View Full Version : Ballbusting Cartoons
Does anybody actually like cutponies pictures? i think they suck.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I know some really like my pics, as they have said so, but there maybe some who don't. And they would be entitled to their opinions.
If you don't like cutponies illustrations, have you thought about telling him why? And what you think might improve them.
Whats known as constructive criticism. And remember he has the guts to expose his art to the world. I can remember, from when I sent my first pic to this site, it is quite nerve racking to show your art in public.
10-28-2006, 12:15 AM
Whats known as constructive criticism. And remember he has the guts to expose his art to the world. I can remember, from when I sent my first pic to this site, it is quite nerve racking to show your art in public.
The criticism that you, CutPonies, and I probably all merit is that we all have nflexible styles. I mean, almost ALL artists do, but a guy's gottah keep improving hi skills, or we'll wind up as mediocrities -- oops, too late!!!
10-28-2006, 04:22 AM
nice find man these are aqwesome pictures!!!:ibow4u:
10-28-2006, 09:35 AM
That is the best combination of live and 3-D graphics I've ever seen.
By the way. Here's a varient of one of my pics for skipperbob.
My Man!:bananajum You know the best way to my heart - a black foot through my balls!:iluvu:
10-28-2006, 08:50 PM
the 3d are great
10-29-2006, 10:14 AM
That is the best combination of live and 3-D graphics I've ever seen.
Thank you for the kind words Cutponies, and keep up with the great art:)
Here is some of my headache inducing 3D art. (Cross your eyes till the 2 images merge together)
10-29-2006, 03:54 PM
Thank you for the kind words Cutponies, and keep up with the great art:)
Here is some of my headache inducing 3D art. (Cross your eyes till the 2 images merge together)
10-29-2006, 09:50 PM
Dang it! I'm blind in one eye! People always told me I'd go blind doing that, and it turned out they were half-right...
10-29-2006, 10:58 PM
If my balls feel like watermelons -- then what do watermelons feel like to a watermelon plant? Ay ay ay! :wooow
I don't know, eh, but did you know that a female watermelon's "organs" are called pistils? Enough of off topic tho'. Enjoy
(By the way, blind-in-one-eye photogrammatists use a parallax bar 4 3 D mapping!, eh!)
Another Canadian Invention, eh!
(The boy's are called stamens)
Does that mean if she drops her leaves, she's pulling out a pistil?
10-30-2006, 12:07 AM
Thank you for the kind words Cutponies, and keep up with the great art:)
Here is some of my headache inducing 3D art. (Cross your eyes till the 2 images merge together)
Another thought
10-30-2006, 05:27 AM
I most certainly like Bro Cutponies efforts. They do not suck! He is to be praised for making the repeated efforts and uploading his fine work in this fine forum.:thumbup :thumbup :thumbup
I greatly admire those whom do rather than slag off.
Does anybody actually like cutponies pictures? i think they suck.
10-30-2006, 05:31 AM
Bro SkipperBob,
I'm blushing and all shy.:o
:D :D :thumbup
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
'The Female and Her Omni-Potent FEET':ibow4u:
'YUMMY!!!!:thumbup :bananad: :bananajum
[QUOTE=cutponies;22455]It took so long 'cause it's an unusual perspective, eh![/QUOTE
Nice pic!:bananajum TonyR and I have many similar tastes in female feet!:iluvu:
10-30-2006, 05:34 AM
Bro Cut Ponies,
This image is Far OUT!!!!:thumbup :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup
That is the best combination of live and 3-D graphics I've ever seen.
By the way. Here's a varient of one of my pics for skipperbob.
10-30-2006, 05:40 AM
Bro Try,
You've made the point, that needs to be reinforced. It is so sad that the forum is being used just for the purpose of persons being negative and rude and disrespectful.
Constructive criticism is where it is at.
Let us all not forget that important fact.
Bro Cutponies is an active contributor. ********** is not my main thing but I can greatly admire anyone who contributes positively. He crafts his art for all to see. He is for real.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I know some really like my pics, as they have said so, but there maybe some who don't. And they would be entitled to their opinions.
If you don't like cutponies illustrations, have you thought about telling him why? And what you think might improve them.
Whats known as constructive criticism. And remember he has the guts to expose his art to the world. I can remember, from when I sent my first pic to this site, it is quite nerve racking to show your art in public.
10-30-2006, 05:47 AM
Now such a thought requires a short break;) . I'm suffering from major cramping and tension in the right arm and the groin due to all the typing and sitting in front of the computer.;)
I've heard that if I take a short break and grip and rub a tubular sort of object with my right hand, it will relieve any outstanding tensions and have me with a big smile on my face.:jumpsmile
:D :D
My Man!:bananajum You know the best way to my heart - a black foot through my balls!:iluvu:
10-30-2006, 08:41 AM
Hey Cutponies,
let me join the line of your work’s admirers. Especially the “celtic method” is really great.
And since you seem to be happy to draw according to your fans’ ideas, here’s some of mine at once. Feel free to choose or do them all.
young noble lady buys a slave for her daughter, shopkeeper asks if they want his testicles crushed now or do it themselves
man bound on the marketplace, girls line up to kick him in the nuts ; in the front one woman tells another that he is punished for peeping in the girls’ shower
Man has his genitals fixed in a pillory. Young servant girl says: “The lady said, while you wait I should soft-kick your testicles for her.”
Man tied between two trees, seen from behind. Girl with small boobs, short skirt and boots standing in front of him, smiling and saying: “This may hurt a little. But when I have finished with you, you will always know your place towards women.”
Teenage girls meeting with their slaves on a leash around their genitals. One saying: “He’s boring me. I think I’ll ******** him and get a new one.” The other answering happily: “Can I help with it?”
see your work,
10-30-2006, 07:19 PM
Hey Cutponies,
let me join the line of your work’s admirers...
young noble lady buys a slave for her daughter, shopkeeper asks if they want his testicles crushed now or do it themselves...
see your work,
So here is one, eh!
10-31-2006, 10:52 AM
So cutponies, you go to all that trouble with 3d reply just to tell me that the pic is "Old hat".
Well I happen to enjoy 3d art, and I'm sure alot of other people out there do aswell.
And to your second reply, I had a cheap stereoscope when i was younger, but I am not rushing out to get another anytime soon. Eh:wooow
10-31-2006, 12:58 PM
So cutponies, you go to all that trouble with 3d reply just to tell me that the pic is "Old hat".
Well I happen to enjoy 3d art, and I'm sure alot of other people out there do aswell.
And to your second reply, I had a cheap stereoscope when i was younger, but I am not rushing out to get another anytime soon. Eh:wooow
The TECHNIQUE for viewing is old hat to me, being a photogrammatist ( and to you too, or you wouldn't have been able to read my reply:D ). The picture was wonderfull:bananad:
10-31-2006, 07:27 PM
I liked your pics here are a few I found.
11-01-2006, 04:23 AM
The TECHNIQUE for viewing is old hat to me, being a photogrammatist ( and to you too, or you wouldn't have been able to read my reply:D ). The picture was wonderfull:bananad:
Or are Batmons and I the only ones not anaglyphically challenged?
Mwhooo-hoo-hooo-ha-ha-ha (eh!)
11-02-2006, 02:25 AM
Hey Cutponies,
let me join the line of your work’s admirers. Especially the “celtic method” is really great...
Teenage girls meeting with their slaves on a leash around their genitals. One saying: “He’s boring me. I think I’ll ******** him and get a new one.” The other answering happily: “Can I help with it?”
see your work,
I like my lines better tho'
11-02-2006, 05:19 AM
you're a real BBC (ballbustingcartoon)-machine.
Have you ever thought of making whole stories?
thanks, and keep going...
11-02-2006, 06:05 AM
you're a real BBC (ballbustingcartoon)-machine.
Have you ever thought of making whole stories?
thanks, and keep going...
11-02-2006, 07:43 PM
your good enough. youve done a few four panel stories.
11-02-2006, 08:07 PM
your good enough. youve done a few four panel stories.
But that's my limit. I've tried. Not consistent enough to get good continuity of figures and faces.
11-03-2006, 05:54 AM
This collection of pics is very nice!!
11-03-2006, 06:35 AM
yeah very nice collection!
11-03-2006, 07:01 AM
Hey Cutponies,...
man bound on the marketplace, girls line up to kick him in the nuts ; in the front one woman tells another that he is punished for peeping in the girls’ shower...
see your work,
Let's see. I've done wrestling, hockey,soccer, lacrose, boxing, kick boxing ,and football (CFL, not your pansey NFL with 4 downs-too easy). What sport is left Hmmm! eh!
11-03-2006, 02:36 PM
real nice!!!
11-03-2006, 06:44 PM
11-04-2006, 10:52 AM
eunuchs standing guard in the harem pool, eh!
11-04-2006, 12:39 PM
11-04-2006, 02:42 PM
Great ponyboy and harem. And is that Ms. Page I see with the flowers in her hair?
11-04-2006, 05:23 PM
Great ponyboy and harem. And is that Ms. Page I see with the flowers in her hair?
Yes it is. I was drawing a generic girl, realised that her bangs were "Pageish", and so decided to finish her as Bettie, eh!
