View Full Version : Ballbusting Cartoons
07-07-2006, 09:22 AM
Silvia! What are you doing to cutponies? And what is your friend going to do with that lighter? I know that's you, Silvia, you have the lovliest (red) bush on the thread.:D
07-07-2006, 01:43 PM
Ok I found a way to clear the blue aura other than manually (it should take too much time!)... here is the result: Cutponies and Silvia dancing in a ballroom (that's not another joke)!!!!!
Next picture I'll use that joke!
re reference to ball-room. That's not a joke, that kind of statement is called a pun.( and that one is very good) When you appreciate a pun, you're not supposed to laugh, you're supposed to groan. Another example of a pun is my earlier reference to Faith Domergue "we lost a dom"
go figure.
Please PM me ASAP regarding the translation I requested.
PM-Private Message
ASAP-As Soon As Possible
07-07-2006, 02:35 PM
Another Fan, Take a bow!
07-07-2006, 03:38 PM
Oops. I got carried away Skipper. Didn't mean for her to kick you that hard!:Baahaha:
07-07-2006, 06:04 PM
Another Fan, Take a bow!
Oh yes Silvia,I like that very much
07-07-2006, 06:23 PM
Three cheers for:thumbup Silvia!
07-07-2006, 06:28 PM
Ok I found a way to clear the blue aura other than manually (it should take too much time!)... here is the result: Cutponies and Silvia dancing in a ballroom (that's not another joke)!!!!!
Next picture I'll use that joke!
very very nice
07-07-2006, 06:29 PM
Three cheers for:thumbup Silvia!
a pint of guinness for me
07-07-2006, 06:38 PM
Arghh - She ********* me! Uh, Silvia, could you use another eunuch? Sell cutponies to a harem. You'll get more for him if you cut off his penis first.:) I'll be your slave! (She'll never notice that I still have one testicle.):D
07-07-2006, 06:40 PM
(She'll never notice that I still have one testicle.):D
also my husband has one testicle
07-07-2006, 06:45 PM
How did it feel when you ********* cutponies? Was it as much fun as it looked?:) I love the way that black amazon took one of mine off!:jumpsmile
07-07-2006, 07:27 PM
Arghh - She ********* me! Uh, Silvia, could you use another eunuch? Sell cutponies to a harem. You'll get more for him if you cut off his penis first.:) I'll be your slave! (She'll never notice that I still have one testicle.):D
Should Silvia sell me to a harem to guard some rich sheik's wives and daughters? ( remember, I've already been *********)
Should she cut off my penis first? She'll get double the price for me. Almost all harem-eunuchs were complelety emasculated. Can't trust those geldings U know
I vote
07-07-2006, 07:31 PM
07-07-2006, 08:18 PM
I just noticed above my avatar, that I'm a big supporter. What happened to senior member?
07-07-2006, 10:17 PM
Keep in mind that if you vote no, nothing will happen. If you vote Yes they'll be a series of cartoons, first of my penectomy, second of my sale, and third on the job in the harem. If you want to attend my surgery, assuming it takes place, you may, but you'll have to be in the nude, and I'll need a portrait ( I already know what skipper looks like)
no yessy no toonies.. and tell me if you want to attend.. tickets free, bring your g/f b/f
07-07-2006, 10:21 PM
You know now that's it's posted, I'm a bit ashamed. Not my best work.
Head too big, colour off.
I'll redo it with a better black amazon.
07-08-2006, 12:25 AM
I just noticed above my avatar, that I'm a big supporter. What happened to senior member?
The software automatically promotes you based simply on the number of posts. Rate of posting, length of posts, and "quality" of posts are all unconsidered. In addition and subtraction, whether or not you include a picture is not considered: only the total number of posts.
That's how I got to the White House. Sheee-yoot!!!
07-08-2006, 12:32 AM
Better? I even forgot that he doesn't like them nude, just upskirt.
I see his point too. More mysterious. More "forbidden fruit"
I picked the wrong day to give up pot-smoking
I'm so ashamed of that previous picture that I am going to delete it!
I've embarassed myself and my good friend skipper. Just for that Skipper, you get to vote twice for or against my emasculation. I know how you're going to vote (nudge nudge wink wink)
Bad bad not-paying-attention-cutponies
07-08-2006, 12:40 AM
The software automatically promotes you based simply on the number of posts. Rate of posting, length of posts, and "quality" of posts are all unconsidered. In addition and subtraction, whether or not you include a picture is not considered: only the total number of posts.
That's how I got to the White House. Sheee-yoot!!!
You mean my posts with the magnificent( cutponies is modest) artwork counts the same as somebody posting a smiley or a one line insult?
07-08-2006, 12:47 AM
The software automatically promotes you based simply on the number of posts. Rate of posting, length of posts, and "quality" of posts are all unconsidered. In addition and subtraction, whether or not you include a picture is not considered: only the total number of posts.
That's how I got to the White House. Sheee-yoot!!!
Aren't you going to vote?
07-08-2006, 12:56 AM
You mean my posts with the magnificent( cutponies is modest) artwork counts the same as somebody posting a smiley or a one line insult?
No, the one-line insults count double, dummy. :)
But enough of my being silly (and I do suspect that your sense of humour is the kind to know what is being silly and what is being rude -- or, in my case, both). I vote "'arf wif 'is 'ead" -- run that through Google to translate from English to English. I think that the backgrounds that were submitted in a few cases were very good -- that was kinda what I meant, cutponies. The ballroom one, for example, fits well. On the other hand, I do art with pencil and paper (archaic computer peripherals; a "pencil" was a write head that deposits graphite on media, and paper is a bunch of flat stuff made out of hemp pulp -- or tree pulp after the lignin has been extracted by chemical processes) and then scan it in, so I think in terms like, "Hmmm... two-point perspecive time..."
07-08-2006, 02:06 AM
I'm working on several pics at the same time, and I need some input before I can continue
Skipperbob- I've finished the third black brunette ball busting bounceing braless blue belled broken buttoned but beautiful bellied buxom bitch, and I need to know if you want to be seen from the bows or the stern. Oh and does she literally bust one or both of your balls ( ie does she 1/2 or fully ******** you)?
"Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job
Even though he could have smashed through any bank
In the United States, he had the strength, but he would not"
Know where that's from?
Bekzide and Fittizzioh- Do you want the man seen from the front or the back? I've finished the lady wrestler. You see her from the front. Do you want either or both to be persons of colour? (ie black)
How do you pronounce your name? does it rhyme with "high-ho, hi-ho. it's off to work we go"? NO, I wasn't referring to you, bek! (dumb)
and Fittizzioh, I need that translation for Saturday, I'll be very busy Sunday morn.
Oh and don't forget to vote. I won't post your 'toon untill you do!
Silvia - I still need the pictures of the 3 students who are going to be *********, and a pic of Italian school uniforms. If I dressed them in Candian school uniforms they'd look Scottish. I'd like another of you as well for a change of posture.
And promise me that you'll never shave your Bush
Trouble- It's too much trouble to paint backgrounds, and my loyal fans seem to have fun doing it for themselves. I take it your vote was yes
The votes so far 3 for, none against:soomad
Oh and when do we count the ballots? Skipper, you started this!
07-08-2006, 02:42 AM
I forgot to mention that she's buck bare bottomed
I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue
07-08-2006, 03:40 AM
Bekzide and Fittizzioh- Do you want the man seen from the front or the back? I've finished the lady wrestler. You see her from the front. Do you want either or both to be persons of colour? (ie black)
from the front,and I don't care if they are people of colour
@ silvia_lati:concerning post 741,how was it to dance with someone you just *********,do you felt powerful ??
07-08-2006, 04:05 AM
Remember that Bekzide requested the work first, so he decides... however i vote for black woman, white man. More than that I'd like to see a busty buster (another joke/pun?) like the other girl with Silvia if front of the White House (maybe just her! She also thought to squeeze some balls)!! I love big tits!
For the survey I vote yes too, even if I love ballbusting and in the toon you'll have no balls!
Finally, all the "i" in my nickname are pronounced like in the word "hip".
07-08-2006, 04:33 AM
Remember that Bekzide requested the work first, so he decides... however i vote for black woman, white man. More than that I'd like to see a busty buster (another joke/pun?) like the other girl with Silvia if front of the White House (maybe just her! She also thought to squeeze some balls)!! I love big tits!
For the survey I vote yes too, even if I love ballbusting and in the toon you'll have no balls!
Finally, all the "i" in my nickname are pronounced like in the word "hip".
Bek doesn't care so she'll be black and buxom. That cartoon of Sylvia's friend is based on a real person.
You're a cruel man to vote that another man should lose his penis!
Let's see now 4 for 0 against:cryingblu
07-08-2006, 09:05 AM
cutponies - bad boy!:D For my pic, want to see me from the front to get the full picture of my suffering!:) Sounds like vote will be unanimous - off with it!:bananajum Don't see any need to drag this out any longer - voting cuts off end of today! (A little pun maybe?);)
07-08-2006, 09:17 AM
Oh the suffering of the true artist! Don't put yourself through such torture cutponies! Although I have to admit, I like the second pic better! Thanks.:thumbup
07-08-2006, 09:19 AM
cutponies - bad boy!:D For my pic, want to see me from the front to get the full picture of my suffering!:) Sounds like vote will be unanimous - off with it!:bananajum Don't see any need to drag this out any longer - voting cuts off end of today! (A little pun maybe?);)
Lets see, Silvia, Her friend, her friend's daughter, still room if you wanna watch. I would be honored if you attended. I should have a friend present when I lose my manhood, and I'll never see you again, as I'll be heading for a harem. There doesn't seem to be much chance I'll be spared, the vote is 6-0 for my emasculation with 12 hrs to go!
07-08-2006, 01:12 PM
Last time the momma kicked him so hard one of his testicles came off. He asked me to tell the black brunette... ball busting bitch to be more carefull this time.
Time is running out for me. This time tomorrow I'll probabley be the chief eunuch in a Harem
I should have the wrestling picture done by end of day.
Hey skip. I noticed that in your threads when you refer to the ball busting victim you use the first person ie. me, I, my etc. so I'll oblige. I've made sure that the victim looks like you!
"How does he know what skipperbob looks like?" The World Wonders.*
"Does he have X-Ray vision?"
No. Actually I went to Hogwarts!:Baahaha:
About that picture. HMMM. The Dommes are all black. I wonder if that in a previous life skipper was a slave-trader or plantation owner or something like that. Anyway enjoy all
*Anyone recognise that quote?
ariane V
07-08-2006, 02:53 PM
Canadien ?
Eh bien bravo mon cher cousin d'Amérique ! :)
J'étais en train de batailler pour te faire une phrase compréhensible "in english".
Tu es québécois ?
Tu es très talenteux en tout cas ! :thumbup
07-08-2006, 03:05 PM
Pas Quebecois. Je suis en Ontario. Ma francais est mal. Je suis Anglophone
07-08-2006, 03:06 PM
Merci Bien
07-08-2006, 03:12 PM
Canadien ?
Eh bien bravo mon cher cousin d'Amérique ! :)
J'étais en train de batailler pour te faire une phrase compréhensible "in english".
Tu es québécois ?
Tu es très talenteux en tout cas ! :thumbup
Est etrange ici. Et vous Homme ou Femme?
07-08-2006, 06:39 PM
About the wrestling picture Bek asked for and Fitt seconded. I tried as hard as I could, but couldn't paint a picture in the posture that you described. Consider. It's wrestling, so she has to pinion his arms and legs as she grabs his scrotum. He's going to fight back. Unlike say, Cast Pet, Skipper, Snoddle, or I, he's not willing to be ball busted.. Evertime I tried it it looked like they were making love, she was masturbating him , or he was willing. So I tried a different approach.
Now, as for clothes, well, they started out dressed, but ended up tearing each others' clothes off. I had to do it that way that, so the man could fight back. You can see his jockstrap, her bra, and if you look hard behind the ref, her skimpy g-string.
Bek didn't care about race, and Fitt prefered BW WM ( I do too, so does skip). Fitt liked the picture of Silvia's friend that I used in the last ball bust of cutponies, so I used her in a different pose as the referee. (Some ref, that hold is obviousley illegal)
Normally I would not have a man scratching (I'd leave that to the gentler(??:D )sex).. But this poor guy is DESPERATE. I mean look at that hold, how far his scrotum is stretched.. I'm not sure that it is even anatomically possible to do that without ********** him! Wouldn't you try to scratch her boobies out?
