View Full Version : Ballbusting Cartoons
12-18-2006, 07:36 AM
i like cartoon
my Favorite pics:
12-18-2006, 07:48 AM
Self- Explanatory
12-18-2006, 09:33 AM
Я когда регился вобще думал что никого из России здесь нет! :-)
Есть, мы везде есть! Вот только по русски тут писать рисковано. Меня уже раз выкидывали на пару месяцев...
12-18-2006, 11:26 AM
Я когда регился вобще думал что никого из России здесь нет! :-)
Есть, мы везде есть! Вот только по русски тут писать рисковано. Меня уже раз выкидывали на пару месяцев...
Uh, run that by me again. My Russian isn't as good as I thought. I don't undertand русски and рисковано.
I think you said ."We're all here. Here on ? to write ?. I've been away a couple of months"
12-19-2006, 03:06 AM
It is a common misconception that harem eunuchs were *********
12-19-2006, 05:34 AM
Uh, run that by me again. My Russian isn't as good as I thought. I don't undertand русски and рисковано.
I think you said ."We're all here. Here on ? to write ?. I've been away a couple of months"
I got: "We're all here. Here on ? to write in Russian. I've been away a couple of months"
12-19-2006, 05:49 AM
Почему здесь так много рисунков о кастрации , а не о bb???
Why there are co many pic about **********???
12-19-2006, 06:47 AM
Почему здесь так много рисунков о кастрации , а не о bb???
Why there are co many pic about **********???
Я - главный художник здесь, и я люблю красить голых женщин, кастрирующих мальчиков и мужчин (и меня). таким образом там! Nyaa! Это означает, я делаю забавный шум в Вас. Я не знаю российское слово.:wooow да!
Because I'm the major artist here, and I like to draw pictures of naked woman ********** men and boys (and me). So there . Nyaa! (That means I make a funny sound at you. I don't know the Russian word for it):rolleyes: eh!
12-19-2006, 06:51 AM
I got: "We're all here. Here on ? to write in Russian. I've been away a couple of months"
I though Russian was "Русский язык". Live and learn.
12-19-2006, 11:25 AM
It is a common misconception that harem eunuchs were *********
i like this picture... :-)
12-19-2006, 12:13 PM
I though Russian was "Русский язык". Live and learn.
That's "Russian Language". "по русски" is "in Russian". I'm not sure whether or not you can use "русски" by itself to just mean "Russian" (as in the noun for the language). I've always seen "по русски".
That said, that's most of what I remember from my high school Russian class. You guys are way better at this than I am.
12-19-2006, 01:45 PM
That's "Russian Language". "по русски" is "in Russian". I'm not sure whether or not you can use "русски" by itself to just mean "Russian" (as in the noun for the language). I've always seen "по русски".
That said, that's most of what I remember from my high school Russian class. You guys are way better at this than I am.
Ah yes. It's easy to forget that foreign languages not only have different words, but a different syntax.
To quote Nigel Hawthorne (as Dr. Baronovich in "Firefox") "You must think in Russian"
To Quote Celine Dion* "It's All Coming Back to Me Now"
*Celine Dion est la grande contribution de Canada pour les chansons. Elle est la chanteusse DU PLUS de réussi dans l'histoire. Son plus grand succès s'a vendu mieux que toute production de Michael Jackson de 1990 au maintenant.
i like this picture... :-)
I thought that she would. Here are two more on a similiar theme
P.S. The pun in 1497 is an original by me
12-19-2006, 06:45 PM
i like cartoon
my Favorite pics:
I like the last one, got any more like that??
Thanks for sharing.:thumbup
12-19-2006, 07:36 PM
Hey Cutponies!
If you get any spare time on your hands maybe you would like to illustrate some passages from this story:
Hope its not too much to ask.
Thanks. Cheers!
12-20-2006, 03:10 AM
I like the last one, got any more like that??
Thanks for sharing.:thumbup
If he doesn't, I do.
Request for Cutponies
Hey Cutponies!
If you get any spare time on your hands maybe you would like to illustrate some passages from this story:
Hope its not too much to ask.
Thanks. Cheers!
Sure. Pick three scenes (maybe cut and paste from the story itself), and I'll do a 'toon' of them.
12-20-2006, 11:27 AM
I mean four eunuchs just to bring her breakfast in bed, eh!
12-21-2006, 12:49 AM
I though Russian was "Русский язык". Live and learn.
That's set by context and by the choice of words of the speaker, There is, in another context, "po-rooski", and I bet you can think o some sentences with that.
The first time I told a Ukrainian, "I speak a little Russian", he was delighted and asked, "Really? How big was he?"
Yup. live and learn...
12-22-2006, 07:47 AM
That's set by context and by the choice of words of the speaker, There is, in another context, "po-rooski", and I bet you can think o some sentences with that.
The first time I told a Ukrainian, "I speak a little Russian", he was delighted and asked, "Really? How big was he?"
Yup. live and learn...
Both of us have to work on our bad habit of going off-topic.
Here is a pic to make up for my transgression.
12-22-2006, 02:17 PM
I'll be gone untill 2007:bananawin
(That Silvia is incorrigi- incoora- ingorr, uh, hopeless!) eh!
12-23-2006, 06:13 PM
I'll be gone untill 2007:bananawin
(That Silvia is incorrigi- incoora- ingorr, uh, hopeless!) eh!
yes...i'll never change!!! incorregibile!
12-23-2006, 06:39 PM
А есть у кого-нибудь новые картинки в стиле аниме???
Anybody have new pictures anime???
12-24-2006, 07:03 AM
Beautiful pictures! How to you my Russian?:-)
Привет Гуддмен!
12-24-2006, 07:09 AM
to cutponies
Than you draw these pictures?
12-24-2006, 08:33 PM
where are they from
This is just a test if that picture upload thingy work for me?
so here are some pictures from my archive.
12-26-2006, 01:18 AM
I registered recently. Great cartoons. Keep them coming :-)
12-26-2006, 02:14 PM
Awesome art! I will show my works soon...;)
12-27-2006, 12:45 PM
I LOVE ballbusting cartoons !
Thank you very Much !!
أنا أحب كرتون البالبستينج
ألف شكر!:ibow4u:
12-27-2006, 06:08 PM
Wow... 102 pages?!
Here are some of my favorites:
Awesome art! I will show my works soon...;)
Welcome to Femdom Anellam. I look forward to to seeing your work.
12-28-2006, 07:46 AM
Wow... 102 pages?!
Here are some of my favorites:
I like it too!!!
Wow... 102 pages?!
Here are some of my favorites:
From which page is the one with the glofplayer? ^^
12-28-2006, 11:02 AM
I'm Not 'shouting', Just Don't Want You To Miss This. If You Give Me A Scenario I'll Do A Custom Cartoon For You, No Charge. Don't Be Shy, Post A Request.
