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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #4861
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiganludgate View Post
    No, he has a point. I'm quite into many forms of testicle removal, but penectomy does absolutely nothing for me. When I come to this forum and see this thread has been updated, I'm often hopeful. When it turns out that someone has again ignored the perfectly-available-yet-often-ignored penectomy thread on this board, it gets frustrating.

    Sometimes it's an honest mistake, especially if the poster is not a native speaker of English, but at least as often, it seems to be attention hounds who want praise and recognition by posting in the higher-traffic thread.

    As a parallel, imagine someone who gets turned on by seeing pics of normal penis-in-vagina sex coming to see a thread devoted to such, only to find that the new pics are all anal. Close enough, right? Not to some.
    Very good point, I am a fan of **********(balls only), but the thought of a penectomy totaly turns me off!

  2. #4862
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    And of course there are people living in sumbarines under the sea, and people from holland under the sea!!!!, come on, don't be so ....

    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    Once again I agree.

    Penectomy is not ********** !
    ********** is not penectomy !

    Is it so hard to see the difference ?

    I am also not at all intrested in penectomy, of any kind !

    If people don' t know the difference between a boat or a ship. OK
    I would not make a point there, because who cares ?

    The penis and testicles are both genitalia, agreed, but only removal of the testicles is called ********** !

    Also I find people ignorant who don' t know the difference between people from India and people from Africa. Yes they are both black and poor, but getting back to genitalia, there is also a huge difference !

  3. #4863
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    Great site. Keep the pics coming.

  4. #4864
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    No, he has a point.
    No, he hasn't.
    Whatever you special urgent interest is, I don't want to spoil it.
    So don't you spoil it for others who have been meeting and talking in this thread for nearly ten years now about both, ********** and penectomy.

    All my manips:

  5. #4865
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    But that is the goddamned point - there is a thread already on this board (currently on the front-fucking-page) that is designated for penectomy. Give me one logical reason why that thread should be ignored by people posting penectomy-only pics, and I will agree with you, but I don't think you'll be able to come up with one.

    Here's the link to the penectomy enthusiasts thread:

    I provide the link for others - I know you already know where it is. It only gets about about 10% the traffic this thread gets, and I think that's unfair to those who are mainly into penectomy (and please don't forget that part of my point - those who are into penectomy are done a disservice by the mis-posting of stuff).

    Following your logic, there should be no problem with people posting, say, nipple severing pics, right? Do you agree? There are people out there into this - "smoothies."

    Shall we try to find pics of prostates being excised to throw in?

    (EDIT: and penises can't be *********)

  6. #4866
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    like to chat about cbt and ********** in german or english.

    Have some nice pics and 3d poser art too of man in torture and femdom



  7. #4867
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    Give me one logical reason...
    I'm glad you ask. Maybe we will not agree, but at least you do not assume anybody who is not your oppinion is plain stupid.
    Did I already state that I think I see your point? Your of course right about the definitions of the headlines.
    One logical reason.

    But you know that "logical" only means "coherant" or "without contradiction in itself".
    And so it is logically correct to say: A lot of people use the word "**********" falsly. Langauge is not pure logic, it's logic IN tradition. And you have to admit at least, that the thread title is held explicitly general, "(fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)".
    But I stated that already.

    I'd like to give you another logical point, hope you find it convincing:
    Back in 2002 there simply WAS no thread called penectomy. Penectomy was not started until 2008, six years later!
    So if "casual misuse" of the ********** thread happenes it is not illogical to tolerate it out of traditional reasons again, it's more like a sign of good manners, I would think. (No offence .)

    And finally I want to give you my "best" logical reason, which is to be debated about but it's just what I think:
    There already have been disussions about what belongs where all the time not only in this forum. If your strict logic was all there was to say, the we BOTH would not belong here, because this is a ballbusting forum!
    Can't you read?
    So where does who belong? Is it realy sensible that every nuance of any given pervert interest should go have it's own forum with its own threads and so on? What is about the social character of a forum? Is it forbidden that two groups with overlaping interest post and talk together? Is it more a problem or more an enrichment? And if you insist on "Problem": Down to what extend would you split groups up? Locically there is no limit until every person sits alone in on very, very special forum...
    That cannot be the sense of it all. And it isn't, look: If you imagine to see a woman standing right in front of you, naked, gorgeous, knife in hand! In that moment you feel the same as anybody here: Youre hot. So should I post those picture into the penectomy thread because when I made it I had a penectomy in mind and not a "**********"?

