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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1411
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    May 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Diskordovich View Post
    I think we have to accept that we are all different and we all have the right to express our selves.

    The bitchiness I have found on this forum is rather tiresome and very pathetic. Grow up.
    You are really fucking annoying. Can you try to make one post instead of 4 posts in a row?

    Also, how have you not been banned yet? You are one of the most blatant trolls I have ever seen. Stop making a bunch of retarded posts in threads and stop making the threads you post in go off-topic. I haven't seen you post one useful thing yet. Please get banned.

    These forums don't revolve around you.

  2. #1412
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles

    chatbot nagaette

    Quote Originally Posted by wukag View Post
    Try out this chatbot, it's fun! She is into penis guro.

    Wow, I like this bot a lot... I don't know who made it, but it's cool... what are some key command words? Is the creator going to make more, or expand on this one?

  3. #1413
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkmoonmist View Post
    Wow, I like this bot a lot... I don't know who made it, but it's cool... what are some key command words? Is the creator going to make more, or expand on this one?
    The chat window showed a message, note: the bot no longer wants to chat with you.
    I am being ignored by a chatbot , is it a psychological test to lower people's self esteem hahaha

  4. #1414
    Junior Member
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    I really like your manips, Finally. Great work. What program do you use, Adobe? I would like to try my hand at some.
    Please keep them coming.

  5. #1415
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    "Hostel 2" clip. Penis is cut off. Drastic!

  6. #1416
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    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by mick_sl8ter View Post
    The chat window showed a message, note: the bot no longer wants to chat with you.
    I am being ignored by a chatbot , is it a psychological test to lower people's self esteem hahaha
    if you type "reset" it starts over.

    Keep trying different messages... sometimes even gibberish gets a reaction.

    One that almost always works is 'eat' followed by 'yes'. Other commands do other things, but it seems random...

  7. #1417
    Registered Member
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    just joined the site...great pics!!!

  8. #1418
    Junior Member
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    share movies

    dear all, can you share me a clearly and completely about female ******** male video? I like it.

    Thanks for your sharing

  9. #1419
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kanarek301 View Post
    "Hostel 2" clip. Penis is cut off. Drastic!
    Oh my god ,I'm feelling cool

  10. #1420
    Registered Member
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    Apr 2007

    job done!!!

  11. #1421
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    Women into male genital abuse, and Hot Video Clips

    Quote Originally Posted by spidermale View Post
    ive known several girls that had fun got them hot seeing how hot they could make me. and alot of times id have to make them cum so theyd let me cum. girls like to play just as much as us, you jsut have to find a girl that clicks with you and particpates in your fetishes.
    I can second that - had an affair years ago with a very bright, imaginative, eager-to-please woman who would do just about anything, was willing to do whatever I suggested and more. At the end of the affair she told me "I'm the best thing you ever had" and that's probably correct. I'm into knife-play and biting (always directed at my hard cock) and in return I fucked her most times we were together. And she made lunch for me.

    Change of topic: thanks to (person on this list) who pointed me to
    http://********************/studio/333 - just downloaded 7 videos and I have to say I'm impressed, they are everything I was hoping for and more. And no I'm not a shill for the studio. I'm willing to pay something for high-quality fringe material that's probably not in great demand. As you might guess, I found the video clips on Cock Whipping (he remains impressively erect throughout the abuse!), 2 videos with mild and severe cock-biting, and 1 video with a big knife - applied at least 4 or 5 times to her man's very erect penis (it must be a deliberately dull knife because she did some serious sawing with (I think) the sharp edge of the blade, but no blood).

    Di's personality is perfect for these videos. She obviously loves playing with the man's cock, keeping him on the edge of coming, and is proud of her technique. She is comfortable and intimate with the camera, looks completely relaxed, and keeps a running hot commentary going throughout the clip. This is good stuff. Thanks for posting the link!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails bite.jpg  

  12. #1422
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    Jan 2007

    Thanks Lorenalover

    Actually I never managed to learn adobe or corel, I prefer ulead.
    It's easy to "cut" parts out of a pic and store and use them as "objects".

    I always try to use most realistic objects, so for example what someone recognized as a "bone" in one of the cocks is actually the catheter.
    There's a guy named newsight on BME and he made a series of pics when he cut of his own penis (not a small or ugly one, by the way ). Very good real pics. In one the penis is already cut off, it is just not yet completely slid off the catheter.
    If you study such pics you see, you can not easyly fake the "insight" of a cut-off penis. You have to find good and realistic pics to work with if you want to make a good manip.

  13. #1423
    Big Supporter silvia_lati's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finder View Post
    I can second that - had an affair years ago with a very bright, imaginative, eager-to-please woman who would do just about anything, was willing to do whatever I suggested and more. At the end of the affair she told me "I'm the best thing you ever had" and that's probably correct. I'm into knife-play and biting (always directed at my hard cock) and in return I fucked her most times we were together. And she made lunch for me.

    Change of topic: thanks to (person on this list) who pointed me to
    http://********************/studio/333 - just downloaded 7 videos and I have to say I'm impressed, they are everything I was hoping for and more. And no I'm not a shill for the studio. I'm willing to pay something for high-quality fringe material that's probably not in great demand. As you might guess, I found the video clips on Cock Whipping (he remains impressively erect throughout the abuse!), 2 videos with mild and severe cock-biting, and 1 video with a big knife - applied at least 4 or 5 times to her man's very erect penis (it must be a deliberately dull knife because she did some serious sawing with (I think) the sharp edge of the blade, but no blood).

    Di's personality is perfect for these videos. She obviously loves playing with the man's cock, keeping him on the edge of coming, and is proud of her technique. She is comfortable and intimate with the camera, looks completely relaxed, and keeps a running hot commentary going throughout the clip. This is good stuff. Thanks for posting the link!
    very very very nice pic

  14. #1424
    Junior Member
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    Great pics

  15. #1425
    Junior Member
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    Thank you for the information , Finally. I hope I can do as well as you with some practice. btw, here are a couple of my favorites from an old Yahoo group that was closed by Yahoo.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 0110.jpg   0118.jpg   eat015.jpg  

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