Anyhoo (sic), Enjoy
07-08-2006, 09:50 PM
Another true work of art cutponies!:D That's an interesting theory about my previous life - I wonder? Hey Silvia - have you been giving those ball busters lessons?:thumbup
07-08-2006, 09:55 PM
8 "YES"
4 "SI", must be Fitt, Silvia, her friend and her daughter
1 "Jawol", must be Bek
1 "Qui" ah ariane. the new one?
Well its unamimous.
To remind everyone. I surprised a little girl in her bath,( I was naked expecting to bath myself) and she freaked out. Mother came in, and being an experienced Domme, was able to overcome, and bind me. She called her best friend, the world renowned Castratrix Silvia Lahti. Silvia arrived and ********* me right then and there in front of the little girl and her Mom. I became her personal eunuch.
A few weeks later, during a ballbusting session, Skipperbob was kicked so hard he lost a testicle. He suggested to Silvia that she take him as her personal eunuch and sell me to a harem.. He further suggested that she cut my penis off first, as clean-cut eunuchs fetch a higher prrice than geldings. I hear footsteps.. It's Silvia. I'll be gone for a while. Hopefully I'll have access to a P.C. where I'm going or I might be gone forever!
Ace Hardlight
07-08-2006, 10:36 PM
8 "YES"
4 "SI", must be Fitt, Silvia, her friend and her daughter
1 "Jawol", must be Bek
1 "Qui" ah ariane. the new one?
Well its unamimous.
To remind everyone. I surprised a little girl in her bath,( I was naked expecting to bath myself) and she freaked out. Mother came in, and being an experienced Domme, was able to overcome, and bind me. She called her best friend, the world renowned Castratrix Silvia Lahti. Silvia arrived and ********* me right then and there in front of the little girl and her Mom. I became her personal eunuch.
A few weeks later, during a ballbusting session, Skipperbob was kicked so hard he lost a testicle. He suggested to Silvia that she take him as her personal eunuch and sell me to a harem.. He further suggested that she cut my penis off first, as clean-cut eunuchs fetch a higher prrice than geldings. I hear footsteps.. It's Silvia. I'll be gone for a while. Hopefully I'll have access to a P.C. where I'm going or I might be gone forever!
If that is true, you are a weak man.
07-08-2006, 11:53 PM
Hi Guys, Gals, Neuts and Fans. Did you miss me, and my neat pics?
Well I survived, and got some cool snaps of my experience. Would you like to see the slides?
I thought so. Give me a moment to set up the projector,
whirl,click buzz,zzzz, fan' lights off
This first one is the dungeon. The girls are untieing me so that they can shackle me up Silvia's the one with the knife. She'is flashing a big smile to the camera.. The Ham!
07-09-2006, 12:04 AM
The guests on the left are buyers from various harems and brothels.. They like to attend castrations to make sure that it's done right, ( or so they say, I think they like to watch)
On the right are Silvia's friend, One Ball Bob, And the little girl with whom my encounter caused all this in the first place!
The photographer has perfect timing. Snapped the shot just as my penis came off!. You can tell from her expression that Silvia isn't sure about this. I wonder if it was her first penectomy? Well since I had been ********* earlier by her I'm now emasculated.
07-09-2006, 12:07 AM
Silvia posing with her trophey!
07-09-2006, 12:24 AM
The slave auction. The auctioneer is berating the customers to raise the bidding. I was sold to the Lady in the Bun. As she drove me away she explained that we were going to a half harem/ half brothel, and that it was for Women only. LESBIAN!.
She explained my duties. That since I was emasculated, and all the other eunuchs were geldings, I'd automatically be in charge of all the others. I'd be expected to double as the Madame's personal slave, attending to her needs. Did I know how to massage, masturbate ,and suck a Woman? Especially did I know How to use a Dildo? (Apparently the Mistress liked eunuchs as much as girls, and was looking forward to being attended by me as I was her first cleancut) I said Yes to all the above. Now next picture is priceless. Thank goodness it was caught on one of those new sound with stills camera. You'll see and hear why!
07-09-2006, 12:28 AM
Two young gelding-eunuchs bring me into the boudior, and I meet my Mistress for the first time. As I said, priceless!:wooow
07-09-2006, 12:41 AM
And finally for now, a view of the main lounge. I've developed a tan since I'm always naked ( of course,all the eunuch always are. How would the girls know if a boy sneeked in?), and my pubic hair has grown back in, but in female pattern. Oh. the lady on the far right, stern view is the mistress. She won't let me call her mom,
That's it for now. Lights on
07-09-2006, 12:47 AM
If that is true, you are a weak man.
Eff off. I have a sense of humour, but;-
07-09-2006, 02:17 AM
from the front,and I don't care if they are people of colour
@ silvia_lati:concerning post 741,how was it to dance with someone you just *********,do you felt powerful ??
Bitch of the universe. Princess of the Penis Pullers
Ah enough soft soap
I wanna know too
07-09-2006, 03:49 AM
I like this one the best. The way I work. I line draw, then solid colour. The subjects are neuter, in that they have no genitilia, that comes later, and armless, as I must later position the grip according to the scene.. With this picture I started the detail work from the top and worked down. Hand stratching shoulder. I grinned.. hand scratching booby. I giggled, it was so out of place. Men do not scratch women, there are better things to do to/with them. Decided to skip the female genitilia, untill I did the man's. Positioned his penis, her sitting on it. Laughed hard, that is not where it's supposed to go under normal circumstances. Put the scrotum in her hands and became hysterical. I was having trouble controlling the mouse. ****** myself to place her genitals, and had to take a break before shading it, I was still laughing so hard.. When I had relaxed enough, I went back to the pic and finished the details, shading etc. I was just about to post it when I lnoticed something that caused me to laugh so hard I actually had to take blood pressure medication.
I had put her cunt on upside-down!
By the way you may have noticed that I've used that face before. I made it from a photograph.. Not of a Woman in pain, or Orgasming.
It's Dionne Warwick singing "Unchained Melody"
I hope you have as much fun viewing this pic as I did making it
07-09-2006, 03:50 AM
i think, and surely i'm right, that this thread is simply fantastic...
07-09-2006, 03:59 AM
Did you like my slideshow? especially the one of you holding your(my) trophey? (my severed penis)
Was this the first time you cut a man's penis off?
Did you enjoy dancing with me after you had ********* me a while back?
some of the other fans want to know too!
07-09-2006, 04:10 AM
i think, and surely i'm right, that this thread is simply fantastic...
You?. You're such a sport.And the scenes you ask me to draw. What do you out there think?
by the way I still need photo of boys and uniforms, and you from side
07-09-2006, 09:27 AM
The picture about wrestling is simply fantastic! Cutponies you rule!!!
I also like the first one where Silvia has that evil smile before cutting off your penis!!
All the others are really nice, but it's not my fetish!!
I hope to meet that black wrestler soon!!!!
Haven't posted a pic for a while, so I'm sending in this little "masterpiece". Hope I manage to send them so they upload in the right order, and I don't have to do it again, as I usually do.
07-09-2006, 01:48 PM
The picture about wrestling is simply fantastic! Cutponies you rule!!!
I also like the first one where Silvia has that evil smile before cutting off your penis!!
All the others are really nice, but it's not my fetish!!
I hope to meet that black wrestler soon!!!!
Describe to me what you look like, along the lines of " I look like Sean Connery when He played Bond ," etc. and I'll do a toon of you getting "aquainted"
Or someone else you want to bust, or being busted by your G/F.
That goes for everybody. Send portrait(s) appropriately posed and I'll "do" you in whatever situation you want.
Oh by the way/ Question. Shorthand in computer. Is a Black Woman BW or BF. White Woman WW or WF? Only need one response.
Go Italy
* sounds like Dr. Evil's laugh in Austin Powers
07-09-2006, 02:36 PM
Most of us here are rooting for Italy. None of us will ever forget that you named your Olympic Hockey Rink, Torino Esposizioni, after our great goalie, Tony Esposito.
That was a great and noble gesture which we all appreciated, even if you did spell his name wrong.
It forever cemented the friendship between Canada and Italy.
07-09-2006, 04:45 PM
:bananajum Ben fatto, Italia! Sii orgoliosa del tuo paese, Silvia!:bananad:
How do we celebrate?:thumbup
07-09-2006, 05:11 PM
:bananad: :bananad: :bananad: fittizzioh:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :ibow4u: :thumbup
07-09-2006, 05:22 PM
:bananajum Ben fatto, Italia! Sii orgoliosa del tuo paese, Silvia!:bananad:
How do we celebrate?:thumbup
WE WON!!! We are the champion of the WORLD!!!
07-09-2006, 10:53 PM
If you get the time I'd quite like to see a pair of balls crushing under some full weight standing :)
Maybe a little series of before and after popping shots :)
You did say popping. You do know what that word means?
Maniacal laugh follows
07-09-2006, 11:48 PM
[/quote]"How does he know what skipperbob looks like?" The World Wonders.*
"Does he have X-Ray vision?"
No. Actually I went to Hogwarts!:Baahaha:
*Anyone recognise that quote?[/quote]
During the Battle of Leyte gulf Oct 25th 1944
Admiral Nimitz signaled Admiral Halsey, in code
Note the RR preceding THE WORLD WONDERS. That meant that what ever followed was a scramble meant to make the message more difficult for the enemy to decode. Unfortunately the American decoder forgot that, and included it in the decode he sent to the bridge.
Nimitz sent "Where is Task Force 34?". Simple question
Halsey received "Where is Task Force 34? The world wonders. " Implying criticism.
Are you listening Ace?
07-10-2006, 12:24 AM
Haven't posted a pic for a while, so I'm sending in this little "masterpiece". Hope I manage to send them so they upload in the right order, and I don't have to do it again, as I usually do.
Love your pics
Love your Avatar even more.
Dianna Rigg as Contessa Tracy Di Vicenzo in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service" (1969)
I loved her as Emma Peel in "The Avengers"
Prior to her, Steed's (Patrick MacKnee) partner was Cathy Gale (Honor Blackman). You probably know that.
But what's not generally known,( because they were shown once (and never again, the tapes were destroyed in a fire)), is that in the first season Steed was a man's partner. The lead was Dr. David Keel (Ian Hendry)
I saw those episodes as a child in Wales and ;-
( needa smilely for that)
Would you like me to do a 'toon with Dianna's face? She would be
Doing (something nasty, anything, nothing)
Wearing (Emma Peel outfit, lingerie, anything, nothing)
To (you,me, him ,her, it)
In front of (you, me, him, her, it,them, anybody, nobody)
Consider it a challenge.. My Art vs Yours
07-10-2006, 02:35 AM
Wow! Try is back! I'd love to see a challenge between Try and Cutponies! I like more Cutponies drawing style but Try draws (for me) better situations! I love squeezing scenes!!
I suggest the artists to draw a known scene (maybe from a film?) for us to vote!
07-10-2006, 03:57 AM
Wow! Try is back! I'd love to see a challenge between Try and Cutponies! I like more Cutponies drawing style but Try draws (for me) better situations! I love squeezing scenes!!
I suggest the artists to draw a known scene (maybe from a film?) for us to vote!
Are you up to it Try?
Here's a quick and dirty Diana Riggs, doing nothing, wearing an ear ring
Which statement about her is false?
1 She is a professor of English
2 She was on the short list to play Cleopatra opposite Richard Burton
3 She is the Chancellor ( Dean on this side of the pond) of a University
4 She is a Knight
In the Movie OHMSS she does knee a bad guy! Why not that? Fittizz PM him. Challenge him to accept. Mouse to Mouse. OMIGOD I just realised that I misspelled her name in the previous post, too many ns and forgot the s
07-10-2006, 09:05 AM
I think cutponies might be losing it!:cryingblu
07-10-2006, 01:16 PM
Silvia and I have just celebrated the victory.
The dildo? Have you forgotton that she turned me into a harem guard?
re Diana Rigg (finally got it right, I'm an artist not a proof reader) post # 812,
You probably guessed 2 and you'd be wrong.. She was in the last 10, but it was decided that she was a little too young. Elizabeth Taylor got the role, and the rest is hIstory
It's 4. Yes she has been knighted, but a knight by definition is a man. A knighted lady is a Dame
07-10-2006, 03:41 PM
Cutponies... why don't you draw Diana Rigg squeezing some balls? As far as I know she didn't do it in any movie!!!
07-10-2006, 04:32 PM
Cutponies... why don't you draw Diana Rigg squeezing some balls? As far as I know she didn't do it in any movie!!!