At last I've found time to do an illustration of Emma Peel ballbusting. No facial likeness, I haven't quite mastered that. Theres actually 2 pics, so I'll try not to upload them in the wrong order, as I usually do!
And I hope Cutponies and others like them.
11-04-2006, 05:33 PM
Oh if only there were pics of bettie in a nurses uniform with a scalpel, bettie on a farm with a burdizzo, the list goes on and on lol
11-05-2006, 02:04 AM
sweet toons!! :D
11-05-2006, 07:21 AM
Oh if only there were pics of bettie in a nurses uniform with a scalpel, bettie on a farm with a burdizzo, the list goes on and on lol
How is this?, eh!
11-05-2006, 09:38 AM
1 more 3d pic. When I have time I will make some more.
11-05-2006, 01:28 PM
Ilove the smile on her face:D
How is this?, eh!
11-05-2006, 04:25 PM
At last I've found time to do an illustration of Emma Peel ballbusting. No facial likeness, I haven't quite mastered that. Theres actually 2 pics, so I'll try not to upload them in the wrong order, as I usually do!
And I hope Cutponies and others like them.
I like them, eh!
11-06-2006, 12:18 AM
Im one of those new guys who cant view the pictures... ??
11-07-2006, 07:30 AM
Oh if only there were pics of bettie in a nurses uniform with a scalpel, bettie on a farm with a burdizzo, the list goes on and on lol
In a nurse's unform?
You want me to dress Bettie Page? DRESS BETTIE PAGE???
I wouldn't do that to save my life!, eh!
You'll have to settle for this! eh!
anyone has seen this site old but good
11-07-2006, 01:36 PM
Hi! I'm new and this tread caught my eye, so I though I'd check it out.
11-07-2006, 03:49 PM
Hmm. Talented cartoonists indeed. Scarlett Johannson doing a grab.
How about that?
11-07-2006, 06:18 PM
anyone has seen this site ( old but good
Excellent site!! nice stories and very cool illustrations.
Très interessant!! :thumbup
11-07-2006, 07:30 PM
woot those pics are great
11-08-2006, 05:33 AM
Hello there,
It’s fantastic to see that there are people who like this kind of drawings and comics.
I have the luck to own an adult comics web site (don’t worry administrators, I won’t promote my site) and my editors told me that these kind of comics and stories are not “very” commercial (I barely can do just one illustrated story –not even a comic- about a castratix and that was for free!!)
Well, this board shows me that’s partially true.
PD. Sorry for my English mistakes (it is not my native)
11-08-2006, 11:07 AM
Hello, (I wrongly post this message in other section)
Here you have some pics of my illustrated story, published in the totally free site (
There I publish the first two parts of this illustrated story (it is a comic in fact).
Sadly, I wrote it in Spanish, but the drawings have much better resolution there. ( (
I will be waiting for your comments (at least about the drawings if don’t speak Spanish). You can also send me an e-mail to: (
11-08-2006, 02:36 PM
nice nice
11-08-2006, 03:40 PM
Hello, (I wrongly post this message in other section)
Here you have some pics of my illustrated story, published in the totally free site (
There I publish the first two parts of this illustrated story (it is a comic in fact).
Sadly, I wrote it in Spanish, but the drawings have much better resolution there. ( (
I will be waiting for your comments (at least about the drawings if don’t speak Spanish). You can also send me an e-mail to: (
Your's are more caracature, mine are more mundane. Your's B&W. mine colour.. Many of the others contribute 3-D. You have a story line, mine are single pics.
Who was it who said "Variety is the spice of life"?
Well done, eh!~
Well done
11-08-2006, 05:01 PM
I wonder when these two balls would be busted by some lady.
11-08-2006, 07:24 PM
Hello, (I wrongly post this message in other section)
Here you have some pics of my illustrated story, published in the totally free site (
There I publish the first two parts of this illustrated story (it is a comic in fact).
Sadly, I wrote it in Spanish, but the drawings have much better resolution there. ( (
I will be waiting for your comments (at least about the drawings if don’t speak Spanish). You can also send me an e-mail to: (
Hey Chacho!
I notice there's a website on your toons... is that site yours?? great work you have there although some of the links are broken...
Anyway... how about posting the high-res freebies here, I hope its not too much to ask for.
I like curvaceous women too, better if they're mean :thumbup
Great work amigo!!
11-08-2006, 11:00 PM
Hey Chacho!
I notice there's a website on your toons... is that site yours?? great work you have there although some of the links are broken...
Anyway... how about posting the high-res freebies here, I hope its not too much to ask for.
I like curvaceous women too, better if they're mean :thumbup
Great work amigo!!
Yes BadGirlsArt is mine. But I was trying to be silent about the site, because I wouldn't like to be banned...
The site is going to be launched this month (I hope), but I don't have any problems about posting some pictures here...but, once again, I don't like to seem to be that I'm promoting my site...
By the way, Madame Rebeca is the castratix character in the site, but I will be posting very soon some pics about Judy, our muscular and buxom lap dancer who secretly enjoys...ballbusting, just in the middle of a wild sex session...
Be sure that I will post those ones…
11-09-2006, 12:09 AM
love all the pics and websites
11-09-2006, 12:56 AM
something about watching a man loose his balls or just totally tortured and claimed makes me horny XD
11-09-2006, 01:55 AM
I agree. Does anyone know what happened to tlcnet website with lots of comic ballbusting a video ballbusting?
11-09-2006, 07:48 AM
No upper class lady would think of bathing with less than four eunuchs in attendance, eh!
11-09-2006, 10:08 AM
Have you two met before?
11-09-2006, 10:11 AM
Attachment for the above message.
11-09-2006, 07:17 PM
in honor of Forbidden planet being rereleased on dvd next tuesday, any scifi ballbusting/********** ideas? Robby the Robot's clamps? That girl, what was her name, Altaira?
11-09-2006, 08:49 PM
in honor of Forbidden planet being rereleased on dvd next tuesday, any scifi ballbusting/********** ideas? Robby the Robot's clamps? That girl, what was her name, Altaira?
Yes, played by a young Anne Francis, with one of the great lines of cinematic history "What's a bathing suit?" (She was skinny dipping at the time)( I still prefer Faith Domergue in either "This Island Earth" or "It Came From Beneath the Sea"- Devastating in an evening gown)
Hero played by Leslie Neilson ( His brother was once Deputy Prime Minister of Canada ) well before his Police Squad Fame
Antagonist Played by Walter Pigeon (Another Canadian, eh)
- Technically does not have a music score- Musicians' Union objected as the "composers" weren't union members. Credits therefore refer to "electronic tonalities"*
- The "Great Main Sequence Star, Altair" spins so fast that it it nowhere near a sphere. Its shape is roughly that of an M&M , and its colour is Blue-Green
- Roughly based on Shakespeare's "The Tempest"
So here is one I did quite a while ago. Right theme, wrong sex.
And Yes, Spidermale, it's Bettie, eh!
*There was ONE (and only one) major motion pcture, also Science Fiction, that had no score at all! (anyone bite?)(Spider you are a SF fan, aren't you?)
11-10-2006, 04:39 PM
I wonder when these two balls would be busted by some lady.
Nice. One is wearing a hat! :Baahaha:
Jammy james
11-10-2006, 04:47 PM
Can anyone who likes making these cartoons and makes there own alot and in colour, give me a message, i really want to know what you use to make them, and is an ambition of mine to put my whats on my mind and imagination onto paper (or screen).
also is there anyone that could draw me a pic if i tell them what i want the scenario to be1
Thnx for your time.
11-10-2006, 06:06 PM
Can anyone who likes making these cartoons and makes there own alot and in colour, give me a message, i really want to know what you use to make them, and is an ambition of mine to put my whats on my mind and imagination onto paper (or screen).
also is there anyone that could draw me a pic if i tell them what i want the scenario to be1
Thnx for your time.
That's all I do! Give me the scenario! (eh!):bananawin
Jammy james
11-11-2006, 12:00 PM
wow ok, thnx.
scenario on the lines of this: ...
In a high school playground,
a male in a school shirt and tie, but with his trousers on floor, surrounded by school girls (high school btw) and the girls fully dressed, pleated miniskirts, white socks, and white trainers, white shirt, percy breasts, long hair.
One of the girls is kicking him in his balls and his eyes are full of tears.
there that should be interesting lol, a few peoples ideas thrown in that one lol.
thanku for ur time :D
11-11-2006, 02:32 PM
I have been interested in ballbusting/cartoon ballbusting for years, kinda ashamed of it when I was in high school, and still a bit today, however it is good to finally find a place to call home, hopefully in the next coming months i can post videos on rapid share and see what else I can do. I am especially interest in anime and cartoon ballbusting. thank you for helping find a place I can belong:)
11-11-2006, 07:01 PM
Hi! Have Fun
11-11-2006, 08:31 PM
Pure CLASS!!!!!:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :thumbup
Nice. One is wearing a hat! :Baahaha:
11-11-2006, 08:34 PM
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :D :thumbup
I wonder when these two balls would be busted by some lady.
11-12-2006, 03:30 PM
Not if their parents find out, then your really fucked.