Sample (EH!)
12-28-2006, 12:37 PM
cutponies I love your cartoons, since you asked for some requests. If it is not too hard for you you could try the following cartoon:
A male has placed his testicles on a coffee table and maybe a girl is holding them in place while another on steps with all her weight on one or both balls. She could be barefoot or wear some shoes with high heels. Or maybe crush the nut with a sharp heel of her shoe.
I am really fascinated by the idea of crushing a testicle by steping on it.
It would be great if you could make a cartoon like that.
12-28-2006, 01:05 PM
Two animated gifs, two still cartoon images from the web for your viewing pleasure!
Hope you enjoy. :thumbup
12-28-2006, 01:30 PM
cutponies I love your cartoons, since you asked for some requests. If it is not too hard for you you could try the following cartoon:
A male has placed his testicles on a coffee table and maybe a girl is holding them in place while another on steps with all her weight on one or both balls. She could be barefoot or wear some shoes with high heels. Or maybe crush the nut with a sharp heel of her shoe.
I am really fascinated by the idea of crushing a testicle by steping on it.
It would be great if you could make a cartoon like that.
Any race preference, body types etc?
12-28-2006, 02:44 PM
some pics from Babuncka collection
12-30-2006, 04:01 AM
cutponies a latino girl with big breasts and nice strong long legs would be nice.
12-30-2006, 07:31 AM
There might be links to these, but I think they're worth posting.
great pics
12-31-2006, 12:04 PM
cutponies a latino girl with big breasts and nice strong long legs would be nice..
Still busy with family visits. Mid week.
Hi all,
The posts in CFNM ny Iron Horse and Pecs about a clothed girl busting a naked guy in a fight, with other girls watching, got me thinking. So heres a quick sketch to that effect, its a bit scribbly but I did do it quickly, as thanks to my workload I've not got much time.
And thanks to IH and Pecs for the inspiration.
12-31-2006, 05:51 PM
i found these pictures... :)
12-31-2006, 07:17 PM
other pics
12-31-2006, 07:18 PM
"Wow, Splendid pictures, like always.
Thank you"
12-31-2006, 11:16 PM
cutponies I love your cartoons, since you asked for some requests. If it is not too hard for you you could try the following cartoon:
A male has placed his testicles on a coffee table and maybe a girl is holding them in place while another on steps with all her weight on one or both balls. She could be barefoot or wear some shoes with high heels. Or maybe crush the nut with a sharp heel of her shoe.
I am really fascinated by the idea of crushing a testicle by steping on it.
It would be great if you could make a cartoon like that.
Ihr Bild ist meinen Freund beendet.
Just how hard did you want it stomped?
12-31-2006, 11:26 PM
Hi all,
The posts in CFNM ny Iron Horse and Pecs about a clothed girl busting a naked guy in a fight, with other girls watching, got me thinking. So heres a quick sketch to that effect, its a bit scribbly but I did do it quickly, as thanks to my workload I've not got much time.
And thanks to IH and Pecs for the inspiration.
But your pictures are so pastel they might as well be in black and white.
But your pictures are so pastel they might as well be in black and white.
And you've said you use technology to assist your artistic efforts, where as I am a real artist!
Expect to see my work in the Tate soon!
01-01-2007, 08:46 PM
And you've said you use technology to assist your artistic efforts, where as I am a real artist!
Expect to see my work in the Tate soon!
I'm a SCIENTIST, Luddite!
01-02-2007, 12:17 AM
Heya! I know you must be busy with the holiday and everything, but I had an idea that I was wondering if you could whip up for me at some point.
It's kind of an extension of that penis pump toon I asked you to do a while back. I've heard that if a guy uses one of those for a really long time on a regular basis, his penis will get really huge, but be spongy, and effectively useless...
I was wondering if maybe you could do a pic of me like that, with a big, limp, overpumped member that can't get up, and another girl making fun of it.
Pweeeeeeae? :o
Like I said, I know you're busy, so I'm not gonna be peeved if you don't do it. Just an idea I wanted to throw at you. :D
Well I liked the picture that I drew so much that I tried it in several scenarios. She'll probably kill me for this! (eh!)
01-02-2007, 06:43 AM
Well I liked the picture that I drew so much that I tried it in several scenarios. She'll probably kill me for this! (eh!)
You're a genius.
01-02-2007, 09:49 AM
Here are some pictures of my collection!
And please Stop to post pictures, where the girls are chopping penises and balls with knifes and such things off.
01-02-2007, 10:00 AM
You're a genius.
Yep, and modest too!
(Isn't anyone going to ask me what a Luddite is?)
01-02-2007, 10:09 AM
Here are some pictures of my collection!
And please Stop to post pictures, where the girls are chopping penises and balls with knifes and such things off.
Ich habe Ihre Bemerkung nicht verstanden. Auf Deutsch bitte. Danke.
(I didn't understand what you meant. In German please. Thank you)
(Not only am I a genius of an artist, but a linguist too!!)
iron horse
01-02-2007, 11:23 AM
Cutponies, shouldn't we be calling them "neo-luddites"?
01-02-2007, 03:37 PM
more pics
:o :) :thumbup :wooow
01-02-2007, 03:39 PM
Ich habe Ihre Bemerkung nicht verstanden. Auf Deutsch bitte. Danke.
(I didn't understand what you meant. In German please. Thank you)
(Not only am I a genius of an artist, but a linguist too!!)
er hat gesagt, du sollst aufhoeren bilder zu posten wo maennern schwanz und eier abgeschnitten werden.
01-02-2007, 04:21 PM
er hat gesagt, du sollst aufhoeren bilder zu posten wo maennern schwanz und eier abgeschnitten werden.
Most here like ********** pictures
Cutponies, shouldn't we be calling them "neo-luddites"?
Isn't that an Oxymoron?
By the way, here are the boxing pictures that you missed. Please let me know when you have downloaded them so that I can delete them.
I'm a SCIENTIST, Luddite!
And your a philistine! Or neo-philistine even.
But I like your work anyway.
01-03-2007, 12:05 AM
And your a philistine! Or neo-philistine even.
But I like your work anyway.
I'm not even American
01-03-2007, 07:18 PM
18 Hrs and no activity at this thread. I'd better contribute something or it might die of malnutrition, eh!
01-04-2007, 01:40 AM
18 Hrs and no activity at this thread. I'd better contribute something or it might die of malnutrition, eh!
Heheh, you know I'm always up for a pic. :Baahaha:
Keep the dream alive, mang. :D
01-04-2007, 11:41 AM
Heheh, you know I'm always up for a pic. :Baahaha:
Keep the dream alive, mang. :D
a Quickie just for you!
thanks for the pics bbwsh81...i've appreciated them very much, especially the 3rd (the jap style one) you remember where did you find that?