But she did kick some in OHMSS. Actually as we speak I'm doing one with her attending a ********** (sorry, I know that's not your kink) for another fan. It's a hoot
07-10-2006, 05:11 PM
Ok ok you have a lot of work... however I almost forgot: shame on you for the picture in the post #793!!!!!!!!!
I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!
Another pic of a lady demonstrating how vulnerable we males are!
07-10-2006, 07:32 PM
Ok ok you have a lot of work... however I almost forgot: shame on you for the picture in the post #793!!!!!!!!!
I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, but it actually happened. Mom was undergoing treatment for ovarian cancer, when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. After I had my first session (2wks) of chemotherapay, I had to take a series of Radiation treatments. Now understand that chemotherapay makes you impotent for a while, it temporarilly turns you into a eunuch. So in a way I had actually been *********.
When I arrived for my first dose of Radiation, Mom was in the waiting room. By coincidence we had been scheduled at almost the same time, in different rooms of course. Mom went into a change room. 5 minutes later a nurse came in and sent me to the other change room to undress. You have to be naked to get radiation therpay. I undressed and walked in for my treatment. There was Mom, nude, seeing me, a temporary eunuch, her son, naked. She didn't lose control of her bladder but I did (chemo does that). They had mistakenly assigned us the same room at the same time.
So Ya, the picture is tasteless. But it happened, sort of. And as for me having no taste, would I be drawing pics for all of you if I did?
And I'll say it again. Italy 5 France 3
Are you up to it Try?
Yes, but not in the idea of it being a competition between us. We have differant drawing styles, and I like the way various artists use this site to share their work with all. Who is best is a matter of opinion. And can be complex, as fittizzioh says he likes your drawing but also my choice of situation. ( fittizzioh, hope you like my pic submiited today, and thanks for the idea of illustrating Ms Rigg balbusting)
So, I'm very busy right now, but I will within the next few days send in a pic of Dianna Rigg busting nuts. You may have read a story I submitted a while ago about Ms Rigg destroying the testicles of three guys, namely myself, illny2000 and helios. I may use that as my inspiration, starting sequentially with the story.
Which means helios reading a porn mag when the delectable Ms Rigg appears and kicks his nuts up into his throat! Helios, are you ready to have your busting by Ms Rigg illustrated for the world to see?
07-10-2006, 10:29 PM
Yes, but not in the idea of it being a competition between us. We have differant drawing styles, and I like the way various artists use this site to share their work with all. Who is best is a matter of opinion. And can be complex, as fittizzioh says he likes your drawing but also my choice of situation. ( fittizzioh, hope you like my pic submiited today, and thanks for the idea of illustrating Ms Rigg balbusting)
So, I'm very busy right now, but I will within the next few days send in a pic of Dianna Rigg busting nuts. You may have read a story I submitted a while ago about Ms Rigg destroying the testicles of three guys, namely myself, illny2000 and helios. I may use that as my inspiration, starting sequentially with the story.
Which means helios reading a porn mag when the delectable Ms Rigg appears and kicks his nuts up into his throat! Helios, are you ready to have your busting by Ms Rigg illustrated for the world to see?
I don't know who Helios is, but O.K. I'll do "someone" reading a magazine and being Ball busted by Diana Rigg. Hey! It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who mishsphels names.
Did you choose her as your Avatar, or her pose? (playing Chemin-de-fer without any money and 007 is about to "bail" her out). What Cleavage! So no "challenge" or ""contest."
But here is a challenge that has nothing to do with art. Several actresess have apeared in Bond films and The Avengers. Only one was A Bond girl before an Avengers Girl. Who? Did you get the right answer on my t/f Rigg quiz ( assuming you tried)?
07-11-2006, 02:16 AM
Yep that's what they do to boys who go to work in a harem.
Oh, everbody else.
The first picture is for curious only.
You can't look at it
You won't be able to see it on your monitor correctley. Curious is in Australia, you see, which is in the Southern Hemisphere. That means he's upside down relative to us. Well a digital image isn't like a paper print he can turn over. He'd either have to manipulate it in a graphics arts program ( and I don't know if he has one ), stand on his head, or turn his monitor over. I've saved him the trouble and reversed it for him.
Which begs the question? How did all those people down under watch the soccer game. It was broadcast live!
Wait a minute. I did rotate his image 180, and not flip it? :cryingblu Otherwise he'd need a mirror to read the text.
Yup, whew, dodged a bullet there! :bananawin
5-3 how about that that's like a 25-25 baseball game! you just don't see scores like that.. It's usually 1-0, 2-1
07-11-2006, 04:25 AM
Great pic yet again cutponies. Oh yeah have a good old laugh on us from the land of Oz. (no yellow brick road here though)
07-11-2006, 06:48 AM
I know it's not a contest, but may I repectfully point out
1) I finished first (Nya-Nya-Nya!)
2) My skintones beat yours hands down. My Diana has a healthy tan . Yours is so pale She may as well be in black & white.
3) My Diana Rigg ( Emma Peel) beats your Diana Rigg. Yours is only strong enough to force his balls out of his throat. You said so yourself. Look what mine can do!
I also catagorically deny that I've used a ringer ( an accusation made by your fans no doubt). The suggestion has been made that that is Diana Prince*, and not Diana Rigg.
Of course it's Diana Rigg
Just look at her!? (shit! think fast before they find you out,) CHEEKS
Yes the cheeks prove it. Diana Rigg is renowned for her high cheeks. Just compare the cheeks in my toon to the cheeks in Try's Avatar. Conclusive proof!
Oh right, you haven't been here for a while. That's my famous maniacal laugh. Sounds a lot like Dr. Evil** doesn't it??:wooow
And finally
4) Look what he's reading!! See the accolades on the back cover!
So let's see your entery, but I'm afraid you've been beaten right out of the starting gate
* AKA Wonder Woman. What kind of a childhood did you have?
**From the Austin Power series. What kind of an adulthood are you having?
07-11-2006, 07:28 AM
I love them all!
Try... the dialogues are superb and the girls always get the balls! I'd love to meet someone like her in real life!
Cutponies: even if it's not your genre you got it: the "squinch" sound is amazing! And colors and position are really impressive, too!
Well done, artists!
07-11-2006, 07:48 AM
After I do a 'toon I delete the request, so I won't go over my 50. On re -reading (between the lines) of curious' message, I realised that he was operating under a misconception.
Curious. The ordeal they went through was a teeny bit more intense than that.. More like the enclosed picture.
As before the first picture is for curious only
You mustn't Look at it
He's from Australia , you see, an---
I'm not going to go through that again!!! see post 822
P.S. While I'm here, the answer (post 821) is Joanna Lumley
P.P.S Thanks Fittzz 5-3 Luv it
07-11-2006, 08:06 AM
do you think that my photos are good for your work?
07-11-2006, 09:28 AM
Yes, I'm afraid that cutponies has definitely lost it!:cryingblu But we love him anyway!:D
07-11-2006, 02:30 PM
do you think that my photos are good for your work?
Yes I got your pics.. They are fine
07-11-2006, 03:18 PM
Yes, I'm afraid that cutponies has definitely lost it!:cryingblu But we love him anyway!:D
He asked me another kick scene, a "back view". Then he described the scene for me. He goes into quite a bit of detail. Those pics I did for him are his scenarios, he has quite an immagination. Well I won't give it away, private message are after all private, and I don't want to spoil the surprise. He described in vivid detail a "front view"
What was the name of the captain of the Exxon Valdez, Robert something?
And the Titanic, The music playing just before the collision is titled "hard a starbord", but the ship is clearly turning port. His name was Robert something ?
And the guy who couldn't find his way back north from the south pole (quite an accomplishment, ALL directions from there are north) Captain Robert something.
THANKS FITT. Yes, but I cheated. I couldn't think of a sound that would fit,so I made recordings of my balls being squinched, fed the sounds into a wave function program in this PC and it came up with "squinch". That doesn't count in the "contest" tho, that's acoustics, not graphics ( I can't be a virtuoso in everthing)
Ciao Kemo Sabe (5-3 Luv It)
Hey dig how many fans I have down under. It's only been a few hours and over 40 people have viewed the "for curious" only pics. As for Curious, 2nd pics, yes, that's what they did to those poor boys routinely, especially in Arabia and China. A person wasn't even considered a eunuch unless he lost his dangle too. Cruel Bitches!
07-11-2006, 05:06 PM
Sorry to get the artist so screwed up!:wooow Gee, I knew exactly what I meant! I'm sure you will figure it out!:thumbup
I don't know who Helios is, but O.K. I'll do "someone" reading a magazine and being Ball busted by Diana Rigg. Hey! It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who mishsphels names.
Did you choose her as your Avatar, or her pose? (playing Chemin-de-fer without any money and 007 is about to "bail" her out). What Cleavage! So no "challenge" or ""contest."
But here is a challenge that has nothing to do with art. Several actresess have apeared in Bond films and The Avengers. Only one was A Bond girl before an Avengers Girl. Who? Did you get the right answer on my t/f Rigg quiz ( assuming you tried)?
Illny200 did Diana as my avatar. As for your challenge I'm afraid I have no idea.
07-11-2006, 06:20 PM
Illny200 did Diana as my avatar. As for your challenge I'm afraid I have no idea.
I Like your taste Illny200!
5-3 Luv It
07-11-2006, 09:12 PM
I love them all!
Try... the dialogues are superb and the girls always get the balls! I'd love to meet someone like her in real life!
Cutponies: even if it's not your genre you got it: the "squinch" sound is amazing! And colors and position are really impressive, too!
Well done, artists!
Blush (need a smilie) I cannot take any credit for that. I meant to type squish, and I didn't notice untill I saw the above.
You're right.
So skipperbob's being squinched
Hey bob, they're doing a squinch job.
I'm wearing out my fingers doing Mwhooo, he'll do instead
Chiao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
07-12-2006, 05:16 AM
So why would a normally adjusted man always want them at least partially dressed when he gets squinched? Ahah I know. As a child he visited us here in Canada,
And was attacked by a beaver
07-12-2006, 09:25 AM
Nice job cutponies - but the stuff about a beaver in Canada is absolutely not true!:soomad (How did you find out anyway!)
fittizzioh - you're right! Squinch is a good name for what is happening there! Although that's not the sound I make when it's being done to me!:D
07-12-2006, 09:02 PM
What's "squinch" in Italian? I need it for the pictures I'm doing for Silvia!
Ciao Kemo Sabe:bananawin
07-12-2006, 09:10 PM
Did you like my slideshow? especially the one of you holding your(my) trophey? (my severed penis)
Was this the first time you cut a man's penis off?
Did you enjoy dancing with me after you had ********* me a while back?
some of the other fans want to know too!
Tell us!!
If you doubt your English then tell fittizzioh and he'll translate
Ciao Kemi-Sabe:bananawin
No, that's not a mistake Kemo-Sabe is brother Kemi-Sabe is sister
07-12-2006, 09:44 PM
Yes, I'm afraid that cutponies has definitely lost it!:cryingblu But we love him anyway!:D
This one one of the few times you'll ever see me serious in this thread
Two members PM'D me.. One, a man asked for a ********** scene, the other, a Lady asked for a ballbusting scene.
I replied to the man first asking if he wanted it personal, that I'd 'toon in his face as say, a Sultan watching his new harem-guard being "qualified" for the job, or as a eunuch attending, or even as the victim (tee-hee-hee)
Then I started on the Lady's request
Duh, that's when I realised I had sent my reply to HER !:wooow
No names, please. A PM is a Private Message
I humbly appologize to her
07-12-2006, 10:11 PM
it wont let me open the attachments and im logged in and im registered. idk whats goin on.
07-12-2006, 10:24 PM
it wont let me open the attachments and im logged in and im registered. idk whats goin on.
You have to post first. I had the same problem as did others. Now that you have made a post you should have no problem. If you do, contact Sharon. If worse comes to worst then PM me if it's my 'toons you are interested in, and I'll get them to you via outlook express.:bananawin
Oh and welcome to the thread
07-12-2006, 10:27 PM
Great pictures cutponies! :jumpsmile :ibow4u:
Can you draw a guy kicking girl, she ducking and crushing his nuts with a punch?
07-12-2006, 10:28 PM
pllleeeeaaaaase :ibow4u:
07-12-2006, 10:34 PM
Race? Nude? Boxing gloves? How hard, do they burst? Is he erect? how old etc. is this a boxing, kickboxing scene? anyone watching? etc
07-13-2006, 12:18 AM
Both white.
