaring towers and white walls of the castle; armored guards patrolling the many crenellated battlements. Beyond the castle proper were the courtyard gardens, a beautiful mixture of emerald green grasses and brilliant blue and red flowers nestled among sparkling sapphire canals. Tall, leafy oaks provided shade for the nobles who came to visit the gardens and also for the servants required to maintain them. Then beyond the garden was the massive stone curtain wall that loomed above the city outside the castle proper, protecting the kingdom’s inner sanctum from all who would do it harm.
These days it seemed there were many who wished to do her people harm. Rumors of war circled her kingdom like vultures circling a dying beast. At least, Rebecca had been told they were merely rumors. Yet as often as she came to her balcony, lounging in the shade of the cheerful blue canopy during the day or gazing at the stars at night, she had seen the long columns of armored men passing through the city beyond the walls of the castle. Men in armor of leather and metal studs holding pikes and marching in ordered rows, and other men in heavy plated steel atop massive warhorses. The army would not be called up, let alone sent forth, on rumor alone.
And rumor would not keep her bound to the castle like some filthy prisoner. In her younger days, before her people had considered her to have reached womanhood, she was kept in the castle to protect her “innocence.” A ludicrous idea, as far as she was concerned. Besides, with as many guards as she always had following her around, what did they think was going to happen? Surely they did not think some wretched, ale-smelling drunkard was going to accost her, drag her into a grimy alley and have his way with her? She almost wished someone would try, she’d twist his testicles right off his body and laugh all the while.
How excited she’d been to have finally reached the age where her family might allow her into the city on her own, with only a guard or two to ensure her safety. And how bitterly disappointed she’d been when that age had come and gone, and brought with it only more hours of solitude, and the dark tidings of a great war brewing somewhere near the border. Honestly, she just didn’t see how a war that may or may not even be going on was any reason to keep her locked in the castle. Then again, late at night, she could have sworn she saw something on the horizon. Something dancing in the darkened sky, shifting shapes in the darkness. Whatever it was, she told herself each time she’d seen it that it was only her imagination, but it was enough for her to put her impatience aside, and wait just a little longer until things were safe again.
Now, though, she was becoming increasingly irritated with her near imprisonment. From her lofty perch she gazed out across the massive sprawl of her kingdom’s capital city, spreading in all directions as though her castle were merely the heart of some ever-growing, ever-changing beast. Her city was filled with buildings of all shapes and sizes, many of stone and mortar and many more of wood. Long walkways spanned from one high rooftop to another with colorful banners hanging from them, flapping in the breeze. Many buildings had been whitewashed and many more painted bright colors, others white walls with dark beams and framework.
Now though, everything was the same fiery shade of orange as the last beams of sunlight spilled across the land. The sun was swiftly slipping behind the looming teeth of the nearby mountains, their black silhouettes a row of spikes across the fiery orb. Soon enough the last of the brilliant orange light would fade, and just as it painted the evening sky in layers of pink and purple, so too would it soon paint the city first with shades of lavender, and finally darkness.
As torches were being lit down throughout the city streets, the princess finally turned away in disgust. War or no war, there was a celebration planned for the city tonight. A celebration she was not going to be allowed to attend. If she remained on her balcony long enough to hear the shouts and song of revelry and games, she was only going to get more and more angry. She may as well go inside, and try and relax. Perhaps she’d blow off a little steam; she knew just the way.
The princess passed through the wide glass paneled double doors that lead from her balcony to her bedroom, and closed them behind herself so as not to hear the joyous cries of the townsfolk. Pausing a moment, she decided that if she wasn’t going to have a good evening, neither was her foxy. Her foxy, as she affectionately called him, was her personal servant. He did any task she required from fetching her meals to washing her clothes to taking her abuse in quite the literal sense.
Rebecca peered around the room, her ruby lips twisting into a scowl. She was dismayed to find that the servant wasn’t already in her room, waiting for her! Surely he had not gone far, she supposed even an animal like him had to eat now and then. Or perhaps he was making water? For some reason, that thought made her giggle. Silly foxy. Well, no matter, she’d have all the more reason to punish him when he did return. No doubt he would be back any moment.
As she waited for him to arrive, she glanced about her room. The inside of the tower walls had been paneled in dark wood, and dressed up with all manner of soft velvet tapestries and beautiful paintings. Though she was free to roam the castle and it’s grounds, she spent much of her time in her room and so she wished it to be as comfortable and inviting as possible. Scattered about the room were several comfortable recliners, silken blue and silver cushions stuffed with goose down. At one side of the circular room was her bed, a massive four poster bed with pale blue blankets and a silvery canopy. She liked blue, dressed herself in it as often as she could. She smoothed out the sky blue blankets of her bed, and then walked to the mirror settled between two large, mahogany dressers with golden latches upon their drawers.
