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Thread: ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)

  1. #1861
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary198 View Post
    I think that this constitutes STATUTORY **** everywhere. Easy to see you have no daughters.
    Of course as a father you want your daughter to stay a virgin until marriage. But this parental feeling denies the sexual maturity of a young woman.

    I hope I will be more fair to my children when they become teenagers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pupuce View Post
    Problem is that it is not sexually bad but morally. Age gives you advantage on younger woman, being myself 22 and soon 23, I know how getting a 14-15-16 years old girl in my bed is easy. That's not fair. :/ They have no chance to resist, so I don't do it.
    Lets say I was a single man of my age. No woman has a chance to resist me , so that is not a good reason NOT to have sex with teenage girls. The only reason I can come up with ( besides the law ) is that in general teenage girls are incredibly annoying. When I was a teenager, I would date girls in their early 20's, because they were less annoying and chances of having sex were bigger :-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Snakelinux View Post
    Why can't women 14-15-16 years old resist sex? Are you talking about ****** them?

    For the record men should be sexually attracted to women who are sexually mature regardless of age but if you don't want to go to jail you pass them on by. Pedophiles are men who want girls (women not sexually mature). Psychologists make this distinction even though society, which is ignorant, does not. It is like calling one of two male gay lovers a her or a wife even though neither one of them thinks they are a girl; or vice-versa for two female lesbians.

    I wish society was educated so that we did not have those misconceptions but I will take what I can get.

    This also means that they do not ******** men who sleep with underaged but sexually mature women because the guy is considered to be perfectly normal, psychologically.
    Yes the ignorance annoys me as well !
    Because I fully agree pedophiles damage children and they are sick and need to be stopped. So calling a man who wants to have sex with a young sexually mature woman a pedophile is disturbing.

    Personally I think teenage girls are annoying. But physically I see no problem with a male having sex with a sexually mature female.
    Pornography = boring.

  2. #1862
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    snakelinux, mick_sl8ter...

    You both have no idea. Obviously you have not been abused as childs, nor do you know somebody pesonally who has been.
    I can just tell you to listen to Pupuce:
    Age gives you advantage.
    Don't joke about it: Sexually exploiting an advantage you have over somebody is ABUSE. You don't seem to know what effects abuse has on children so shut up about it until you know.
    For me a pedophile is ...
    Thank god it doesn't matter what you mean.
    Believe me: The only reason you joke about it is, because you don't know the effects.

  3. #1863
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    You both have no idea. Obviously you have not been abused as childs, nor do you know somebody pesonally who has been.
    Childs... Did I mention children ???? NO !!! Teenagers are not children.

    Quote Originally Posted by finally View Post
    I can just tell you to listen to Pupuce:

    Don't joke about it: Sexually exploiting an advantage you have over somebody is ABUSE. You don't seem to know what effects abuse has on children so shut up about it until you know.
    Thank god it doesn't matter what you mean.
    Believe me: The only reason you joke about it is, because you don't know the effects.
    You seem very aggressive and I do not see why you think we are making jokes. Stop talking about children and sexual abuse, because the subject is the movie "hard candy" that involves a 14 year old teenage girl. And again you prove the ignorance we mentioned earlier about people calling teenagers children.

    The movie sort of claims that is OK for a 30 something guy to get ********* because he wants to have sex with a 14 year old girl. We advocate that the whole movie is ignorant, because that guy is not a pedophile.

    The islamic prophet mohammed who had intercourse with a 9 year old girl named Aisha, well ....... that is a whole different story. Why do not you go to a mosque where you live in Germany and tell them that their prophet is a pedophile ??? You do this first , then you come here talking about child abuse OK
    Pornography = boring.

  4. #1864
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    Thanks for ruining my favorite thread...

  5. #1865
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    It's illegal. Stop it, please.

  6. #1866
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    This is not the thread to be discussing pedephilia and pedephiles. However, sex with minors is wrong and anything having to do with sex with minors is wrong. A minor is anyone who is not legally an adult. In most countries the age when someone becomes an adult is between 18 and 21 years old. Different countries and different states have different ages when someone can legally have sex. But just because someone is legally old enough to have sex does not mean they are legally an adult.

    Just because the law says someone is old enouh to have sex does not mean they are old enough or mature enough to really make that choice, and being old enough to legally have sex may not be old enough to legally be an adult, it depends on when the law says they are legally an adult. So having sex with someone who is not legally an adult is the same as having sex with a child, and it is wrong and I also think it is sick.