She wears short skirt, topless, hight heels.
He is nude.
She hits hard enought to break the balls.
It happends on a ring. Her face shows anger, his - anger and pain.
A crowd is watching, if possible.
07-13-2006, 01:23 AM
Front view of man and rear of lady or visa versa. Front of lady and rear of man. See balls squinched in either case (I'm begining to love that word!)
Lady's dress is up a bit. So in the first case we get a good view of the man's penis, lady's bum. In the second case we get a good view of lady's cunt , man's ass.
Bit of both side view, but side views are boring.
Your call
Man is hit so hard he becomes a eunuch.. Understand. Topless lady referee and regular audience
07-13-2006, 01:27 AM
Front view of man and rear of lady or visa versa. Front of lady and rear of man. See balls squinched in either case (I'm begining to love that word!)
Lady's dress is up a bit. So in the first case we get a good view of the man's penis, lady's bum. In the second case we get a good view of lady's cunt , man's ass.
Bit of both side view, but side views are boring.
Your call
Man is hit so hard he becomes a eunuch.. Understand. Topless lady referee and regular audience
Front of man will be better. Let her boobs be visible.
07-13-2006, 01:42 AM
I agree.. That's the way I'd do it for myself. It'll take a few days. Lineup
07-13-2006, 01:43 AM
albinosquirrel said this
Also... how the hell would seeing someone's face give you any ability to accurately guess their "measurements"? That just doesn't even make any sense
I responded
Actually it does
It seems that there is indeed a correlation berween face type and body type. An experiment was done showing people photographs of both men's and women's faces and photographs of the bodies with the heads blacked out. Different poses were used for face and body.
The results were that a correct match was made far more often than chance would dictate, and about the same for both sexes' bodies.
Interestingly.. The women scored significantly higher than the men.
And I'm not joking.. This is one of the few times that I'm serious
Any thoughts> and I AM Serious
07-13-2006, 03:35 AM
If you get the time I'd quite like to see a pair of balls crushing under some full weight standing :)
Maybe a little series of before and after popping shots :) Thank you. :thumbup If you get the chance I'd love to see a close up of a boot flattening a pair of balls :loveeyes
07-13-2006, 05:04 AM
Thank you. :thumbup If you get the chance I'd love to see a close up of a boot flattening a pair of balls :loveeyes
Ask for something difficult!
07-13-2006, 06:59 AM
You have some pretty damn good talent there Ponies. I've been away for a little while but i also have a suggestion for you...
I would like an Asian women to stand on a mans penis, wearing ice-skates (cutting his penis off) whilst lauging at him, whilst another asian women works the balls by having her heel penetrating his balls. I will post on what i would like them to wear...
Asian women No.1...
*White Ice-Skates
*Tight Black Jeans
*Black Singlet
Optional, Thick black belt around the waist.
Asian Women No.2
*Black High-Heeled Boots
*Tight Blue Jeans
*Dark Blue Denim Jacket
If you could, could you have the jeans Over the boots, not tucked in.
*In pain (Of course :))
Thanks Mate.
07-13-2006, 07:09 AM
Can I have at least a nipple showing? Big lineup. A few days. Figure skater, speed skater or hockey player. I can work wonders with the hockey stick! I am A Canadian, eh!
You must be a Sheila (or not)
Oh by the way everybody. If you haven't downloaded the pics you like do so now. I'm going to have to delete the first 1/3. I need the room!
Ciao Kemo-Sabe or Kemi-Sabe if you are a Sheila
07-13-2006, 09:31 AM
Hi Kemo Sabe!
Squinch is a great onomathopeic in italian ,too! Leave it as is!
I hope deamonboxing wants her without boxing gloves! I love girl's hands!
07-13-2006, 10:46 AM
Hi Kemo Sabe!
Squinch is a great onomathopeic in italian ,too! Leave it as is!
I hope deamonboxing wants her without boxing gloves! I love girl's hands!
But as thanks for all the translations you do for me. For you Bare Hands.
Ciao Kemo Sabe:bananawin
07-13-2006, 01:03 PM
Find Silvia tee-hee-hee
You wouldn't believe how hard I worked on this.
The toon was easy, but learning Italian in a week. That was hard
:Baahaha: :D :Baahaha: :D :Baahaha: :D :Baahaha: :D :wooow :wooow :wooow :wooow
07-13-2006, 01:59 PM
Welcome XxXbbloverXxX
Nicks say something about ourselves!
Skipperbob is obviously a ship's captain ( don't go to sea with him tho, he doesn't know bows from stern, literally)
I'm from a farm and gelded horses
But I can't figure yours out. Bbl is the quantity "barrels" which is 50 gals. U.S.
xcubed times barrels divided (over) xcubed=barrels
What do barrels have to do with ballbusting?
Are your balls barrel sized?
Roll out the barrels?
You're a barrel of laughs?
bbl is used most of often for oil. Are you trying to tell us you're into oil (I luv to oil my GF)
It must be me, 'cause I just don't get it
07-13-2006, 03:42 PM
Skipperbob gives me an idea: ballbusting pirate girls! Is it too much? "Aaaaaaarrrr"! I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean... lol!
Cutponies... I saw you used an italian name: Fiorenzo (there is an "r")! It is a very rare name! I met someone called Fiorenzo just 3 months ago because he was going to become the new boyfriend of a ballbusting girl I know!
Is it a coincidence?
07-13-2006, 06:05 PM
Skipperbob gives me an idea: ballbusting pirate girls! Is it too much? "Aaaaaaarrrr"! I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean... lol!
Cutponies... I saw you used an italian name: Fiorenzo (there is an "r")! It is a very rare name! I met someone called Fiorenzo just 3 months ago because he was going to become the new boyfriend of a ballbusting girl I know!
Is it a coincidence?
Re Piratesses. But they carry swords and swords are used to cut off-. Oh they also wear boots, bIg heavy black boots and boots are used for squinching;- O.K, A fight between two piratesses and two pirates one pair doing your thing and one mine. I'm working on 3 right now, so it will take awhile.
Re Fiorenzo Have you seem him lately? Is he still, Uh, a Boy? Voice hasn't changed? Wha!! A week ago I couldn't even spell Ciao, and now look at me!
So I dropped one little r.. Not like it was a word like ****,tarn,part,fart where the r is important
07-14-2006, 12:34 AM
One of only 3 He did. I colourized the fourth pic.
It wasn't untili I saw it in colour that I recongnised the models. The lady is Jane Russell , and the man? Why its our very own Skipperbob!
Hey Bob, You got a great Job
He's a male model for bb.
How about that? You only fantasize about it, I only draw it. But he gets paid for getting himself squinched.
I hear that models get big bucks. How big if you don't mind my asking?
Ciao Kemo Sabe:bananawin
07-14-2006, 09:12 AM
Oh that pic fits me perfectly!:bananad: I can hear that loud smack her instep makes as it catches my worthless balls flush from here!:iluvu:
"Ciao Kemo Sabe" How do you pronounce that?
07-14-2006, 10:07 AM
I concur with the ball-busting pirate girls idea. We need more artists that take requests like that!
07-14-2006, 11:45 AM
Oh that pic fits me perfectly!:bananad: I can hear that loud smack her instep makes as it catches my worthless balls flush from here!:iluvu:
"Ciao Kemo Sabe" How do you pronounce that?
"th" as in these or the
"a" soft as in hat
"t" soft as in tit
So you're not going to tell us what you earned modelling for that pic?
Silva done, now down to 4. Ballbusting Canadian Singers, Buxom Ballbusting Boxer, Cock slicing skater, Ballbusting Pirates
07-14-2006, 12:22 PM
Let me know as soon as you've dowloaded it. I don't have enough room to post 2 versions of same pic. Especially if it's not my artwork.
For everyone else. Notice that if you take a fair Lady and darken her skin, you don't get a Black person, you get a, uh, Californian? Italian?. Little work on the face needed!
Ciao Kemo Sabe:bananawin
07-14-2006, 04:07 PM
Just a small request cutponies could you repost your Italian pic translated into English.
07-14-2006, 04:42 PM
Just a small request cutponies could you repost your Italian pic translated into English.
07-14-2006, 04:51 PM
Well, When you ask nicely like that
The first one is for you only
Curious is from Oz, see ,and
ahh! just go see post 822
The other one is for everyone else
07-14-2006, 05:23 PM
always the comedian. You've outdone yourself again with your pics.
07-14-2006, 05:40 PM
I've done a fair amount of cartoons lately featuring guys getting kicked hard in the nuts. My "fan-base" is a surprising demographic. Mostly teen girls.
Actually, the whole ballbusting fetish or whatever it is surprises me.
Anyway, mine appear to be really different from the norm. Check them out and see if you like them. I'd be curious to see if people who are actually in to ballbusting will like my take on it.
It'll take you about 30 seconds to "join" deviantart. It has nothing to do with being deviant. 99% is art, not porn.
Hello Sexy Sara!
I thought you would find the attached cartoons cute and funny. Hope you and your fans delight in these as I did.
07-14-2006, 07:46 PM
To all my fans out there. I'm going to be serious for a moment. I sometimes have 4 or 5 requests in queue. All things being equal, I do them in the order I receive them, but of course rarely are things equal. Some take more work than others. For example Silvia likes complex scenes, Skipperbob likes them personal (his body & face) etc. That takes more effort (not work, this is not work to me).. Scenes that seem simple, and look simple when posted, may actually involve more input from me. You may have noticed that I "recycle". Some things I can cut and paste, (The second Snoodle). Some I have to do from scratch (Emma Peel's squinch). Also some requests really inspire me (Curious' harem-eunuch) while others I can't ethuse about. Some of you, like Fittizz, help me, so I reward that by going the extra klick
I'll never turn down a request except for legal, or technical reasons ( fancy way of saying that's beyond my skill).
So when you see 'toons posted in a different order than they were requested, It's for any of the above reason's. I love you all (not literally of course)
P.S. My mental state can best be desrcibed as absent minded. i f you feel that I have forgotton a toon, I may well have. remind me. PM me, don't embarass me
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
07-14-2006, 10:46 PM
Great pictures cutponies! :jumpsmile :ibow4u:
Can you draw a guy kicking girl, she ducking and crushing his nuts with a punch?
07-15-2006, 08:40 AM
Nice work Cutponies!
However it's strange to see the man's testicles fly away for that punch! And also his position is a little strange! Normally the reaction to a similar hit is an "ooffff!" expression!
07-15-2006, 08:53 AM
Thanks cutponies for giving that beauty a darker color! You know me so well!:thumbup Women of color rule!:D And I dool! (Sorry that was bad! I deserve to be punished!):bananajum
07-15-2006, 08:55 AM
I also need to learn how to spell! I don't know where the "r" went in drool! I need to be punished some more!:)
07-15-2006, 09:48 AM
Nice work Cutponies!
However it's strange to see the man's testicles fly away for that punch! And also his position is a little strange! Normally the reaction to a similar hit is an "ooffff!" expression!
He just knocked her down with a kick. He's going to finish her off ,with a second kick when she squinches him.. That's the first time that I've had to explain a pic. Hmm, maybe I'm losing my touch. Or maybe you've never seen a kick-boxing match. But yes, I agree. The face isn't my best work!
07-15-2006, 05:05 PM
Hey Fittizz
You're right. I know nothing about organised fighting. Few Canadians do. You see we're not much into unarmed combat here. We don't have to be. We're sports fans ( and I do mean fans which is short for fanatic) here, and never travel anywhere without our equipment. If one of us were attacked;-
1) in Spring we would never be without a Baseball Bat, Perfectly designed to bash in heads
2) in Summer we'd have a Lacross Raquette. It has a curve on the end, like a shepherd's crook. Perfect for choking
3) in Fall- Football Boots (our kind of football, which is derived from Rugby) 4 cm. nails for cleats, and we sharpen them! 'Nuff said
4) in Winter- We'd be perfectly armed. What chance would a Samurai Sword have against a Hockey Stick? Not to mention that perfect cutting weapon, a Hockey Skate!
But you're right about the scene. Hmm, lets see;- no rules, man being beaten bloody, doesn't know how to defend himsel, no ref, women only spectators, combatants nude.
It's an entertainment at the International Dommes Convention!
You're right about the face. too "sad" not enough "pain". I'll try again.
Also the balls. Yes, she's quite a fighter but she's not Emma Peel ( Dianna Rigg). So I un-********* him!