Rebecca peered at herself in the mirror. With no way to go into town and no one to show off for, she found little reason to dress especially ladylike these days. Today she wore a pale blue blouse with several pearl buttons. It was cut just low enough to reveal a bit of her recently ample cleavage, clinging to the soft mounds hidden beneath the fabric. She also wore a cute little skirt of blue and white, and while pretty, it was not an especially lacy or frilly affair, more a simple skirt a country girl might wear. She had it cut high enough above her ankles to avoid having to hike it up too much to climb the many stairs leading too and from her bedroom. And of course, she kept the skirt loose enough to ensure her knees were free for when Foxy was a bad puppy.
As if on cue, there was a knock on the door, three sharp raps in quick succession. It was her Foxy’s knock, he always knocked three times. Just to let him stew a little, she ignored it, and instead set about fixing her hair in the mirror. She picked up the fine-toothed brush nearby, and worked the wind-wrought tangles from her copper red hair. Soon enough it hung once more in coiled curls about her head. That would do, she supposed.
After letting her servant wait, Rebecca finally walked towards the door. She had already decided she was going to punish her servant. The princess always had a bit of a cruel streak, and she’d long since given up trying to fight it. From her youth as a tom-boy roughing up mouthy pages and into her present days punishing her servant, that was simply part of who she was. She stood near the door, folded her arms beneath her breasts, which propped them up just a little, and thrust her chin out defiantly.
The door opened, and as expected, it was Foxy. Of course he had a name of his own, but she’d never cared for it. Instead she called him Foxy because, well, that was exactly what he was. A fox! At least, he would be a fox if foxes walked on two legs in close imitation of mankind, spoke like men, and dressed themselves like men. To be sure, he was not a fox in the truest sense of the world, but nor was he a man.
His species all walked upright just as humans did, and they had the same sort of true intelligence and emotion as mankind. Their bodies were even anatomically similar in many ways, though they possessed all the fine details of a fox. Right down to the canine head and muzzle, and the long fluffy tail, and a body covered with soft, silky fur. His people had their own name for their race, but most of them lived in barbaric tribes or filthy hovels, so what did they know? Rebecca’s own kingdom simply referred to them as the beast races in order to differentiate them from men and animal.
Rebecca simply called him a fox, and while he might not like it, he certainly wasn’t going to argue. Much as he didn’t argue with her about being called Foxy. After all, he literally owed the girl his life. Prior to becoming her servant, Foxy had been a thief, and by his own accounts, he’d been a rather accomplished one. However, he’d made the foolish mistake of attempting to divest the castle of some of it’s finest treasures, and in doing so had been caught and sentenced to the amputation of both hands. Which was in effect, a death sentence. The princess had asked to have him spared, on the grounds that he become her servant for as long as she wished it, which was likely to be the rest of his life. Still, he got to keep his hands attached and his blood inside his body, so she didn’t think he had much place to argue.
“Well?” Rebecca asked, a little irritation creeping into her voice. As she waited for him to speak, she looked him over. She had to admit, even a fox looked smart in a crisp, silver-buttoned, indigo blue tunic tucked into black breeches. Like much of his body, his face and muzzle were covered primarily with silky, rusty red fur, though it faded and melted into a soft black near his nose, and at the tips of his pointed ears. All along his chin the fine fur was of a creamy white. That same white ran down his throat and eventually sunk beneath his tunic. His hands were also furred in black, though the dark fur melted back into red just past his wrists making it look as though he wore a set of ebon gloves. When he fumbled for an answer, she clarified herself. “Just where the hell have you been?”
“Well, you see Your Highness-.”
Rebecca never left him finish. No sooner had he begun to speak then she kicked the fox right in his canine privates as hard as she possibly could! She leaned back a little as she kicked him, snapping her bare foot as sharply and swiftly up between his furry thighs as possible. The top of her cute feminine foot caught the fox’s testicles dead on as they dangled inside his breeches; and the impact sent a jolt of pain through the fox that was so sharp and shocking it caused him to yelp in agony the same way his own canine ancestors would have done!
The force of the princess’s well aimed kick not only lifted the fox’s testicles, but mashed them against his pelvis! Rebecca could actually feel the fox’s testicles against her foot, like rubbery little hens eggs. One unfortunate gland squashed out to either side of her foot. But thanks to the relative tightness of the fox’s breeches and the position of her foot, the fox’s nuts had nowhere to hide and were ****** to take the full and complete impact of the princess’s kick.
