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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1141
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    Great stuff...Thanks everyone!

  2. #1142
    Big Supporter linklierok's Avatar
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    What did you guys think of this vid we made? Was it somewhat convincing? If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?

  3. #1143
    Senior Member Paddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linklierok View Post
    What did you guys think of this vid we made? Was it somewhat convincing? If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?

    Great I'd like to hear her talk in the next one maybe saying why she's doing it and what she's going to do Perhaps you could have bigger balls next time

  4. #1144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paddy View Post

    Great I'd like to hear her talk in the next one maybe saying why she's doing it and what she's going to do Perhaps you could have bigger balls next time
    Perhaps she could tie you down, fool you and really do it, laughing wildly....

  5. #1145
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    [quote=silvia_lati;28486]i want do it really!!![/quo

    How about some of this?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 100_0048.jpg  

  6. #1146
    Big Supporter linklierok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by silvia_lati View Post
    i want do it really!!![/quo

    How about some of this?
    Been there, done that. this should kill 2 birds with one stone, it has her talking/mocking, and needles. And this one isnt fake.

    As to fooling me, I wouldnt put it past her, once I've gotten her preggo.
    Last edited by linklierok; 02-25-2011 at 10:40 PM.

  7. #1147
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    Quote Originally Posted by linklierok View Post
    If you guys liked it we may make some more of fake-ball destroying. Any suggestions for what you would like to see?

    Great video, especially hearing your wife taunting you as she does it.

    You asked for suggestions. How about a fake ********** video?

    Instead of you talking or saying anything we just occasionally hear you softly whimper and moan. By the way I would like to see you wearinga longsleeve shirt with your sleeves down and your arms covered in long sleeves.

    You wife is also wearing a long sleeve shirt. She rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows. As she rolls up her sleeves she tells her all woman audiance that she is going to ******** you and she is going to demonstrate how the operation is performed. She does her describing of everything as if her audiance is made up entirely of women who are learning to ********.

    If you can do a long enough video for this, as she lays out her instruments and preps you she might describe to her audiance each of the methods of **********, burdizzo, banding, and surgical, the good and bad points of each. Of course her favorite method is surgical.

    Using a fake scrotum and fake testicles with fake spermatic cords, she then appears to cut your nuts out describing to her audiance each step in the operation as she performs it, and she holds up your "severed testicles" when she is done. If everyone involved is ok with this, if your wife has any sisters maybe one of her sisters of one of her girlfriends could be assisting her with the surgery.

    I've been trying to find a video like this for a long long time.

  8. #1148
    Big Supporter linklierok's Avatar
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    Hehe i dont think we quite have the budget for that kind of film. i will try to get one where she talks more sometime. I do have some but would have to work out somewhere to store them online, and i dont have much time for it. but we will try to make another one soon.

    She would never agree to have her face on film, nor would she involve anyone else though.

    PS what is the deal with the sleeves lol doesnt really do anything for me...

  9. #1149
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    A Penis Booby Trap, Ouch!!!!!!!

    This thing could really sting a guy !!!!!!!!!

  10. #1150
    Senior Member Paddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linklierok View Post
    i will try to get one where she talks more
    Can't wait. I like the idea of a woman that *enjoys* ********** guys

  11. #1151
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    Quote Originally Posted by linklierok View Post
    Hehe i dont think we quite have the budget for that kind of film. i will try to get one where she talks more sometime. I do have some but would have to work out somewhere to store them online, and i dont have much time for it. but we will try to make another one soon.
    What I first described was a rather involved video. But a video where while she is doing whatever to your balls, she is threatening to ******** you and is describing how she would ******** you, but she is not talking to you, she is describing it to a group of women who are watching her as she does a ********** demonstration.

    A scene I thought would be different. A woman develops a chemical to use as a handjob lube. She uses it to give the man a handjob and it works with a woman's chemistry and a man's chemistry so that when a woman gives him a handjob it painfully turns his balls to a soft gue, and when he cums his balls are expelled with his last cum and she castrates him by ******* him to cum.

    Wearing a long sleeve shirt she rolls her sleeves up above her elbows and she says that she is going to ******** him, that she is going to destroy his manhood and turn him into a eunuch. She uses the "chemical" to give him a handjob and she describes what she is doing and how the chemical works, and when he cums she says that it's his last cum and his liquified balls are coming out with it, and then she says that his manhood is destroyed and he's now a eunuch. Again she isn't talking to you, she describes it to a groups of women as she does a ********** demonstration for them.

    I don't need to see her face at all. I just want to see enough to know that she is a woman, that she has her long sleeves rolled up above her elbows, and that she's doing bad things to a man's balls and cock. And I would like to hear a woman talking about ********** and about ********** a man.

    You asked about the sleeves thing. I've always had this sleeve fetish. I like wearing long sleeve shirts with my arms completely covered in long sleeves. But I love to see a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I like to watch a woman rolling her long sleeves up above her elbows, then see her with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.

    Well, you asked for suggestions of what we would like to see, so that's what I've given you.

  12. #1152
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    could somone explain the needles in the balls and penis thing? cant you really damage your gear like that? i see pics all the time.

  13. #1153
    Big Supporter linklierok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by john b View Post
    could somone explain the needles in the balls and penis thing? cant you really damage your gear like that? i see pics all the time.
    Well if the needles just go thru the outer skin, its not very dangerous at all as long as they're sterile.

    Now putting thru the ball itself, theres certainly a risk involved (one my wife is willing to take hehe), you can reduce the risk by using sterile, non-sewing needles, taking care to avoid any veins, and making sure both the ball and the needle do not move or get wiggled around.

    This is NOT an endorsement it certainly is still dangerous. Its a personal choice i've made to accept the danger. If you want more info I'd say look at

  14. #1154
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    Viet Gals

    They have fun long time with cock!!

  15. #1155
    Join Date
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    booko it's very nice

    i sended a p.m you please look at =)

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