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Thread: Shemale ballbusting?

  1. #406
    Junior Member abrakadaba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberTrans View Post
    Attachment 18263

    So I just found this image on another message board, and it made me think of this thread.
    I can't see the image 'cause I've been "image viewing banned" from what I guess is insufficient posting on these boards. I'm really only interested in shemale ballbusting, so I'm not about to start spamming threads while feigning interest in something I'm not. :-/ Amber, could you be so kind as to tell me where you found the image so I can see it?

    tl;dr: Amber, could you tell me where I can see this image besides here? I've been blocked from viewing it.

  2. #407
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    My exact fetish, so difficult to find though! I'm going to try my hand at writing and see what i can do... maybe i can come up with something new, i know it won't be as good as snoodle's or amber's love those lol

  3. #408
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    Quote Originally Posted by abrakadaba View Post
    I can't see the image 'cause I've been "image viewing banned" from what I guess is insufficient posting on these boards. I'm really only interested in shemale ballbusting, so I'm not about to start spamming threads while feigning interest in something I'm not. :-/ Amber, could you be so kind as to tell me where you found the image so I can see it?

    tl;dr: Amber, could you tell me where I can see this image besides here? I've been blocked from viewing it.
    See if that link works for ya. And then give me some details on what you want to see happen.

  4. #409
    Senior Member aiam's Avatar
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    There is no crime in posting your opinion but when you have such a stupid one you might as well keep it to yourself to save yourself the ridicule.

    I bet you think the arabs don't deserve equal rights either

    Also, dude, correlation does not imply causation.

    Now back to some SHEMALE BALLBUSTING!!!

    First one to post a description of a shemale gets a sketch of that shemale kicking some communist with a hat in the balls. Or a hot girl kicking a shemale(and communist with hat) in the balls? I don't really know how this goes :P

  5. #410
    Junior Member abrakadaba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberTrans View Post
    See if that link works for ya. And then give me some details on what you want to see happen.
    Thanks! n_n I'd like to see the short one in the middle to do quick grabs and squeezes to the girls next to her, making them gag and cough from the jolt of pain. Then, while the outer two are still in shock from what just happened, the middle girl crouches and delivers two simultaneous uppercuts to the girls on the end, making them collapse to the ground.

    Quote Originally Posted by aiam View Post
    Now back to some SHEMALE BALLBUSTING!!!

    First one to post a description of a shemale gets a sketch of that shemale kicking some communist with a hat in the balls. Or a hot girl kicking a shemale(and communist with hat) in the balls? I don't really know how this goes :P
    Well, the ambiguity of the phrase Shemale Ballbusting lends to either scenario you listed, but I'm partial to the ones where females (or other shemales) bust a shemale in the balls (some like the other way, nothing wrong with that, I just don't personally dig it).

    So, put me down to see a female bust a communist shemale in the balls.

    Let's see...description...How about a 6 foot tall, slender shemale (yet with some feminine curves and about a b-cup or small c-cup), a feminine face, pale skin, medium length black hair wearing something like this: Though maybe the outfit could be olive drab or red instead of black, to emphasize her communistness (yeah, I made that one up ), and the skirt needs to either be short or flying up a bit in the air so we can see the bulge get impacted. :evilgrin

    As for the buster, she could be any way you want, so long as she's female. I can has sketch naow?

  6. #411
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberTrans View Post
    See if that link works for ya. And then give me some details on what you want to see happen.

    I've always been a fan of a hard knee to the jewels, myself. heh heh A female doing this to a she-male has its own appeal for some reason.

  7. #412
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    All right! I just wrote something, and I don't know where else I would post it now that the Eunuch Archive seems to be garbage, so here we go. This is slightly inspired by that last pic I posted, in that there are five trans girls in bikinis, but mostly it was my own idea. This is part one, who knows when I'll write more. :P Tell me what you think.