11-12-2006, 03:32 PM
Sorry guys, I've got to many windows open and I added to the wrong forum. Which is strange because it was for a different site entirely. Sorry.
ariane V
11-12-2006, 08:22 PM
not really ballbusting, but blue balls sadists girls in these cartoons:
poor whizzer :cryingblu
11-12-2006, 11:41 PM
A Blog about my site
11-13-2006, 03:41 AM
not really ballbusting, but blue balls sadists girls in these cartoons:
poor whizzer :cryingblu
Does anyone know where I can find more of Whizzer's work? Been looking for years.
11-13-2006, 02:06 PM
some cool pics
11-13-2006, 09:38 PM
japanese manga
11-14-2006, 04:41 AM
I hope this isnt to shocking for everyone,
11-14-2006, 05:09 AM
Does anyone know where I can find more of Whizzer's work? Been looking for years. Thanks Gary for the post,I too love Whizzer Black,Im sorry I cannot offer further info,but this is just to say thanks for the pics.much appreciated.I dont think there is an abundance of his stuff around though.good hunting
11-14-2006, 03:36 PM
Got any more of those shocking type pics?
11-15-2006, 01:53 AM
good stuff
11-15-2006, 03:42 AM
Where do you meet girls like this?
11-15-2006, 09:29 AM
One I did a few years ago
there's an interesting guy with free blog on ballbusting, dont know if you've seen him but anyway it's worth seeing again
11-15-2006, 11:32 AM
wow ok, thnx.
scenario on the lines of this: ...
In a high school playground,
a male in a school shirt and tie, but with his trousers on floor, surrounded by school girls (high school btw) and the girls fully dressed, pleated miniskirts, white socks, and white trainers, white shirt, percy breasts, long hair.
One of the girls is kicking him in his balls and his eyes are full of tears.
there that should be interesting lol, a few peoples ideas thrown in that one lol.
thanku for ur time :D
But I needed an excuse. Why would those sweet high-school girls ball bust a guy? The scenario I creatred also gives me a reason to include some semi-nudity. I gave up on the guy's tie, just couldn't get it to work
11-15-2006, 12:17 PM
Uh, you didn't tell me what colour your and your wife's hair was:bananawin
Jammy james
11-15-2006, 05:22 PM
great :D thnx a bunch, you are very artistic, i ahve tried to make one of these so i know how hard it is.
thnx :D
11-15-2006, 06:07 PM
It's been a week, Doesn't anyone know which famous (and major) SF movie doesn't have a music score?
Hint Argh! Argh! (eh)
11-16-2006, 02:04 PM
Or, at least it was untill the mistress took the gelding knife to him:D eh!
11-16-2006, 04:15 PM
I was watching frankenstein this morning, and it had music in the beginning, in the middle when the little girl is being carried into town and at the end. I dont think there are any movies that dont have some kind of music in them.
11-16-2006, 05:41 PM
I was watching frankenstein this morning, and it had music in the beginning, in the middle when the little girl is being carried into town and at the end. I dont think there are any movies that dont have some kind of music in them.
When originally made it did not have a music soundtrack, that was added later. You must have seen the original at some time sans music or you wouldn't have mentioned it, eh.
Game for another? Who is the only person to portray all 4 classic movie monsters ie Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Mummy, and the Wolf Man?
Hint- His father portrayed several other horrors of the screen
Anyway. Here's your prize.:o
Castratrix's pet
11-16-2006, 06:53 PM
When originally made it did not have a music soundtrack, that was added later. You must have seen the original at some time sans music or you wouldn't have mentioned it, eh.
Game for another? Who is the only person to portray all 4 classic movie monsters ie Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, The Mummy, and the Wolf Man?
Hint- His father portrayed several other horrors of the screen
Anyway. Here's your prize.:o
Answer: Lon Chaney Jr. I hope I spelled that right.
11-16-2006, 08:01 PM
Answer: Lon Chaney Jr. I hope I spelled that right.
Lon Sr. Played the Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera amongst others.
So claim your prize. What would you like to see in a 'toon?
Castratrix's pet
11-16-2006, 08:09 PM
Let me think about that a little and get back to you. I want to make sure I'm describing it right.
Castratrix's pet
11-16-2006, 09:57 PM
Here's what I would like to see in a drawing or toon.
For some reason I've developed a fantasy for extremely tall women, women who are 6 feet 10 or 11 inches tall, 7 feet tall, 7 feet 2 or 3 inches tall. Women who can tower over even a tall man as if she herself was The Goddess as in God being female.
This again would be from the viewpoint of the man laying there on the operating table being *********. I am 5 feet 7 inches tall. The three women (castratrix and two assistants) tower over me like giants. One assistant stands on each side, the castratrix in the middle. I'm strapped down helpless to the ********** table dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my arms completely covered in long sleeves.
The castratrix is the tallest of the women. She is an absolutely stunning, sex goddess, playboy model beautiful sexy blonde with either blue or green eyes.
She is wearing a white long sleeve dress shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. She has her sleeves rolled up a little higher than to just above her elbows perhaps half way between her elbows and her shoulders. The other two women are dressed the same way. I will let you decide what their hair and eye color is. These women are in their early to mid 20's and they are college girls or medical school students.
The castratrix has cut open both of my testicles and the girls have dissected my testicles as part of their studies. The castratrix has clamped off both of my spermatic cords and she is now tieing them off with ligatures as she prepares to remove the testicles they have just destroyed. You can see blood on the castratrix's hands and fingers, on the other girls' hands and fingers as well, and on my groin and penis. I have a huge pulsing erection just splurting my last cum which has a little blood in it. It is obvious from the grins on their faces these girls have enjoyed dissecting my testicles and destroying my manhood, and the girls are talking with each other about what they have done, that it's my last cum ever, and that they're forever destroying my manhood and my very essence and being.
If it is a 2 panel drawing, in the second one the castratrix is just making the final cut that severs both my spermatic cords and cuts off my testicles. As she does this she says, "There, his balls are gone! He's now a castratrix's pet, mine! And then I'll cut the nerves that control erections so this is his last hardon ever, he'll be a lot better off as a eunuch if he can't ever have any more erections period."
I can clearly see the two assistants, but I mostly focus on the castratrix, I look up at her hovering over me and I see her face, her breasts, her arms bare to somewhere above her elbows with her sleeves rolled up, and see her ********** me.
That's what I would like to see. Thanks.
11-17-2006, 12:15 AM
there's an interesting guy with free blog on ballbusting, dont know if you've seen him but anyway it's worth seeing again
"Another way to say No"...brilliant :)
11-17-2006, 04:41 AM
I stuffed up some where,to much red wine perhaps, Ill try again
11-17-2006, 07:05 AM
Here's what I would like to see in a drawing or toon.
For some reason I've developed a fantasy for extremely tall women ...
...The castratrix is the tallest of the women...
...If it is a 2 panel drawing, in the second one the castratrix is just making the final cut that severs both my spermatic cords and cuts off my testicles...
...That's what I would like to see. Thanks.
In the pic are her nipples exposed. Is she wearing anything below the waist?
She sounds like Julie Strain. Would you like me to draw the castratrix as Julie? Here is a manipulation that I did quite a while ago of a Dorian Cleavander picture ( Boris Vallejo, Hajime Soryama, Carlos Diez, and he have done quite a few of her) I just removered her (spiked) Jill-Strap. Don't worry that she's dark haired. Like Cher, she's big on changing her hair colour. Eh!
11-17-2006, 07:17 AM
sorry there should be a pic attached to this post,(where do you find girls like this)
I draw my own. In reference to the picture in Stuya's link. His name ( the world wonders why) and the fairie remind me about a famous battle in WWII. I'll bet that nobody knows that a fairey was responsible for sinking the Bismark! Any takers? Eh!
(Quite a guy, that cutponies- Scientist, Artist, Historian and Trivialist)
11-17-2006, 07:41 AM
These pics r getting better everyday cutponies.
Keep up the good job,!!!
11-17-2006, 08:35 AM
I draw my own. In reference to the picture in Stuya's link. His name ( the world wonders why) and the fairie remind me about a famous battle in WWII. I'll bet that nobody knows that a fairey was responsible for sinking the Bismark! Any takers? Eh!
(Quite a guy, that cutponies- Scientist, Artist, Historian and Trivialist)
Sorry cutponies, I'm all over this one!:jumpsmile Fairey Swordfish from the carrier Ark Royal scored a key torpedo hit on the Bismark's stern, damaging her steering, allowing the British Home Fleet to catch and destroy her!:thumbup I'm not an expert but I love history!:)
Castratrix's pet
11-17-2006, 09:26 AM
In the pic are her nipples exposed. Is she wearing anything below the waist?
She sounds like Julie Strain. Would you like me to draw the castratrix as Julie? Here is a manipulation that I did quite a while ago of a Dorian Cleavander picture ( Boris Vallejo, Hajime Soryama, Carlos Diez, and he have done quite a few of her) I just removered her (spiked) Jill-Strap. Don't worry that she's dark haired. Like Cher, she's big on changing her hair colour. Eh!
Very nice cutponies.
I was thinking like a young Cheryl Ladd (Charlie's Angles era), or a young Meredith McCrae (the blond on Peticoat Junction), and Julie Strain is nice but I'm looking for a softer look than Julie is in that drawing. More like the girl next door look, maybe like some of the Playboy blonds. Maybe a combination of several girls, blond hair, blue or perhaps green eyes you decide.