01-04-2007, 06:00 PM
Heheh, I look pretty badass in that one.
01-04-2007, 06:47 PM
Heheh, I look pretty badass in that one.
A front view?
01-04-2007, 08:57 PM
A front view?
Ok, I don't look as badass, but I do have huge boobs. :o
01-04-2007, 10:03 PM
Ok, I don't look as badass, but I do have huge boobs. :o
Fer cryin' out loud. Are you more proud of your tush or your boobies?
01-05-2007, 02:44 AM
Fer cryin' out loud. Are you more proud of your tush or your boobies?
You know, that's really a tough call... :D
01-05-2007, 07:42 AM
a Quickie just for you!
Is there no end to my perversions? ********** hermaphrodites, really! :thumbup
01-05-2007, 12:05 PM
Is there no end to my perversions? ********** hermaphrodites, really! :thumbup
How do you think I must feel! :Baahaha:
01-05-2007, 01:24 PM
How do you think I must feel! :Baahaha:
But you must still pass a test before Silvia will let you serve as one of her eunuchs. And if you think she was cruel to you, look what she did to me. She didn't even use a knife!! eh!
01-05-2007, 05:05 PM
The comic strip was made using Garry's mod for half life 2 the rest are just photoshop
01-05-2007, 07:44 PM
But you must still pass a test before Silvia will let you serve as one of her eunuchs. And if you think she was cruel to you, look what she did to me. She didn't even use a knife!! eh!
Well look at my avatar. What do you think I used to nullo cutponies?
01-05-2007, 08:46 PM
Well look at my avatar. What do you think I used to nullo cutponies?
That must have been pretty painful, eh?
01-06-2007, 05:46 AM
Well look at my avatar. What do you think I used to nullo cutponies?
Silvia you're such a bad girl... but cutponies did deserve it!
01-06-2007, 09:26 PM
But you must still pass a test before Silvia will let you serve as one of her eunuchs... knife!! eh!
Snoodle was quite happy in her job as Silvia's slave. She (It?) and I shared quarters, caressing each other at night( what else can eunuchs do?). One day at a Lady's only pool party, the sight of all that naked female flesh was too much, and she commited the cardinal sin (for a eunuch that is).
She had an Erection!!
Well, Silvia couldn't allow that, eh! So----
(Now that begs the question, how will I be able to contribute to this forum now?)
By the way there is an interesting discussion going on in the thread
"Fantasize About Being Busted By Female Politicians? "
I make the point that our (Canada's) Head of State. Michaelle Jean, is the sexiest politician on the planet (Connie and Hillary, eat your "lady parts' out). See my photo manipulation of her and try to dispute that. I posed a question that might be of interest to the fans here.
"A Canadian Prime Minister was once photographed posing nude" True or False?
Any Takers?
01-07-2007, 01:04 AM
Now THAT looks like it hurt...not as bad as Cutponies, though. His was probably worse.
Y'know, Cut, deary, I don't think you're doing me justice. I'm much bigger than that. Well, I was, before all the cutting and whatnot. :Baahaha:
I'ma say True. I think remember hearing that somewhere.
01-07-2007, 07:24 AM
...I make the point that our (Canada's) Head of State. Michaelle Jean, is the sexiest politician on the planet (Connie and Hillary, eat your "lady parts' out). See my photo manipulation of her and try to dispute that. I posed a question that might be of interest to the fans here.
"A Canadian Prime Minister was once photographed posing nude" True or False?
Any Takers?
true :) :) :)
That is two who say yes.
Any other takers? Skipperbob? Iron Horse? Fittizzioh?
Hint "It is quite legal for a Lady go topless in public in Canada" True or False?
Both questions have the same answer
Please fellow hoosers, don't answer. You'd give it away!
01-07-2007, 09:10 AM
That is two who say yes.
Any other takers? Skipperbob? Iron Horse? Fittizzioh?
Hint "It is quite legal for a Lady go topless in public in Canada" True or False?
Both questions have the same answer
Please fellow hoosers, don't answer. You'd give it away!
OK - From what I have seen you people up north will do just about (pronounced "aboot") anything!:wooow So yes, I say it is true!:thumbup And good for you!:bananajum
01-07-2007, 11:17 AM
I say that's true! I heard something about girls going topless in public but i don't remember if it was in canada or somewhere like in sweden...
Let's risk: i say true!
However: what if i lose?
01-07-2007, 11:35 AM
Let's risk: i say true!
i risk too the same answer
01-07-2007, 03:20 PM
I say that's true! I heard something about girls going topless in public but i don't remember if it was in canada or somewhere like in sweden...
Let's risk: i say true!
However: what if i lose?
I must say that I'm surprised. All four of you said yes to the outrageous suggestion that it's legal for a girl to go topless in Canada and to the ridiculous statement that a Prime Minister once posed nude for a photograph!
A lady was arrested about 8 years ago for public indecency in a town called Galt. She was found guilty, fined, and appealed (She had done it on purpose as a test test). The Supreme Court found that the Government HAD the right to outlaw public toplessness BUT since the law specifically said that WOMEN ONLY were forbidden, it was discriminatory, and therefore unconstitutional. The House (pronounced HU-OWE (as in expression of pain)-sss, FYI Skipperbob) of Parliament did not change the law, as there is a precedent that governments that waste time on trivial matters get booted out of office come next election. Compare that to the U.S Congress's response to the (in)famous "Wardrobe Malfunction". The decision stood (By the way the Chief Justice at the time was a Woman)
In 1991 law professor Avril Campbell, (as a gag to disprove the perception that she and her colleages were "stuffy") had herself photographed in her office changing into her robes. The outfit was strategically placed to make the photo discrete, but she was naked!
Professor Doctor, The Right Honorable, Avril "Kim" Campbell became Prime Minister in 1993
Well what do you expect from a country whose monetary unit is called a "Looney"?
outrageous and ridiculous are NOT synonyms for wrong
And here is the famous (In Canada) photograph
The comic strip was made using Garry's mod for half life 2 the rest are just photoshop
That was brilliant! When I looked at your pics for a moment I thoght there was really a mag called Ouch! devoted to ballbusting. Give us more!
01-08-2007, 10:22 AM
I must say that I'm surprised. All four of you said yes to the outrageous suggestion that it's legal for a girl to go topless in Canada and to the ridiculous statement that a Prime Minister once posed nude for a photograph!
