im trying to track this one down or any like it destroying cocks or balls fake or real with teeth was there ever a movie of these picks
Hi all.
Excuse me if saw
can not here insert,while.
This is the most powerful kick ever made by woman.
Looking around my computer for something to do, and I found this old clip. Its only about 26 seconds long but the chick just turns me on, she is very talented with her knife edge play. It makes me wonder how many males she has neutered. This clip offers up so many fantasies for me...
Hope you enjoy it too.
I found some old pix on my computer and got the idea of "Before & After" type of theme. No more fun ballbusting for this guy.
"In the past, the man wanted to keep the woman barefoot and pregnant. Today, the woman keeps the man barefoot and balls bound."
Actually... the movie is totally crap !
You can just FFW to the scene where she 'cuts' his balls.
Story: a 30 something photographer ( a real nice guy ) gets in contact with a 14 year old girl. The photographer likes young girls... nothing wrong with that ! She just totally freaks out on him and the movie is 100% unrealistic. She decides to ******** him. But she doesnt really ******** him,she just numbs his groin with ice and makes him believe she ********* him. ( You do not see anything it is all in words ) Then she threatens the guy : the guy appears to be a pathetic cry baby and commits suicide. And there is a happy disney ending: the pedophile is dead.
Shitty crap movie ! And very unfriendly towards men who like teenage girls.
When a girl gets tits and her period she becomes a woman. And there is nothing wrong with a man fucking a woman. Of course it is not quite normal for a 40 year old guy to fuck a 15 year old girl. But in my opinion that is not a pedophile.
For me a pedophile is a man that fucks children. Most 14/15 year old girls are not children. They are young women. They are sexually mature.
I have been living on myself, making my own money, taking fully care of myself since I was 16. It is fucked up to call teenagers children.
Pornography = boring.
Problem is that it is not sexually bad but morally. Age gives you advantage on younger woman, being myself 22 and soon 23, I know how getting a 14-15-16 years old girl in my bed is easy. That's not fair. :/ They have no chance to resist, so I don't do it.
Why can't women 14-15-16 years old resist sex? Are you talking about ****** them?
For the record men should be sexually attracted to women who are sexually mature regardless of age but if you don't want to go to jail you pass them on by. Pedophiles are men who want girls (women not sexually mature). Psychologists make this distinction even though society, which is ignorant, does not. It is like calling one of two male gay lovers a her or a wife even though neither one of them thinks they are a girl; or vice-versa for two female lesbians.
I wish society was educated so that we did not have those misconceptions but I will take what I can get.
This also means that they do not ******** men who sleep with underaged but sexually mature women because the guy is considered to be perfectly normal, psychologically.