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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1441
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    I like this pictures very much
    Last edited by janispank; 07-09-2008 at 05:16 AM.

  2. #1442
    Join Date
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    This pictures is very impressive, somo to real images.

  3. #1443
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  4. #1444
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    Quote Originally Posted by SadisticSara View Post
    I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
    Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?

    I wouldn't really ******** a guy, though. Well, not unless he was ****** me or something, and there was nothing else I could do to stop
    - - - Sara

    This is my first post here and as a means of introduction, I have had some sort of ********** fantasy since I was 10 and I am 35 now. I have been in therapy off and on for 10 years, not specifically for ********** fantasies, but the topic has come up. I am no closer to understanding "why" I have these fantasies than I was 10 years ago.

    I have primarily explored these fantasies with phone sex operators. One operator hung up on me because she panicked and didn't know how to proceed with my fantasy. The typical operator has had a similar response to Sadistic Sara, often being intrigued by the idea but not something that she could actually do.

    I would be interested to hear from others what turns them on about this fantasy and specifically if anyone else has fantasies that go beyond **********. In my case, ********** is only the start of what a woman or women do to me or another man. Most of my fantasies also involve some some sort of dismemberment, skinning, disembowling and other tortures to the male body. An aspect of these fantasies that turn me on is that the women derive a great deal of pleasure from the screaming the man does as they are doing these things. Female pleasure in male pain and suffering I have always found erotic. I have no idea "why". From stories and other threads on other sites I have read there are common themes in my fantasies that others have had as well. I personally would like a better understanding of where such a thing comes from. I would be interested to learn from other's experience with their fantasies.

  5. #1445
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    Quote Originally Posted by swtoby View Post
    I would be interested to hear from others what turns them on about this fantasy and specifically if anyone else has fantasies that go beyond **********.

    I think most people who have femdom ********** fantasies can relate to and identify with the feelings and so on you have talked about here with your femdom ********** fantasies. for a long time I thought I was the only one who had such fantasies. Then I found The Eunuch Archive ( and I found out there are quite a number of people who have ********** fantasies. So you are not alone in having femdom ********** fantasies.

    You asked what turns me on about this fantasy. I think what really turns me on about femdom ********** is the idea of women having that kind of total and absolute power over men, of her totally destroying him, of women having total omnipotence over men as if women are God.

    What turns me on about my femdom ********** fantasy is a woman having total absolute power over me, of her totally destroying me, of me being completely under a woman's power and totally at her mercy as if she herself is God.

    By the way, I view and worship God solely as female, to me God is really Goddess and that is how I think of, view, and worship God, as female, as Goddess.

    In my femdom ********** fantasies, as she performs the ********** surgery on me, the castratrix becomes and is Goddess Herself and I worship her as Goddess as she cuts my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at her hands, and it is worship of her that will continue forever after the operation.

    In my fantasies I am my manhood. As the castratrix slowly cuts out my testicles and my manhood is destroyed at her hands, what she is destroying is my very being and my very essence. My total being and my total essence is being sacrificed to The Goddess at Her own hands as She surgically castrates me. Like Goddess/Creatrix, She is creating me into what She wants me to be to serve and worship Her as She wants me to serve and worship Her.

    As she performs ********** surgery on me and my manhood is destroyed at her hands, the castratrix absorbs me and my very being and essence into herself and into her very being and essence so that she and I are eternally united eternally one with each other. Through the castratrix I am eternally united with The Goddess. That is how it feels to me, so for me it is much more and much deeper than just something sexual. For me femdom ********** and my femdom ********** fantasies are something very deeply spiritual.

    In my fantasies the castratrix becomes and is The Goddess. ********* and emasculated at her hands I will forever worship her and forever belong completely to her.

    I have tried to figure out what it is I'm really searching for through my femdom ********** fantasies. I think that what I'm searching for through them is something much more and much deeper than just physically my testicles being surgically removed and my manhood destroyed at the hands of a woman. I think what I'm really searching for through them is something deeply spiritual and my femdom ********** fantasies are how that something spiritual is being manifested in the physical.

    I know some of this seems really way out and strange, but you did ask and that is what in my femdom ********** fantasies that turn me on, and that is how it feels down inside me.

  6. #1446
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    Although women love to be treated as a goddess, that doesn't mean they want to behave like one.

  7. #1447
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    Black Beautys

    Hi there, I'm new to this thread. I was just wondering if anybody knows of anywhere one could find stories/pictures/etc of black men with large genitalia losing the whole thing? One of my dearest fantasies is one of petite blonde women chopping off big black beauties, but I can't seem to find much of anything with black men loosing it. Even the eunuch archive seems to be pretty barren for this.


  8. #1448
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcocomo View Post
    Hi there, I'm new to this thread. I was just wondering if anybody knows of anywhere one could find stories/pictures/etc of black men with large genitalia losing the whole thing? One of my dearest fantasies is one of petite blonde women chopping off big black beauties, but I can't seem to find much of anything with black men loosing it. Even the eunuch archive seems to be pretty barren for this.


    This site may have what you seek. They have had some really good stories and drawings in the past, but it is expensive:

  9. #1449
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    hey guys and gurls

    hey well im new here and really like cartoons cuz there are endless oopurtunites anyone know if black whizzers collection has grow

  10. #1450
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  11. #1451
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    Here you can find some nice pictures:

  12. #1452
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    Does Anyone Know Who The Mistress Is?

  13. #1453
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    i've tried steph mies & steph broek i've tried looking for the website's they've been on & the video she's been in but i can't seem to find anything but this one on which leads you to

    anybody know where i can find the 2 sample videos on my last post?

    everytime i find something i'm looking for it keeps dissappearing.

  14. #1454
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    first time sending pix

    I hope this is still keeping with the theme.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails shskbll.jpg  

  15. #1455

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