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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #1171
    Supreme Poster
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    Jul 2010
    Most of you have probably seen (or at least heard about) the scene form Piranha 3D when two piranhas fight for a severed penis. That movie got a sequel called Piranha 3DD and judging from the trailer: it seems it has a penectomy-related scene too... Anybody seen the movie?

  2. #1172
    Big Supporter sicko666's Avatar
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    Lol no sorry though the ad for it does look very,er,mesmerizing, bouncy, bouncy!!! But i saw the first one, so will definitely NOT be seeing the second one worst film i had seen in ages, and i see a lot of crap lol!

    As for the comments about wanting to hear about all the cock detaching incidents the world over, lol, no thanks, or every woman i see will suddenly become very,very scary indeed and i would end up being to scared to talk to any of them!!!!!!! I bet there are hundreds every year that no one ever hears about, bodies never found,bodies mutilated so the killling decocking is hidden, war crimes,etc, etc.....Fantasy is one thing but reality is far to scary to even begin to think about, lol, i like getting hard,not getting soft lol!!!!!

  3. #1173
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bernd Sadet View Post

    Yikes! Are those photos for real?

  4. #1174
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    Some of you may remember Roger Daltrey's ********** scene in Lisztomania

    Ken Russell at his most OTT

  5. #1175

  6. #1176
    Big Supporter jimenizgarcia's Avatar
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    Us and mx
    Dec 31 2011 - Afghan woman cuts off father-in-law's penis

    An Afghan woman cut off herfather-in-law's penis with a knife after he tried to have sex with her, adoctor in eastern Afghanistan's Ghazni province said on Saturday.

    "One day when the husband wasaway from home he attempted to have sex with his daughter-in-law and she cutoff his penis with a knife," the doctor from a private hospital in Ghaznisaid on condition of anonymity.

    The man went for treatment at the private hospital but was sent on to the capital Kabul for specialist treatment,he added. The incident took place two weeks ago but has only just come to light.

    Dec 16 2011 - KINGSTON-


    A man whose penis was almost bitten off when he held a woman at gunpoint and ****** her to have oral sex has been sentenced to a total of 108 years for offences which includedrape, robbery with aggravation illegal possession of firearm and indecent assault.

    Hewill only serve 25 years as Justice Bryan Sykes ordered yesterday that thesentences for the eight offences must run concurrently.

    PatrickDrysdale, 25, mason, of Sunny Hill, St Thomas, was convicted in the Gun Courtof two counts of R*pe, two counts of robbery with aggravation, indecentassault, wounding with intent and illegal possession of firearm. The sentencesranged from 10 to 25 years.

    Drysdalegot the maximum sentence of three years' imprisonment for indecent assaultinvolving the woman who bit him on his penis.

    penis almost severed

    Evidencewas given that after he ****** the woman to have oral sex with him, she bit himon his penis almost severing it and he stabbed her several times. He wassentenced to 25 years for wounding with intent.

    Thepolice found Drysdale at the hospital suffering from an injury to the penis.When questioned he said that he was in bed with a woman when her jealous lovercame home and hit him with a piece of chain on his penis. The penis which was bandaged was almost severed.

    The Crown led evidence that on June 20, 2008, Drysdalecommitted the offences in Stony Hill, St Andrew. He went to the homes of threewomen, robbed and raped two of them, indecently assaulted the third woman andthen wounded her.

    Dec 16 2011 - Prostitute bites off regular client's penisover payment

    A Zimbabwean man, Brain Shumba (32) was critically injured on Monday whenhe had a chunk of his penis bitten off by a prostitute he had hired following arow over payment for services she had rendered. Brain Shumba of Hoffman Street,Mambo suburb, is admitted at Gweru Provincial Hospital. Sources said Mr Shumbafell *********** immediately after the head of his erect male organ was bitten off by the accused lady of the night. They said he only regained consciousness some hours later after he was admitted at Gweru Provincial Hospital. Policeconfirmed the incident which occurred on Monday night and the subsequent arrestof the suspect, Wadzanai Marimo (34) of number 94/2 in Mtapa suburb.