I'm thinking of young (early to mid 20's) fresh look college girls or med students. She is an outgoing fun kind of girl, easy open personality. But with just enough of a sadistic streak to enjoy what she's doing here.
By the way I'm also thinking of a world where the average man is the same height the average man is now (I myself am 5 feet 7 inches tall so I' a little below the average). But where the average woman is much much taller, where the average woman is around 6 feet 10 inches tall and it's no uncommon to find a woman 7 feet tall. The castratrix in this would be the taller of the three girls, she would be at least 7 feet tall or just over 7 feet by a few inches and the other two girls are about 7 feet tall.
It is also a world where all doctors, all surgeons, physicians, and veterinarians are women and medicine and surgery are exclusively a women's profession only.
I'm sure in such a world women would be dominant, and surgery like ********** and prostatectomy would be much more common than in our world.
11-17-2006, 09:26 AM
Sorry cutponies, I'm all over this one!:jumpsmile Fairey Swordfish from the carrier Ark Royal scored a key torpedo hit on the Bismark's stern, damaging her steering, allowing the British Home Fleet to catch and destroy her!:thumbup I'm not an expert but I love history!:)
I thought that that was a stumper:( . I guess Skipperbob isn't as bad a Maritimer as I thought;) . (He still doesn't know fore from aft tho')
So I guess I'll have to do a black beauty ballbusting him!
P.S. The Fairey Swordfish torpedo plane was replaced by the Fairey Fulmar, which was a disappointment. So it was itself replaced by- The Fairy Swordfish Eh!
P.P.S. What got me on this train of thought was Stuya's name. Stuya-Stuka. The Stuka was a German Dive Bomber used for the same purpose as the Fairey Swordfish - to sink ships
Jammy james
11-17-2006, 09:34 AM
cutponies i amde a pic myself, but it was like, crap, i am finding drawing things very difficult, i vote you should make a tutoirial, (step by step) on how to draw , like the shapes and tones and so.
thnx fot all the art you have posted btw.
keep doin your thing
11-17-2006, 10:16 AM
I thought that that was a stumper:( . I guess Skipperbob isn't as bad a Maritimer as I thought;) . (He still doesn't know fore from aft tho')
So I guess I'll have to do a black beauty ballbusting him!
P.S. The Fairey Swordfish torpedo plane was replaced by the Fairey Fulmar, which was a disappointment. So it was itself replaced by- The Fairy Swordfish Eh!
P.P.S. What got me on this train of thought was Stuya's name. Stuya-Stuka. The Stuka was a German Dive Bomber used for the same purpose as the Fairey Swordfish - to sink ships
Black beauty ballbusting!:jumpsmile :bananajum :iluvu: :thumbup With bare feet of course!
11-17-2006, 01:25 PM
In the pic are her nipples exposed. Is she wearing anything below the waist?
She sounds like Julie Strain. Would you like me to draw the castratrix as Julie? Here is a manipulation that I did quite a while ago of a Dorian Cleavander picture ( Boris Vallejo, Hajime Soryama, Carlos Diez, and he have done quite a few of her) I just removered her (spiked) Jill-Strap. Don't worry that she's dark haired. Like Cher, she's big on changing her hair colour. Eh!
Hey, that's a great manipulation!
Now can you make her do something nasty? like pinching a ball or something...
Thanks dude :thumbup
11-17-2006, 02:11 PM
Hey, that's a great manipulation!
Now can you make her do something nasty? like pinching a ball or something...
Thanks dude :thumbup
Do you mean specifically Julie Strain doing a Bust?
11-17-2006, 02:33 PM
Do you mean specifically Julie Strain doing a Bust?
I meant the manipulation character, but whatever's easier for you..., I mean Julie Strain is HOT.
11-17-2006, 06:49 PM
How old does the sub look in the Illustration?
I stuffed up some where,to much red wine perhaps, Ill try again
11-17-2006, 06:51 PM
How old does the sub look in the Illustration?
I hope this isnt to shocking for everyone,
11-17-2006, 07:03 PM
;) :bananajum :bananad: :D :thumbup
I likes da Sounds of thats!!!
Black beauty ballbusting!:jumpsmile :bananajum :iluvu: :thumbup With bare feet of course!
11-17-2006, 09:37 PM
In the pic are her nipples exposed. Is she wearing anything below the waist?
She sounds like Julie Strain. Would you like me to draw the castratrix as Julie? Here is a manipulation that I did quite a while ago of a Dorian Cleavander picture ( Boris Vallejo, Hajime Soryama, Carlos Diez, and he have done quite a few of her) I just removered her (spiked) Jill-Strap. Don't worry that she's dark haired. Like Cher, she's big on changing her hair colour. Eh!
Great drawing of Julie !!!
Gotta love a hot Castratrix.
11-17-2006, 09:47 PM
The ultimate in ball busting. Vietnamese style.
11-18-2006, 04:18 AM
Thanks for the post re vietnamese style if only I could see view it? five posts and I cannot see FA.
In my experience Asian women are the best BBs my GF is Thai, apologies to any Western Women who subscribe to this forum,but there aint no comparison,only my opinion of course.
11-18-2006, 04:22 AM
G 'day mate.fair comment NFI (No fucking Idea) just found it on the net some where mate
kind regards
11-18-2006, 04:33 AM
[quote=cutponies;23304]I draw my own. In reference to the picture in Stuya's link. His name ( the world wonders why) and the fairie remind me about a famous battle in WWII. I'll bet that nobody knows that a fairey was responsible for sinking the Bismark! Any takers? Eh!
A mono/or biplane torpedo plane ? struck the rudder of the Bismark? and stuffed her (Bismarks steering Gear) I could go on for ever, "Dont mention the War", I would be happy for some of those lovely German girls to hit my steering gear
kind regards
11-18-2006, 05:19 AM
No problem Dude, but it's important for us to keep the forum nice and tight and clean. The Bigshots, who are the real perves and sickos on our planet, hate the rapport that we, as humans of all manner of kinds, have through the net. The more we look after 'Our Internet', is the less grounds, hypocrtical as they are, they have to push for all that false regulation and big brother control crap.
Stay Cool:thumbup
G 'day mate.fair comment NFI (No fucking Idea) just found it on the net some where mate
kind regards
11-18-2006, 06:15 AM
Thats a sensible comment "T", times have changed not necessarily for the better. And one has to be aware of perceptions, and legalities,and moral obligations,in reality,and indeed fantasy.etc
I must admit after posting the toon (and theres two, ) I had a few concerns in hind sight re. the reference title and the depiction .I appreciate your feed back. I will endevour to be more discerning in the future
kind regards
Otto from Oz
ps I bet its pissing down in England? and I hope some one kicks you in the balls soon!! ( no sarcasm intended) :):):) stay cool yourself mate
11-18-2006, 09:29 AM
It's been a week, Doesn't anyone know which famous (and major) SF movie doesn't have a music score?
Hint Argh! Argh! (eh)
I must have missed your first post.
I believe the film is Hitchcock's "The Birds".
Composer Bernard Herrmann does have credit on the film though.:confused:
11-18-2006, 11:35 AM
Friday was the day for rain. It made up for the non-existent water shortage they're always trying to con us with in the U.K.;)
As for today, it was bright and sunny in London. It makes everyone smile. Quite a change since yet another unnecessary interest rise on money that doesn't even exist.:thumbup
As for the kicks in da balls. I just can'ts gets enoughs.:D :D
Stay Cool.
ps. You guys have an interesting movie thread in the making.
It is rumoured that Hitchcock sent the star of 'The Birds', Tippi Heidren's child a dead bird for his/her birthday. I believe it did not go down well, at all.
He was an amazing director. Ruthless with his screenplays. He was never afraid to use a negative happening or ending. He would have struggled in modern Hollywood, with those, 'it all ended happily' endings. He had the abbility to squeese a resevoir out of a droplet of water.
kind regards
Otto from Oz
ps I bet its pissing down in England? and I hope some one kicks you in the balls soon!! ( no sarcasm intended) :):):) stay cool yourself mate
11-18-2006, 03:34 PM
Friday was the day for rain. ...
Come to Canada and you'll never complain about English weather again. After the first of Nov. we stop saying minus or below zero. It's understood. The coldest temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere was -59C (-87 with chill factor) in Wawa, only a few kilometers from where I live.
Do you know where the term " Cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey " comes from?
11-18-2006, 10:57 PM
Come to Canada and you'll never complain about English weather again. After the first of Nov. we stop saying minus or below zero. It's understood. The coldest temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere was -59C (-87 with chill factor) in Wawa, only a few kilometers from where I live.
Do you know where the term " Cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey " comes from?