    Note: Involves squeezing, ball popping and some offensive language. Female on trans.

    Five girls stood around awkwardly, waiting. They were all students at the same college, all attractive young women, but that wasn't all they had in common. They were all brought here for one specific reason: All of them had a penis and testicles. Aside from that, they appeared 100% female, with breasts, hips, smooth skin, long legs... All of them had started transitioning in high school or junior high, and hormone therapy had done wonders for their bodies.

    "Ugh, I can't believe they're making us wear these things," Alexis, one of the girls, said. "I'm not even sure this is worth it." When they had arrived, they were all told to change into the same small, flimsy bikinis. The tight pieces of white fabric barely covered their perky young breasts, and did nothing to conceal the bulges in their groins.

    "Of course it's worth it!" another girl, Jamie, argued. "All we have to do is let some crazy girls kick us between the legs for a couple minutes, and we get our bottom surgery completely paid for." That was basically what the contract had said: In exchange for giving someone else the right to do whatever they wanted to her genitals for a five-minute period, the signer would be given an all-expenses-paid vaginoplasty from one of the world's top surgeons.

    Natalie, standing to the side with her arms crossed over her chest, wasn't convinced. "I just wish they told us everything beforehand. Would have been nice to know they were selling tickets to watch us get humiliated." When the girls had arrived, they had been shocked to find a crowd of roughly 50 of their classmates eagerly awaiting a show. Everyone involved had been told never to mention this event to anyone else, but the girls were pretty sure SOMEone in the crowd would let the word out that these five girls had a little something extra in their pants.

    "I don't care about that," Kaitlyn said. "Bottom surgery costs like thirty thousand dollars! And that Jessica Duvall is super freakin' rich. She can afford it." Jessica was a senior, a sorority girl who was known for her eccentric tastes and massive amounts of spending money. She had tracked down each of these girls and approached them with her offer, smiling and saying quite plainly that she had always wanted to kick a trans woman in the balls. She relentlessly talked each one of the girls into agreeing to her bizarre plan.

    Amber, the last of the girls, was peeking out the cracked door. "Doesn't matter, we're here already," she told the rest. "And I think the show's about to start." They all anxiously headed out the door and into the massive living room of Jessica's sorority house, where the event was about to begin.


    The crowd cheered as Jessica and her friends entered the room first. The hostess and her four sorority sisters were wearing the same white bikinis as their soon-to-be victims, showing off their sexy bodies. Then the five trans girls walked in through the opposite door, nervously making their way through the crowd, trying futilely to cover up a bit. Soon they all lined up, one group facing each other, ten attractive young women, the only obvious difference being that one side had smooth crotches and the other had large bulges in their bikini bottoms. The sorority team grinned as they sized up the girls they were about to have fun with. Jessica struck a pose and let the audience cheer for a bit, then shushed them all to make her announcement.

    "I hope you're all ready for a show! Me and my gal pals can't WAIT to bust some tranny nuts. This has been a fantasy of mine for years now, but somehow I could never find a shemale to nail between the legs!" The trans girls, especially Natalie, wondered if Jessica was TRYING to piss them off and humiliate them by using offensive slurs like 'tranny' and 'shemale'. They wouldn't wonder much longer.

    "So I did some checking," Jessica continued, "and it turns out some transsexuals were hiding right in my own school! You've had class with them, you've shared dorms with them... Guys, you might have even made out with them! And it turns out this whole time, these five cuties had nutsacks!" Right on cue, members of the audience snuck up behind the five trans girls and grabbed the sides of their bikini bottoms, pantsing them all at the exact same moment. The crowd gasped, and some cheered, as the young women had their genitals exposed to the entire room, shrieking and trying to cover up. Their cocks and balls swung freely as they practically jumped up in the air, and in an instant the pantsing culprits ducked back into the crowd with the bottoms in hand. Jessica just grinned, not even hiding the fact that the entire thing was part of her plan.