    So ok, the last point is complex. I think it's logical but it depends on other opinions so you may debate.
    But think about how much we all have in common and what the point should be only talking to people of exactly the same interst as yours and think about, how it came that we are still talking together in this "methusalem"-thread for nearly ten years now, then I freely admit, that youre point is also logically right.
    But please! Let's take it with a little good will, humour if you like, with "a grain of salt"; this is not an official-government-**********-advice-site.
    All my manips:

  8. #4868
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    Quote Originally Posted by BMBY2003 View Post
    ...but they look like they are having fun.

  9. #4869
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    Quote Originally Posted by reedkritt View Post
    a nerdy girl goes crazy from being picked on by school kids and decides to go physco and has her nerd bf hold a guy while she goes down on the guy shes taking revenge on and bites his junk off
    My god is the girl in that Ugly. No one download that trust me.

  10. #4870
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    part of the collection

    Quote Originally Posted by Allybuilder View Post
    My god is the girl in that Ugly. No one download that trust me.
    ya shes a nerdy girl and part of the collection of videos ive uploaded for people since ive been on this forum atleast its a girl doing the job and hey download if u want people whos downloaded my videos ive uploaded before know i got some good videos but the pickings of penectomy and ********** videos are limited there not all gonna be gorgous i just like the fact that its a woman doing the deed and i like to think she did it because she really wants to destroy the guys manhood soo just the fact that she doesnt have a penis and takes his away is hot nomatter how ugly the girl is

  11. #4871
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I'm glad you ask. Maybe we will not agree, but at least you do not assume anybody who is not your oppinion is plain stupid.
    Did I already state that I think I see your point? Your of course right about the definitions of the headlines.
    One logical reason.

    But you know that "logical" only means "coherant" or "without contradiction in itself".
    And so it is logically correct to say: A lot of people use the word "**********" falsly. Langauge is not pure logic, it's logic IN tradition. And you have to admit at least, that the thread title is held explicitly general, "(fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)".
    But I stated that already.

    I'd like to give you another logical point, hope you find it convincing:
    Back in 2002 there simply WAS no thread called penectomy. Penectomy was not started until 2008, six years later!
    So if "casual misuse" of the ********** thread happenes it is not illogical to tolerate it out of traditional reasons again, it's more like a sign of good manners, I would think. (No offence .)

    And finally I want to give you my "best" logical reason, which is to be debated about but it's just what I think:
    There already have been disussions about what belongs where all the time not only in this forum. If your strict logic was all there was to say, the we BOTH would not belong here, because this is a ballbusting forum!
    Can't you read?
    So where does who belong? Is it realy sensible that every nuance of any given pervert interest should go have it's own forum with its own threads and so on? What is about the social character of a forum? Is it forbidden that two groups with overlaping interest post and talk together? Is it more a problem or more an enrichment? And if you insist on "Problem": Down to what extend would you split groups up? Locically there is no limit until every person sits alone in on very, very special forum...
    That cannot be the sense of it all. And it isn't, look: If you imagine to see a woman standing right in front of you, naked, gorgeous, knife in hand! In that moment you feel the same as anybody here: Youre hot. So should I post those picture into the penectomy thread because when I made it I had a penectomy in mind and not a "**********"?

    So ok, the last point is complex. I think it's logical but it depends on other opinions so you may debate.
    But think about how much we all have in common and what the point should be only talking to people of exactly the same interst as yours and think about, how it came that we are still talking together in this "methusalem"-thread for nearly ten years now, then I freely admit, that youre point is also logically right.
    But please! Let's take it with a little good will, humour if you like, with "a grain of salt"; this is not an official-government-**********-advice-site.
    Let me start by saying I appreciate the time and effort you put into your post (just to be safe, I will clarify - no sarcasm in said statement of appreciation).