A lady was arrested about 8 years ago for public indecency in a town called Galt. She was found guilty, fined, and appealed (She had done it on purpose as a test test). The Supreme Court found that the Government HAD the right to outlaw public toplessness BUT since the law specifically said that WOMEN ONLY were forbidden, it was discriminatory, and therefore unconstitutional. The House (pronounced HU-OWE (as in expression of pain)-sss, FYI Skipperbob) of Parliament did not change the law, as there is a precedent that governments that waste time on trivial matters get booted out of office come next election. Compare that to the U.S Congress's response to the (in)famous "Wardrobe Malfunction". The decision stood (By the way the Chief Justice at the time was a Woman)
In 1991 law professor Avril Campbell, (as a gag to disprove the perception that she and her colleages were "stuffy") had herself photographed in her office changing into her robes. The outfit was strategically placed to make the photo discrete, but she was naked!
Professor Doctor, The Right Honorable, Avril "Kim" Campbell became Prime Minister in 1993
Well what do you expect from a country whose monetary unit is called a "Looney"?
outrageous and ridiculous are NOT synonyms for wrong
And here is the famous (In Canada) photograph
Ah! Sometimes it makes me want to pack up and sail across the lake to my great neighbor to the north:) If only the Puritans had landed somewhere else this country might not have so many rediculous hang ups today!:soomad
01-08-2007, 12:01 PM
That was brilliant! When I looked at your pics for a moment I thoght there was really a mag called Ouch! devoted to ballbusting. Give us more!
As I read the first 12 words, I thought that you were talking about ME!
01-08-2007, 12:21 PM
Ah! Sometimes it makes me want to pack up and sail across the lake to my great neighbor to the north:) If only the Puritans had landed somewhere else this country might not have so many rediculous hang ups today!:soomad
They were kicked out of England because they were so intollerant of others, and fled to Holland. Holland was by far the most liberal and democratic country in the world, but even they couldn't stand the Puritans. and expelled them within a year. Upon arriving at Plymouth Rock their first priorities were to outlaw;-
1)Christmas and Easter
2)Topless Women (hats, not blouses)
4)Gold and Silver (?????, no not posessing them. The metals themselves. I wonder how they intended to enforce that?)
5)Singing and Dancing
7)Masturbating. I won't tell you what the penalty for the first offence was, but for the second it was hanging (for boys and girls). They didn't realise that a second offence was impossible considering the severety of the punishment for the first!
8)Statues of any living thing
9)Bathing in the nude (even in private!!???)
10)Witchcraft (defined as any Religion except their own, special emphasis on Jews)
And we thought the Taliban were bad!
01-08-2007, 02:33 PM
If he doesn't, I do.
Sure. Pick three scenes (maybe cut and paste from the story itself), and I'll do a 'toon' of them.
Thanks. I guess this one sort of summarizes the story:
Evan had the women come over to help him, and together the four of them turned me over onto my back. It was time for the nutcracker. Evan had the Brenda and Pam sit on my outstretched arms. In less than ten seconds my arms were slick with pussy juice from their leaking cunts. Bridgit raised my head and held it between her thighs, Evan wanted me to see the results nutcracker application. With my upper torso immobilized, Evan straddled my upper thighs. Look at this Evan said as he used his cock as a club to beat my dick and balls. Brenda orgasmed on my arm as Evan used his cock to beat mine. Bridgit and Pam began was chanting we want the nut-cracker . I begged for mercy, I was beaten and couldn t take anymore.
Evan reached between my legs and gripped my swollen testicles, one in each hand. When he was sure that he had completely encircled my nuts with his hand, he began to slowly compress them. I began crying and babbling while my wife and her girlfriends looked on in amazement. The women were having multiple orgasms just watching him work me over, Brenda was playing with her pussy the entire time. I screamed in agony until I lost my voice. I was nearly insane when suddenly I felt something inside of my nuts twitch and spasm.
The next thing I new, a torrent of sperm was spewing out of my cock ring encased dick. The girls went wild, sperm shot out of my cock for almost two full minutes, Evan maintained his deathgrip on my nuts the entire time. I was devastated, Evan might as well have ********* me, he made me come by beating my balls and in doing so had taken my manhood from me in the eyes of my wife and her girlfriends. The worst part was I was still on the fringes of consciousness, although I couldn t speak move or cry, and I felt every iota of the pain.
01-08-2007, 03:38 PM
All naked?
It will take a while, I'm working on a boxing pic for Iron Horse. Clothes are so hard to do!
So what do you think about our GG? See my pic in Fantazise Being Busted by Female Politicians. Oh hell I'm so proud of it, I'll post it here!
Got Connie and Hillary beat. No contest. Best H of S since Cleopatra (maybe better than her even)
01-08-2007, 03:39 PM
As I read the first 12 words, I thought that you were talking about ME!
:thumbupyeah... nice pic!
01-08-2007, 03:45 PM
:thumbupyeah... nice pic!
Anything you'd like to see? You haven't requested for a while.
01-09-2007, 11:23 AM
Posted in "Snoodle Your Grail Has Arrived"
01-11-2007, 05:49 PM
I've been looking for some BB animation. Does anyone know of any animation dedicated to BB?
I not looking for clips or just one scene. There is plenty of that in anime form on
01-11-2007, 06:14 PM
Posts 1584, 1587 seem to have lost the links to their images.
01-11-2007, 06:40 PM
Posts 1584, 1587 seem to have lost the links to their images.
If you can't call them up I'll repost them temporarilly
01-12-2007, 05:36 PM
Ive been out to Knaves BBtoons site and have to say that he does good work,. I dont know of any other sites like it,. until now. Thanks for the great info.
01-13-2007, 11:10 PM
Anyone have any mixed wrestling ballbusting cartoons?
01-14-2007, 12:53 AM
Isn't that an Oxymoron?
Not really. A Luddite opposed the use of technology on principled grounds. They lost that fight. Modern self-proclaimed "Luddites" are usually people who are just being very lazy and want someone else to do something for them.
"Haven't you installed your modem yet?"
"I can't figure it out. I'm a Luddite."
Erroneous! A person buys the computer and the modem, s/he is not opposed to technology, just not resolute enough or knowledgeable enough to use it.
The reasons for not using technology have changed, and that could be used as justification for the term "Neo-Luddite". I took apart maybe 100 computers last year and separated them into scrap piles, so I am even more opposed to buying new ones now that I have spent a few weeks trying to stop the massive piles of this stuff from going into the landfill.
01-14-2007, 01:14 AM
Not really. A Luddite opposed the use of technology on principled grounds. They lost that fight. Modern self-proclaimed "Luddites" are usually people who are just being very lazy and want someone else to do something for them.
"Haven't you installed your modem yet?"
"I can't figure it out. I'm a Luddite."
Erroneous! A person buys the computer and the modem, s/he is not opposed to technology, just not resolute enough or knowledgeable enough to use it.
The reasons for not using technology have changed, and that could be used as justification for the term "Neo-Luddite". I took apart maybe 100 computers last year and separated them into scrap piles, so I am even more opposed to buying new ones now that I have spent a few weeks trying to stop the massive piles of this stuff from going into the landfill.