At first I thought a brass monkey was a brass plate on the deck of a ship with indentations to hold cannonballs, thus the saying:) But alas, this appears to be wrong:( No one is sure where the phrase started and cannonballs were kept in racks on the gun and spar deck, not in pyramids piled up on deck:o The first sighting of the phrase was in the 1850's, and also included the monkey's tail, ears etc... (I am cheating with this part as I did a little research before answering this question);) Thus, it is one of history's mysteries where this phrase came from. Speaking of mysteries sir, why is the St Lawrence region called Lower Canada, and the Great Lakes, Upper Canada:confused: It seems backward to me:wooow I must now stop before I get kicked off this thread for being off topic:machine: Always look forward to hearing more from you:thumbup
11-19-2006, 02:21 AM
At first I thought a brass monkey was a brass plate on the deck of a ship with indentations to hold cannonballs, thus the saying:) But alas, this appears to be wrong:( No one is sure where the phrase started and cannonballs were kept in racks on the gun and spar deck, not in pyramids piled up on deck:o The first sighting of the phrase was in the 1850's, and also included the monkey's tail, ears etc... (I am cheating with this part as I did a little research before answering this question);) Thus, it is one of history's mysteries where this phrase came from. Speaking of mysteries sir, why is the St Lawrence region called Lower Canada, and the Great Lakes, Upper Canada:confused: It seems backward to me:wooow I must now stop before I get kicked off this thread for being off topic:machine: Always look forward to hearing more from you:thumbup
1) I was thinking of the plate as well, but it's an army term, not navy
2) Upstream and Downstream of the Great Lakes-St Lawrence river system
3) How fast do you think I am?
11-19-2006, 10:19 PM
cutponies, if you're still taking requests, i have a scene i'd love illustrated;
the scene is a girl, a redhead, straddling the victim's face while her lover fucks her doggy style.
what i want illustrated is the 'victim' licking the lover's cum from the castrator's pussy, while she crushes his balls, hammer, vice, nutcracker... surprise me...
any additional input you need from me, i'll try and respond as quick as i can.
11-20-2006, 05:26 PM
hi .
11-20-2006, 06:16 PM
-59C (-87 with chill factor)
In weather like that, ballbusting is only a thought.
Mind you, Could be good for sensation resistance training.:D Well, it puts a new meaning on the term, 'Numb Nuts':D One minute of that and one would need a week of thawing out before you could even say ballbusting, yet alone take part in it.
Then again. A nice safe warm log cabin. Well stocked up with provisions. Me and Julie NZ. Wow. All that silence and snow. Silence and Snow. Silence. JulieNZ, silence......... IMPOSIBLE!!!
It would be just like 'The Shining' with Jack Nicholson, dir;Stanley Kubrick
Hi Julie:bananawin
:Baahaha: :Baahaha: :Baahaha:
"Little wolves, little wolves, where are you?" :D :D :D :thumbup .
I like to check Canada out. Don't forget what we have discused Don. Cutponies.
I'm ready to rock and roll on that issue.:thumbup
Come to Canada and you'll never complain about English weather again. After the first of Nov. we stop saying minus or below zero. It's understood. The coldest temperature ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere was -59C (-87 with chill factor) in Wawa, only a few kilometers from where I live.
Do you know where the term " Cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey " comes from?
11-20-2006, 06:23 PM
A new thread may be required for all this geographical, literary, climatic, historic ballbusting stuff:D :D
Don Cutponies, I too must ask of you, the issue of the outstanding request.
At first I thought a brass monkey was a brass plate on the deck of a ship with indentations to hold cannonballs, thus the saying:) But alas, this appears to be wrong:( No one is sure where the phrase started and cannonballs were kept in racks on the gun and spar deck, not in pyramids piled up on deck:o The first sighting of the phrase was in the 1850's, and also included the monkey's tail, ears etc... (I am cheating with this part as I did a little research before answering this question);) Thus, it is one of history's mysteries where this phrase came from. Speaking of mysteries sir, why is the St Lawrence region called Lower Canada, and the Great Lakes, Upper Canada:confused: It seems backward to me:wooow I must now stop before I get kicked off this thread for being off topic:machine: Always look forward to hearing more from you:thumbup
11-21-2006, 06:17 PM
Great pic...thanks for sharing!
The ultimate in ball busting. Vietnamese style.
11-21-2006, 06:18 PM
I'd love to see that too!
cutponies, if you're still taking requests, i have a scene i'd love illustrated;
the scene is a girl, a redhead, straddling the victim's face while her lover fucks her doggy style.
what i want illustrated is the 'victim' licking the lover's cum from the castrator's pussy, while she crushes his balls, hammer, vice, nutcracker... surprise me...
any additional input you need from me, i'll try and respond as quick as i can.
11-23-2006, 08:27 AM
an old cgi pic by myself...
11-23-2006, 08:57 AM
an old cgi pic by myself...
Glad to see you back.
11-23-2006, 10:15 AM
Working on 3 more for the other fans. Be patient
11-24-2006, 03:24 AM
or if you prefer a suggestion
i'd like to see a fight scenario, maybe between ninjas and kunoichis (female ninja) or between female and male samurai or martial artist, with women obviously defeating their opponents by "unfair" strikes
thank you for your work ;)
11-24-2006, 08:27 AM
Working on 3 more for the other fans. Be patient
Worth the wait!:jumpsmile Thanks again.:thumbup Next time my mouth needs to be all over that other black goddess' bare foot!:ibow4u:
11-24-2006, 10:48 AM
Very Nice. Somebody needs to find some more of these cartoons.
11-24-2006, 10:50 AM
or if you prefer a suggestion
i'd like to see a fight scenario, maybe between ninjas and kunoichis (female ninja) or between female and male samurai or martial artist, with women obviously defeating their opponents by "unfair" strikes
thank you for your work ;)
It is so hard to draw clothes
11-24-2006, 01:07 PM
cutponies, if you're still taking requests, i have a scene i'd love illustrated;
the scene is a girl, a redhead, straddling the victim's face while her lover fucks her doggy style.
what i want illustrated is the 'victim' licking the lover's cum from the castrator's pussy, while she crushes his balls, hammer, vice, nutcracker... surprise me...
any additional input you need from me, i'll try and respond as quick as i can.
The Redhead would have to have abnormally long arms. How about- Her lover (Woman of course- a Sister Domme) is buggering her, he is sucking her, and she is fellating him. Just as both of them come, she castrates him with one hand. It's a ritual, so she has one of her earlier victims, now a eunuch standing by with a towel to stem the blood. Sort of like this;-
11-24-2006, 02:41 PM
Hey, that's a great manipulation!
Now can you make her do something nasty? like pinching a ball or something...
Thanks dude :thumbup
If you think I'm going to go through all that trouble just to have her pinch a Ball;-
11-24-2006, 05:27 PM
That's very well done! I love the look on the girl's face that standing over his head. Such a satisfied, slightly amused look on her pretty face. Thanks for doing that one!
The Redhead would have to have abnormally long arms. How about- Her lover (Woman of course- a Sister Domme) is buggering her, he is sucking her, and she is fellating him. Just as both of them come, she castrates him with one hand. It's a ritual, so she has one of her earlier victims, now a eunuch standing by with a towel to stem the blood. Sort of like this;-
11-24-2006, 05:41 PM
The Redhead would have to have abnormally long arms. How about- Her lover (Woman of course- a Sister Domme) is buggering her, he is sucking her, and she is fellating him. Just as both of them come, she castrates him with one hand. It's a ritual, so she has one of her earlier victims, now a eunuch standing by with a towel to stem the blood. Sort of like this;-
thank you, you're very good at this.
still, not quite what i'm hoping for... kind of related to a real life situation... but the whole issue about the soon-to-be eunuch licking the lover's cum from her pussy is all about mental **********, being made a cuckold, etc...
i think it would have to be two seperate pictures, just to get the angles, since you clearly can't see cum dripping on the guy's face while his balls are being destroyed...
either way, i enjoyed the pic... very nice :-D
thanks again
11-24-2006, 06:32 PM
thank you, you're very good at this.
still, not quite what i'm hoping for... kind of related to a real life situation... but the whole issue about the soon-to-be eunuch licking the lover's cum from her pussy is all about mental **********, being made a cuckold, etc...
i think it would have to be two seperate pictures, just to get the angles, since you clearly can't see cum dripping on the guy's face while his balls are being destroyed...
either way, i enjoyed the pic... very nice :-D
thanks again
Let me clear up the backlog and I'll do the 2-pic situation for you. The second girl should be eliminated
11-24-2006, 07:34 PM
If you think I'm going to go through all that trouble just to have her pinch a Ball;-
Crushing them is something else;-
FYI the term Savoir Faire literally means "knowing what to do"
2 more manipulations of Ms. Strain that I did a while ago!
Hi all,
Knave once asked if I did colour pics. I said no. But now I've had a go at colouring, using Roxio Photosuite, and heres my first results. I know its not perfect, but given my fear of IT its an achievement that I've done it at all. And hopefully I'll get better with practice.
11-24-2006, 08:28 PM
Hi all,
Knave once asked if I did colour pics. I said no. But now I've had a go at colouring, using Roxio Photosuite, and heres my first results. I know its not perfect, but given my fear of IT its an achievement that I've done it at all. And hopefully I'll get better with practice.
Reduce the B&W pic to 2 colour, then increase to 16m. This gets rid of the grey tinge.:bananawin
11-25-2006, 12:08 AM
Let me clear up the backlog and I'll do the 2-pic situation for you. The second girl should be eliminated
thank you very much, there's really no rush, so don't feel pressured to get on it.
11-25-2006, 02:17 AM
It is so hard to draw clothes
sorry, i meant without clothes, i'd have said!
11-25-2006, 10:25 AM
I've stumped Skipperbob with a question about the war of 1812. This picture is a clue for him. If anyone else recognises it please don't tell him.