For Foxy, the sudden upwelling of agony was unbelievable. This was far from the first time she’d kicked him in the groin, but each time it happened again, it seemed like the worst time. Pain that was oh-so-sharp knifed through both vulpine testicles, up into his guts and kidneys, and in an instant the fox had dropped to his knees against the plush soft blue carpeting of the Princess’s floor. Tears welled in his dark green eyes and he clutched at his crotch with both hands, pitching muzzle-first onto the floor as the sharper pains began to give way to that familiar and horrifyingly wretched ache.
For Rebecca, the effect could not have been more exquisite! The moment she felt those silly canine nuts squishing between her foot and his pelvis, she could see the agony wash over his face and muzzle in waves. First his admittedly beautiful green eyes popped out of their sockets as though they were trying to leap from the fox’s skull! Then, the fox went so intensely cross-eyed she might have guessed that his parents were actually cousins! His mouth dropped open, his muzzle forming the canine equivalent of an “O!” shape. And his pointed, black tipped ears twisted back, flattening against his head as he crumpled to his knees.
Rebecca loved seeing that expression on his face. That twisted, crumpled look of purely male agony, the look that was always best when she took him completely by surprise. That way, not only was the fox’s face and muzzle wrenched into silly expressions by the pain, but also by the highly unpleasant realization that yes, she’d just kicked him in the privates again, and yes, his precious furry balls were going to suffer for a long time to come!
Foxy had come to rest against the carpet with his chin against the floor, his knees braced against the ground, and his crotch cradled in both his furry hands. Now, his eyes were squeezed shut beneath his pinned-back ears, and she could see tears sneaking their way out of his shuttered lids. Canine fangs bared themselves as his muzzle and lips twisted up in a grimace of agony. He was trembling in place, grunting a little, and from what she could tell, barely even breathing.
“Don’t forget to breathe, Foxy,” she sneered at him, giggling like mad at the silly position she’d put him in. Rebecca moved to put a foot upon his muzzle, wiggling her toes a little to tease him. “Found your balls again, didn’t I,” she added, as if it wasn’t entirely obvious.
Rebecca removed her foot from his muzzle, and once more folded her arms under her breasts. She walked around him a little, like a lioness circling her prey. She had more in store, but she figured she should let him catch his breath first. After all, she didn’t want to kill the fox! Pausing behind him, she noticed that his fluffy, red furred and black tipped tail was now tucked between his thighs, under his rump.
“Aww, how cute! Are you trying to show your submission?” She said, teasing him again. “I should think we’ve already got that covered.”
When the fox finally found his breath again he filled his lungs with several large gulps of air in a row. Rebecca unfolded her arms, and bent forward to grasp his tail. She was always amazed by just how soft and silky and warm his fur was. She didn’t know about the time he’d spent as a thief, but now that he was her servant, he went out of his way to keep himself clean, and kept his fur very well cared for. Several baths a day she suspected, and she liked that.
Rebecca ran her fingers through the thick, lush fur of her fox’s tail, marveling at the silken texture of it. And it was so thick! No wonder hunters got paid so much for fox hide. True fox hide, that was, not the hide of whatever it was his species called their people. Verma-lima-noma-something or other. Gibberish, the lot of it! For a moment, she wondered just how much his hide would be worth! Not that she’d ever even consider it. Rebecca wouldn’t say that she loved her fox servant, but she certainly cared for him…after a fashion. Though her own treatment of his most private parts might not show it, she went out of her way to make sure he was well looked after. Perhaps it was just that he was hers, and only she got to bust his balls!
Princess Rebecca suddenly yanked the fox’s tail hard, hoisting his rump a few more inches into the air. Foxy cried out in pain and surprise, that was connected to his spine, after all! “AH! Your…Highness! …Hurts!”
“Of course it hurts,” Rebecca muttered, rolling her own azure eyes. “I kicked you in the balls, you silly beast.”
“No…No…I mean…Ow! OW!”
Rebecca blinked, pursing her lips before she caught on. “Oh, you mean your tail! I’m honestly surprised you could even feel that over the pain in your balls!”
Rebecca loved getting to say things like that to the fox. She couldn’t very well go around saying dirty words like “balls” and “nuts” around the Court, and really, not even around her hand maidens though that was where she’d learned such language in the first place. She’d meant what she said though; she was surprised he could feel any other pain at all right now! Perhaps that meant it was time for her to kick him again.
With his tail hoisted up in the air, and his rump exposed towards her, he was certainly in a good position for her to do just that! Or he would be, were he not still clutching them so protectively. He certainly looked silly like that, the curves of his rump pressed against his black leather breeches, his black furred fingers cradling the bulge beneath them protectively. Though it might give away the element of surprise, she knew one way to get him to move his hands. She’d simply order him to do it!
“Move your hands!” she snapped at him, tapping her bare toes against his fingers.
“Yes, Highness,” the fox whimpered, slowly removing his hands from his groin, and bracing himself against them, halfway up to his hands and knees. Even if she wasn’t about to kick him, he wouldn’t be getting up for another few minutes.