Ciao Kemo-Sabe
P.S. Now if that 5-3 Soccer Game , had been a Hockey final, and the French guy insulted a Canadian. The Canadian would have checked, slashed, highsticked, iced, and interferred with him. He would have received a major penalty (5 min).
P.P.S You like fights?
07-15-2006, 05:42 PM
I also need to learn how to spell! I don't know where the "r" went in drool! I need to be punished some more!:)
Now if You had meant to say to your BBBBBB etc Ball-Busting Bitch
"Ranchor my balls"
She'd do what you always get done
But if you dropped the "r"
"Anchor my balls"
Hmmm?- The World Wonders!
Or "kick me in the rear" or
After your "session" you offered to make her her some real "treats "
Or use a rasp on my balls
Chicken with rice, dear?
And of course for a sea captain, "hard rudder"
AHA!!!!! That's how you hit that iceberg!
:Baahaha: :wooow :jumpsmile
Ciao Kemo Sabe!:bananawin
07-16-2006, 12:10 AM
Blame Canada
Blame Canada
With all their hockey hubbabaloo
And that bitch Anne Murray too
Blame Canada
Shame on Canada
The smut we must stop
The trash we must smash
Laughter and fun, must all be undone
We must blame them and cause a fuss
Before someone thinks of blaming uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus !!!!!
(Eunice and I Are both Hosers, eh!)
(Oh, Shania & Avril are Snowbirds too, eh!)
(Doo-loo-too-too-doo-doo-do-, eh!)
07-16-2006, 01:28 AM
I also need to learn how to spell! I don't know where the "r" went in drool! I need to be punished some more!:)
But just a quick one. There are others in line!
07-16-2006, 09:16 AM
Thanks cutponies! That would have been a goal if you hadn't been playing on one on those stupid Canadian football fields that are longer than they should be!:wooow
07-16-2006, 09:51 AM
P.S. Now if that 5-3 Soccer Game , had been a Hockey final, and the French guy insulted a Canadian. The Canadian would have checked, slashed, highsticked, iced, and interferred with him. He would have received a major penalty (5 min).
If that had been a hockey game, Zidane would have ********* Materazzi with his hockey stick. We canucks like to say that some players are "surgeons" with their sticks.
07-16-2006, 10:02 AM
(Eunice and I Are both Hosers, eh!)
(Oh, Shania & Avril are Snowbirds too, eh!)
(Doo-loo-too-too-doo-doo-do-, eh!)
Cutponies, you totaly nailed it, eh!
Good job, dude, eh?
Shania is, like, totally recognizable, eh! Avril is hot!! Eh!
Thanks for getting them to take care of my know...problem, eh!
eunice (now a eunuch, eh?)
07-16-2006, 10:46 AM
Thanks cutponies! That would have been a goal if you hadn't been playing on one on those stupid Canadian football fields that are longer than they should be!:wooow
I mean you're going to "thud" anyway when you land, eh
Wouldn't have bonked your head on crossbar, eh?
Ciao Kemo Sabe, eh
07-16-2006, 10:53 AM
PM me
Your messaging is down (50?)
Lost original request
Forgot some details
07-16-2006, 01:31 PM
cutponies: The description of canadian fight equipment was really funny!
About the picture: i think now it's really much better!! I'd surely fight in the International dommes convention for entertainment!
I'd love to try if Diana Rigg could punch my balls off me!!
P.S. Now if that 5-3 Soccer Game , had been a Hockey final, and the French guy insulted a Canadian. The Canadian would have checked, slashed, highsticked, iced, and interferred with him. He would have received a major penalty (5 min).
P.P.S You like fights?
I know penalities in hokey are really light! It's the same in "calcetto" (same as soccer, but 5 vs 5 and on a smaller court)!
I love fights! I did taekwondo and I love this kind of sports!
07-16-2006, 10:50 PM
Does anyone remeber seeing a movie in which Diana Rigg was
figure -skating, eh?
Need inspiration for my next pic., eh!
07-17-2006, 02:26 AM
ehi really god stuf here!
i'm a new italian member and this is the best site i ever see!
i'm new about ballbust(i never been busted yet) and i really enjoy this thread.
and i want to know if some of you have see a video-cartoon dedicated to ballbust.
07-17-2006, 03:45 AM
Need inspiration for my next picremember the piratesses!
gaiusdds: there are many anime (jap cartoons) with ballbusting! I also remember Stripperella (cartoon transposition of Pam Anderson!) where the protagonist fights the crime usually aiming to the balls!
07-17-2006, 08:58 AM
Cutponies: remember the piratesses!
gaiusdds: there are many anime (jap cartoons) with ballbusting! I also remember Stripperella (cartoon transposition of Pam Anderson!) where the protagonist fights the crime usually aiming to the balls!
Working on 2, eh!
Skaters and pirates, eh!
Pam Anderson is a Snowbird 2, eh!
She was famous from the moment she was born, eh!
Anyone know why, eh?
07-17-2006, 03:44 PM
ehi really god stuf here!
i'm a new italian member and this is the best site i ever see!
i'm new about ballbust(i never been busted yet) and i really enjoy this thread.
and i want to know if some of you have see a video-cartoon dedicated to ballbust.
I'll do a custom one 4 U, eh!
Just ask, eh!
If you have trouble describing in English, PM Fittizzioh, and he'll translate 4 U, eh!
07-17-2006, 04:36 PM
Does anyone remeber seeing a movie in which Diana Rigg was figure -skating, eh?
Need inspiration for my next pic., eh!
On Her Majesty's Secret Service, eh! But i can't find any pictures.
07-17-2006, 05:16 PM
Cutponies: remember the piratesses!
gaiusdds: there are many anime (jap cartoons) with ballbusting! I also remember Stripperella (cartoon transposition of Pam Anderson!) where the protagonist fights the crime usually aiming to the balls!
I remember that there is a nasty kick in an episode of Zeta Gundam, but I cannot tell you which episode number. The chick setting next to me said: "OWWWWCH!!!" or word to tha effect.
07-17-2006, 05:29 PM
On Her Majesty's Secret Service, eh! But i can't find any pictures.
Of course, eh
Got it on tape, eh
Thanks eunice, eh
(doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too) eh
07-17-2006, 08:06 PM
Great pic !!! Thanks a lot.
07-17-2006, 08:36 PM
Oh, message down, ok i'll repost....
Man: Lying on his back. On ice.
Woman #1: Japanese, Black catsuit, black high heeled ice-skates, cutting off the man's penis..
Woman #2: Japanese, Tight denim Jeans & Jacket, Black Heeled boots, Piercing testicles.
Got all that Kemo-Sabe?
Looking forward to the finished product:jumpsmile
Where do you guys get these scenarios, eh?
The only way I can see that it makes sense,eh, is that it's another
entertainment at the "International Domme Convention", eh
Now as for your C.O.O. Aus, eh!
If that means Australia the the first pic is for you, eh!
You see if he's down-under, eh
Oh, Hell just refer to post 822, eh
If it means Austria, eh, then the second is yours, eh!
What, I'm an artist, eh, not a cartographer, eh
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
07-17-2006, 10:39 PM
Cutponies: remember the piratesses!
gaiusdds: there are many anime (jap cartoons) with ballbusting! I also remember Stripperella (cartoon transposition of Pam Anderson!) where the protagonist fights the crime usually aiming to the balls!
This the Queen of the pirates, eh
Just thought I'd whet your appetites, eh
Ciao kemo-Sabes, eh
life is pain
07-18-2006, 02:03 AM
I'm not really into the whole ********** thing, but if you need inspiration you should try watching 'Sin City'. There's ********** going on everywhere in that movie. There's inspiration from what could be going on behind the scenes in old town.
07-18-2006, 03:37 AM
Zeta Gundam hmm? I'll have to look into it.
07-18-2006, 12:30 PM
What is with cutponies? Has he gone completely around the bend? First it was "mwhoo" and then "doo - loo" and now the real Canadian comes out - "eh" !:D
07-18-2006, 06:42 PM
Skipperbob gives me an idea: ballbusting pirate girls! Is it too much? "Aaaaaaarrrr"! I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean... lol!
Cutponies... I saw you used an italian name: Fiorenzo (there is an "r")! It is a very rare name! I met someone called Fiorenzo just 3 months ago because he was going to become the new boyfriend of a ballbusting girl I know!
Is it a coincidence?
"Seize all the Gold!"
"Yes Cap'n Bob!"
"And all the beer!"
"Yes Cap'n Bob!"
"**** all The Women!"
"Yes Cap'n Bob!"
"Kill all the men!"
"Yes Cap'n Bob!"
"And Men"
"Yes Cap'n Bob?"
"This time get it right!
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too, eh!
Enjoy, eh!
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
07-18-2006, 08:42 PM
Most of us here are rooting for Italy. None of us will ever forget that you named your Olympic Hockey Rink, Torino Esposizioni, after our great goalie, Tony Esposito.
That was a great and noble gesture which we all appreciated, even if you did spell his name wrong.
It forever cemented the friendship between Canada and Italy.
07-18-2006, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by skipperbob
Haven't been on much
Missed out for a couple of days. See you still haven't lost your touch! When you get time - how about a small asian girl flipping me with her feet? You know, rolling onto her back, kicking me up and over her head. I have a big hard on and maybe one of my balls got ripped off by her toes as I went up and over her. And yes, she can be naked too! View can be so you see between her legs as I flip up and over her and you can also see my crotch
You want Asians, eh. I'll give you Asians,eh.. Japanese,eh..VERY Japanese, eh!
Oh I can be cruel sometimes, eh
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too, eh!
07-19-2006, 02:47 AM
Oh no! I can't play hockey at all!
07-19-2006, 03:20 AM
Lets see,eh You broke the window with your first shot. Missed the second, barely moved it the third, missed your fourth, broke your stick on the fifth.
A hockey puck is India rubber, and is It weighs a maximum of 170 grammes, and slap-shots have been clocked at 225 km/ You calculate the Kinetic Energy) No wonder you said "Ow,(In Italian)" when I bonked you on the head with one 5
All is forgiven. Apparently it was our Embassador who started the story about the stadium being named after
Seriously. I understand that hockey is begining to take off in Italy. What did you play in Winter before? I mean team sports. I know Italians are world class skiers. You've won more Olympic Gold than we have over the years .
Caio Kemo-Sabe:bananawin
07-19-2006, 09:38 AM
A Variation, eh
07-19-2006, 12:17 PM
Some pictures from my collection, ejnoy :wooow
07-19-2006, 12:22 PM
Some pics from my colection, enj :-)
07-19-2006, 12:25 PM
... next, its from my favorites folder
07-19-2006, 01:17 PM
Working on 2, eh!
Skaters and pirates, eh!
Pam Anderson is a Snowbird 2, eh!
She was famous from the moment she was born, eh!
Anyone know why, eh?
Well I thought everyone knew that! Pam Anderson was the first baby born in Canada on July 21, 1967, which was their Centennial year. ie She was the first Canadian of the second hundred years. What an educational forum!
07-19-2006, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by skipperbob
Haven't been on much
Missed out for a couple of days. See you still haven't lost your touch! When you get time - how about a small asian girl flipping me with her feet? You know, rolling onto her back, kicking me up and over her head. I have a big hard on and maybe one of my balls got ripped off by her toes as I went up and over her. And yes, she can be naked too! View can be so you see between her legs as I flip up and over her and you can also see my crotch
You want Asians, eh. I'll give you Asians,eh.. Japanese,eh..VERY Japanese, eh!
Oh I can be cruel sometimes, eh
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too, eh!
Thanks cutponies! Your usual great job! Ok I'll bite - How are they VERY Japanese? Get ready everybody for another lesson from the master!:ibow4u:
07-19-2006, 02:09 PM
Thanks cutponies! Your usual great job! Ok I'll bite - How are they VERY Japanese? Get ready everybody for another lesson from the master!:ibow4u:
That is not Japanese sounding giibberish I typed in, eh. That's a real conversation,eh! (Well of course I speak Japanese, as of last week anyway) eh. Don't you want to know what they're saying?eh
Ciao Kemo Sabe
07-19-2006, 02:38 PM
Well I thought everyone knew that! Pam Anderson was the first baby born in Canada on July 21, 1967, which was their Centennial year. ie She was the first Canadian of the second hundred years. What an educational forum!
Except that should read July 01-probably a typo. eh ! Now a challenge for the rest of U. eh ! Find skipperbob in the pirate pictures. eh ! He's there, and there is only one possibility, eh!
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
07-19-2006, 05:05 PM
I like and play hockey and speak a little japanese as well but I am totally confused here.