    If anyone wants to continue this discussion I think they should make a new thread just about this and leave the other threads for the subjects they were made for.

  7. #1867
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    this is a most excellent thread

  8. #1868
    Big Supporter Snakelinux's Avatar
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    Sexual abuse is a serious issue...

    Quote Originally Posted by dharkbus View Post
    this is a most excellent thread
    Thanks dharkbus, I like people who enjoy a good debate.

    Age gives you advantage.
    That was pupuce not me, finally. Please don't misquote me, thanks.

    By the way, I was just speaking from a psychiatrist's perspective since that happens to be my favorite subject.

    Finally, you act as though you or someone close to you was abused as a child and because you do not make the distinction of teenagers and children it probably happened when you were between 12-14 years old. I recommend speaking to someone about it but not me or on this forum. Being abused especially sexually messes up your mind. I know, I have relatives who have been abused sexually by their parents and there is not much in life worse than that. It can mess up your sexuality and your sense of right and wrong. If any of you have been hurt in that way please talk to someone. It will make a difference.

  9. #1869
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    I see. You just wanted to distinguish and reserve the term "pedophil" for the mentally ill ones.
    Abuse of teenagers of course is not mentally ill in that way, it's just a fucking crime.
    And if you ask:
    Why can't women 14-15-16 years old resist sex?
    ...then pedophilie may be you favorite subject but you absolutely miss the subject of simple abuse.
    And what is wrong about pedophilie? It's not the mental state, it's the act. And the act is called abuse.

    BTW I didn't quote you wrong. See:
    I can just tell you to listen to Pupuce:
    Age gives you advantage.
    Yes I am agressive about that, because I know victims of abuse.
    And the corresponding actor.
    I am agressive about that because it just takes simple thinking to do it right.
    But so many people use "thinking" only to justify whatever they want to do.
    For example mick_sl8ter who justifys simple abuse by arranging it as "Teenagers are not children so you can treat them as adults, exploit then etc..."
    Sexually exploiting an advantage you have over somebody is abuse no matter what age the person is. It's a crime in every better country.
    So I'll quote Pupuce again:
    Age gives you advantage.
    If somebody tries to argue that away then he/she is dangerously silly.

  10. #1870
    Big Supporter vulkrypse's Avatar
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    why why whyyyy
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 12007133343.jpg   120029137070.jpg   120071337311.jpg  

  11. #1871
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    I hope I did not get misunderstood. I said and still think that age gives you advantage, and that's the main reason why it's not fair and shouldn't be done (well, except if you really feel your age did not matter), but doing it anyway is not "abusing" in the "****" sens, in my opinion. I wouldn't consider myself a ****** for having sex with a 15 yo girl; I would consider myself being mean and with very low moral standard.

    Nothing force you to help that granma crossing the street. But is that a reason for not doing it ? I guess that's the same logic for me.

  12. #1872
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    Would you guys please start your own "how to have sex with children" thread and leave that sit out this one.

  13. #1873
    Big Supporter Rebecca's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hasta View Post
    Would you guys please start your own "how to have sex with children" thread and leave that sit out this one.
    I agree!!!

    I don't believe that because a man (or woman) has sex with a girl (or boy) who is 14-16 years old is a pedophile. I would have to question their mental state given how annoying and immature people that age are, but it is not pedophilia.

    Having said that, does this discussion not belong somewhere else? I don't mind a good debate, but this hardly seems like the thread (or the forum for that matter) for such a discussion.


  14. #1874
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    Yes discussion closed hahaha a banana dance and a wave to 'finally'

    Back on topic: The BME Pain Olympics seems to be wide spread all over the internet. On youtube you can find many people their reaction to this clip.

    Its hilarious:

    In case you did not see the clip allready, it is about dick and balls being chopped off with a hatchet and a knife.

    The reaction of people is hilarious. (Allthough I think many of them are great actors.)

    The thing I do not understand is: People act so shocked when they see a clip of a guy losing his genitals. But animals get ********* all the time and we all think that is perfectly normal.

    I think it is more shocking for an animal to get *********, because they did not sign up for it. While the guy in the clip voluntarily chops his balls off.
    Pornography = boring.

  15. #1875
    Big Supporter mick_sl8ter's Avatar
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    At the end the girl wonders about sperm comming out of the testicles
    Pornography = boring.

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