“Good boy,” she murmured, giggling a little.
Now she had a better view of the lumps between his legs. Much like the fox’s rump was outlined against his breeches, so too were the fox’s testicles! From her vantage, holding his tail up and peering down beneath his rump, they looked roughly like small hens eggs nestled between his thighs, just beneath his butt, and silhouetted in black against his breeches. It gave the princess a sort of wicked thrill to see such private organs half displayed and helpless before her.
But not near the wicked thrill it gave her to once more drive her bare foot right into the fleshy fox globes! Which she did, first drawing back her foot, then letting it fly to kick those already aching balls a second time! From behind, holding his tail she could actually see her feminine toes slam into his masculine orbs, squishing them a little, flattening them out beneath his breeches! This time, one of them nearly escaped it’s punishment, sliding out to the side of her foot and suddenly bulging against his breeches just beside her foot like a debutante desperate to make her first appearance. Nonetheless, the fox’s entire body jerked with the sudden doubling of his pain and the re-emergence of that first terrible sharp, stabbing agony. She might have thought that little ball escaped it’s sentence if it weren’t for the fact that poor Foxy literally screamed like a little girl!
The combination of the fox’s ball moving as if on it’s own accord, and the fox’s shrill scream and protruding tongue as he curled up was more then enough to leave the princess gasping for air herself, simply because she was laughing so hard! She released the fox’s tail, and moved to sit upon her bed lest she end up on the floor right next to him.
Foxy was now clutching his fiercely aching balls in both hands again, writhing and squirming about on the floor like a worm freshly plucked from the earth. Before, tears had been seeping down his cheeks, now the fox was flat out sobbing. Hot waves of clenching ache washed over him again and again, making him feel as though her foot were still wedged between his thighs, squishing them without a shred of mercy. And the longer he rolled about, ruffling up his fur and wrinkling his shirt, the harder the princess laughed, and the more his bruised testicles ached!
“Oooh, God! God! My baaalls, my baaaaaaalls!” His voice was strained and taut with pain, twisted by his sobs. “Oooh, my poooor balls!”
Rebecca, on the other hand, was nearly writhing in bliss! She’d never actually gotten him twice in a row like that, but she was definitely going to start doing it more often! The pain seemed simply unbearable, and she just couldn’t understand why. How on earth could two little lumps between the fox’s legs cause him so much agony as to leave him stricken upon the floor? Rebecca was certainly glad she didn’t have a pair of those silly things. Truly it was a wonder that men were able to accomplish anything when one little blow in the wrong spot would leave them curled and sobbing.
Sitting upon the edge of her bed, Rebecca clutched her own crotch a little through her skirt, doubling over and trying to cross her eyes, scrunching up her face a little. “Oooh, my balls, my balls,” she giggled, teasing the fox with the best imitation of his pain she could manage.
From his spot on the floor, Foxy glared up at her in anger. But the defiance in his tear-wet emerald eyes soon melted into humiliation, and he lowered his head back down, whimpering. “Oooh, God, my nuuuuts,” he moaned. “You really got me good that time! Ooooh….Oh, my God…they ache soooo much. This is…the worst you ever got me…your Highness…”
“Excellent!” The worst she’d ever gotten him? Ooh, Rebecca liked that. She wondered briefly if he was only telling her that to try and placate her, but she decided she didn’t care. She enjoyed hearing it either way, and decided she’d give him a treat. She just wasn’t exactly sure what it would be. She hopped back to her feet off the edge of the bed, and padded over to the fox.
Foxy wasn’t quite squirming as much now, rather he was just slowly rolling back and forth, curled up on one side, then rolling to the other. Still clutching his twice-battered grapes, and wondering just when the horrific aching would finally begin to fade! Sometimes he wondered if it would have been better to just let them chop his hands off and be done with it! He tried to stop his squirming, curling up on his side, but it was only a matter of heartbeats before he was once more rolling back and forth, rocking too and fro. The ache in his balls was like some kind of motor that propelled him to constant motion! And like the waves of an ocean, all his movement was starting to make him nauseous. Oh, no, wait…that was just the pain in his balls.
“Are you going to be alright, Foxy?” The princess asked, putting her hands on her hips as she stood over him.
“God,” The fox coughed, and somehow managed a smirk. “I hope so. Why? Is that…concern I hear…in your voice? You sure…you‘re alright?”
The princess simply smirked down at him. The fox still had a bit of a sarcastic personality left over from his less savory days, and she’d always liked that about him. Though, it rarely shone through when she was busy kicking him in the groin. “Of course I’m concerned. After all I should hardly like to pay to have a healer come to fix your silly nuts.”
