View Full Version : Ballbusting Cartoons
iron horse
12-03-2004, 04:15 PM
Hello Sexy Sara!
I thought you would find the attached cartoons cute and funny. Hope you and your fans delight in these as I did.
iron horse
12-03-2004, 05:29 PM
Thought you'd like the following as well :D
12-03-2004, 07:48 PM
This is an oldie, but still one of my favorites
12-05-2004, 12:17 PM
These pictures lovingly sampled from GIRL BEATS BOY (
(hopefully they don't mind) :iluvu:
12-05-2004, 02:03 PM
I emailed a couple of female friends of mine that picture of the guy tied up and a feather stimulating his cock and giving him blue balls.
One of the girls wrote the caption: It was at that moment Jim regretted donating his body to science.
The other girl replied to my email with some snide comment about how my balls didn't really matter and I should get a life!
Just goes to show how different girls react to the idea of ball busting.
12-05-2004, 06:44 PM
Here's a cartoon that I didn't see in any of the posts...
iron horse
12-06-2004, 09:36 AM
I like this one. Love the concept of beautiful Sara landing a perfectly targeted kick lick this kicking the sperm out of the man.
iron horse
12-06-2004, 04:16 PM
I emailed a couple of female friends of mine that picture of the guy tied up and a feather stimulating his cock and giving him blue balls.
One of the girls wrote the caption: It was at that moment Jim regretted donating his body to science.
The other girl replied to my email with some snide comment about how my balls didn't really matter and I should get a life!
Just goes to show how different girls react to the idea of ball busting.
I find a lot more variation with women in what they like and don't and men, although we too vary considerably. I've met women that get wet thinking about tying a guy up like that and giving him blue balls or kicking him in the balls, and others that don't even go there.
Variety truly is the spice of life.
And one more cartoon....
Jennifer tv
12-11-2004, 07:44 PM
It looks a bit like the guy is in ballet of my fantasies....
12-16-2004, 10:45 AM
Iron Horse:
Do you know the artist or the web page for those animated gifs your presented?
They were entitled gifani03.gif and gifani07.gif,and they are but two of many very good animated gifs with the ballbusting theme.
PapaBear :-)
12-30-2004, 07:17 PM
hello people¡where did you find cartoons picas over ball busting & ballgrab?thank you
12-31-2004, 06:43 AM
to maryyjose,
Used to be a yahoo club called comicbust.
go to yahoo clubs and search for it.
iron horse
12-31-2004, 01:12 PM
Ballbusting and ballgrabbing femdom artwork, cartoons and comics are scattered about the Internet. However, most of this work has been consolidated on a few websites, most of which is free. All of the work I've posted on this forum is inclusive in these websites.
There are some femdom cartoon websites that requires membership and charges a fee for joining. Since the owners of these sites are not the artists, and, since the artists are represented elsewhere for free, I will not add those links below.
Here are the best sites I've found, and I welcome anyone to post any other links:
FemdomArt - this is a Russian website. Dozens if not hundreds of femdom artists and comic illustrators display their work here, and I'm sure you'll recognize much of it. Click on the respective artist to the left to see his/her work. (You can use one of the many free Russian translation websites to instantly translate the text into English):
The World of Mondo - An Italian website that focuses on sadomasochistic fetish, with numerous international femdom artists represented:
Lastly, many of the artists identified in the two sites above have their own websites, such as Sardax, for example:
iron horse
02-22-2005, 09:05 PM
Hope you like this cartoon....(not really a pic, but pretty funny)...
02-23-2005, 08:13 PM
I'm pleased to see my artwork has found a new audience!
To see my latest BB graphic, visit Tamakeri's site
I'm super busy lately, but it's always been a dream of mine to start up a BB cartoon and animation site. I always thought there'd never be a large enough audience for such a specific genre, but maybe that's not the case afterall.
Glad you liked'em Iron Horse!
02-25-2005, 02:27 PM
This is and old one from the VK website that I don't see here. Its one of my favourites :-)
03-08-2005, 04:10 PM
Ok, so they are cartoons. If you dont like them kick me, hell even if you do like them KICK ME :bananajum
03-10-2005, 12:18 PM
Ok, so they are cartoons. If you dont like them kick me, hell even if you do like them KICK ME :bananajum
Okay, for the first cartoon, Jane, you get a hug, not a kick, sorry; for the next one, wellll, no hug, but no kick, either. Now for the third one: not funny, not racey, a WASTE of good bandwidth. Spread 'em!! Take it like a man!!
03-15-2005, 12:54 AM
Some chuckles. :-)
03-22-2005, 08:43 AM
found a couple that are worth a smile
04-13-2005, 02:12 AM
There might be links to these, but I think they're worth posting.
