I have one really good and amusing picture. I have no idea who owns the copyright.
How careful do we need to be?
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I have one really good and amusing picture. I have no idea who owns the copyright.
How careful do we need to be?
Oh, and my birthday is September 4. Hehehehehe! :):D;):bananajum
I've just had a look at our stats for the last few days. Interesting:
Ball-biting 1261
Link videos 1226
********** 1366
Is somebody trying to tell us something?
And the ********** thread, over all, is Number 2 after the vid thread in this part of the board.
Very interesting. Fascinating Captain.
"But Spok...Will...I..give...you...my tecticles? My tecticles?"
"Yes Captain. In Vulcan, they are the ultimate sacrifice."
"Yeah, I bet. And this will save the Enterprise?"
"Yes Captain."
"Bones, what do you think?"
"You know me. Baked beans and Scotch. I am so looking forward to this, Jim!"
"Captain, considering the circumstances this might be the best course to take."
"All I wanted was a tall ship and a star to steer by,"
"Well, you can still do it without balls Captain."
(More if asked for later)
Oh. Theme tune:
Da, da-dee dah dah dee dahj
dieeedily dah dah dah dahdie dee fa
Well, at least I did not try to do Star Trek Voyager.
"Harry Kim?"
"Yes Seven?"
"Fuck me with your balls off. Oh. Ooops! Should not have pulled so hard. I am Borg."
You're welcome. :)Quote:
Does anyone really care? Too Kleinian, with a bit of Jung. Echt Deutsch.
I don't like not understanding what I don't understand. It annoys me.
I alway like to compare theories. That is one of the ways to understanding.
But let's include a picture first; have to think of our statistics too...:D
Sure, but what topic doesn't? :)Quote:
I think this whole condition of male-**********-wish needs proper unbiased serious professional study.
I think you left out some (more?) important aspects. Two, I think.
First: When you come around the topic is "males, wanting to be *********".
But in the beginning wasn't it just "males, getting rock hard be the thought of beeing trampled, dominated, taken, kicked in the balls, *********, penectomised, etc"?
You stress the difference between fantasy and reality, but then you focus on the reality. But that is only a small fraction of the aspect or maybe even a different thing with some similarities.
This thread doesn't get so many views/hits because so many males want to be *********.;) It's because so many find it exiting even though they don't want it to happen.
Do you think this condition also needs more "proper unbiased serious professional study"?
To me it's plain simple, simply because it is what everybody, male and female, wants sometimes.
We want to be treated with attention. And not always just "loving attention". We also have an urge to be a helpless victim, to give away responsibility, to be punished, and to please.
I don't see much mystery in that desire. :)
Men have passive sexual dreams just as women claim to have.
You are right, that this is hardly ever topic of articles in "Women's Magazines".Quote:
women might become more accustomed to ********** if they knew more about it
But thinking something would change if it was, seems to me putting something the wrong way around. See:
In my book at least, the condition (male passive and ********** fantasies) must be as old as human race itself.
And it is never topic in womens magazines etc.
Women don't want to "know" about it!
You see, I have the feeling that your theories are to much focused on the male, he is, he wants, he does, etc. I think that will never get you somewhere far as you miss the more important point:
The only thing beeing a "problem" (for males) about this (male passive and ********** fantasies) is that women just won't respond.
A man can have pleasure also in takin responsibility, in beeing active, in beeing agressive and cruel or beeing thoughtful and sensible, in doing something. And men can understand the feelings of the significant other because they also are or have been amongst other men.
See: In a group of men only one is the strongest, the dominant. Men have no problem beeing dominated: It ist called hierarchy.
All men lived as the "weaker" most of theire lives and many (most?) of them will take the task when it's theire turn to be the strongest, the most clever, the leader.
Women won't.
You can see it in our modern societies where women are equally good or better educated than men but still don't have as many leadership positions as men. In germany "quota regulations" are demanded, the situation is still interpreted as discrimination of males against females but only in public beause you and me and you're wife and mine and your friend's and your friends, we all know why that is so:
Women just don't want the leading position.
Sorry about the next -o-last sentence. I wanted to point out that I may be "generalising" here, but that just because i think that in general it is true.
Of coures there are many exceptions.
But as we go nearer to sexual behaviour the less exceptoins we will find. :(
Bottom line (for this time ;)):
Don't focus on the male whishes, the male behaviour, the male aspects of this topic to much: It would all be no problem if there wasn't the corresponding, respectively NOT corresponding female aspect.