11-25-2006, 01:07 PM
I should post a picture to make up. Here is another Julie Strain Manipulation:D
11-25-2006, 05:34 PM
just a hello and great stuff
Reduce the B&W pic to 2 colour, then increase to 16m. This gets rid of the grey tinge.:bananawin
Thanks for the advice, but I'm afraid with my ignorance of software I don't understand it.
What is 2 colour? And 16m? What does the m stand for?
And thanks for assisting me. When it comes to anything to do with IT, I need it!
11-25-2006, 07:21 PM
Thanks for the advice, but I'm afraid with my ignorance of software I don't understand it.
What is 2 colour? And 16m? What does the m stand for?
And thanks for assisting me. When it comes to anything to do with IT, I need it!
2 colour means Black & White. Nothing in between, no grey tones. Therefore when you fill in with colour after changing to 16m it fills right to the boundary.
16m means 16 million colours- the standard jpg. In the attached, I removed the colour, leaving only the grey tones(2nd picture), This is probably where you started to colour, but you need to remove the grey first. I used the program to reduce it to two colours (B&W, turning the greys into either B or W depending on how dense they were) and made sure that all the curves were closed (3rd pic). Finally I filled it in. I go one step further on my pics and shade. Once you have this down pat I'll teach you to shade.
PS If you hand draw, then scan, set your scanner to 2 colours (some scanners call it monochrome), not grey scale, and you will get a Black & white with nothing in between.
11-26-2006, 01:40 AM
One of my insane artist friends draws mecha professionally (his focus is on stuff from Gundam, but he can do most robotic stuff -- he went back to art school, byr I have no idea what they could possibly teach him). His technique forworking on graphics has been to draw by hand, scan, clean up with computer software, print, draw over what he printed out, scan again into computer, touch up any marks in the wrong places, print, draw over the print, etc., etc. He gets the Nobel Crazy Lunatic Pruzem but he delivers outstanding work.
For what CutPonies is suggesting, I think it will improve the colour work greatly. I did a picture of Tux, the Linux penguin, for a recycling event, and had some problems with the scanner until I scanned it in and told the scanner to make it monochrome. I would suggest converting thepics as you work with them and saving at several different stages, using a numeric scheme or something, so you can take one steop back a few days later if you think you have found your work going to ruin instead of to greater glory in colour.
Do you usually start with drawing by hand or with software? Either way, a process something like this shoud do you well:
Draw "ballwrecker"
scan in ballwrecker in monochrome, save as a non-lossy format (BMP, GIF, PNG, etc.) -- name ballwrecker01
Clean up pic with software, save improved pic as ballwrecker02
Colour bllwrecker and sabe as ballwrecker03
Convert to a lossy compression scheme and save as ballwrecker04
If you do a lot of artwork (yay!), then you best get a big hard drive if you do not have one yet, and a bodacious supply of CDs. A lot of my stuff is still on floppy - ouch!
Consider going the insane artist route and do it like my friend does -- he's nutty as it gets, but his work kicks much ass. If you work for a long time on one pic, YOU will never see any improvement, because you are working step by step -- other people will see the improvement because they did not watch at each step. I spent about 16-20 hours on one drawing, trying to rise above my aristic grade of "bleah!" and, after much work, it looked like a LOT of bleah! instead of my usual minimal bleah! Other people said it looked great, so I suspect that I can never see whether anything I do looks good; all I ever see is the array of imperfections.
11-26-2006, 07:23 AM
Draw the picture oversize, say at a height of 1024, then shrink it via smart resize or resample to 768. Note the subtle difference between the two ladies below. The first one was done at 768, the second at 1200 and shrunk to 768. Notice the smoother appearance, especially the black outline
Also a eunuch can't be drawn just as a man with no scrotum. He has to have more feminine curvature, a smaller penis, and softer facial expression, with fuller lips
11-26-2006, 08:54 AM
Why cant i see the thumbs? Do you need a certain no. of posts?
Hi Cutponies and Trouble, you've given me much to think about. I will experiment, though I'm not sure if Roxio does all that you both recommend.
But there could be a problem with scanning in B&W as I draw with a handwriting pen, and I found B&W scans were unsatisfactory. But I didn't experiment with B&W, so I'll look at this first.
Thanks very much for your assistance!
11-26-2006, 10:05 AM
Why cant i see the thumbs? Do you need a certain no. of posts?
Then wait 24 hrs. If that doesn't work contact Sharon
11-26-2006, 07:30 PM
cut, you are always a genius
11-26-2006, 07:58 PM
Hi Cutponies and Trouble, you've given me much to think about. I will experiment, though I'm not sure if Roxio does all that you both recommend.
But there could be a problem with scanning in B&W as I draw with a handwriting pen, and I found B&W scans were unsatisfactory. But I didn't experiment with B&W, so I'll look at this first.
Thanks very much for your assistance!
Roxio is a good program for photo-manipulation, not so good for drawing and colouring. I use Paint Shop Pro , but it costs $200.00. You can find an earlier version here, free, and it's more than adequate(I used it for years)!. When I say that I use it, I do most of the cutting and pasting in Microsoft paint (It's faster), the shading and everything else in PSP !
11-26-2006, 10:01 PM
Nazi Bitch!:D
11-26-2006, 10:05 PM
cut, you are always a genius
How come I let you ******** me?
11-27-2006, 12:38 AM
Ah, what the heck. I'm tired of only drawing things for work. I'll throw my hat into the arena and take requests for a pic. Whatever best catches my interest when I put pencil to paper, I'll draw. No way I could ever be as prolific as Cutponies with my schedule, but it should still be fun.
11-27-2006, 12:51 AM
Ah, what the heck. I'm tired of only drawing things for work. I'll throw my hat into the arena and take requests for a pic. Whatever best catches my interest when I put pencil to paper, I'll draw. No way I could ever be as prolific as Cutponies with my schedule, but it should still be fun.
11-27-2006, 01:21 AM
cute flash game - try the right leg
Femdom Hentai Links (look for femdom pix) (Giantess links)
11-27-2006, 11:56 AM
Nice Nazi Bitch drawing Cutponies!!!
There is nothing like a Military Gal with a Blade against
some poor guys nuts !!
11-27-2006, 03:46 PM
I love those images... they make your imagination work...
11-27-2006, 04:00 PM
hi, i have a comic called Millionaires Daugther a Ballbusting Comis by Knave, can somebody tell me where i can get more of this comics??
Thank you.
11-27-2006, 05:59 PM
thank you very much...
cute flash game - try the right leg
Femdom Hentai Links (look for femdom pix) (Giantess links) ( (
11-27-2006, 11:26 PM
But there could be a problem with scanning in B&W as I draw with a handwriting pen, and I found B&W scans were unsatisfactory.
Dude, you mean a ballpoint? You have GOT to try using felt tip pens. The drawings I have done in ballpoint do not get read well at all by scanners -- that's 'xuz ballpoints suck and felt tip rules.
I recommend Pigma Micron from Sakura.
11-28-2006, 03:58 PM
A Viet-Domme castratrix
Working on Castratrix Pet's pic.
Dude, you mean a ballpoint? You have GOT to try using felt tip pens. The drawings I have done in ballpoint do not get read well at all by scanners -- that's 'xuz ballpoints suck and felt tip rules.
I recommend Pigma Micron from Sakura.
I have tried felt tips but they don't allow the same detail as ballpoints. I'm currently experimenting with a poller pen,
11-28-2006, 06:00 PM
I have tried felt tips but they don't allow the same detail as ballpoints. I'm currently experimenting with a poller pen,
Now even though I do most of my composition IN the computer, i do sometimes have to hand draw and scan complex curves. I use an artist pencil!
11-28-2006, 06:15 PM
Ohh cutponies I love it. A hot VC chick with a knife. Gave me a boner !!!
I know you have lots of requests but would love to see more.
A Viet-Domme castratrix
Working on Castratrix Pet's pic.
11-28-2006, 09:12 PM
cute flash game - try the right leg
Femdom Hentai Links (look for femdom pix) (Giantess links) ( (
Nice Links ,
thanks u very much :)
11-29-2006, 01:47 AM
The lesson:o
11-29-2006, 11:37 AM
The lesson:o
wow... i love it... i'm using your picture like my desktop!
11-29-2006, 03:05 PM
The lesson:o
Ohh Baby, You know how to excite !!!! Great Drawing.
11-29-2006, 05:59 PM
Ohh Baby, You know how to excite !!!! Great Drawing.
Would you like another custom 'toon?
Dude, you mean a ballpoint? You have GOT to try using felt tip pens. The drawings I have done in ballpoint do not get read well at all by scanners -- that's 'xuz ballpoints suck and felt tip rules.
I recommend Pigma Micron from Sakura.
Hi Trouble,
I've just downloaded Picasa, Googles image editor. Its very interesting, and has an ability to brighten greyscale pics that could be just what I'm looking for.
11-29-2006, 10:27 PM
Silvia Lati as Supergirl, as seen by Clark Kent
There are several Canadian connections to Superman.
Joe Shuster, the co-creator with Jerry Seigel, was Canadian
Margot Kidder who played Lois Lane was Canadian
Superman the Movie was partially, and Superman 3 was wholely, filmed in Canada.