04-13-2005, 02:21 AM
There might be links to these, but I think they're worth posting.Definitely :) Got anymore?
04-13-2005, 11:47 AM
works for me
04-18-2005, 03:23 PM
Here are two pics I really liked and thought worth being posted.
I would love there were more pics like these... I mean, drawn with this style... I'm pretty sure that in japan there are a lot of these. But it's often difficult to find them on the net... sometimes I'm lucky and find japanese ballbusting forums where there are some manga pics posted and some links. It's hard to follow them (since they write all in japanese) but sometimes luckyness helps me :)
Unfortunately they often censore the pics...
I wonder if there are manga, anime or oavs about ballbusting... :)
Hope you will like these pics as much as I did.
04-18-2005, 10:05 PM
Here are two pics I really liked and thought worth being posted.
I would love there were more pics like these... I mean, drawn with this style... I'm pretty sure that in japan there are a lot of these. But it's often difficult to find them on the net... sometimes I'm lucky and find japanese ballbusting forums where there are some manga pics posted and some links. It's hard to follow them (since they write all in japanese) but sometimes luckyness helps me :)
Unfortunately they often censore the pics...
I wonder if there are manga, anime or oavs about ballbusting... :)
They look like the format that is generally observed in anime: in Japan, it is legal to sow any part of the human body on camera or in a drawing, except for the reproductive organs. This ban does not include breasts (real or cartoon), but applies to genitals (real or cartoon) -- that's why the penis in the two males shown is deformed as if it were pixilated, to obscure what is shown.
Some anime shows ballbusting in one way or another; the Cream Lemon series was one early series that included a lot of wild stuff like that. There was one Cream Lemon video I saw of which I wish I had a copy, but not for the racy stuff; there was another scene, forever engraved in my little brain...
04-19-2005, 02:42 AM
Some anime shows ballbusting in one way or another; the Cream Lemon series was one early series that included a lot of wild stuff like that. There was one Cream Lemon video I saw of which I wish I had a copy, but not for the racy stuff; there was another scene, forever engraved in my little brain...
Can you describe the scene? I have an episode of Cream Lemon on VHS, but no ballbusting in it.. I didn't know it was a serie.. maybe I should search for more episodes somewhere :)
Was it naked bb?
I found strange that in some other series, such as Bible Black Gaiden, there is no bb at all, while there are a lot of other kinds of fetishes represented.
04-19-2005, 01:04 PM
does anybody know animemovies with some ballbusting in?
04-19-2005, 11:22 PM
Can you describe the scene? I have an episode of Cream Lemon on VHS, but no ballbusting in it.. I didn't know it was a serie.. maybe I should search for more episodes somewhere :)
Was it naked bb?
No, not BB at all. You have the one where the guy throws a basketball at the other guy's head? IF SO! The scene near the end where the guy reverts from being a demon and is human for a moment just before he burns to a crisp.
I thought it was only one episode, also; a friend of mine who collects anime says it's a series. If your tape has no guy getting hit in the head with a basketball, then you have one of the Cream Lemon tapes. If you have that one, then maybe the collector I knew was selling me some bull.
I remember one good nut-kick in Zeta Gundam -- a female friend watching said, "Owwww!" But it's not naked. (It IS zero-gravity, like most of Gundam, but that's more weird than sexy.)
04-22-2005, 12:20 PM
Here's may take with Alyson Hannigon, Srah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Pamela Anderson going head-to-head to claim the crown of Ball-Busting Bitch 2006.
There are 5 events: Punching, Kneeing, Stomping, Squeezing and the contraversial Standing On.
This Year: Alyson
How times change. Last year Alyson was doing naked back-flips across the arena (as only she can without risking blacking an eye) after snatching the title from right under Angelina Jolie's nose, but this year saw Alyson leave the venue in a fit of tears. Strangely, Alyson had started the tournament strongly with a win in the Punching round (a round that has traditionally been saved until last). Next came the Kneeing round which saw her take second place to Sarah Michelle Gellar, who in a phenomenal show of skill popped both of her male's nuggets with a single strike. That's where Alyson's luck began to change for the worse. Her perennial worst round, Stomping, was as bad, if not worse, than ever. the round saw her fail to permanently damage a single nut. She blamed the unusual slackness of her assigned male's ball-bag which allowed his nuts to roll free of her every stomp, but it was becoming apparent that she was in serious trouble. The Squeezing round, which she scored 3 points in last year, turned into a nightmare when she thought she'd crushed both her male's globes only to have the judge decide one was still in working condition. Demanding a recount, the judge proved a nut was still in tact by wanking the male until he painfully came half a load. Next came the lamely named Standing round. Alyson barely managed to get a CRUNCH out of her male's marbles in this the final round of the tournament. As hard as she stomped and as high as she jumped she just couldn't make a dent in those huge, hairy hunks of spunk meat. In fact, when she climbed down off the pair of plums after her allotted ten seconds of testicle torture, the man was only *********** for a paltry thirty minutes! That's when the waterworks began and, neglecting to take her robe, she fled, naked, to her car; successfully ********** three ogling passers-by as she went.