Were textile workers in France who were opposed to the new Jaquard looms. These used punched cards to set the patterns, and threatened the livleyhood of the skilled pattern setters. A favorite technique to stop them was to jam a wooden shoe into them. The word for a wooden shoe at the time was sabot. Hence jamming the looms was "sabotage"
01-14-2007, 01:38 AM
Anyone have any mixed wrestling ballbusting cartoons?
Let me know when you have it so that I can delete it (limited # of pics allowed)
01-18-2007, 11:54 AM
well... nothing of new?
01-18-2007, 06:59 PM
well... nothing of new?
I've been off to school and such...haven't been bugging Cut for pics. :Baahaha:
01-18-2007, 11:10 PM
I've been on a waiting list for about 2 yrs to get into better digs. It's come through and I've been very busy. Haven't moved yet, and when I do, the first thing is I'll continue on the backlog. Sorry
01-22-2007, 05:57 AM
cutponies... are you sleeping? :machine:
01-22-2007, 01:17 PM
Detailed anime work and good links
01-22-2007, 01:48 PM
Just wanted to say that this site is awesome. Keep up the good work! :)
01-22-2007, 11:13 PM
Hello Sexy Sara!
I thought you would find the attached cartoons cute and funny. Hope you and your fans delight in these as I did.
unfourtunetly, the site isn't letting me see the larger versions...
01-22-2007, 11:29 PM
Is there a way to upload images from my computer or can I only use web pictures?
01-23-2007, 12:07 AM
I figured it out
If anybody else has problems uploading images try
Here are a few pics
It is the nut cracker :jumpsmile
01-23-2007, 02:15 AM
cutponies... are you sleeping? :machine:
I'm in the middle of a move to a MUCH better apartment. I never realised how much work is involved. Not the packing. Arranging phone,cable,internet,bank account etc. transfer.
(Iwould have prefered the banging your head against the wall smilie, but I don't know its ascii code)
01-23-2007, 05:47 AM
I'm in the middle of a move to a MUCH better apartment. I never realised how much work is involved. Not the packing. Arranging phone,cable,internet,bank account etc. transfer.
i think that you not understand me...
I WANT A PICTURE! :cussing:
01-23-2007, 11:50 AM
i think that you not understand me...
I WANT A PICTURE! :cussing:
What would you like to see?
01-23-2007, 01:07 PM ( ( ( ( (
My previous file uploading site took to long and would not let me put in thumbnails.
Where does everyone else go to find a nudity allowed free file upload site?
Castratrix's pet
01-24-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm in the middle of a move to a MUCH better apartment. I never realised how much work is involved. Not the packing. Arranging phone,cable,internet,bank account etc. transfer.
Moving can be and usually is a lot of fun. Once you get there, deciding where to put what, decorating and making the place truly your own. It's all new to you, a fresh new start, all those kinds of things.
But yes it is also a lot of hard work, and you feel like you're running around in circles, and time is pressing in on you because you have to be out of your old place and into your new one by a certain time with all the things like phone, cable, etc arranged and done.
But when you are all done and settled in you can sit back and relax, and in most cases, yes it was worth all the time, effort, and frustration.
So cutponies, just take time to sit back when it's all done and enjoy your new apartment.
01-24-2007, 06:39 PM
What free file-hosting site does everyone else use? ( ( (
01-25-2007, 10:02 AM
I'm glad you like my art SnakeLinux (especially the squeezing stuff I see ;) )
Anyone who doesn't already know, those pics and other toons are in my toonblog, over at:
I welcome comments and requests!
01-25-2007, 10:08 AM
cant get enough of Knaves pictures ;)
01-25-2007, 06:09 PM
I'm glad you like my art SnakeLinux (especially the squeezing stuff I see ;) )
Anyone who doesn't already know, those pics and other toons are in my toonblog, over at:
I welcome comments and requests!
I'm sorry I didn't give you credit for the art. I didn't know you made them. I found them in a yahoo forum.
Nice toonblog Knave, I haven't seen this many ballbusting toons since...ever. :thumbup
01-26-2007, 03:22 PM
In a lot of the drawing they show a discharge, presumably semen, due to the pressure or busting of the nuts. Is this just artistic freedom or is there an actual discharge in the rupture or busting of the genitals? It's pretty hot regardless, but just something that striked me as funny since so many artists in this thread draw it that way.
01-26-2007, 04:20 PM
I'm sorry I didn't give you credit for the art. I didn't know you made them. I found them in a yahoo forum.
Nice toonblog Knave, I haven't seen this many ballbusting toons since...ever. :thumbup
Clear out your old PMs. I can't reply to yours to me, you've execeeded your limit!:cussing:
01-26-2007, 05:49 PM
I'm glad you like my art SnakeLinux (especially the squeezing stuff I see ;) )
Anyone who doesn't already know, those pics and other toons are in my toonblog, over at:
I welcome comments and requests!
love those drawings. Awesome expressions, cute girls, excellent kinetics. nice job of filling the page. great work Knave!
01-26-2007, 05:59 PM
amazing stuff everyone! if I had the talent to create such art on the computer I would. think I'll try my hand at pencil-drawn depictions.
01-27-2007, 02:29 PM
I'm glad you like my art SnakeLinux (especially the squeezing stuff I see ;) )
Anyone who doesn't already know, those pics and other toons are in my toonblog, over at:
I welcome comments and requests!
That toonblogspot is great I recommend It to all ballbusting cartoon lovers, very nicely drawn. Keep It up Knave
Detailed anime work and good links
Good link, thanks. Hey do you know where there is a large collection of the kidnerqueen stuff?
01-28-2007, 06:58 AM
i find it exciting when a superhero in tights gets ballbusted by some female villain (villainess) in tights.
i've heard that there are some scenes where spiderman gets ballbusted by some females (the one called Bora and the other one called the Glider) in the comic books.
does any of you have the pics of the scenes by any chance?
01-28-2007, 11:00 AM
I'm glad you like my art SnakeLinux (especially the squeezing stuff I see ;) )
Anyone who doesn't already know, those pics and other toons are in my toonblog, over at:
I welcome comments and requests!
Hi Knave
Once more... I like your cartoons!!!
I can say all times you want ... ;)
01-28-2007, 12:40 PM
Good link, thanks. Hey do you know where there is a large collection of the kidnerqueen stuff?
refresh my memory... which is kinderqueen?
01-28-2007, 12:43 PM
this link is probably more apropriate in here: all kinds of fetishes in anime music vid by Dir En Grey
01-28-2007, 01:38 PM
Clear out your old PMs. I can't reply to yours to me, you've execeeded your limit!:cussing:
Sorry about that I didn't realize I had a one post limit.