    Acting Police spokesperson for Midlands province, Assistant InspectorEmmanuel Mahoko could, however, not immediately give finer details of thematter. He said he was still to get the details from Mtapa Police Station wherethe assault case was reported. "I can confirm the arrest of a 34-year-oldwoman from Mtapa who bit her boyfriend's male organ but we are still to getfull details from the relevant station," he said. Sources within the police, however, said the two "lovebirds" were enjoying a drink atMahari night club in Mambo suburb when they later decided to go to Marimo'slodgings. "The two know each other very well and Shumba is a regular clientof Wadzanai Marimo. On the fateful day, they spent the better part of the nightdrinking at Mahari night club in Mambo before they agreed to go and put up atMarimo's house," said the source.

    The source said the two were later involved in a scuffle while at Marimo'splace when Shumba allegedly declined to pay after having sex with the accused."Shumba told Wadzanai that he would pay her some other day. He argued thatthere was no point in her worrying over payment since he was a regularclient," said the source. The source said this did not go down well withMarimo who then pretended to have understood Mr Shumba's position. But shelater bit off the head of Mr Shumba's manhood before she bolted out of the room with the piece in her mouth. "She is said to have spit the pieceoutside," said the source. The source said Mr Shumba fell *********** andwas rushed to Gweru Provincial Hospital where he regained consciousness somehours later.

    "Mr Shumba is still admitted at Gweru Hospital and the accused is inpolice custody assisting the police in their investigations," said thesource. Marimo was yesterday arraigned before Gweru magistrate, Ms FlorenceNago, facing an assault charge. She pleaded guilty to the charge and the case quickly proceeded to trial. Marimo was remanded in custody to await sentencing.The court was left in stitches when Mr Shumba, who had to be taken from his hospital bed to give evidence, told the court that he did not immediately react when he felt the initial pain and continued to also caress Marimo's privates.

    > The Zimbabwean prostitute, Wadzanai Marimo (34) whocritically injured her long-time client by biting a chunk off his penis has been sentenced to 18 months in prison by Gweru magistrate, Ms Florence Nago.Marimo of Number 94/2 Mtapa suburb, who was convicted on her own plea, waslucky to escape jail term after the court ordered her to do community service at Mtapa Police Station.

    Marimo had six months of her sentencesuspended on condition of good behaviour while the remaining 12 months were suspended on condition that she performs 420 hours of community service at Mtapa PoliceStation

  7. #1177
    Big Supporter fastriker's Avatar
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  8. #1178
    Big Supporter pegama78's Avatar
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    Talking buen video

    Quote Originally Posted by fastriker View Post
    Muy buen aporte fastriker aunque la pelicula no es muy buena que digamos y pero es buen aporte gracias men saludos.

  9. #1179
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    Жесткий клип

    Мужикам отрезают и поджигают яйца и член, разрезают и раздавливают:

  10. #1180
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabrin33 View Post
    Мужикам отрезают и поджигают яйца и член, разрезают и раздавливают:
    I think you must learn English .
    Я думаю тебе нужно учить Английский.

  11. #1181
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    Sabrin33, очень хотелось бы посмотреть не добровольную самокастрацию, а именно насильственную и документальную, а не постановочную.
    К сожалению, мне такое ещё не попадалось...

    Sabrin33, much wanted look not voluntary autocastration, as follows forcible and documentary, rather then oroduction.
    Regrettably, me such did not yet get...

  12. #1182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sabrin33 View Post
    Мужикам отрезают и поджигают яйца и член, разрезают и раздавливают:

    Beware of this! It acted like it was downloading but it never did. Then, ads appeared that i had to shut down my computer to get rid of. Fuck this!!!

  13. #1183
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowltrekor View Post
    Beware of this! It acted like it was downloading but it never did. Then, ads appeared that i had to shut down my computer to get rid of. Fuck this!!!

    Had no problems downloading it. All worked fine.

  14. #1184
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    Quote Originally Posted by somwbody1234 View Post
    how about this one ?
    I like this artist. Is there more?

  15. #1185
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    here, there, everywhere
    Click image for larger version

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