    "ANYWAY!" she said loudly, bringing attention back to her, although a lot of eyes kept going back to the male organs that the girls couldn't quite cover up. "Tonight, you're going to watch as me and my friends take turns putting these trannies in their place! Believe me, these 'ladies' will be SORE in the morning! Each girl gets paired up with a shemale, and she has five minutes to do ANYTHING she wants with her new toy!" The crowd cheered, anxious to see some real action. "All right, let's get started already! The first match is gonna be... My friend Kelsey versus Jamie!"


    The audience squeezed up against the walls to make a big circle in the center of the room, giving the two girls at least six feet of room on each side. Jamie was the shortest of the victims, at only 5'7" to Kelsey's 5'9". Her hair was in a shoulder-length bob cut, chestnut brown. She was a bit thin, but not bony, with B cup breasts. Basically with her height and body, nobody would guess she wasn't born female without seeing the soft, but still decently large, cock hanging between her legs, with a low-hanging pair of balls beneath it. She looked nervous, but oddly enough not quite so much as Kelsey.

    Kelsey was a tall, skinny dirty blonde. Her wavy hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she awkwardly held her arms over her C-cup breasts. She was a member of the school tennis team, and it showed in her athletic, toned arms and legs, but she clearly hadn't expected to be up first.

    "All right, you have five minutes. Ready... GO!" Jessica announced from the sidelines, before eagerly joining the crowd. Kelsey hesitated for a moment, then slowly walked up to Jamie, giving her a mischievious smile.

    Jamie stood her ground, nervously covering her crotch with one hand and holding the other across her breasts. She looked up meekly at the taller girl, who paused for a moment before striking out with her hand as quickly as she could. She tried to slip it under Jamie's hand to her balls, to squeeze and pull, but Jamie tightened her grip and the hand never quite made it. Kelsey ended up with the girl's limp cock pinched between her fingers, however, and stretched it out up and away from Jamie's body. Jamie winced and her arm left her chest to grab Kelsey by the hand, squeezing to get her to let go, while her other hand kept on protecting her balls. Kelsey grinned and pinched the poor dick harder, digging her thumbnail into the head of the cock. Jamie squeaked in pain, and her other hand left her nutsack to help pry off the attacking fingers. Kelsey wasted no time, lunging out with her other hand and wrapping it tight around Jamie's balls to squeeze them hard.

    It had only taken about ten seconds for Kelsey to get a fist balled up around the poor girl's nuts. Jamie gasped in pain as her body doubled over slightly, pointlessly trying to protect her delicate sack. "Awww, what's the matter, does that hurt?" Kelsey asked, rolling the testicles around in her palm. "Well how about... This?" She tugged hard with both hands, digging her fingers into both Jamie's quickly bruising testicle meat and her squished cock. Now the shorter girl's hips thrust forward and her back arched, trying to alleviate some of the pain. Her whole body was tense, and she blinked back tears as she stared into her tormenter's eyes. But Kelsey couldn't take her gaze off the soft, squishy bits in her hands, twisting and pinching them while Jamie clutched desperately at her wrists.

    Kelsey adjusted her grip, letting go of the abused cock to place both hands on the nutsack. She quickly got each hand around one testicle, with her thumbs digging in to the meaty spheres right around where the cords attached. That seemed even more painful for Jamie, whose eyes clenched shut. "Look at me!" Kelsey insisted, tightening her fingers and gripping hard. The trans girl's eyes slowly opened, full of water, and Kelsey leaned in with an evil look on her face.

    "Want me to pop them?" she asked quietly, so only the two of them could hear. The audience quietly enjoyed the show, unable to take their eyes off the bulging red sack that the sorority girl was stretching to the limit. Jamie just stared, shocked.

    "You heard me," Kelsey said. "I could pretty easily just squeeeeze," she illustrated by digging her fingertips in to the bruised flesh in her hands, "and take away your manhood. No more testosterone, right? I bet you'd like that."