... Diskordovich?
What do you think about it? :)
And do you like the pic? :D
I also heared men quoting that theory quite often.Quote:
I have read several articles on women who have eunuch boyfriends and they say they are the best partners in the world. Because their natural machismo has been "curtailed", they become much more sensitive, cerebral in erotic fulfillment and gentle. They also become better at oral, which is great for the lassie! Their male aggression is gone, they become kinder, more considerate lovers (the woman's orgasm comes to be cherished, apparently) and many of them can still get erections.
My opinion: Don't be fooled.
Never take a women's word of what she wants.
Just my opinion, but... nothing.
My Opinion:
Women don't care.
As long as you do for them they don't care if you are eunuch or alien or anything.
But don't be fooled.
If she can get him and if he does what she wants, she will decide for the non-eunuch with a big "drive" and a big cock...:Baahaha:
This is true and I think it is the biggest problem with male fantasies of femdom **********. We only hear about femdom ********** fantasies from men but almost nothing about it from women. I think we very very much need women's thoughts, feelings, perspectives, and insights on femdom ********** and femdom ********** fantasies, to hear from the other end of the scalpel as it were.
I have read that women who have watched a ********** being performed, and especially women who have actually performed a **********, report experiencing extremely intense orgasms while the ********** is being performed.
I'm sure there are women, perhaps more than you might think there are, who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man. Perhaps in her fantasies he is her slave, or she makes him her slave after she castrates him ******* him to serve and worship her. But I'm sure there are women who have fantasies where she herself castrates a man, but we don't hear about them, the women tend to keep these fantasies to themselves. Like I said we really need to have women's thoughts, feelings, perspectives and insights on femdom ********** and femdom ********** fantasies.
I wish the women here would talk openly and freely about this the way we men do. We need to hear from women about this, especially men like me who have femdom ********** fantasies, so please give us your position on it too.
Yeah women report this all the time, but only if you ask them. Just ask the next girl you meet: "Did you experience an extremely intense orgasm while you watched a ********** being performed ?" The answer might surprise you.
I bet there are women out there who have fantasies of performing a ********** with her sleeves rolled up. I must admit I never met one so far.
Thanks for your agreement. :)
I know it's hard and I don't really know how to handle it, for you or me or anybody with this desire beeing strong but I'm afraid we already have gotten all the female response we will get.
Your drive makes you wish it wasn't so. You can imagine women with active ********** fantasies because you need it so much. You have a picture of women in your mind and that is so beautiful to you, a picture of a goddess, you just don't want to accept it should be just a dream.
But I have been on the eunuch archive for many years (just like you, I suppose), I have been all over the internet and reading everything I could find everywhere and I have had girlfriends to talk about it and have been talkin to girls and women always and I'll be 40 having this fantasy all my life and I never
have found any interest other than pure unsexual curiosity or making fun of it. Nothing more.
That is a wish.Quote:
we don't hear about them, the women tend to keep these fantasies to themselves.
A construction, the last straw you clutch because else you had to admit:
If you don't hear nothing, never, there probably is just NOTHING.
Ok, listen.
Maybe it is not all black, not everything, there is one chance:
A woman could do it, really do it and have pleasure doing it.
But never deliberately.
If a woman would do such a thing it would be purely a thing of the moment.
They don't have the wish. Don't have the fantasy.
They could feel a thrill once it lies just before them and then it's not unlikely it might just "happen", but that is all there is.
For me that is not enough. :)
It's not clever to make fun or be sarcastic about strong feelings of others.
Even if it's hard to avoid sometimes...;)
If you wank quite often you will at least not feel as all too desperate about the whole thing.
Well, there is little I can say that disagrees because I think you are almost 100% right. I think you have written a very wise article that pretty much hits the nail on the head, as it were.
I agree with everything you say, but I do not agree with anything you say.
I think you underestimate the complexity of the human mind. In my world, it is very different.
The main reason I try to insist on the difference between fantasty and reality is pretty bloody obvious, isn't it?
I don't want anyone to be permanently wounded. That is why I am trying to suggest to play safe.
And I do think this "interest" needs proper study because I really do think it is an ignored aspect of humanity. Disagree? Well, basically so be it. I guess I am fascinated by how things work and why things work.
Anyway, great reply and nice to know you are here! :)
Take care. mon ami,