Anyhow, I can't open the attachments. Anybody know why?
07-19-2006, 05:21 PM
I like and play hockey and speak a little japanese as well but I am totally confused here.
Anyhow, I can't open the attachments. Anybody know why?
You should be able to view the attachments. If not Pm Sharon.
The text in the skipperbob picture that I drew is in Japanese. Well he did ask for Orientals. I do custom 'toons for free, but I do have a little fun by teasing my "fans"
Anything you're into 'toon wise? I have finished the backlog and am free for a while. I'll do anything- busting, wrestling, boxing, **********
Ciao Kemo sabe
07-19-2006, 06:23 PM
Yes cutponies - I would be very interested in what they are saying!:jumpsmile
07-19-2006, 06:36 PM
OK - I did recognize it as Japanese, but no idea of the content. I know it will be witty and relevant!:D As far as the pirates go, I believe I am the one hanging upside down, but they all look like they are having fun!:bananad:
07-19-2006, 06:48 PM
Yes cutponies - I would be very interested in what they are saying!:jumpsmile
Skipperbob-"Thank you very much Lady Nozomi"
Ballbuster-"You're very welcome, little skipperbob" -" I did it Professor!"
Lady with Fan-"Indeed you did Miss No"
07-19-2006, 07:03 PM
OK - I did recognize it as Japanese, but no idea of the content. I know it will be witty and relevant!:D As far as the pirates go, I believe I am the one hanging upside down, but they all look like they are having fun!:bananad:
The one hanging upside down can't be you because;
(1) He's ********* and you're into ballbusting,eh
(2) He has too much hair, (sorry),eh!
The other two hanging can't be you, because, look carefully now> They're Girls, eh
You're not the masked one under the pirate queen's( red headed, purple girdle) boot, because he's different than the one in the other picture, and I said pictures (plural), eh!
You're not the beheaded one because;
(1) I wouldn't kill a good friend,eh
(2) That too is a girl, eh
You're not the one under the one eyed piratess's boot because (sorry) He's obviously a young man young, (sorry), eh
So you have to be the one being busted over the Another clue is that that piratess is a woman of colour, and you prefer non-caucasians, eh!
Ciao Kemo-Sabe
07-20-2006, 11:29 AM
Ok you got me!:) But hey, you calling me old and bald!:soomad I guess the truth hurts sometimes! Thanks again!:thumbup
07-20-2006, 09:36 PM
The woman in Post 824 is Diana Rigg* not Diana Prince**,eh
This Is Diana Prince
(as seen by Clark Kent***, now there was a real gent),eh.
Notice there is no resemblence between these pictures and my 'toon,eh!
Speaking of Clark Kent, did you see "Superman Returns"?,eh WOW!,eh
And while we're on the subject, eh. What do
Fleur de Lys
Flashback and
Have in common?, eh!. (not just comic superheroes,heroines, eh)
I won't draw any more 'toons untill someone at least tries to answer,eh
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too!, eh
*Emma Peel
** Wonder Woman
*** Superman
07-22-2006, 12:08 AM
Sorry cutponies - I'm not up on my superheroes! eh? Never heard of "Fleur de Lys" or "Flashback", I've lived a sheltered life! eh?:( I'll take a wild guess - they are all Canadian!:Baahaha: What the @#&* do I know? eh?:wooow
Hey eh? USA and Canada - finals, World Lacrosse Championships! eh?
P.S. Most of the USA team played at Syracuse, coach is from Syracuse!
Question: What great NFL players best sport was lacrosse? eh?
07-22-2006, 01:05 AM
Joe Shuster, The co-creator of Superman was Canadian, so Superman is a least partly Canadian. On the 50th anniversary of his creation both your post office and mine issued commemorative stamps, same picture. The third time we'd had done that together. The other 2 times? eh
200 birthday of Benjamin Franklin. He was once Postmaster-General of Canada. eh
100th birthday of Winnie-The-Pooh. Yes he was a real bear. And He was Canadian. His full name was Winnipeg (Smokey was also a real bear). eh
The other three are Canadian characters in the Marvel Comics universe. Our laws are such that if a publication has at least 50 % Canadian Content it gets a tax break. The comics are printed here (cheaper paper), and enough of the artists are Canadian, that if 8% of the characters are Canadian it qualifies for the break. So who did they get to portray Wolverine in the movies? Hugh Jackman, an Australian ARGHHHH! eh
Hand cranked Ghetto Blasters (I'm not joking), Spacesuits, Telephones, Insulin, Zippers, Pablum, Radio (Marconi could only dot-dot-dash, Fesenden could "Good mawning America"), Electric light bulb (but Edison's was better and cheaper), Chocolate bars, This (the internet), and Televison are all Canadian inventions eh. What would life be without them?
So I'm now open for requests again, fans, eh!
:bananad: :bananajum
Thanks to skipperbob :ibow4u:, eh
07-22-2006, 01:23 AM
Question: What great NFL players best sport was lacrosse? eh?
I do know that Jim Brown played lacrosse in the football off-season to stay in shape, and 'tho an amateur he was devastating. I know, I saw him play once. eh (and this was after he retired as a football-player). It was an exhibition game he played for a children's charity while he was up here being filmed for some location scenes for "Ice Station Zebra" (Geeze that Dates me, eh. Did I ever tell you I had a pet named Rex;- T. rex? eh)
Is he the one you were thinking of? eh
Never saw him play football, tho', eh
as for Ben Franklin -typo -200 should read 300
07-22-2006, 02:24 AM
Hand cranked Ghetto Blasters (I'm not joking), Spacesuits, Telephones, Insulin, Zippers, Pablum, Radio (Marconi could only dot-dot-dash, Fesenden could "Good mawning America"), Electric light bulb (but Edison's was better and cheaper), Chocolate bars, This (the internet), and Televison are all Canadian inventions eh. What would life be without them?
Marconi? While this is excessively off-topic, TESLA invented radio. Thanks to Serbia for Tesla, and you do him much wrong by implying that Marconi had anything to do with it.
As to Canadian superheroes, how well did Alpha Flight ever do there? It just never got much of a readership here... Think Vindicator might make a good ballbreaker? I just can't see Snobird as being into BB... Then there is Aurora... Yeah, she might, but, yanno, wouldn't you rather see Vindicator busting balls than Aurora?
Oh, with regards to radio -- what are you saying, was Armstrong Canadian?
07-22-2006, 03:37 AM
Marconi? While this is excessively off-topic, TESLA invented radio. Thanks to Serbia for Tesla, and you do him much wrong by implying that Marconi had anything to do with it.
As to Canadian superheroes, how well did Alpha Flight ever do there? It just never got much of a readership here... Think Vindicator might make a good ballbreaker? I just can't see Snobird as being into BB... Then there is Aurora... Yeah, she might, but, yanno, wouldn't you rather see Vindicator busting balls than Aurora?
Oh, with regards to radio -- what are you saying, was Armstrong Canadian?
Yes Tesla developed the theoretical basis for Radio transmission, (indeed much more in the field of electromagnetism, some 700 patents) and was completing an actual receiver/transmitter, far superior to Marconi's( Tesla's was tuneable, Marconi's wasn't) when Marconi made his famous signal from Ireland to Newfoundland. Grey and Edison had more advanced designs for telephones and were working on workable devices when Bell made his famous "Mr. Watson, come here , I want you" call,. Stupidly Grey fought Bell in court and inevitably lost, wereas Edison sold Bell his designs, which he incorported into the first production models. Marconi was also a superb salesman and marketer, wereas Tesla was something of an introvert.
It's a question of who crossed the finish line first, not who had the better idea. Such is life!
Reginald Fessenden ( typo in previous) was the first to transmit a voice wirelessly, and incredibly while a special transmitter was needed, anyone with a tuneable morse wireless receiver could receive his signals.
Trivia- Marconi's research and development was very expenisive, needing corporate or government sponsorship. The Italian government wasn't interested, but the Irish government was. Along with the Irish Distiller "Jameson" they financed almost all his work.
How did he manage that coup?
He went to the sole owner of Jameson's Irish Whisky, one Anna, and said"
" I need 100,000,000 lire, Mom"
Doo-loo-too-too-doo-loo-too-too! eh
I always thought Telsa was Hungarian, but you're right.
And considering the various subjects we've covered here, I don't think one CAN get off-topic, eh
Alpha flight bombed. I'm really more into removing than busting, but, my choice would be Aurora among those you listed. Diana Prince would be first among the comic heroines, and Cher my first among real!
07-22-2006, 06:00 AM
Well, I went to the trouble of learning Italian for Sylvia, eh. No point in wasting all that work, eh
Note skipperbob guest stars, eh
07-22-2006, 08:45 AM
Thanks cutponies! I wondered why I woke up today with sore nuts!:D
You were right about Jim Brown. Now I will date myself - I saw him play at Syracuse - like a man among boys!:ibow4u: I was such a fan that I would root for him wherever he went in the NFL - thus I am a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan! Greatest running back in NFL history!:thumbup eh?
Sorry, off topic! Bad skipperbob:soomad Have some more ideas for nice pics!
07-22-2006, 11:28 AM
Well, I went to the trouble of learning Italian for Sylvia, eh. No point in wasting all that work, eh
Note skipperbob guest stars, eh
i'm again with you!
i love this pice
07-22-2006, 03:28 PM
i'm again with you!
i love this pice
Yes, and only You, Fittizzioh, and Myself know what they're saying , eh!
How's my Italian?
Not bad for a guy who couldn't even spell Ciao 2 weeks ago, eh
Could the Pirate Queen, the one with the boy under her boot, be your older sister? I do detect a family resemblence. eh
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
07-22-2006, 04:04 PM
Sorry, off topic! Bad skipperbob Have some more ideas for nice pics!
Does that mean that I (meaniing you ) have some ideas, or does it mean do you (meaning I) have any ideas?
doo- ah hell my fingers are worn out see previous post. I need a smiley for doo-loo etc, and one for Mwhoo-etc, eh.
:bananawin (notice no Ciao Kemo-Sabes, like I said my fingers are worn out) eh!
Oh, while we're on the subject- Silvia Lati, as seen By Clark Kent, eh!
07-22-2006, 04:11 PM
This is something I came across today while looking for something else. I thought it was a fantastic image, especially the way the main girl is looking straight at the viewer, sharing her enjoyment. (
David B.
07-22-2006, 04:58 PM
Oh go on then :D
07-22-2006, 05:00 PM
One more turn....
07-22-2006, 08:16 PM
Yes, and only You, Fittizzioh, and Myself know what they're saying , eh!
How's my Italian?
Not bad for a guy who couldn't even spell Ciao 2 weeks ago, eh
Could the Pirate Queen, the one with the boy under her boot, be your older sister? I do detect a family resemblence. eh
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
No, she's my aunt.
07-22-2006, 08:17 PM
Does that mean that I (meaniing you ) have some ideas, or does it mean do you (meaning I) have any ideas?
doo- ah hell my fingers are worn out see previous post. I need a smiley for doo-loo etc, and one for Mwhoo-etc, eh.
:bananawin (notice no Ciao Kemo-Sabes, like I said my fingers are worn out) eh!
Oh, while we're on the subject- Silvia Lati, as seen By Clark Kent, eh!
Who's Clark Kent?
07-22-2006, 10:34 PM
No, she's my aunt.
I want to meet your aunt, eh!
Who's Clark Kent?
I'm sure you know the mild mannered reporter who turns into Superman, eh. He must have a different name in Italian, eh! Come to think of it, Superman may have a different name in Italian, in which case I've lost you, eh:o
Superman is the orphan of Krypton (??? maybe that has a different name in Italian, eh):confused:
Uh, he has red boots and blue,red & yellow costume (that won't work either, she might think I'm describing Wonder Woman):wooow
Ah, I'll just draw him. Hmm boring. I'll draw you as Superwoman( Supergirl's costume is a drag). Hmm, eh. Still not erotic enough, eh
Behold Silvia Lati as Superwoman, as seen by Superman's X-ray eyes!
07-24-2006, 12:17 AM
15-10! (EH!)
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
:bananajum :bananad: :bananajum :bananad: :bananajum :bananad: :bananajum :bananad:
15-10! (EH!)
15-10! (EH!)
07-24-2006, 01:12 AM
Hand cranked Ghetto Blasters (I'm not joking), Spacesuits, Telephones, Insulin, Zippers, Pablum, Radio (Marconi could only dot-dot-dash, Fesenden could "Good mawning America"), Electric light bulb (but Edison's was better and cheaper), Chocolate bars, This (the internet), and Televison are all Canadian inventions eh. What would life be without them?