    Jamie shook her head as fast as she could. "Please..." she gasped. "Please let go... I'll do anything! Oh god... My nuts..." Her voice was squeaky, and cracked a lot.

    Kelsey just sighed. "Sorry, it wasn't really a choice!" she told the pained transsexual. "I was gonna pop 'em either way, I just wanted to hear you beg." She went into a high-pitched, mocking voice. "'Oh please, please make me a real girl, just like you!' Hehe, sorry hon, but getting your balls ruined and having your dick turned inside out doesn't make you a girl." Before Jamie could reply, however, she tensed up her arm muscles, squishing the poor girl's testicles near the breaking point.

    Jamie let out a squeal, clutching desperately at the tall girl's wrists to try and get some relief. But Kelsey would not let up, increasing the pressure of her thumbs slowly, digging them deeper and deeper into the abused nuts. The two balls went from nearly sphere-shaped, to oblong and somewhat flattened, to eventually the shape of red blood cells as the thumbs shoved further and further into the quivering meat. They nearly held out, but then suddenly, the right testicle burst, instantly becoming mush.

    Kelsey gasped in amazement as she felt the testicle explode in the palm of her hand. Her reaction, however, was nothing compared to Jamie's. The girl's eyes rolled back as her squeal of pain became a silent scream, and every muscle in her body tensed up at once. Her legs shot out straight and her back arched over as far as anatomy would allow, with her head thrown back. She almost seemed to freeze like that, letting out tiny croaks of agony.

    Kelsey knew the girl was on the verge of passing out. "Just one more to go!" she said, balling up her hand around Jamie's left nut, then wrapping her other hand around it to squeeze even harder. The remaining ball, trying desperately to escape the pressure, quivered as it was squeezed from every side. It slowly deformed, stretching out like a long, thin egg, then it too popped like a balloon. The sorority girl let out a squeak of pleasure as she felt the other girl's organ get destroyed forever.

    Jamie's body thrashed wildly, experiencing more pain than she could have previously imagined. Her eyes rolled back into her head and her jaw clenched, and then suddenly she went slack, blacking out and falling to the floor. Kelsey let go of her sack, now full of nothing but mush, and looked around. The entire room was silent as the grave, everyone's eyes the size of dinner plates. They had all been frozen in place since the first nut burst, unable to believe what they were seeing. They had all just witnessed a trans woman having her testicles squeezed to the bursting point, and they had no idea how to react, especially Jamie's fellow trans girls.

    "YES!!" Jessica shouted, and everyone turned to her. "That was AWESOME!" She dashed forward, offering up a high-five, which Kelsey weakly accepted. She bent down and jabbed her finger at Jamie's swollen sack, feeling the gooey contents. The trans girl's body jerked slightly, but other than that there was no reaction. "You DESTROYED those nuts, girl!" she yelled, clapping. The audience, whether they meant it or were just following her lead, slowly started clapping too. Soon the atmosphere was back to the way it was at the start of the match.

    "...What the FUCK!" Natalie shouted at the top of her lungs, stomping towards Jessica. She seemed to completely forget she was naked from the waist down, letting her own genitals flop freely. "You just let her do that?! What the hell is the matter with you?!" She was furious, pointing, yelling.

    Jessica shrugged. "You all signed a contract. We can do WHATEVER we want to your balls. Besides, you're gonna get them chopped off soon anyway! May as well let us do it for you." Her straight face slipped, and she went back to her wide grin. "Man, I can't WAIT for my turn! I wonder whose nuts I'll get the chance to destroy?"

    Natalie just stood there in shock, unable to believe it. "You're a fucking psycho!" she yelled. "Me and my friends are leaving right now!"

    "Sure, you can leave... Just as soon as you take your turn!" Jessica told her defiantly. "And looks like you just volunteered to go next. Hey Grace, you're up!" This last bit was directed past Natalie, who spun around to see her opponent, just in time to see a short blond girl swing her foot back, and up towards her crotch...