    I also understand what things used to be like before the penectomy thread came to be. My only point is that now it is here, there is no further reason to conflate these two actually-separate fetishes. I have already provided what I hope are some helpful examples to illustrate my point of view regarding this conflation, so I will not waste you time with further ones.

    Nor will I waste your time (more than I already have, that is) with further debate on the topic at hand. I understand your point of view, and you are correct: We are not going to agree on this, but so what?

    I think you might concede half my point, though: There are a number of penectomy-related posts here that should at least also be posted in the penectomy thread. Currently, many of them aren't.

    Also, as a consolation prize to all who have been disappointed by my bickering tone lately, here's a nullo pic

    Fairly typical scenario - in the future males are occasionally culled, and those who don't pass whatever test are nullified. The girl in the pic is writing down "That takes care of Otani (name of guy in the machine)"

  12. #4872
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gripcrush View Post
    It's amazing the shit that you think up trying to get off. The stuff you used to think about just doesn't get you off like it did, and now you need a weirder, stranger fantasy each and every time you pop off.
    I have a ********** fantasy that I'd like to share. Each time I play it in my mind, it gets more and more detailed and juicier. The two main ingredients are sex and **********, and they are both mixed in together one way or another.

    It all starts off in some far about country almost no one has heard of nor gives a damn about. Some far away place where the living is easy if you have money, and if you don't, then no one gives a shit about you. The population survives on it's wits end, and there's always something going on that makes it through the grapevine to the civilized world. It's something I here about from some dude that I don't even know that I meet at a bar, near where I live, and we exchange bullshit stories. He told me that he heard this story through a friend of a friend of a friend (etc.), about how you can get your very own sex slave for free!! However, there's a catch (isn't there always?). The catch is, you have to fight her. Huh? That's right, you fight her, and if you win, you get the girl. Sounds simple enough. Now, here's the bad part: if you lose, you really lose, because she cuts off your balls.

    Enough of all the bullshit stories, I decide to investigate for myself whether or not this is true. I find out that, yes, it is true. In my typical round-about way, I found out where exactly this place is. It's a very large island somewhere in the south pacific. I decide to check it out, and I make arrangements and book a flight out there. Four days later, I find myself landing at the airport of the city. It's a very small city, and luckily most of the people there speak english, along with the native dialect.

    I arrive at my hotel, and check in. The hotel receptionist asks me if I need anything. I reply, "Yes, a translator and guide. Send him to my room in an hour". I go to my room and unpack. Soon enough, the guide arrives, a small skinny man very knowledgable about the culture and the nightlife. He tells me his name is Mik. I ask him to tell me all about the rumors, and if they are true or not. He pretends not to know anything about it, telling me instead about the local boxing/wrestling scene. No, I tell him, "the sex fights - man against woman". His eyes open up wide, and he tells me that it is indeed true. The fights are real, and the entire thing is supposed to be hush-hush. "There are only a few places to go if you're interested, and if you have the money", he says. That night, Mik and I get into a small dirty car and head out away from the city. The highway turns into a small road, and the lights of the city soon disappear. I ask Mik to tell me more about the fights.

    "Very dangerous", he starts to tell me. "The men fight the women, if the man wins he gets the woman for sex. All he wants, he owns her. Once he doesn't want her anymore, he can sell her to someone else, usually underground, for a lot of money", he tells me. I ask Mik to tell me the flip side. "That's the dangerous part. Woman doesn't want man for sex. She wants his...", he stops and points to his groin. "Balls?", I say. He gives me a sour look. "Yes, very bad", he says. "Tell me more", I say to him.

    "Once long time ago, there is a company that pays for "man's parts", that company pays lots of money, they use for what they call, "research purposes". In the beginning, local men were victims but not anymore. Foreign men now take a chance. Most leave this island without their parts. There is nothing that the police or officials can do about it, and they have tried".

    "How does this all happen?", I ask him. Mik looked at me, and after a while said, "The girls are very pretty and they know how to fight. They look for men to fight. You go into a place, and find one to your liking. If she agrees, then you'll go to a room and begin. After it is over, you notify the room attendant and you leave with your prize."