I'm not sure ANY of those things were actually invented by canadians. And I'm quite positive that most of them weren't.
07-24-2006, 01:28 AM
Thanks cutponies! I wondered why I woke up today with sore nuts!:D
You were right about Jim Brown. Now I will date myself - I saw him play at Syracuse - like a man among boys!:ibow4u: I was such a fan that I would root for him wherever he went in the NFL - thus I am a lifelong Cleveland Browns fan! Greatest running back in NFL history!:thumbup eh?
Sorry, off topic! Bad skipperbob:soomad Have some more ideas for nice pics!
He must just look at the pictures without reading the text. Either that or he's illiterate, eh!
(Pork fried rice, Dear?)
(He descibes himself as a gray old man)
07-24-2006, 02:16 AM
I'm not sure ANY of those things were actually invented by canadians. And I'm quite positive that most of them weren't.
Hand cranked Ghetto Blasters (I'm not joking), Spacesuits, Telephones, Insulin, Zippers, Pablum, Radio (Marconi could only dot-dot-dash, Fesenden could "Good mawning America"), Electric light bulb (but Edison's was better and cheaper), Chocolate bars, This (the internet), and Televison are all Canadian inventions eh. What would life be without them?
Below are the invention, inventor,year patented, and city in which the patent was filed
Hand Cranked Ghetto Blaster -(to recharge the batteries) Edward Rollers 1925
Spacesuit-W.F. Franks and Frederick Banting 1940 (Ottawa)
Telephone- Alexander Graham Bell 1874 (Galt)
Insulin- Frederick Banting, Charles Best and William Collip 1921 (Toronto
Zipper- Gideon Sunback 1913 (Montreal)
Pablum- Brown Tisdall & Drake 1936 (Toronto)
Radio- (A.M. Voice) Reginald Fessenden 1903 (Toronto)
Electric Light Bulb- Henry Woodward 1874 (Ottawa)
Chocolate Bars- Cadbury Canada 1849 (not patentable)
Internet- Marshall McLuhan 1965 (idea not patentable)
Television- F. Henroteau 1934 (Regina)
And not to mention-Acetylene torch, Acrylics,Aircraft Carrier-Destroyer, Electron microscope, Frozen foods, Hydrofoil, Instant mashed potatoes, Paint Rollers, Robertson screw (and the fact that we use it and you use Phillip's and slot screws accounts for our 4% greater average worker productivity) and Variable Depth Sonar
We also discovered The Heaviest Star (Palskett), The latest Supernova(Shelton), The critical mass of Plutonium 240 and Uranium 238 ( Louis Slotin ka-boom), and the Comet which clobbered Jupiter a while back (Levy)
Chapter and Verse
Not to mention the four most popular sports in USA
Football, Basketball, Baseball (Doubleday just codified the rules), and Hockey
07-24-2006, 03:26 AM
In case anyone is hesitant about asking me for a custom job, because they think it might be too much work.. I have thousands of cliparts of body's curves etc. that I've made through the years. I mostly cut and paste and modify accordingly.
See how a few strokes completely changes the expression of the girl.
07-24-2006, 03:42 AM
Wow that piratesses picture was really nice cutponies! Better don't mess with piratesses!
I also love your drawing style... this last lesson about facial expressions is really good!
07-24-2006, 08:52 AM
15-10! (EH!)
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
Mhwooo-hahaha-haaaa!, eh!
:bananajum :bananad: :bananajum :bananad: :bananajum :bananad: :bananajum :bananad:
15-10! (EH!)
15-10! (EH!)
:cussing: I can't believe it! Home field advantage!:soomad The Gates brothers played at Syracuse and they do this?:cryingblu Oh well, once every thirty years or so isn't too bad I guess.:wooow How about some beautiful, barefoot Indian maidens playing lacrosse with some "balls" as their former owners watch helplessly?:bananajum
And enough cracks about what a rotten sailor I am!:cussing: I'll have you know that I have a canoe and have managed to stay afloat for decades!:thumbup
07-24-2006, 09:40 AM
And enough cracks about what a rotten sailor I am!:cussing: I'll have you know that I have a canoe and have managed to stay afloat for decades!:thumbup
Uh skipper. I think you're missing the point. Did you actually read what the piratesses are saying in post 926? Can you read it?
I'm not sure ANY of those things were actually invented by canadians. And I'm quite positive that most of them weren't
Lacrosse,Tobogans,Maple Sugar,Commercial Jet,Canadarm,CanDu,SNAP generator,Stainless Steel,Java (the script support, not the drink),Dry Ginger Ale (Canada Dry),Canadian Bacon (why do you think it's called that). Aircraft aerlions, Creeping Barrage,Bear Trap (the one that captures Helicopters, not bears), Titanic (the movie, not the ship), Heavy Metal (the movie, not the music), Celine Dion, ....
07-24-2006, 11:30 AM
OK I admit it - I can't read what they are saying!:( Please fill me in so I appreciate it more!:bananajum
07-24-2006, 02:04 PM
OK I admit it - I can't read what they are saying!:( Please fill me in so I appreciate it more!:bananajum
Shah-na-na-na, na-na-na-aha, hey-eh, good-bye, eh
07-24-2006, 07:55 PM
:cussing: I can't believe it! Home field advantage!:soomad The Gates brothers played at Syracuse and they do this?:cryingblu Oh well, once every thirty years or so isn't too bad I guess.:wooow How about some beautiful, barefoot Indian maidens playing lacrosse with some "balls" as their former owners watch helplessly?:bananajum
And enough cracks about what a rotten sailor I am!:cussing: I'll have you know that I have a canoe and have managed to stay afloat for decades!:thumbup
You want me to draw 3 lovely squaws playing lacrosse Bare FOOT?
Just Bare FOOT?
O.K. One barefoot, the rest bare ALL !
Some facts about lacrosse
Lacrosse's Mohawk name is Tewaarathon, Which means little brother to war. Women didn't play.
It was originally played on a field one square kilometer, and a game lasted 2 days.
All the tribe's Women were entitled to beat the losers
My picture is not all that ridiculous. In the Iroqouis tribe, if they lost, then the team was lined up. The single women, starting with the youngest, selected the men one at a time, and personally ********* them. The eunuch then became the girl's personal slave!. Needless to say, the Iroqouis didn't lose very often.
One nation had a variation of the game. It was unique in team sports in that one scored on one's own goal. The idea was to pass to the goalie from beyond the crease, about 15 meters. If the goalie caught it the team scored!
Ciao Kemo Sabes:bananawin
PS find skipperbob in the picture !
07-24-2006, 10:47 PM
That is just beautiful! What a work of art! And thanks for the barefoot princess!:iluvu: Hmmm:confused: what other sports can we come up with for our talented friend?:jumpsmile
07-24-2006, 11:55 PM
That is just beautiful! What a work of art! And thanks for the barefoot princess!:iluvu: Hmmm:confused: what other sports can we come up with for our talented friend?:jumpsmile
Well, we've already done Wrestling, Skating, Football, Boxing and Karate, and now Lacrosse!, eh
1) 5 Erect penises- As bowling pins, eh
2) Ring toss. Red hot rings. Target;- men with erections, eh
3) Bumper cars with nude men as bumpers, eh
4) Pin the tail on donkey, eh
Any of you you have ideas?, eh?
Ciao Kemo Sabes
07-25-2006, 12:18 AM
In case you've forgotten that the world is round
The first picture is for curious only.
You can't look at it
You won't be able to see it on your monitor correctley. Curious is in Australia, you see, which is in the Southern Hemisphere. That means he's upside down relative to us. Well a digital image isn't like a paper print he can turn over. He'd either have to manipulate it in a graphics arts program ( and I don't know if he has one ), stand on his head, or turn his monitor over. I've saved him the trouble and reversed it for him.
Wait a minute. I did rotate his image 180, and not flip it? :cryingblu Otherwise he'd need a mirror to read the text.
Yup, whew, dodged a bullet there! :bananawin
07-25-2006, 03:30 AM
Thanks mate.
07-25-2006, 06:12 AM
I think that ballbusting fights, in every day situations would be good for tyhe cartoon section. In a supermarket or at the gas station or agang of girls picking on a large strong male behind the football stand.
07-25-2006, 04:04 PM
How about western style punishment of cattle rustlers?
07-25-2006, 04:28 PM
How about western style punishment of cattle rustlers?
Like This?
07-25-2006, 05:14 PM
I think that ballbusting fights, in every day situations would be good for tyhe cartoon section. In a supermarket or at the gas station or agang of girls picking on a large strong male behind the football stand.
AHA! Supermarket in a Nudist Colony, eh!
Make a Lady miss her beauty-parlour appoitment by doing this and see what happens to you, eh!
That is all.
07-26-2006, 01:47 AM
Good point. In the future, I'll try to just worry that you are off-topic, sir.
Several of those inventions were derived directly from or led directly to other inventions by Tesla -- many of which were trademarked in Canada, but he's still Serbian-born and United Statesian-citizenified.
And while I'm harping on the subject of Tesla, which I do when I've had one too many of whatever it is I have, let's remember that the world's only working broadcast power system was built by Tesla in Canada -- but he's still a Serb with US citizenship, eh?
07-26-2006, 11:08 AM
Good point. In the future, I'll try to just worry that you are off-topic, sir.
Several of those inventions were derived directly from or led directly to other inventions by Tesla -- many of which were trademarked in Canada, but he's still Serbian-born and United Statesian-citizenified.
And while I'm harping on the subject of Tesla, which I do when I've had one too many of whatever it is I have, let's remember that the world's only working broadcast power system was built by Tesla in Canada -- but he's still a Serb with US citizenship, eh?
Tesla was to Electronics as Einstein was to Theoretical Physics, or Pasteur was to Medicine. He designed our great Niagara Falls Generating Plant. He spent a lot of time working for the Ontario Government, as we set up the world's first modern power grid.
Lemme guess, you're Serbian blood?
What are huevos?
07-26-2006, 04:32 PM
Happy Birthday Silvia, eh!
(I see that your Aunt was a Castratrix even then.)
07-26-2006, 05:36 PM
She visited me in Northern Ontario, Canada, eh!
We went skinny-dipping, eh!
She saw something that frightened her (no not THAT), eh!
07-27-2006, 01:41 AM
For a little bit more revenge for being busted, *********, etc. eh!
:( :cryingblu :D :jumpsmile
07-27-2006, 05:06 AM
Cutponies how about doing a translated version of you Birthday dedication pict to Silvia, please?
07-27-2006, 03:18 PM
Cutponies how about doing a translated version of you Birthday dedication pict to Silvia, please?
iH3 iON
(see post 822)
07-27-2006, 05:31 PM
How about curvy temptresses from our past? such as Bettie Page, Betty and Veronica, Wonder Woman, to name a few. Im all about curvy fifties pinups...tho pretty much any woman with a sharp object in her hands is enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
07-27-2006, 05:54 PM
cutponies, this may seem like an abstract question, but why do all of your cartoons have a blue background?
07-27-2006, 07:49 PM
How about curvy temptresses from our past? such as Bettie Page, Betty and Veronica, Wonder Woman, to name a few. Im all about curvy fifties pinups...tho pretty much any woman with a sharp object in her hands is enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Betty Page, absolutely. eh
Diana Price (Wonder Woman) of course. definitely! eh
Who are Betty and Veronica?eh?
The thing that I never liked about the way that Wonder Woman was portrayed in the Comics, was that she was to, well, Caucasian! She's
an Amazon, from South America, runs around half naked in the jungle. eh. I've made her with a more reasonable complexion in my '
A few years before Lynda Carter (be still my heart) Cathy-Lee Crosby portrayed her in a T.V. movie. A Blonde Wonder-Woman? ARGHHHHHH!!!! Eh!
07-27-2006, 08:13 PM
cutponies, this may seem like an abstract question, but why do all of your cartoons have a blue background?
And you're not the first to ask. See my post 738, page 50. in this thread.
So what would you like in a 'toon?
07-28-2006, 12:29 AM
How about curvy temptresses from our past? such as Bettie Page, Betty and Veronica, Wonder Woman, to name a few. Im all about curvy fifties pinups...tho pretty much any woman with a sharp object in her hands is enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
Now this man has taste!
Betty Page had the finest figure of all time! Believe it or not, It's been proven scientifically!