Foxy groaned, and rolled a little more. Not that he’d expected anything more from her. Still, he supposed it was better to be cared about as a pet then not at all. “They’re not popped or anything, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“Pop?” Rebecca asked, amusement and excitement tinting her voice. “They can pop?”
“I…well…that is…” Foxy gulped, suddenly feeling very helpless, and very vulnerable. He curled up onto his side, but could not stop the squirming, rubbing his legs together around his cradling fingers. The side of his head and muzzle were flat against the floor now and he was trying to keep his tongue off the carpet. “I guess they can…”
“Now that…” Rebecca said, once more prowling around the prone fox with a deadly, predatorial grace, “Is a thoroughly amusing idea! To think they could actually pop! Like a piece of overripe fruit, you think, dropped from a high balcony? Or perhaps like…Oh, I know!”
Foxy groaned and tried to curl up tighter as Rebecca dashed across her room. Near her bed, there was an antique table of dark, polished wood, with legs carved to resemble long slender dragons holding the tabletop aloft. At the table was a bowl of fresh fruit from the castle’s own gardens and orchards, and after digging around in the bowl a little, Rebecca walked back over. From his spot on the floor, all the fox could see at first were her toes settling into the carpet, her toenails painted a light shade of blue matching her shirt. It was cute, in a way, he often thought she’d be a charming girl if she didn’t have such a wicked streak buried so deeply in her heart.
“Look up, Foxy,” Rebecca said, and from the tone of her voice, it was clear he didn’t have a choice.
Foxy rolled over onto his back so that he could peer up at her without actually having to lift his head from the floor. Rebecca, peering down at him with her red curls hanging about her face, held in her hand a few grapes. Foxy’s already nauseas belly sank, he knew what she was going to do, but he doubted that made it any less enjoyable for her. He thought about asking her not to bother, but he realized that would only encourage her.
Once she had his attention, Rebecca smiled at him, and pressed one of the plump purple grapes between thumb and finger. “Now, I have taken your silly little furry nuts between my thumb and finger like this before, haven’t I?”
Foxy whimpered, but when it was clear she expected an answer, he slowly nodded. “Yes, Your Highness, you have.”
“And what did I do to them?” Rebecca smiled sweetly, and put a little pressure on the grape, it began to bend just a little between her digits.
Foxy felt his tail tucking against his will till it was nearly covering his black furred hands completely, like a red fluffy pillow hiding the area between his thighs. “You pinched them.”
“That’s right, I did,” Rebecca said, adding a little more pressure. “Do you remember the time I did that too you, first thing in the morning? I was in my nightdress, and I caught you trying to watch me change.”
“Of course I remember,” he murmured. He hadn’t actually been trying to watch her change, he’d just entered with her breakfast at the worst possible time! And suffered the consequences as a result.
“Tell me what happened!” Rebecca kept up the pressure on the grape, but had not yet added anymore. “In detail, Foxy, I remember it well but I want to hear you say it.”
“I…but if…oh, very well.“ Foxy huffed a frustrated sigh. He knew this was another of her little games, and not playing along was only going to make the inevitable harder on him! “You sat on your bed, and made me stand there while you pinched my testicle. And when I couldn’t take the pain and fell, you…” His ears drooped as he realized this scene was probably about to be repeated tonight. “You sat on me, and pinched it some more. Until I was screaming.”
“That’s right!” Rebecca giggled, what a fun morning that was! “But never once while I pinched it, did it do this!” And with that, she smashed the grape between her fingers, bursting the little fruit. Droplets of juice fell and stained the fox’s muzzle with sweet, sticky patches. The sight made him curl up and whimper, and Rebecca merely laughed, popping the remnants of the grape into her mouth.
Which seemed to give her an idea, as she quickly put another grape in her mouth. Making sure she had the fox’s attention, she placed the grape just between her front teeth. She bit down slowly at first, then all at once bit the little orb of fruit in half, the other half tumbling through the air to splatter against the fox’s face, almost just between his eyes. He yipped in alarm, and finally rolled away from the princess, struggling to get back to his feet.
“You can have that bit, I think,” Rebecca said, nudging it with her toe as Foxy found he couldn’t quite rise, and instead just crawled a few paces away. She bent down to pick up the half grape, and then flicked it at the fox’s rump as he moved away from her, laughing when it stuck, for a moment, to his breeches. “Where do you think you’re going? I’m not near done ringing those little bells of yours, Foxy.”
The fox hung his head, sighing, his ears drooping and his tail hanging low. “…Of course you’re not.”
“Oh, don’t be such a whiny little pup, Foxy.” Rebecca put her hands on her hips, grinning. “I haven’t even given you a single kick between the legs in weeks, until tonight. You should be glad I gave you such a break!” She walked up behind him again, grinning. “Now, back on the floor, Please!”