02-02-2007, 05:58 AM
cutponies, i'm boring... what are you doing?
02-02-2007, 10:57 AM
cutponies, i'm boring... what are you doing?
Yeh, how is the move going man? We all miss you!;)
02-05-2007, 04:50 PM
Well, it's not related to Cutponies in any way and so detracts from the last page or so, but I may have found something that people don't have. Let me know if it's a repost or anything! I'm afraid I don't have the rest of the strip, or a translation. I'll keep looking!
the force user
02-05-2007, 08:56 PM
amazing manga strip!where is it from do you know?:thumbup
02-06-2007, 02:29 AM
Truly great strip, such a shame I can't read that language.
02-06-2007, 03:54 AM
great .the best picture ive ever seen in ball squeezing.
do u have any more like this?
02-06-2007, 05:48 PM
Afraid not chaps...I picked it up on a hentai forum quite recently and waited for the rest of the set, but alas it was not to be. However, I will request the rest and see where I end up! Glad you liked!
On a side note, I think that this is quite possibly the hottest (although possibly also the mildest) cartoon BB that I've ever seen. I don't know why. Just love it. I know it's a repost, but for the benefit of those joining us for the first time...
02-07-2007, 07:25 AM
I can offer a little bit of a translation for the comic strip submitted above. I have to say, this might be the hottest two pages of ballbusting I've ever read in my life! I just wish that I could read the lowest panel on the right side, but unfortunately the resolution is too low for me to make out most of the characters. Zaphod, if you have a higher-quality version of this, let me know and I'll be able to offer a full translation for everyone.
As it stands, though, reading right to left:
GIRL: Let's see if you're still so tough when I do this!
GUY: Gah!
GUY: Wh-what are you doing?! I'm begging you!
GUY: Stop it! Chirst, you're crushing them!
GIRL: You think so? Aw...Gen, you know, you're balls are as tender as a sapling.
GIRL: All it takes is about 20 pounds of steady pressure to kill them off permanently.
GIRL: Hell, another third that and they're as good as done!
GIRL: (Can't make it out...need higher rez, but something about nausea)
GIRL: (Can't make it out...need higher rez, but something about what happens at about 70 pounds of pressure)
PAGE 2 (left page)
GIRL: And then they just burst everywhere!
GIRL: You poor boys are just so fragile.
GIRL: Just grab your balls like this and you scream to the high heavens!
GIRL: How is it? Does it hurt? Am I crushing them?
GIRL: Wouldn't be nice of me to crush them for you?
GIRL: They're so dangly and miserable. Yes...I'm going to break these fuckers for you!
02-07-2007, 11:07 AM
I can offer a little bit of a translation for the comic strip submitted above. I have to say, this might be the hottest two pages of ballbusting I've ever read in my life! I just wish that I could read the lowest panel on the right side, but unfortunately the resolution is too low for me to make out most of the characters. Zaphod, if you have a higher-quality version of this, let me know and I'll be able to offer a full translation for everyone.
As it stands, though, reading right to left:
GIRL: Let's see if you're still so tough when I do this!
GUY: Gah!
GUY: Wh-what are you doing?! I'm begging you!
GUY: Stop it! Chirst, you're crushing them!
GIRL: You think so? Aw...Gen, you know, you're balls are as tender as a sapling.
GIRL: All it takes is about 20 pounds of steady pressure to kill them off permanently.
GIRL: Hell, another third that and they're as good as done!
GIRL: (Can't make it out...need higher rez, but something about nausea)
GIRL: (Can't make it out...need higher rez, but something about what happens at about 70 pounds of pressure)
PAGE 2 (left page)
GIRL: And then they just burst everywhere!
GIRL: You poor boys are just so fragile.
GIRL: Just grab your balls like this and you scream to the high heavens!
GIRL: How is it? Does it hurt? Am I crushing them?
GIRL: Wouldn't be nice of me to crush them for you?
GIRL: They're so dangly and miserable. Yes...I'm going to break these fuckers for you!
we have to thank you... your translation it's very useful :)
02-07-2007, 07:18 PM
This is the picture in English. I had to change the words a little bit to get them to fit into the speech boxes. You guys can change it however you want, just go to Photoshop or paint to make changes. I left the untranslated panel alone. Perhaps you guys can come up with something. :D
02-07-2007, 09:14 PM
02-07-2007, 09:35 PM
02-07-2007, 09:36 PM
02-08-2007, 01:16 AM
cutponies, i'm boring... what are you doing?
Although you might be bored
Yeh, how is the move going man? We all miss you!;)
Just finished setting up in my new digs. However I'm still quite busy settling in, and because of a recent storm, phone and cable connections are intermittent. Give me about another week, and I'll be my old prolific self.
02-09-2007, 02:30 AM
Good to see you haven't lost your touch.
02-09-2007, 03:50 AM
hey, i recently joined the forum and whenever i try to click on one of these attached images, i get sent to a page saying i don't have the proper authorization. anyone know what the issue is?
02-09-2007, 05:14 AM
hey, i recently joined the forum and whenever i try to click on one of these attached images, i get sent to a page saying i don't have the proper authorization. anyone know what the issue is?
You have to post before you can view images.
Welcome back, Cut!
02-09-2007, 06:09 AM
Give me about another week, and I'll be my old prolific self.
yes, but only because i'm very handsome woman
02-09-2007, 06:43 AM
Here is a good source for a lot of toons (generally femdom but with a lot of ballbusting)
02-09-2007, 07:18 AM
02-09-2007, 07:24 AM
Nice Toons, thanks anyone
02-09-2007, 03:11 PM
Just finished setting up in my new digs. However I'm still quite busy settling in, and because of a recent storm, phone and cable connections are intermittent. Give me about another week, and I'll be my old prolific self.
Welcome back!Don't know if I can wait a whole week.
02-10-2007, 06:03 PM
Welcome back cutponies! And thanks to both thirdhorseman and snakelinux for the translation work! I don't have a higher res shot of that strip by the way...although I'm now rather keen to get hold of the rest of it! I'll let y'all know!
02-10-2007, 08:19 PM
im curious, do you guys prefer manga or cartoon pics?
02-11-2007, 04:40 AM
im curious, do you guys prefer manga or cartoon pics?
Both if it's squeezing!!!
02-12-2007, 01:43 AM
On a side note, I think that this is quite possibly the hottest (although possibly also the mildest) cartoon BB that I've ever seen. I don't know why. Just love it. I know it's a repost, but for the benefit of those joining us for the first time...