Nobody, but No-body ever looked as good in evening wear as Faith Domergue!
And as for Exotic Beauty, Sophia Loren* was in a league of her own, still unmatched, although I must admit that Angelina Jolie comes pretty close.
So behold me being punished by three of the greatest off all time
* Tho to Fittizzioh she's the quintessential girl-next-door
07-28-2006, 02:07 AM
cutponies :autogun
it's not my birthday! :soomad
OK its a sculpture not a cartoon but I guess there arent to many of them so Ill post it here.
07-28-2006, 02:37 AM
Lemme guess, you're Serbian blood?
What are huevos?
a) Close; I'm Native American. My tribe is Canadian Indian, but if I ask relatives, they all give different specifics; I think they mean, "After Great White Man came here, we ran so fast that we forgot where we came from."
b) "Huevos" is Spanish for "eggs". Id you visit Mexico, don't ask any Kimo if he has eggs.
07-28-2006, 03:00 AM
cutponies :autogun
it's not my birthday! :soomad
Oops!, eh:(
07-28-2006, 03:16 AM
Oops!, eh:(
so it's better :cussing:
07-28-2006, 03:22 AM
It was my cousin's birthday. Got them crossed, eh
07-28-2006, 04:21 PM
Betty and Veronica are two girls from the pages of Archie comics...Im enjoying your artwork, not just because of the content, but also because of the work itself! You almost have a Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko approach to shading, and I love that the anatomy is realistic and not out of proportion. And that Bettie Page, wow. Who is Miss Domergue? Not Familiar with her.
07-28-2006, 09:26 PM
Betty and Veronica are two girls from the pages of Archie comics...Im enjoying your artwork, not just because of the content, but also because of the work itself! You almost have a Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko approach to shading, and I love that the anatomy is realistic and not out of proportion. And that Bettie Page, wow. Who is Miss Domergue? Not Familiar with her.
Betty and Veronica, Archie, no wonder I forgot who they were. That was a long time ago.
Yes I prefer a more realistic approach, but my girls are still anatomically impossible (anti-Neutonic Breasts (gravity defying)) etc.
A few years ago Scientific-American sponsored a study. 10,000 Men were shown a nude body, no head, realistic proportions, but cartoon coloured, on a computer. They were shown how to manipulate that image, and were told to change it into their ideal "dream girl". If the curves matched to within 2% of a woman in the database it was called that model/actress etc. Betty Page won,followed by Sophia Loren, Raquel Welch,Barbara Parkins, Brigitte Bardot, and Diana Dors. This experiment was performed before Pam Anderson and Angelina Jolie arrived on the scene. Note two of them, Parkins and Dors were not top stars, and the absence of Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield (Jayne was in the top 20, Marilyn wasn't even in the top 100!!!!)
Faith Domergue was a Dark Haired Doe-Eyed Sultry Beauty when every other star was blonde!!! (50's-60's)Never a top Star, she specialized in Sci-Fi and Westerns. As I mentioned, She was devastating in Formal Wear,(see pixs below and try to disagree) and her agent contracted that she must appear as such in every movie she was in. That stipulation cost her the role of Luana in 1mBC (and made a Star of Raquel) She's best known for the classic "This Island Earth". Kelli Garner portrayed her in "The Aviator"
Thank you for your compliments about my art. Yes I'm very proud of my shading!
07-28-2006, 10:29 PM
I love them all!
Well done, the artists!:bananajum
07-28-2006, 10:46 PM
Betty and Veronica are two girls from the pages of Archie comics...Im enjoying your artwork, not just because of the content, but also because of the work itself! You almost have a Jack Kirby/Steve Ditko approach to shading, and I love that the anatomy is realistic and not out of proportion. And that Bettie Page, wow. Who is Miss Domergue? Not Familiar with her.
When she was every Man/Boys wet dream in the late 40's to late 50's she was Betty Page. We Patriarchs (Sounds better than Old Guys) remember her as such. When Dave Stevens painted her as a character in the rocketeer in 1982, and started that unprecedented revival, He spelled her name Bettie Paige, and later Bettie Page, as do you.
Hence I deduce from the evidence that you are a Neotonyte (Sounds better than Kid)
I like tying her up. She liked to be tied uo. There was a Lesbo-Bondage tilt to some of her early work. As you can see in the third pic. It's the queen she should fear, not me. I've been rendered, uh, incapable!
07-28-2006, 10:50 PM
I love them all!
Well done, the artists!:bananajum
So what would you like to see, bug bunny? You will have noticed that I do requests
07-29-2006, 01:34 AM
Q- If you have a moth-ball in your right hand and a moth-ball in your left hand, what do you have?, eh?
A-iH3' sllbq sIy hq yIow bIq I
07-29-2006, 02:13 AM
I love them all!
Well done, the artists!:bananajum
ARTISTS? EH?:soomad
07-29-2006, 06:08 AM
ARTISTS? EH?:soomad
i took it and i'm ready!
07-29-2006, 08:24 AM
The pic in post #980 is awesome :thumbup
07-29-2006, 08:44 AM
The pic in post #980 is awesome :thumbupYes! Its brilliant :thumbup
Thanks Cutponies :ibow4u:
07-29-2006, 10:30 AM
i took it and i'm ready!
To think,eh, Someone else posing as an Artist, eh
07-29-2006, 11:18 AM
To think,eh, Someone else posing as an Artist, eh
exactly, it's me
07-29-2006, 11:56 AM
exactly, it's me
As long as it wasn't another MAN!
Of course I haven't been a man since I saw Silvia's neice naked! I work in a Harem now thanks to her!
07-29-2006, 01:41 PM
According to Tom Burnam's Dictionary of Misinformation, a common misconception about eunuchs is that, since they were *********, they were either unable or unwanting to defile or perform sexual intercourse with the women in the harem they were employed to watch over. This was not always true, however. Though they would be expected to have a lower sex drive, eunuchs could often achieve an erection and engage in coitus, though no pregnancy could result. According to Burnham, some women preferred eunuchs as lovers since they never ejaculated and could, therefore, maintain erections longer.
So, just to be on the safe side!
And since curious is into Black Castratixes the first one is for him, eh
(See Post 822 eh!)
07-29-2006, 04:47 PM
How about western style punishment of cattle rustlers?
After all this is a Femdom forum. eh! You're aware of the legend regarding hanged men? eh! So they have to be naked so we can see whether or not it's! And the executioners? Well if the victims are naked, It's only right that the cowgirls be nude too. Eh! . But if they're naked, how can we tell that they're cowgirls?eh! Of course we can tell that they're girls! eh! Didn't Mommy or Daddy tell you about the birds and the bees?
07-29-2006, 05:29 PM
some women preferred eunuchs as lovers since they never ejaculated and could, therefore, maintain erections longer.
i'm one of these girls
07-29-2006, 06:16 PM
i'm one of these girls
In ancient Rome the matrons didn't have a slaveboy ********* intill he grew pubic hair. Many of them did the surgery themselves or assisted the surgeon by holding the penis up out of harms way. If not it was expected that at least they be present as the boy became a eunuch. Sivia's aunt held my penis as She ********* me!
Of course Silvia is a Roman!
(Doesn't her Aunt have a Lovely Mediteranean complexion, I wonder if the Latiss are relatated to the Scicolones
Oh who are the Scicolones? eh?. Their most famous daughter, Sophia, changed her name to Loren, eh!
And Silvia and I will emasculate the first wag who says "Who's Loren Scicolones?" eh!
07-29-2006, 10:10 PM
Very good Cutponies. I like the art work you share
07-30-2006, 03:45 AM
Hey cutponies I recently obtained a special graphics program the enable me to veiw pictures from the Northern Hemishpere properly so there is no need post upside down pictures for me, Cheers!
07-30-2006, 11:27 AM
Hey cutponies I recently obtained a special graphics program the enable me to veiw pictures from the Northern Hemishpere properly so there is no need post upside down pictures for me, Cheers!
Just for that, I'll do another Black Bitch ********** a man, just for you. Please give me a scenario (Domme party, harem duties, revenge, etc)
Ciao Kemo Sabe:bananawin
07-31-2006, 04:34 PM
Wow, imagine that...youve already bbeen ********* and sent to the harem, the girls love that youve been fixed so you have a new life that isnt so bad. Then they cut off your penis!! nice. How about a female doctor and a nurse explaining to a guy that hes going to be *********?
I guess you could say Im a kid..but that depends greatly on the age of others. Domergue? Ruth from This Island Earth? I did not know that. I have more of a crush on(I think her name is Luna) the daughter from Forbidden Planet. If it were say around 1996 and they were going to do a movie on Ms Page, who would be better, Jennifer Connelly or Angelina Jolie? Im afraid that now, both being mothers, it just isnt the same anymore. Ever hear of Fairuza Baulk? and theres another girl I cant think of the name of right now, but the two of them are trying to bring back the pin up/vamp look. And Im digging it.
07-31-2006, 09:50 PM
Wow, imagine that...youve already bbeen ********* and sent to the harem, the girls love that youve been fixed so you have a new life that isnt so bad. Then they cut off your penis!! nice. How about a female doctor and a nurse explaining to a guy that hes going to be *********?
There is no point turning a boy into a harem-eunuch unless you do a thorough job! When Silvia cut my penis off it ended my games with the harem-girls, eh.
I guess you could say Im a kid..but that depends greatly on the age of others.
Anybody 35 or under is a Kid, eh.
Domergue? Ruth from This Island Earth? I did not know that.
Yes and she was sexier in her evening dress in the dinner scene than most women are naked. If you have the movie on VHS or DVD, freeze frame on the hyperbaric chamber scene. She's seen nude for ONE whole frame.
I have more of a crush on(I think her name is Luna) the daughter from Forbidden Planet.
Altaira, not Luna. Played by Anne Francis. With one of the immortal lines of cinema "What's a bathing suit?" eh.
If it were say around 1996 and they were going to do a movie on Ms Page, who would be better, Jennifer Connelly or Angelina Jolie? Im afraid that now, both being mothers, it just isnt the same anymore.
Neither, both are too exotic looking. Betty Page was the "Girl next Door" type. Fast forward to 2006, Aug. "The Notorious Bettie Page" just premiered at selected theatres. Gretchen Mol stars. Yes, they spell it the way you do. More people are familiar with her as the cartoon character. Did you like my bondage Bettie Pages? eh
Ever hear of Fairuza Baulk? and theres another girl I cant think of the name of right now, but the two of them are trying to bring back the pin up/vamp look. And Im digging it.
Of course "The Craft", as for the other, there are several, eh. Avril Lapigne? Yes the girls of the pinup heyday were definiteley more curvaceous than most of today's stars, eh.
08-01-2006, 05:32 PM
I cant think of the other girls name but its definitely not avril levigne. she used to be in a show with fred savage in the mid 90s and she did a low budget picture in the future with dennis hopper about space truckers. which i primarily watched for her, then i found out the pirates in the movie have a habit of taking the crew of the trucks they hijack and mailing the cocks back to the family:) I like all aspects of betty page i just like her character of Bettie the best. Last I heard she had retired to florida and didnt know how many people have been worshipping her these last 30 or so years. The only copy of this island earth i have is the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, I wonder if that frame is still in there. The scene in the chamber is still in the movie but i wonder if they edited out that frame.
08-01-2006, 05:56 PM
I cant think of the other girls name but its definitely not avril levigne. she used to be in a show with fred savage in the mid 90s and she did a low budget picture in the future with dennis hopper about space truckers. which i primarily watched for her, then i found out the pirates in the movie have a habit of taking the crew of the trucks they hijack and mailing the cocks back to the family:)
Debbie Mazar, of course!
I like all aspects of betty page i just like her character of Bettie the best. Last I heard she had retired to florida and didnt know how many people have been worshipping her these last 30 or so years.
And not worried that she hadn't reiceved any royalties. Did you know that she had worked as an English teach? Has an M.A
The only copy of this island earth I have is the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version, I wonder if that frame is still in there. The scene in the chamber is still in the movie but I wonder if they edited out that frame.
Walk through frame by frame as you start to see the X-ray effect
08-01-2006, 06:28 PM
Of course! man thats been bugging me for awhile now. well...i cant wait for your next round of pics. i wish i could give you an idea right now, but i cant think of something off the top of my head.
08-01-2006, 07:29 PM
Debbie Mazar!!
Of course! man thats been bugging me for awhile now. well...i cant wait for your next round of pics. i wish i could give you an idea right now, but i cant think of something off the top of my head.
Betty Page being executed by a eunuch?
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