Last Year
The previous year's event were, some say, geared toward pure ball-busting prowess; five events: Kneeing, Kicking, Punching, Squeezing and Stomping easily separated the bitches from the ladies. Alyson excelled in all, but the Stomping round where her lack of weight proved to be her downfall. The poor result in that round meant that she was tied with Miss Jolie with only one round to go - Punching. Five seconds into the round the girls were neck and neck; each with one of their male's bollock bust. It was a last-second uppercut from Angelina that caused controversy. Her punch landed squarely - crushing the remaining nut, but so hard was the swing that Angelina's right tit followed her arm to smash heavily into her face. She was knocked out cold and the round - and the title - was given to Alyson who had finished off her male's last love-spud milliseconds after Angelina. There were rumblings of discontent after she was announced winner and as she was being crowned Angelina came round and fought her way to the stage robbing a bouncer of his left plum. She was stopped in her tracks when Alyson landed a devastating kick to her cunt. As she was stretchered away Angelina vowed never to compete in the tournament again.
This Year: Sarah Michelle
A look at her world ranking might leave you a little curious as to her poor 3rd place position, but Sarah like Alyson fell foul of this year's new events and their big-bap bias. Her punching was on excellent form - she pounded and pulverised her male's happy-sack like a small, pink punchbag; only losing out to Alyson (the veteran at this round) by a few milliseconds. Next, the Kneeing round and, boy, did Srah blow the balls - and us all away! In one short, swift, precise and totally devastating lift of her knee her male's gonads were obliterated and immediately he spunked up two nuts worth of gentleman's goo all over her naked form. The judges checked and double check to make sure she hadn't just knocked them up into his body (as can happen if balls aren't softened up a bit before the finishing blow), but ultimately they found him to be well and truly *********. Her stomping was a little mechanical meaning she lacked the fluidity and dynamism of say Jennifer, who turned stomping into a fine art. Sarah left her male with a single perminantly damaged dangler and claimed 2 points for her troubles. Squeezing was, again, something Srah needed to have practiced thoroughly; being her first year in the tournament we will forgive her her inexperience, but her poor technique caused laughter and sneers of derision among the fans. Her hands were too small to hold and crush both of her male's big, round, shaven pods at the same time, but she kept on trying and the plums kept on slipping from her grasp. Getting embarrassed and pissed off with the lack of damage she was causing, she grabbed a microphone from the announcer and proceeded to beat the spunk out of the tender twosome; broadcasting the amplified squelches around the arena. Luckily for her, the timer went just before the first blow landed otherwise she would have been disqualified and gained no points. As is is she got the single point. Finally the Stadning round, and with the little weight advantage she had over Alyson to be found completely in her tits, Sarah made sure to use them wisely to cause maximum damage. Hopping up, her little T-shirt bulges bounced around adding downward force to her testicle attacks, but not enough to actaully pop them, though impressive dents were made. These earned her the 2 points that secured her the 3rd place rather than a tie with Alyson. Asked if happy with her first attempt at the tournament, Sarah replied: 'I've ********* three men in public and no doubt sterilised two more...of course I'm happy - the orgasms alone were worth all of the months of gruelling practice sessions.' She added: 'I'd like to thank my trainer Mistress Agony and Charinsma Carpenter for her helpful tips and advice on popping men's plums.'
Last Year
On finding out of the tournament's existence from Alyson shortly after her win last year, Sarah got herself a talented trainer and began a demanding routine in preparation for this year's tournament. Quickly finding she had a great knack for kneeing knackers, Sarah took her fights to the street and won several no-holds-barred matches against all male contenders (contenders that were left not all male if you get my drift). Without her knowledge the Ball-Busting Bitch governing board had been watching her closely for the past year and what they found impressed them enough to rank her number 1 ball-buster in all the world.