I remember this one well; it is odd that it is so erotic, because, like you point out, it is mild. I have thought about it and this is what I came up with:
1) the artist does an excellent job of implying three dimensions. Gosh darn it, BALLS are 3D!!! My apologies to a great many artists, but a lot of them can't get that 3D look -- and this gets that look thorough shading and such, not (from the look of it) from 3D modeling software;
2) The chick is bigger than the guy, implying perhaps also older. Easier to be dominant when you have a size advantage;
3) Her "shhh!" pose and his"just starting to hurt" expression implies the very thing: there is MORE to come and the picture let's our imaginations fill in what that might be! Yowza!
A very well done bit of smut. :)
02-14-2007, 02:34 PM
im curious, do you guys prefer manga or cartoon pics?
Manga all the way!
02-18-2007, 09:54 AM
i agree, manga are the best!
Indeed ... manga are the best ^^
02-19-2007, 03:30 PM
Well... I think of it more as an artform actually. But as far as sexually enticing material goes, I will take cartoons over manga anyday.
02-19-2007, 07:11 PM
i agree, manga are the best!
Manga its fine :)
Hi all,
I was feeling creative so have done this pic. And I hope your watching CP, this is how REAL artists work!
But seriously thanks for the advice about colour, but I've decided to stick to black ink for the time being. Its what I do best.
02-20-2007, 03:50 AM
I hope this forum support this type of pic.
PS. It does, it does!!!!!!!!!!!!! More to cum as I see them(*_*)
02-20-2007, 08:10 AM
A couple more illustrations,
good i like it
02-22-2007, 07:31 PM
My first pic post, hope it works...
02-23-2007, 08:37 AM
Very nice blog - Don't if this link was posted before:
I'm getting into this sort of pic, so heres another one.
03-02-2007, 01:08 PM
Ive combed the intra-nette for nigh upon several months now looking for a clip from the Adult Swim cartoon Minoriteam (strictly lowest-common denominator trash), in which a weatherman has his portions punted into his torso. The episode is called "women's suffrage" i think, if anyone happens upon it id be most grateful.
03-08-2007, 09:23 AM
Hello again all. Not such a fan of this particular artist, but figured someone else might benefit from it!
On an unrelated note, Try, nice to see some of your work again :)
03-09-2007, 08:10 AM
Dear Try, i have to admit i really love your stile!!! Your squeezing pictures are really awesome! Do you use the mouse to draw them or just pencil and scanner?
Castratrix's pet
03-09-2007, 08:17 AM
There have been no posts from cutponies for a good while now. Has anyone heard from him? Does anyone know how he is doing? He said he was moving and had gotten all moved in, and he said he would be back on in about a week. But that has been a couple of weeks ago. I enjoyed his artwork here and was just wondering where he got to. Has anyone heard? How is he?
03-09-2007, 08:49 AM
alguien que hable español????
Dear Try, i have to admit i really love your stile!!! Your squeezing pictures are really awesome! Do you use the mouse to draw them or just pencil and scanner?
I'm pleased you like my work fittizzoh. I do them in black ink and then scan them.
im curious, do you guys prefer manga or cartoon pics?
wow, amazing:thumbup
03-10-2007, 02:14 AM
alguien que hable español????
si, pero solo un poco
A couple of pics. I put a bit of thought into the dialogue, to try and enhance the pics, so I hope people like it.
03-12-2007, 05:50 AM
Try, i really love your style!!! And the dialogues make the girls in your pictures still more bitchy than they look!!
03-12-2007, 07:17 AM
More with dialogs please :)
03-12-2007, 12:44 PM
si, pero solo un poco
uf gracias algo es algo
03-12-2007, 02:44 PM
A couple of pics. I put a bit of thought into the dialogue, to try and enhance the pics, so I hope people like it.
Thanks for the classic cartoons, Try.
The dialogue is adding an excellent new dimension to your cartoons. I hope it becomes a regular feature of your artwork.
David B.
03-12-2007, 04:41 PM
can anyone tell me which artist makes these cartoons?
I just love them!
03-14-2007, 06:05 PM
anyone heard about the cup check incident yet?
anyone heard about the cup check incident yet?
No. What is it?
03-14-2007, 07:13 PM
Cup checks are something I luckily didnt have to go thru in high school, but this is usually done by the upperclassmen to the lower classmen. In gym class a guy will yell cup check and smash another guy in the balls with his foot or hand or whatever. This guy in the midwest did it to someone and really hurt the other guy bad, I had read in the paper last week that he might lose one or both testicles.
03-15-2007, 01:24 PM
Good stuff, I'm not able to open them up yet, but still good stuff.
03-15-2007, 05:53 PM
I normally frequent Knave's blog, but it's been entirely empty the last few times I checked it. Anyone have any idea what happened?
03-16-2007, 06:13 AM
03-16-2007, 03:49 PM
What happend to ??? It's down.... :( This Site was one of my Favs ! 8(
03-16-2007, 05:59 PM
What happend to ??? It's down.... :( This Site was one of my Favs ! 8(
Stimmt leider,die seite ist seit wochen ausser betrieb. echt schade
03-16-2007, 06:06 PM
seems to be nice pics, but why cant i open it to a biger window, this is my 5th reply
03-20-2007, 05:17 PM
Was genau gab es denn auf dieser Seite??:confused:
03-20-2007, 05:32 PM
wow what a great site!
03-23-2007, 02:46 AM
WoW is REALLY a great site.. It Rulez!:thumbup
03-23-2007, 02:51 AM
Hey, anyone have some clips about Dragon Ball (the anime)?
(:o sorry for my english, i m italian!)
03-23-2007, 06:54 AM
alguien que hable español????
si yo hablo decime
03-23-2007, 07:34 AM
Hey, anyone have some clips about Dragon Ball (the anime)?
(:o sorry for my english, i m italian!)
ehm... i mean "pics" not "clips"....:wooow
03-24-2007, 07:36 PM
can anyone tell me which artist makes these cartoons?
I just love them!
It´s a japanes site!
The artist is in the moment unkown.
I've mentioned before the idea of 2 girls exchanging a kiss while each is squeezing a guys balls. Well, here's my first effort at illustrating such. It isnt a masterpiece, more a sketch to see if the concept works as a pic. I think it does so will do a larger, more professional example soon.
03-26-2007, 05:36 AM
Anyone know a manga title in which I can find **********-ballbusting theme?
03-26-2007, 01:01 PM
HI everybody!
link to a page whit moro ppics :-).
Mr. Farknocker
03-26-2007, 05:38 PM
These are some of my favorites. I wish I could find more of this artist's work.
Mr. Farknocker
03-26-2007, 05:39 PM
Here's more.....
Mr. Farknocker
03-26-2007, 05:44 PM
...and more....
Mr. Farknocker
03-26-2007, 05:44 PM
here's the last one.
03-26-2007, 06:46 PM
This cartoon fits the "balls on a string" thread also.
Source: (
03-26-2007, 08:02 PM
Anyone know a ballbusting anime?
