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Thread: Penectomy enthusiasts

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Chilly;

    Ladies and Gents, this is the authoress of the single BEST book ever written on the topic![/COLOR]

    Betty, please tell us that you are hard at work on a sequel, hmm?

    Hi Chilly,

    I am very flattered to hear you talk about me this way. Have we ever communicated before? I was impressed by the eloquence of your writing. Of course, it takes a good writer to fully appreciate the writing of another.

    I have a lot of ideas for other stories but I haven't been in the mood to write them down lately. Maybe with the right encouragement, I could once again get in the mood to write.

    I am always in the mood to chomp down on a hard dick. Have you ever thought about me giving you a biting blow job? Are you afraid that I might bite it off when ever you came? If not, then you should be. What if I put a pair of clippers at the base of your cock while I sucked you off? Would that make you nervous?

    Love Betty-

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by srzl View Post
    i love your confidance of your fantasy. Would you take it limp semi or hard? Would you suck it straight after when it was still warm? Gets me thinking what age group you are 20-30 30-40 or older.
    Dear srzl,

    I can tell you really like to think about what I would do with your dick when I had you tied down to a bed naked. It would really have to be hard for me to bite it off. I don't think I would like to cut or bite off a limp dick. So maybe the first thing would be a heavy dose of viagra to get you as hard as possible. While we were waiting for the viagra to work, I could bite those balls for a while.

    I would probably suck it and chew on it after it was off. The thing I would most like to do, is use it for a real cock dildo. So I might put some elastrator rubber bands on the base before I cut it off. That would keep it nice and hard so I could rub my clit with it and use it for a dildo. I wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant because it couldn't shoot any sperm. lol.

    You ask about my age group. If you had checked my public profile, you would see that I am 28.

    Love Betty-

  3. #78
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    Betty, can you send some photos of your biting work?

  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by bettybiteoff View Post
    Dear srzl,

    I can tell you really like to think about what I would do with your dick when I had you tied down to a bed naked. It would really have to be hard for me to bite it off. I don't think I would like to cut or bite off a limp dick. So maybe the first thing would be a heavy dose of viagra to get you as hard as possible. While we were waiting for the viagra to work, I could bite those balls for a while.

    I would probably suck it and chew on it after it was off. The thing I would most like to do, is use it for a real cock dildo. So I might put some elastrator rubber bands on the base before I cut it off. That would keep it nice and hard so I could rub my clit with it and use it for a dildo. I wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant because it couldn't shoot any sperm. lol.

    You ask about my age group. If you had checked my public profile, you would see that I am 28.

    Love Betty-
    Wow betty you have some sexy ideas now dont you, just checked your profile, i love dancers, had a few steamy sessions from various places, shame i couldnt get one from you.

  5. #80
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    Talking Betty is da bomb!

    I am very flattered to hear you talk about me this way. Have we ever communicated before? I was impressed by the eloquence of your writing. Of course, it takes a good writer to fully appreciate the writing of another.

    Yes, we have communicated before. Tho it has been a while.

    I have a lot of ideas for other stories but I haven't been in the mood to write them down lately. Maybe with the right encouragement, I could once again get in the mood to write.

    You know I support your efforts.

    I am always in the mood to chomp down on a hard dick. Have you ever thought about me giving you a biting blow job? Are you afraid that I might bite it off when ever you came? If not, then you should be. What if I put a pair of clippers at the base of your cock while I sucked you off? Would that make you nervous?

    <-- Does this answer your question?


  6. #81
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    New drawing

    Hope everyone likes.
    Last edited by sexyclyde; 03-08-2009 at 05:06 PM.

  7. #82
    Member dyshico's Avatar
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    Brilliant Sexyclyde....very good !!!!

  8. #83
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    san diego california

    re bme magazine stories

    Quote Originally Posted by dakotaindian View Post
    Yes, I agree with you. The castratrix should play, display or use her prize. The nullified male should be ****** to witness her doing these things. I once read a great story on BMEzine called Ellen's Gay Neighbor. Great story about a female who takes her gay neighbors penis and balls to eat later. The male wants it done to him. His partner even watches while this is happening. Being gay, I loved this story and have imagined myself as both witness and victim. I love masturbating to this one.
    There several stories at the site about cannibals and indian women, slicing of and dispalying as well as eatin gthe penis and balls of a male victim..... I've lost an info page I had on this but there were several storiesa dakota indian would enjoy. I'll try to relocate them and send you a copy. Do you ever role paly as an indian, on the raiding to victory? I 've been at a halloween party in palm springs where a numbe rof war paited indians of both sexes played games with the cowboys at the party, and it was surprising how exciting it was to watch an indian take down a white cowboy and quite relaistically pretend to ******** and sclap them.

    the cowboys seem to enjoy the helpless captive and ********* prisoner ebven more than the indians. It was very large party with a fine micture of fetishes expressed and sexual desires found and exjoyed.

    hope to hear from you about your enjoyment of the ********** and ball eating fanatsy.

  9. #84
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    Indian play

    Hey alccc2006, thanks for the heads up. I'll take a look there. No I haven't role played as an indian before. Interesting idea. When I visit Dommes my fantasies tend to the prison guard/prisoner roles but during the session I do indentify as a gay male and the domme always goes along and some even start to explore their own attraction to male on male sex by having me explain what I like to do.

  10. #85
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    Betty Bites

    Quote Originally Posted by matary13 View Post
    Betty, can you send some photos of your biting work?
    Dear matary13,

    You might check out this web site to see a few photos of my teeth around a dick.

    Go down to the bottom of the page to see the photos of me. If you like to read, there is also a short story from the point of view of one of my victims. Enjoy.

    Love Betty-

  11. #86
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    in empty space
    Great Story, great Lady...
    Love to read you and see you.
    Would love to feel you

  12. #87
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    Smile cool

    I would love to know what its like to have a pair of scissors around the base of my penis by a woman. Just to see how much it turn me on. Just reading this post turn me on. am i sick for thinking this?

  13. #88
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    dunno but i think im the same

  14. #89
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    Lightbulb Just think

    just thick for one moument what it would be like to have a girl say to you that she would love to cut off your penis, what would be going through your mind at the time? And how would you answer her?

  15. #90
    Big Supporter Chilly's Avatar
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    I don't have to imagine.

    Those were the only kind of girls who would spend any time talking with me.
    It made me wonder if they all carried such thoughts in their heads, whether they discussed it openly or not. When I would ask, every one of them told me yes. And this was before we were old enough to know what sex was for or what the heck "****" was.
    Maybe it does stem from an immature "how dare you have more parts than me!?" point of view, but I think what sustains it is the thrill of taboo subject matter, coupled with it being the easiest way to "get" him.
    By "get," I mean tease, shock, hurt, scare, shut him up, gross him out, or just plain get a rise out of him (sometimes literally -- lots of girls I knew got a big kick out of giving guys erections, as if at that age we much much provocation).
    They probably didn't know (or care, for that matter) that they may have been creating and nuturing a fetish in these guys that would make normal sex too bland for them, and so in extreme cases could lead to them destroying themselves sexually in an attempt to achieve what they think is the ultimate high in this kink.

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