Rather then actually wait for him to get back on the floor, she simply snapped her foot out, kicking the fox right under his butt and tail, catching him straight in his fat furry balls again. It was not a hard kick this time, but it was a swift, sharp one and it sent an eruption of pain cascading through already aching gonads. The fox’s body jumped, and he yelped, this time cursing with quite the expletive!
“Oh, Fuck!” The fox grabbed his balls in both hands which quickly sent him from his hands and knees to laying his muzzle on the floor once more. Whining loudly, he slowly flopped over onto his side where he lay trembling in pain, his snout all crinkled up. “Oh, God! Oh, God, not again! Awwwww!”
Rebecca simply laughed and shook her head, eating a few more grapes. “My, my, Foxy, what a dirty mouth you have. I shall have to wash it out. Or, perhaps I shall just punish what you hold most dear a little more. Besides, I don’t know what you’re cursing and whining about.” She shrugged and rolled her eyes, she just didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. It was just his balls, nothing important after all. “I barely even kicked you that time, it was just a little swing of my foot. You boys make such a big deal about those silly things.”
“Uuhh….Uhhnnn! Aaaaahhaannnn….,” was all the fox could manage to reply with, as he lay on his side with his eyes squeezed shut, his red furred muzzle twisted into a grimace of pain.
“You’re speaking more clearly lately,” Rebecca said, watching him with a giggle.
“My…My nuts!” The fox coughed, trembling and twitching.
“Yes, yes, I know it’s your nuts. That’s what I aimed for after all. Now, stop being such a little weakling and roll onto your back for me.”
The fox didn’t look as though he was going to be able to comply, so Rebecca sighed and decided to help him along. She moved down onto her knees, careful not to tear her skirt, and grabbed the fox by an arm in one hand, and a knee in the other. With a grunt of effort, the princess tugged the fox from his side over onto his back. He lay there for a moment, groaning, and then he began to turn over onto his side again. To stop him, Rebecca simply reached out and snatched one of his tender ears, yanking it sharply.
“Don’t roll any further unless you want to tear this thing!” The fox’s ear was warm against her fingers, and velvet soft. She almost felt bad threatening it! …Almost. She twisted it sharply to make her point, and the fox quickly yelped and rolled back towards her to lay upon his back.
“There!” He said, still struggling to catch his breath again. “…Happy?”
“I certainly am,” the princess said, shifting from cruel to kind in an instant and stroking that same velvet soft ear to soothe it. “Now, catch your breath a moment, and move your hands for me.”
The princess could have moved his hands herself, but she was planning to grasp his feet instead, and she didn’t want her hands to be full. Once she had her foot in place, he could try and clutch at himself all she wanted, it wouldn’t matter then. While she waited for the fox to recover a little bit, she crouched down and wrapped her fingers around his ankles. He wasn’t wearing any boots or shoes, just padding about barefoot. His feet, much like his hands, were mostly human like in appearance though covered in soft, ebon fur, like little black socks the fox could never take off. And much like he had soft pinkish pads on the underside of his hands, so too did he have upon the bottoms of his feet.
Rebecca slowly stood back up, straightening her knees and hoisting the fox’s feet with her. Once she was standing again, she slowly pulled his black furred feet apart, parting the fox’s thighs. Smiling, she ordered him to move his hands for her, and when he did so, she lifted her right foot, and pressed it against the fox’s crotch. Shivers ran down her spine as she felt the fox’s bruised testicles shift a little beneath her toes, underneath the soft leather of Foxy’s breeches. She wiggled her foot around, making him groan and ball up his fists. Then she shifted her foot forward just a little, till she could feel the slight bulge of his canine knot beneath his breeches. When her foot touched that part of him, the fox gave a different sort of moan, and sucked in a breath through his sharp teeth.
“What is this?” She asked, gently rubbing the ball of her foot against the fox’s knot.
Foxy gave as strange, whimpering sort of groan, his eyes fluttering. One ear twisted back against his head and she could feel him starting to firm up beneath her foot. “It’s…my knot.”
“Knot?” Rebecca furrowed her brows a little, tilting her head. Copper coils hung over her face.
“It’s…part of a canine‘s…well…his penis,” The fox muttered in humiliation, ears dropping.
“Oh, how odd. Why does it have a knot, did you tie it shut?” Rebecca giggled to herself, but the fox didn’t seem to follow along with her little joke. “Nevermind, Foxy. Perhaps I shall have you show it to me later.”
“Sh…show?!” The fox gasped, lifting his head from the ground. That was just a bit bolder then she’d ever gotten with him!
“Yes, perhaps I shall! Though I’ll be honest…” Rebecca smirked as she slid her foot a little further until she felt the plump ovals of the fox’s testicles once more settled beneath the ball of her foot. “I’m a little more interested in seeing these little nuts of yours. I’ve seen the balls of horses and things, but never up close and never something like you.”