  8. #413
    Big Supporter Snoodle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberTrans View Post
    All right! I just wrote something, and I don't know where else I would post it now that the Eunuch Archive seems to be garbage, so here we go. This is slightly inspired by that last pic I posted, in that there are five trans girls in bikinis, but mostly it was my own idea. This is part one, who knows when I'll write more. :P Tell me what you think.

    Note: Involves squeezing, ball popping and some offensive language. Female on trans.

    If I had a seal of approval, this would get it.
    Protip: "I'll show you my dick!" isn't a conversation starter on the internet any more than it is in real life.

  9. #414
    Junior Member abrakadaba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberTrans View Post
    All right! I just wrote something, and I don't know where else I would post it now that the Eunuch Archive seems to be garbage, so here we go. This is slightly inspired by that last pic I posted, in that there are five trans girls in bikinis, but mostly it was my own idea. This is part one, who knows when I'll write more. :P Tell me what you think.
    Wow! That was fantastic! Thanks for that story Amber! I'd love to read more stories about the sadistic, rich bitch, party-girl Jessica Duvall tormenting T-girls...or whatever other stories you might cook up. Definately want to read part two of this one though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Snoodle View Post
    If I had a seal of approval, this would get it.
    You should totally have a seal of approval! Snoodle's Seal of Approval™ has a nice ring to it, doncha think?

  10. #415
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    Thanks for the great story ambertrans! I hope to read more in the future! Anyway i have a question for you: colud you post your work on imagefap here as weel, because i cannot enter in that site anymore (apparently the police found something wrong about the site and blocked it). Thank!

  11. #416
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    Wonderful story ambertrans! I hope to read the other parts soon!

  12. #417
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda's Avatar
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    Due to bank censorship, the extract for this book is a little tame, but the book is red hot.


    Alec Anaconda
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 3514fs400.jpg  

  13. #418
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Anaconda View Post
    Due to bank censorship, the extract for this book is a little tame, but the book is red hot.


    Alec Anaconda
    Ooh, can you give details? I assume he gets busted by a transwoman at some point, but is it just one? Does she do other things to him too? I'm curious.

  14. #419
    Big Supporter juggalosnyder's Avatar
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    5 well deserved stars rewarded to Ambertrans for the amazing storie that you have given to us. You have a gift, and may you realize that your writing talent is respected amongst the shemale ballbusting crowd, and may you write many more erotic stories for all to read.

  15. #420
    Big Supporter Alec Anaconda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmberTrans View Post
    Ooh, can you give details? I assume he gets busted by a transwoman at some point, but is it just one? Does she do other things to him too? I'm curious.
    Other than the extract in the link, I don’t want to spoil any reader’s pleasure by revealing too much.

    However, I see no reason not to quote from the publisher’s newsletter.

    Yet how difficult can his life become when he finds himself exiled to the 'school room' of a remote Pacific Island with a pretty lithe blond and an enchanting Asian woman?

    He has no idea at the start ... though Thomas soon finds out the great depravity of his wife's revenge.

    He'll be shocked to learn the backgrounds of his mistresses, the luscious young Pattie and the sadistic Bai.

    Their lessons will both frighten and titillate this unsuspecting male, when he finds himself locked in a chastity belt, beaten and subjected to grotesque and dehumanizing punishments.

    ****** chastity, severe bondage and restraint, milking, bisexual scenes to make the male reader cringe (will the demented Chris Bellows' mind ever relent?), all combine to provide D/s scenes which will both horrify and stimulate those who enjoy the depths of FemDom wickedness depicted with exacting diligence.

    Students of Female Dominance, prepare to take notes.

    There will be a test ... that of forestalling the libido long enough to finish Chris Bellows' latest effort.


    I hope this helps.
    Alec Anaconda

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