03-27-2007, 02:20 PM
Hi Mr. Farknocker,
I can see why you like this cartoonserie! I love fighting and busting women, even when they are drawn.
03-27-2007, 05:56 PM
HI everybody!
link to a page whit moro ppics :-).
Wow! amazing pics! You don't need to know Spanish to look at this!
03-27-2007, 09:30 PM
can someone give me some good links to japan sites
03-28-2007, 06:08 PM
good pics.
Please post more on this site.
03-28-2007, 06:37 PM
03-28-2007, 06:47 PM
This one is funny
03-28-2007, 08:51 PM
Also from the same site
04-03-2007, 08:21 AM
These are some of my favorites. I wish I could find more of this artist's work.
oh! cool! so exciting!
thank mate!
04-04-2007, 04:00 PM
look this :iluvu:
04-05-2007, 03:30 PM
Who wants to bust this guys balls? Or do you think he has more than enough
trouble spiking his balls to the nails?
04-08-2007, 01:28 AM
Here's a good page.
04-09-2007, 05:29 AM
Nice picture Silvia!
04-12-2007, 09:03 AM
Let's get the ball rolling again with an old cartoon a friend made for me many years ago! Miss you cutponies!
04-12-2007, 01:39 PM
I am a new user from Italy....... please, why i don't have a permission to view attachments ?
I am a new user from Italy....... please, why i don't have a permission to view attachments ?
Welcome to FD karinschubert. I think you have to make a minimum number of messages here before you can see pictures full size. Its explained in one the stickies on Ballbusting World.
04-13-2007, 04:10 AM
I must agree with skipperbob I miss cutponies and his drawings as well.
04-14-2007, 12:34 AM
And this is a kids comic!
04-14-2007, 09:26 AM
hey i just waned to say that the cartoons are so great keep up the good work
04-14-2007, 01:23 PM
Great first effort!
04-14-2007, 09:05 PM
Reading this and other threads, I just realized that I prefer art, drawings, cartoons and other "fictional" depictions of ball-busting than "real life" depictions -- i.e., photographs and movies. I asked myself why.
I think one reason is that the fictional depictions are often, if not always, more perfect -- the look of the woman, the smile on her face, the agony of the man, the restraint or bondage. It is idealized. No bored looking Dommes who obviously are into it only to make a buck. No fat guys. No shoddy bondage. This makes sense, since the artists control over his subjects is total -- or at least limited only by his artistic ability.
Another reason is that the fictional and artistic and fictional representations can be, and tend to be, much more brutal. They are not limited by the frailty of the male body, or the practical and legal concerns regarding consent.
I suspect the advantages of artistic and fictionalized representations are much more pronounced in SM, DS, BDSM, and particulalry, than they are in regular, vanilla porn, while the disadvantages are the same.
Reading this and other threads, I just realized that I prefer art, drawings, cartoons and other "fictional" depictions of ball-busting than "real life" depictions -- i.e., photographs and movies. I asked myself why.
I think one reason is that the fictional depictions are often, if not always, more perfect -- the look of the woman, the smile on her face, the agony of the man, the restraint or bondage. It is idealized. No bored looking Dommes who obviously are into it only to make a buck. No fat guys. No shoddy bondage. This makes sense, since the artists control over his subjects is total -- or at least limited only by his artistic ability.
Another reason is that the fictional and artistic and fictional representations can be, and tend to be, much more brutal. They are not limited by the frailty of the male body, or the practical and legal concerns regarding consent.
I suspect the advantages of artistic and fictionalized representations are much more pronounced in SM, DS, BDSM, and particulalry, than they are in regular, vanilla porn, while the disadvantages are the same.
Completely agree. In artwork there are no limits, none of the real life restraints you mention, like safety, and the action can perfectly fulfill your fantasy. Thats why I draw BB pictures, to depict precisely what I'd like to see.
04-20-2007, 05:30 PM
Nice cartoons...:letsplay
04-20-2007, 10:16 PM
very nice comix
04-21-2007, 01:15 AM
why can't i view these attachments? my account is activated but it keep saying
umbwarhawk, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
04-21-2007, 10:23 AM
why can't i view these attachments? my account is activated but it keep saying
umbwarhawk, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
You have to post first.
04-22-2007, 12:10 AM
Wow... the comic series was great, but a little too brutal for my taste.
Neiji gets groin kick >.>
04-22-2007, 10:41 AM
04-23-2007, 09:52 PM
i must say knave's work is outstanding, cheers!
I made a new Ballbusting art blog with a variety of artists.
You can check it out if you want.
There are a few there now but I add to it almost every day.
im curious, do you guys prefer manga or cartoon pics?
I like general cartoon pics better. Like Knave's work and Whizzer Black. But do not get me wrong, manga can be okay too.
Mr. Farknocker
04-25-2007, 01:48 PM
Not sure if this one was already posted.
04-26-2007, 04:43 AM
hi everyone
04-26-2007, 04:46 AM
what is the best cartoon female domination site?
04-29-2007, 11:25 AM
dunno tried seachn it on google?
04-30-2007, 06:44 AM
04-30-2007, 06:41 PM
where do i find manga anyone
04-30-2007, 06:42 PM
where do you guys find dos pics
04-30-2007, 06:45 PM
it wont let me see the pics ow well
05-01-2007, 02:02 AM
These pictures lovingly sampled from GIRL BEATS BOY (
(hopefully they don't mind) :iluvu:
cool j'adore toutes tes photos
05-04-2007, 09:06 AM
ok:bananajum :bananajum :bananajum :bananajum
ariane V
05-05-2007, 04:46 PM
Tiens, un Frenchy !
Ce qui serait bien, ce serait d'avoir une section tout en français sur ce site. C'est juste pour lancer l'idée ... après tout, ce site est Européen :)
A plus tard les gars :bananawin
05-06-2007, 08:03 AM
Hi, I hope this is the good place for my question.
I was wondering if anyone can help me find the rest of this cartoon.
I once found a few extra pages, but even that wasn't complete. Does anyone know more about this cartoon?
I found it on:
Mr. Farknocker
05-07-2007, 03:09 AM
Hi, I hope this is the good place for my question.
I was wondering if anyone can help me find the rest of this cartoon.
I once found a few extra pages, but even that wasn't complete. Does anyone know more about this cartoon?
I found it on:
It's a page from the Ramba Comix, Vol. 1.
Mr. Farknocker
05-07-2007, 03:37 AM
I wish I knew who the artist is on this pic.
05-07-2007, 03:44 AM
I will look for that one.
05-07-2007, 04:30 AM
Are there any other noteworthy websites out there that archive this type of artwork?
05-07-2007, 10:51 AM
This is a work in progress - hopefully gonna build it into a scene.
note - the thumbnail looks odd, but just click on it to see properly.
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