“Well, your Highness, I’d rather keep my pants on, but…”
Rebecca pulled her foot back just a little to snap it right into the bottoms of the fox’s testicles as he lay on his back. Her toes met trouser-clad fox testicles with a sharp THWACK and she could almost see them bounce beneath his black breeches! The fox yelped in pain and started to curl up, but the princess quickly pressed her foot right back down between his thighs, this time adding some pressure to already aching canine nuts! His eyes went cross as she pushed down, holding the fox’s feet as she stepped on his furry privates. Hot, sharp pain washed through him, and this time the fox gave a long, trembling moan, his hands reaching for his groin.
“Don’t you dare say no to me, Foxy.” She pushed down a little harder as he grabbed weakly at her foot. “If I want to see you naked, I will see you naked!”
Then Rebecca suddenly stepped down much harder, leaning forward to put her weight into the pressure smashing the fox’s testicles. At the same time, she hauled his feet higher into the air, trapping helpless fox gonads between opposing ******. Before long, she could feel those fat fox fruits starting to give just a little, tender glands compressing beneath her foot as she tried to hoist his butt into the air with her arms, and pushed it right back down with her leg.
“AAAAAAAAAH!” Foxy screamed in pain, his face and snout contorting, back arching away from the floor. Eyes squeezed shut but leaking tears once more, he reached for her foot, gathering his fingers around her ankle.
“Aww, what’s the matter Foxy?” The princess asked, teasingly feigning innocence. “Am I hurting your…what did you call them before? Puppy-Makers? I don‘t think you‘ll be making pups in anyone anymore, so I may as well just squash them.”
Rebecca pushed her foot down harder, pulling up on his feet with more force as well. The fox screamed again, and as she began to wiggle and bounce her foot a little against his balls, she felt a wicked, wonderful sense of power and delight running rampant through her. Some sort of warm, feminine satisfaction at having a male at her mercy she supposed. A sense of power at having her foot pressed so deeply into his most private parts, holding his legs open to keep those same privates exposed for her punishment, her abuse. Knowing there was nothing at all he could do to stop her! Rebecca had to admit, she loved it!
“You’re trying awfully hard to get your paws around my foot, aren’t you Foxy.” She smirked forward, leaning forward against her foot until she felt those globes of fox flesh get just a little flatter. Which much to her delight, had the fox screaming even louder and thrashing around against her floor as though he was having some sort of terrible seizure. “If you can get my foot off your little furry nuts, I’ll leave them alone for the rest of the night. Otherwise, I’m going to have a lot of fun with them, all night long…”
The fox, of course, was able to do no such thing. He was a little taller then the princess, and despite being a bit of a wiry fox, he was nonetheless usually stronger then her. But just one kick in the testicles was more then enough to sap the creature’s strength to the point where she could easily overpower him. To say nothing of multiple kicks to the privates! Foxy’s fingers trembled constantly as he wrapped them around her ankle, trying to pry her foot away from his groin. As much pain as she’d inflicted on his most vulnerable of parts, he could do little more then cause her weight to shift back and forth slightly.
“Oh, that’s not a very good try, my little Foxy. I should have thought you’d do better.” Rebecca smirked down at him, straightening up to take the worst of the weight off of the fox’s gonads. Which relieved some of the pain, but not much. His rather pitiful attempts to dislodge her foot gave her an idea, though, and soon she was rocking her foot back and forth, back and forth against the fox’s groin. “How’s that feel, Foxy?”
The answer, obviously, was agonizing. And just as obviously, the fox wasn’t really able to reply. All he managed was a series of guttural groans. Groans of pain that ebbed and flowed like the coming of the tide each time she rocked her foot from side to side. The movement rolled the fox’s balls back and forth a little bit, and soon the princess discovered that if she pushed her foot far enough to the left or the right, she could isolate a single fox testicle and trap it up against his thigh, and his groin. Each time she moved her foot towards the side, she could see a plump fox stone bulge out against his breeches, the egg shaped vulpine lump showing itself off through the fox’s pants.
“Oh, Foxy, look at that! I think they want to be seen!”
Rebecca worked her foot back and forth a few more times, marveling at the ease with which she could manipulate the fox’s reproductive organs, and how she could control the intensity of his pain and the groans it produced just by mashing her foot a little more or a little less against one of those silly bulges. As she worked her foot from thigh to thigh, the fox cried out in agony when she pressed firmly against one of them. Then groaned louder still, his green eyes rolling in pain, when she wriggled her foot against them both. Every movement brought more hot, leaden pain to the fox, his furry body twisting and writhing against the plush carpet, his red furred face scrunched and contorted.