There are two in Superman Returns, tho' more tenuous. Has to do with the cast, but not in this movie.
Hints Perry White. La Femme (eh)
And since I've gone off topic, I'll have to supply a picture
11-29-2006, 10:36 PM
Would you like another custom 'toon?
You Bet, Yes please.....
11-30-2006, 12:09 AM
You Bet, Yes please.....
I need a scenario! (eh!)
11-30-2006, 10:56 AM
I need a scenario! (eh!)
Two VC women working on their prisoner. One has cut off the
balls as the other takes a straight razor to his dick. They could
be dressed as Saigon hookers giving him a Vietnamese back alley
**********. VietDom Mistress Thora has a movie of her and another
VietDom "interrogating" their prisoner. Please looke at her videos at her site below. The clip is called Vietnamese **********. There are 4 parts.
Nice preview pictures of the movies there. Also lots of other BB,
and ********** there performed by some hot ladies.
:ibow4u: wow those are some really nice pics, :D anyone got any good anime looking links for a foot fetish?:iluvu:
11-30-2006, 11:19 PM
Silvia Lati as Supergirl, as seen by Clark Kent
There are several Canadian connections to Superman.
Joe Shuster, the co-creator with Jerry Seigel, was Canadian
Margot Kidder who played Lois Lane was Canadian
Superman the Movie was partially, and Superman 3 was wholely, filmed in Canada.
There are two in Superman Returns, tho' more tenuous. Has to do with the cast, but not in this movie.
Hints Perry White. La Femme (eh)
And since I've gone off topic, I'll have to supply a picture
Since one of the connections IS a ballbuster
11-30-2006, 11:40 PM
Ah, what the heck. I'm tired of only drawing things for work. I'll throw my hat into the arena and take requests for a pic. Whatever best catches my interest when I put pencil to paper, I'll draw. No way I could ever be as prolific as Cutponies with my schedule, but it should still be fun.
How about having a nurse circumcise a man while he is being held by two women?! How many poistions can you put the man in who is being circumcized?
12-01-2006, 02:56 AM
How about having a nurse circumcise a man while he is being held by two women?! How many poistions can you put the man in who is being circumcized?
since we are off topic:
How many people ARE circumcized in America and Europe (percentage)?
only christians.
12-01-2006, 08:38 PM
Y'all are welcome for the femdom mangas... here's a sketch
Y'all are welcome for the femdom mangas... here's a sketch
:loveeyes :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
12-02-2006, 06:10 AM
thanks I love cartoons very much~~~~
12-02-2006, 06:55 PM
Silvia Lati as Supergirl, as seen by Clark Kent
There are several Canadian connections to Superman.
Joe Shuster, the co-creator with Jerry Seigel, was Canadian
Margot Kidder who played Lois Lane was Canadian
Superman the Movie was partially, and Superman 3 was wholely, filmed in Canada.
There are two in Superman Returns, tho' more tenuous. Has to do with the cast, but not in this movie.
Hints Perry White. La Femme (eh)
And since I've gone off topic, I'll have to supply a picture
Frank Langella (Perry White) played Canadian arms designer Gerald Bull in "Doomsday Gun"
Drop dead gorgeous Australian Peta Wilson plays the rather plain NASA spokeswoman Bobbie-Faye. Her first starring role was as the ballbusting (but reluctant) secret agent "Nikita" in "La Femme Nikita", a Canadian TeleVision (CTV) series
12-02-2006, 10:21 PM
Very Nice...Thank you!
Y'all are welcome for the femdom mangas... here's a sketch
12-03-2006, 03:11 AM
since we are off topic:
How many people ARE circumcized in America and Europe (percentage)?
only christians.
Well, I'm circumcized and quite glad to be. Egotistical of me, maybe, but after three years in Japan at hot springs and such, I definately find what I have more attractive than the uncut version.
And to the art request, I ask: Do you mind if it's not a completely surgical circumcision? More of a back-alley kind of thing? And I can really only put the guy being restrained in one position unless I'm doing a comic (which wasn't my plan).
And, of course, there's still a chance to supercede this request. I've got a birthday picture to finish for a friend before I do any fetish work.
12-03-2006, 01:53 PM
the same person that clutters up every ********** themed board in the known universe, who asks the same questions again, and again, and again, and again, and when someone finally takes the time to help, shows no appreciation at all. gee i wonder who i could be talking about.
12-03-2006, 11:37 PM
this is an amazing thread, i feel like amatuer compared to u guys:ibow4u:
12-04-2006, 01:05 AM
the same person that clutters up every ********** themed board in the known universe, who asks the same questions again, and again, and again, and again, and when someone finally takes the time to help, shows no appreciation at all. gee i wonder who i could be talking about.
Whoa! Sounds like a total creep. Is it... is it ME?????? (I certainly have the right personality for it: obsessively showing up everywhere, showing no appreciation por nada, and generally making a newtype... er, a newsense... er, a NUISANCE! Yeah, that's what I meant! Making a nuisance of myself. It's gottah be me.)
12-04-2006, 12:18 PM
:bananawinwhat was the name of the former story site containing dozens of great bb stories?
12-04-2006, 05:26 PM
Here are some ballbusting picture that I have.
Removed the blood
From boy beats girl****_004.gif
12-04-2006, 11:22 PM
the same person that clutters up every ********** themed board in the known universe, who asks the same questions again, and again, and again, and again, and when someone finally takes the time to help, shows no appreciation at all. gee i wonder who i could be talking about.
If your are thinking of who I think that you're thinking of (sleeves?), I must come to his defence. He has thanked me via P.M. for every picture that I've done for him.
12-05-2006, 06:00 AM
i found these pictures... :)
12-05-2006, 03:28 PM
i found these pictures... :)
But I thought that cauterization (burning) was your thing! (eh):Baahaha:
12-05-2006, 07:13 PM
Two VC women working on their prisoner. One has cut off the
balls as the other takes a straight razor to his dick. They could
be dressed as Saigon hookers giving him a Vietnamese back alley
**********. VietDom Mistress Thora has a movie of her and another
VietDom "interrogating" their prisoner. Please looke at her videos at her site below. The clip is called Vietnamese **********. There are 4 parts.
Nice preview pictures of the movies there. Also lots of other BB,
and ********** there performed by some hot ladies. (
To show that they are Vietnamese, I captioned it in Vietnamese. I think that I've done a better oriental face than last time, don't you think?
12-05-2006, 10:49 PM
vulkrypse, thanks so much for the images. I love anime style images. I have to wonder HOW you navigate those sites though.
12-06-2006, 12:24 AM
vulkrypse, thanks so much for the images. I love anime style images. I have to wonder HOW you navigate those sites though.
yer welcome! :D lots of link following will net the shtuff.
There might be links to these, but I think they're worth posting.
Nice ones!
12-06-2006, 08:43 AM
I love BB Toons :)
Thanks anyone
12-06-2006, 10:31 AM
i put a Ballbusting Video from TV-Series Scrubs on youtube,
you can find it here
i hope you enjoy it.
12-06-2006, 02:01 PM
After the cruel Nubian Empress castrates them?:Baahaha:
12-07-2006, 01:24 PM
Fantastic drawing and the facial expressions and Vietnamese captions just add to the the erotic nature of the drawing. Thank you so much. You are great cutponies !!:bananajum
To show that they are Vietnamese, I captioned it in Vietnamese. I think that I've done a better oriental face than last time, don't you think?
12-07-2006, 02:11 PM
i put a Ballbusting Video from TV-Series Scrubs on youtube,
you can find it here
i hope you enjoy it.
Oh my god!!!! This is really nice! but i cant see clearly who she is, is it elliot??? I have fantasied about her with bb many times.. Wow!! thanks a lot Jery.. Thank you very much.. But, how can we download this video?
12-07-2006, 04:18 PM
Thanks guys, I love BB cartoons!
12-07-2006, 11:03 PM
Oh my god!!!! This is really nice! but i cant see clearly who she is, is it elliot??? I have fantasied about her with bb many times.. Wow!! thanks a lot Jery.. Thank you very much.. But, how can we download this video?
I think it's that lawyer chic he was dating, the bitch suing the hospital. A ballbusting babe in every scene.
12-08-2006, 05:53 PM
here one Pic of me
12-09-2006, 05:52 AM
Dear friends,
Would you be interested in a paid site dedicated to ball busting and ********** –plot based- comics?? I mean, you would pay for that??
The site would have weekly updates (a minimum of 10 pages per week) and the membership cost would be as other adult comics’ sites (14 dollars, more or less).
I would like to know how many people would be interested, in order to know the project viability.
Let me know your comments
PD. Thanks to Sharon to allow me to make this survey…
12-09-2006, 07:45 PM
speaking for myself, no, not interested in a paid subscription...
a donation link on the various pages? sure, i might even donate.
but i really hate subscription anything...
12-09-2006, 09:17 PM
Oh my god!!!! This is really nice! but i cant see clearly who she is, is it elliot??? I have fantasied about her with bb many times.. Wow!! thanks a lot Jery.. Thank you very much.. But, how can we download this video?
Hi EggsForCrush,
sorry its not Elliot, it is from Scrubs series 4 Episode 9 - My Malpractical Decision, the Actress is Julianna Margulies she played also in Emegency Room,
from youtube you cant download the video, you can Download the Video Here .
