me gustaria ver esta escena bien acabada
me gustaria ver esta escena bien acabada
interesante pelicula corta si sois ansiosos id directamente al minuto 17
I used to be a huge batman beyond fan after they replaced it with yyh why i love that show i will never know and I dont suppose you guys have hurd of an aferican american super hero named Static Shock? I used to watch that too
I used to be a huge batman beyond fan after they replaced it with yyh why i love that show i will never know and I dont suppose you guys have hurd of an aferican american super hero named Static Shock? I used to watch that too
Hi. I love all the links this site gives for pictures. I was wondering, does anyone know where I can find anime pics of guys having received a penectomy?
Even better, what I'd really like to see are anime images of guys who are getting sexually teased by girls after they've had their penectomy. You know, the horrific torture which comes after losing one's cock but not one's balls. Any good teasing images? Thanks.
Hi all you, It's me.
Still lurking around from time to time. I have been doing pretty good about not posting, but cant help that little urge that never seems to go away. It is my sickness, I know. Never in my life would I want to hurt a person, especially a guy that I had a special fondness for. So why is it that I have such a tremendous desire to cut off a guys penis the instant I am attracted to him. Why do I have this deep, dark, secret, fascination.
I know these are words that properly should be discussed with a professional in a white coat, but I do not think I am a threat to society. And the truth is, I really do enjoy my secret little fantasy.![]()
Don't be ashamed of your sexy desire LilShelly! There is someone out there for everyone, and one day you will meet someone who shares your passion. Someone who, when he sees that burning desire in your eyes, will calmly place his erect cock in one of your hands, and a sharp knife in the other...And then whisper in your ear, as if this moment were his most passionate and desirable moment in all his life, to take it from him...To make one quick and powerful slice and he will be yours forever.
I will never forget the day I told my fiancee about my secret desire for a beautiful woman to take my cock from me...Nor will I forget her response: That she shared the exact same fantasy. We have been acting out the fantasy regularly ever since!![]()
Sharing the exact same fantasy, nice maybe. What I might actually do given the opportunity? Scary.
My thoughts do scare myself. I think I might be the only girl practically anywhere that fantasizes about cutting off a hot guys dick, in attempt to fulfill sexual pleasure.
Could you imagine if I actually did it, he would probably just look at me holding the severed penis, in disbelief. I think we would probably both go into shock simultaneously.
Sharing this fantasy, exciting. Experiencing this fantasy, terrifying.
My best kept secret.![]()
LilShelly, I can promise you that you are not alone!
My fiancée and I would love to hear what parts of your fantasy and thoughts that go along with it scare you. She has some pretty intense ideas herself, some of which I could never have even thought of without her telling me.
She would love hearing your thoughts, or just sharing her own with you, and maybe that'd make you more comfortable with your secret desire, rather than being afraid of it. If interested you my PM me and she will share. I have written her many erotic stories about it, and we taken a lot of photos of her "in the act".
Regarding being afraid you might actually do it given the opportunity, you just have to have compelling reasons not to, in addition to the obvious legal/moral ramifications. For her, she could never truly do it because she loves my penis as is, and if she did she could never act out the fantasy again, which is the most fun part...playtime would be over.
Anyways, we'd be happy to chat about it. If not, we hope you find someone you can play with, and experience the thrill of having a shared, dark secret.![]()
Well.... you could do it and keep it in a jar on the night stand and move into a cuck type of relationship where you watch her with other men. You could also maybe preserve it in a dildo sized bottle so it could be a toy for her.
I can see where it would be fun to not have a dick, but have threesomes with the wife where you hold the base of the other guy's dick and feed it to her, rub it on her face, put it in her, etc. That way you still get to participate and kind of use the other guy's dick like it was yours.
Just because you lose your penis doesn't mean she (either of you) has to give up on playing with penises!![]()
This is true! And I would be lying if I said that I didn't find that scenario hot, at least to some extent. She has said on numerous occasions that if she ever did follow through with it, she would most certainly find a way to preserve it and keep it on display, so that I would be constantly reminded that she took it from me. She also said shed make a mold of it before taking it, so she could always have a toy made that looked and felt just like it, for later use. Further, she is actually bi-sexual, and would love using the replica of me on another girl right in front of me, as if to use "my cock" to pleasure her.
For now, we are having fun acting out different scenarios for how she would do it and what she would do with it afterwards. We push it pretty close sometimes, but I don't think we'd ever follow through with it. As I said before, she has a fascination, almost obsession, with my cock that prevents her from doing so. Who knows, maybe one day that will change and off it goes! We have actually talked about the "what ifs" and ultimately we have decided that if she ever decided she truly wanted to do it, I would let her. She is in the medical profession (surgical), and of course would do it correctly, while hopefully maintaining the sexiness of the act.