She drug her foot against his crotch, all the way up towards his thigh until she’d pushed out the fox’s left testicle against his breeches. Then she turned her foot a little, trying to trap that little rubbery blob beneath her toes. It slipped and slid about beneath her foot, and her arms were starting to get a little weary from holding the fox’s struggling legs. Each time she was nearly able to squeeze it in her toes, it popped free again! And each time it slipped away, it sent a sharp little jolt of pain through the fox that made him yip in the cutest way! Finally, Rebecca grew tired of trying to squash the silly egg inside her toes, and simply stepped down on it again. She had it trapped well enough now that she could really put some pressure on it, and as she felt it start to flatten out a little bit, Foxy began to howl! A loud, lingering canine howl of intense agony she’d never have to feel herself. How delightful! The fox’s face screwed up tighter then ever, and when his breath gave out his muzzle remained open, a silent scream as Rebecca worked her foot against that helpless fox nard.
By now the princess’s arms were getting quite tired, and she finally released the fox’s feet. But for the moment, she kept her own foot pressed firmly against his crotch, wiggling it a little more. She let up on that single ball, and just rested her foot against his vulpine genitals. She could feel their outlines against her foot, one of them definitely felt a little swollen now! She giggled a bit to herself; what odd things they were. She folded her arms across her chest and glared down at Foxy. The silly male was sobbing all over again, trying to grab at his aching balls once more. She supposed she may as well let him for a moment.
Rebecca pulled her foot away, and Foxy slowly and gingerly curled up into a cute little agonized ball. His black tipped, red furred tail was more fluffed out behind him then ever, his groin cupped in both hands, his once-crisp blue tunic now crumpled and wrinkled, and the tufted fur along the side of his cheeks wet with tears, and mashed flat against the carpet. Mashed flat, rather like his testicles, the Princess thought with a laugh.
“My, my, Foxy, don’t you look a sight. A sad, pathetic little sight.” Rebecca hiked her skirt a little and set her foot atop the fox’s side as though standing upon a vanquished foe, wiggling her blue painted toes against his ribs. “Now, if I were you, Foxy…I would seriously consider telling me just why you vanished earlier this evening. Because if I don’t find out soon, I might decide to see what it takes to squish those little things dangling twixt your thighs into fox-berry jam!”
For a little while, Foxy couldn’t reply. He struggled for long minute after long minute to catch his breath, hoping and praying that the horrible ache between his legs would someday go away, that he wouldn’t vomit his dinner all over the princess’s carpet, and that he might still be able to make kits some day! Finally, though, he was able to fill his lungs with a little more air, and soothe the worst of his bodies’ trembling.
Lifting his head as much as he dared, he sniffled and said, “I went to fetch your present, Highness.”
“Present?” Rebecca blinked, and then gasped. “My new pet?”
The fox gave a glum nod, resting his head against the floor and groaning again. “Awwww….Oooh, God, my baaaaalls…”
Rebecca giggled a little, prodding him with her foot. “That’s hardly the answer I requested, Foxy.”
Was her new pet really here, already? In an attempt to smooth over her growing frustrations and anger, her parents had promised her a new pet! They knew how much she “loved” her Fox Servant, and they thought if she liked a former thief that much, wouldn’t she love a true servant? So they had promised her another beast-person servant, one that was born and bred into the servant’s life, trained to properly serve nobility! Rebecca of course, thought that a wonderful idea! It was so rare to come across a refined animal like that, and though she knew Foxy hated when he was referred to as an animal, she couldn’t help but think just that now and then.
“My new pet is here? So early?” He hadn’t been expected to arrive for another few weeks, at the earliest! What wonderful news! Now she almost felt guilty for beating up her poor Foxy when he’d only been off doing something he knew would make her happy. …Almost. A happy smile spread almost from red curl to red curl as they hung down across her cheeks, and she prodded Foxy with her foot. “Why didn’t you say so? Where is he?”
Foxy resisted the urge to point out he’d been trying to tell her exactly that when she first kicked him in the groin! Instead, he just lifted a shaky, black furred hand, and pointed to the door. Her new servant had been waiting just down the hall all along! Probably wondering what those terrible screams were, and considering running away as fast as his little tan furred feet would carry him!
“He’s outside, right now? Wonderful!”
Rebecca immediately forgot any shred of guilt she might have felt over the fox’s pain. Instead, the princess was filled with a sense of excitement and wonder as she bound towards her door. Not only was she getting a brand new servant and pet tonight, but now she’d have two of her very own males to torment! Oh yes, Foxy would not be the only one crumpled on the floor of her room tonight! Oh yes. Rebecca might not be able to join in the city’s celebration, but tonight that wasn’t going to matter. Tonight she was going to have fun!