12-10-2006, 05:34 PM
[quote=Chacho;24057]Dear friends,
Would you be interested in a paid site dedicated to ball busting and ********** –plot based- comics?? I mean, you would pay for that??
The site would have weekly updates (a minimum of 10 pages per week) and the membership cost would be as other adult comics’ sites (14 dollars, more or less).
As long as it does not automaticaly rebill every month. Some sites recur every month and it is hard if not impossible to cancel.
12-13-2006, 09:42 PM
Do you think that I'm good enough to earn money?
If not at least here's another picture of a famous Italian Castratrix.
Anyone recognize her?
12-14-2006, 04:29 AM
Fantastic drawing and the facial expressions and Vietnamese captions just add to the the erotic nature of the drawing. Thank you so much. You are great cutponies !!:bananajum
Aren't you curious about what they're saying? eh?
12-14-2006, 05:21 AM
how about a cowgirl gelding and branding some catle rustlers? I love your stuff!!!!
You DO know what Praire Oysters are?:Baahaha: eh!
12-14-2006, 09:25 AM
Do you think that I'm good enough to earn money?
If not at least here's another picture of a famous Italian Castratrix.
Anyone recognize her?
IT"S SILVIA:bananajum
12-14-2006, 11:37 AM
Do you think that I'm good enough to earn money?
If not at least here's another picture of a famous Italian Castratrix.
Anyone recognize her?
ehm ehm... i think that i know her! :D
Castratrix's pet
12-14-2006, 01:54 PM
silvia_lati if you knew you could get away with it, would you ******** a man for real? How would you do it?
What would it be like for him while you are doing it to him? If I am tied down to your gelding table, I am looking up at you, a very beautiful sexy red haired castratrix, and you are very slowly cutting my balls out. What is it like for me while you are doing it to me? Do I have an erection? Do I have a last cum while you are cutting me?
After you have cut me, what is it like for me to be your personal eunuch slave that you *********? What is it like to serve and worship you forever as Goddess?
Please answer silvia_lati, I would really like to know.
12-14-2006, 05:13 PM
would you ******** a man for real?
absolutely yes! :thumbup
Castratrix's pet
12-14-2006, 05:55 PM
absolutely yes! :thumbup
How would you do it? What would it be like for him while you are doing it to him? After you did it, what would it be like being your eunuch slave that you *********?
12-14-2006, 08:53 PM
How would you do it? What would it be like for him while you are doing it to him? After you did it, what would it be like being your eunuch slave that you *********?
But this is a picture after Silvia has "done" you. What is wrong with your eyes? Oh that cruel bitch. Look where she has branded you!:cryingblu
12-15-2006, 02:41 AM
Bloke from "Down Under" back again, good to see you're up to your usual antics. Um, how how bout a translated version of the previous pic and your vietnamese one for those of us that don't have linguastic skills such as yours.
Cheers cobber!
12-15-2006, 05:02 AM
Bloke from "Down Under" back again, good to see you're up to your usual antics. Um, how how bout a translated version of the previous pic and your vietnamese one for those of us that don't have linguastic skills such as yours.
Cheers cobber!
The Vietnamese pic-
Standing Girl " You'll have to finish the job "
Other Girl " O.K. I will "
Silvia- "Yes, I burned out his eyes when I ********* him. He saw me naked. Look where I branded him"
Действительно ли Вы счастливы теперь любопытный господин? (EH?):Baahaha:
P.S. that's linguistic!
P.P.S. That's you that B.P. is spanking!
12-15-2006, 11:36 AM
Look where she has branded you!:cryingblu
nice cutponies... nice :)
12-15-2006, 07:32 PM
I stand corrected Cutponies since I won't be able to sit down for a while, plus thanks
12-16-2006, 12:38 AM
I stand corrected Cutponies since I won't be able to sit down for a while, plus thanks
About what I said to you in Russian?:Baahaha:
12-16-2006, 01:43 AM
I know how much he likes scenes of black ladies turning men into eunuchs for the harem.
12-16-2006, 01:49 AM
Oo zher gud!
Вы обращаетесь к моим картинам или моему русскому языку? Я был в Советском Союзе в 1980, чтобы представить бумагу на конференции науки. Пища в Варшавской Гостинице была выдающейся.
Хотели бы Вы меня тянуть специальную картину для Вас? Скажите мне, что Вы хотите!
Я мог тянуть картину голой девочки казака, кастрирующей некоторых заключенных.
P.S. That should read "Ach, sehr gut!"
12-16-2006, 05:35 AM
great one cutponies and I was referring to your spelling correction early.
12-16-2006, 05:30 PM
Я по английски не пишу! Из перевода при попытке смотреть картинки понял что у меня мало сообщений чтоб смотреть Ваши галереи, картинки!
Так вот стараюсь получить право смотреть картинки!
Вы должны ждать спустя 24 часа после вашего первого поста. Тогда Вы можете видеть картины.
Wait for 24 hrs. after your first post. Then you can see the pictures
12-16-2006, 08:11 PM
А как много здесь людей из Росси???
How many people from Russia here???
12-16-2006, 10:49 PM
А как много здесь людей из Росси???
How many people from Russia here???
Я думаю, что есть два человека из России. Я - канадец уэльсского спуска. Я узнал небольшого русского в течение конференции науки в Москве в 1980. Если Вы говорите мне, что Вы хотели бы видеть, что я буду красить мультипликацию для Вас.
You know of course that everyone has Russian blood in them. Yes, it's Russian through your veins. eh!
Cossack Queen
12-17-2006, 01:14 PM
Я думаю, что есть два человека из России. Я - канадец уэльсского спуска. Я узнал небольшого русского в течение конференции науки в Москве в 1980. Если Вы говорите мне, что Вы хотели бы видеть, что я буду красить мультипликацию для Вас.
You know of course that everyone has Russian blood in them. Yes, it's Russian through your veins. eh!
Cossack Queen
That is one of the worst puns, jokes, whatever you want to call it, I have ever seen!:wooow
12-17-2006, 03:15 PM
Puns are supposed to be bad.:(
By the way, I like your new avatar. Ii was getting sick of looking at that ugly mug. eh
12-17-2006, 03:23 PM
I am from Russia too. Nice to see russian words in this great forum! :)
Я тоже из России, сижу много пишу мало, но эту реплику просто не мог пропустить!
12-17-2006, 03:30 PM
I am from Russia too. Nice to see russian words in this great forum! :)
Я тоже из России, сижу много пишу мало, но эту реплику просто не мог пропустить!
Та леди не похожа, что она - из РоссАга. Ее название - Silvia Lati , и она - итальянец.ии.
12-17-2006, 04:04 PM
Та леди не похожа, что она - из РоссАга. Ее название - Silvia Lati , и она - итальянец.ии.
what are you saying about me? :soomad
12-18-2006, 12:28 AM
That is one of the worst puns, jokes, whatever you want to call it, I have ever seen!:wooow
I'm willing to take a stab at improving -- er, deproving -- on it:
"I don't want my blood to circulate. I like it where it is."
DAMN! Cutponies is worse than me!!!!
12-18-2006, 01:10 AM
Та леди не похожа, что она - из РоссАга. Ее название - Silvia Lati , и она - итальянец.ии.
what are you saying about me? :soomad
First sentence-quote "That Lady doesn't look Russian" unquote
I've been to Russia, and every woman I saw was raven-haired, and tended to slim. I must have been a bit tired or I would have noticed the impossibly voluptous figure and her hair colour.
Second sentence-quote "Aha, That's Silvia Lati, and she is Italian"
For those of you who don't know what Silvia looks like, This is her. Compare to picture above!
P.S. Question- How is it that the Soviets in WW2 were able to produce 20 times as many tanks as the Nazis?
Answer- "More Russian around in the factories than the Germans"
(and you thought the first pun was bad)
12-18-2006, 01:22 AM
А как много здесь людей из Росси???
How many people from Russia here???
I am from Russia too. Nice to see russian words in this great forum! :)
Я тоже из России, сижу много пишу мало, но эту реплику просто не мог пропустить!
Так теперь есть три русских. Любой из Вас имеет сестер? Возможно Skipperbob и я можем встретить их. Я принесу Silvia Lati. Мы можем иметь сторону. Я принесу зажим кастрации.:Baahaha:
12-18-2006, 05:41 AM
Да. Я использовал бы зажим, чтобы кастрировать все пять из Вас. Вы были бы моими меринами.
12-18-2006, 06:07 AM
Я когда регился вобще думал что никого из России здесь нет! :-)
I'm Goodmen. Do you know me?;)
Привет, я - Гуддмен, тут просто мой ник не принимается.
12-18-2006, 06:28 AM
Да. Я использовал бы зажим, чтобы кастрировать все пять из Вас. Вы были бы моими меринами.
Позвольте мне быть первым, который Вы кастрируете. Если Вы согласитесь быть голым, когда Вы сокрушаете мои яички, то я позволю Вам отключать мой член также. Другие будут видеть то, что случится с ними.:Baahaha:
12-18-2006, 06:38 AM
Да. Я использовал бы зажим, чтобы кастрировать все пять из Вас. Вы были бы моими меринами.
Look what Silvia wants to do to us!
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