    After a long drive, we arrive at the place. It looks like a dumpy hotel with a lackluster club inside. I try to go in, but this huge fat guy at the door stops me. "Tree hundred trann", he says. I don't know how much local money that is, so Mik jumps in and pays it for me. "Are you coming in?", I ask him. "No. I wait out here", is his reply.

    I go in, and the joint is jumping. A band is playing in the corner, and I find a seat somewhere near the bar. The place is filled with foreign men and local women, the numbers being about equal. No sooner I sit down then some very lovely thing comes up beside me. "You alone here?", she says. "Yeah", is my reply. She is about 5'4" and 100 pounds, very cute. She tells me her name, but it's so difficult to pronounce I forget it. Then she says, "You wanna go to room with me?". "Sure", I say, so she leads me up there. "You know why we go up there, right?", she says. "We will fight", she says.

    She takes me up there, and we enter a small bedroom. If you look closely enough, everywhere there are blood smears. There are ropes at the corners of the bed and a small bathroom away from that. "Take off your clothes", she says. I do, and she takes off hers as well. We're both naked, and she comes up to me and slowly wraps her hand around my balls. "We will fight for this", she says. Right now, I'm woozy from the lust, and my cock is rock hard, but then she slaps me hard across the face. The fight is on!

    She kicks me in the stomach, and I reel back from the blow. She comes up and punches me in the chest and slaps me in the face again. She then takes me by the arm and throws me onto the bed. I grab her by the waist and twist her around so that she is under me. She then wraps her legs around my waist, and we twist around again, this time she is on top of me. She tries to sit on my chest, and lock up my arms. I notice her going for the rope on the corner of the bed and she takes it and ties it around my wrist. She then does the same with the other arm. For such a tiny girl she is very strong! She does the same with my legs, and now I'm tied down to the bed! Dammit!

    After I'm tied down, she goes to each arm and leg and secures it down tightly. I try to break the ropes by flailing about, and she sees I'm in distress. "Calm down", she says quietly. "It will be all over soon". She gets on top of me and placing her hands beside my head, begins to massage me. "There, isn't that better?", she says. She works her hands all over my head and behind it, massaging the back of my head and neck. "Relax, relax", she says. I'm almost in a trance when she is doing this. She then puts a large piece of cloth in my mouth, and softly clamps her hand over my mouth. Turning my head to the side, she takes the palm of her hand and whacks me in the temple. Two or three blows later, and I'm ***********.

    I wake up only to find her turned around with her hand around my balls. She is doing something that I can't quite figure out, then I realize what she is doing. She is tying my balls off with a piece of string. She looks back and notices that I'm conscious now. "Oh, you awake?", she says. She then uses her foot to smack me in the face. She smacks me in the face with her foot so many times that I go unconsious again. The next time I wake up, she is gone and so are my balls. Mik is untying me from the bed, "We must get you to hospital now!", he says.

    In the aftermath, Mik tells me the whole story. After she got my balls, she notified someone outside the room, and then she left. They got me to the hospital, and all the doctor could do was to sew me up. My balls were gone. Forever.

    On the plane ride home, Mik's words made sense. He told me just to go home, and forget about the island. Forget about what happened to me there, and never to come back ever.

    So I did. And I wandered back into that familiar bar, near where I live. There, I found some dude at the bar, and we started to exchange bullshit stories. I asked him if he ever heard about a place where you can get your own sex slave for free? He told me he didn't, and in my typical round-about way, I began to tell him the "whole story".
    Aha, it is not easy for me to understand a story written by English. But it seems pretty good.

  13. #4873
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    hotel st pauli

    woman is ****** to give a guy head and she reaches in her pocketbook for something sharp and cuts off his baqlls while hes closeing his eyes enjoying raming his cock down her throat

  14. #4874
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    A Day Of Violence Movie

    Anyone has "A Day Of Violence" ********** scene clip?

  15. #4875
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    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    We must find this movie! I've tried to emulate and some pages and nothing, so I hope someone around here has experienced mass that I sure do.

    Pues mira trate de encontrar esta pelicula pero no pude al parecer es solo una pelicula de fens es decir algunos montajes de imagenes manipuladas que alguien hizo y luego de ahi corrio el rumor de que era una pelicula.

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