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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #571
    Big Supporter sicko666's Avatar
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    nice thank you!

  2. #572
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    Purely fantasy for me! I am not involved in the BDSM scene, so can't relate to the whole master/slave dynamic where a guy would actually want to be "un-manned" as a symbolic gesture of ultimate submission.

    Reading Freudian theory I came across Paglia and the myth of the toothed vagina, which really frightened the shit out of me on some *********** level. The film Teeth exacerbated this somewhat to say the least, and my "fear" became eroticised - perhaps a defence mechanism against the psychological trauma that movie caused, haha...

    The idea of triumphant penetration followed by a CHOMP and the subsequent emasculation....the look on her face particularly, and shortly after, the look on the faces of the all-female medical team entrusted to salvage the remnants....

    "Threat play" would be the closest I'd desire. So far, its not something I've requested from a girlfriend - I don't think I could look her in the eye again!

  3. #573
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    Hey I know there's a lot of talented ppl who know how to do the pic altering stuff IE photshop, etc but here's a idea. How about a drop dead girl, maybe asian holding a pair of bloody scissors in her hand and a severed penis in the other and she's standing beside a toilet with the lid up getting ready to flush it with a evil and orgasmic smile? Or you could have the pic same as above but the severed penis already in midair falling into its final resting place? Might be hot ya never know.

    What does everyone think of the above, since this thread is called and about penectomy enthusiasts?


  4. #574
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouch1 View Post
    Hey I know there's a lot of talented ppl who know how to do the pic altering stuff IE photshop, etc but here's a idea. How about a drop dead girl, maybe asian holding a pair of bloody scissors in her hand and a severed penis in the other and she's standing beside a toilet with the lid up getting ready to flush it with a evil and orgasmic smile? Or you could have the pic same as above but the severed penis already in midair falling into its final resting place? Might be hot ya never know.

    What does everyone think of the above, since this thread is called and about penectomy enthusiasts?

    This is one of my favorite fantasies. Where right after she removes it she goes right to the toilet and flushes it down right in front of you. Or destroys it in some other fashion right after removing it like puts it in a blender or drops it in the food disposal in the sink and all you can do is watch any hope of reattachment disappear. 8)

  5. #575
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunagwa View Post
    ...or destroys it in some other fashion right in front of you and all you can do is watch, as any hope of reattachment disappears. 8)
    Like cutting it into pieces...?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 0064.jpg  
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  6. #576
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    IF anyone has the full set, please upload

  7. #577
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    I wish she would just stab his cock and balls

  8. #578
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Liz Vicious fucking her favorite penis chopping knife...

    Hot redhead playing with weapons, getting me hard enough to slice

  9. #579
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    I can't imagine how I will react when seeing a severed erect cock lying in front of me. Maybe I will put it in my mouth.

  10. #580
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    Awesome story - gets me hard as a silver bullet hehe


  11. #581
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    Hello all,
    i'm also very interested to have my penis cut off, a plus by a woman...
    I want to keep my balls to be frustrated and also for ballbusting sessions.
    I like the idea to have mine severed by a woman with her teeths.

  12. #582
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    Quote Originally Posted by buckrix View Post
    Here's a few pics for ya'll and to get this thread going a bit here's a list of my favourite ways for a a guy to have his dick chopped off:

    *With a big pair of scissors. I like the idea of being tied up and allowed to cum one last time before it's cut off in one quick slicing squeeze of the handles.
    *With a guillotine. I love the threat and the power she'd have over you as she holds the rope, knowing it'l only take one quick tug for his cock to be sliced clean off
    *Sliced off on a chopping block with a meat cleaver. A simple classic.
    *Tying a ring of fire crackers around the base of it and lighting a really long fuse.
    *Trapping it between some elevator doors and sending the lift up
    *Using a really powerfull rat trap attached to a ruler. Once your cock gets fully erect it's triggered chopping it clean in half.
    *And here's a slightly elaborate one I read somewhere that I thought some of you may like. "Tie him up and then tie a tight cord around the base of it (to prevent him dying from blood loss) then tell him its always been your fantasy to chop off a guys penis. Talk him into it by saying you'll take him to the hospital straight after to sew it back on and promise him a year of blowjobs, threesomes and any sexual fantasies he wants. Once he lets you (and even if he doesnt of course!) chop it off with garden shears and put it in a blender holding your finger over the button. Then you can make him your slave! warning if he doesnt do what you want you'll press the button and if he's not quick about it they wont be able to sew it back on! Of course when your done teasing and torturing him you can do as you promised and take him to the hostpital...or you could 'accidentally' press the button just as he thinks your going to take him to the hostpital! The look on his face as he see's his manhood turned to soup would be priceless! And of course you'v then got a nice meat paste treat for the dog!

    Anyone have any other interesting idea's? Please post them!

    I'd have to add vaginal dentata to the list. A set of gnashers chomping down during penetration has to rank pretty highly in terms of humiliation!

    Chewing is optional

  13. #583
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    Penectomy game:
    Make up you own mind and think of a time controlled penectomy device.
    Something that she can easily stop anytime, ... but not from where she is sitting: In 2 meters distance from him, masturbating.
    They can both see the time tick away. And he hopes that in the critical moment she will really be ready and willing to stop masturbating and stand up to save his cock.

    Girls, if you were right before your orgasm..., wouldn't you?

    All my manips:

  14. #584
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    Anyone know any penectomy scenes in movies? Preferably a penis in the toilet. I heard of the one in candyman but I can't find that part that shows that scene anywhere on the net in vid or pic form. I had heard someone found a severed penis in the toilet in candyman but so far no luck in finding it. Anyone who has that movie know if that scene is in there or not? Oh I did find a "laughable" scene of a uncut penis in a toilet on a movie called Twister Sisters I think its called.

    And there is a Thailand movie I think that's the country that shows some girl going nuts cutting off penises, then cuts away to a shot of a ambulance rushing with the siren going and a big blue cross on the top front of it. One shot shows her grinding it into hamburger, another shot does show a penis flushed but really all you see is a bit of pink almost like someone is trying to pull it down and the water isn't really all that much flushing. How can it have the power to pull down anything when the water is barely moving to cause the suction power? I say nice try at least. Btw, anyone know what movie I'm talking about please tell me the title of it.


  15. #585
    Big Supporter Pnek2me's Avatar
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    Girls & guns - wish they'd threaten the cock & balls with those blasters

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