This Year: Jennifer
Having never once knowingly bared her massive jugs in public, Jennifer was extremely wary of whipping them out during the tournament when a strict topless rule is effective throughout. She finally complied, but only with the proviso that any photographs taken during the tournament be published on this website censored of her funbags. As this clause was written into her contract we would have had no choice but to plaster a not-insubstantial black box across her not-insubstaial baps. Fortunately, we found a loop hole. By acquiring a photo of her forcefully pleasuring herself with a gigantic cucumber (whilst not taking part in the tournament, therefore legally publishable) we were able to blackmail her into letting us show the uncensored pictures of her perfect puppies. Now, back to the tournament. Jen started poorly; the punching round saw her risk black-eyes aplenty as she blithely beat her male's bollocks to butter. With two seconds to go and her male's man-fruit well and truly softened, she began to really get stuck in. Her melons were a gelatinous blur; bouncing, bounding, bulging and boinging about her chest with a life of their own. Showing her true grit and determination, Jen ignored the terrible pain those heavy jubblies must have caused she fought on to mush both marbles just before the time-up sounded. The ********** was confirmed, but it came in at a full four seconds behind Alyson and Sarah's. Refusing to take off her tiny, tight mini-skirt, Jen began the Kneeing round at a severe disadvantage. With camera's flashing around her she even tried to cover her pussy as she lifted her knee. Needless to say, when the round was over her male's scrotum was as plump and juicy as when the it began and close-up photo's of her moist and shaven haven can still be found on various unscrupulous webpages. Stomping went well with Jen leaning into each stomp with her tits to get the most out of it. Both her male's baby-makers were confirmed broken without too much inspection as he all but coughed them up. The Squeezing round is where Jennifer really came into her own. With superb technique she manipulated her male's ball-bag, twisting and jerking until its sensitive contents almost crushed themselves. With the round won she jabbed her fingernail into the sack and sprayed pressurised nut-butter over the orgasmicly cheering crowd. The final round, Standing, proved interesting for Jen. Her 100% natural norks swayed and jiggled uncontrollably as she tried to get her balance on the balls causing her to fall on her arse a few times (see previously mentioned websites for detailed split-beaver pics). Things looked dire for Jen, but in the end the extra weight of her rack all, but finished the job without requiring much in the way of skill. at the end of time her male was one nugget short of a Happy Meal. She claimed 2nd place and quickly put on a bra saying: 'My puppies ache like I've been topless on a bouncing castle for a week before bungee-jumping with lead weights tied to my nipples.' On seeing what she mistook for a stretch mark she added: 'Oh. My. Gosh! Those guys I robbed of their rocks get it easy in comparison! Look at that stretch...oh, no,'s just a streak of dried cum from when I popped that guy's cherries. Thank goddness for that! These babies are my livelihood.'
Last Year
Last year Jennifer was thought to be a good little princess who would be mortified at the sight of a crushed teste. How wrong we were.
This Year: Pamela
Stumbling into the event whilst looking for a manicurist, Pammy witnessed the showing of the males unlucky enough to have been chosen (see below) to take part in the tournament. So amused was she by their specially prepared, swollen low-hangers that she quickly applied to join in the event - not even knowing what would be required of her or the rules that she would have to follow (although instantly she stripped naked).
04-22-2005, 12:35 PM
Wow! Now why didn't I think of a contest like that? So many females and so few males (willing). I like the idea.
04-22-2005, 03:20 PM
Mammoth post jonoffen (too big to ‘quote’). I LOVE :loveeyes your toons. Where are they from? Have you got any more?
Keep up the good work :)
04-25-2005, 03:43 PM
A link to a comic with BB at:
04-25-2005, 03:47 PM
Inquisitiv you are SUCH a top bloke. I luv your posts ;)
Hey wots that knife for? :eek:
04-25-2005, 05:17 PM
Here's a nice grab from that site...
Who drew the pics for this message, they're great!!
Here's may take with Alyson Hannigon, Srah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Pamela Anderson going head-to-head to claim the crown of Ball-Busting Bitch 2006.
There are 5 events: Punching, Kneeing, Stomping, Squeezing and the contraversial Standing On.
This Year: Alyson
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This Year: Pamela
Stumbling into the event whilst looking for a manicurist, Pammy witnessed the showing of the males unlucky enough to have been chosen (see below) to take part in the tournament. So amused was she by their specially prepared, swollen low-hangers that she quickly applied to join in the event - not even knowing what would be required of her or the rules that she would have to follow (although instantly she stripped naked).
And who drew this one?
I like this one. Love the concept of beautiful Sara landing a perfectly targeted kick lick this kicking the sperm out of the man.
04-26-2005, 05:28 PM
Hope you like em
04-26-2005, 07:59 PM
Not sure if this has been posted
Note Inserted By Sara:
This member has been banned.
This could have been avoided if the member had only read the thread at the top of each page entitled: "Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!}", which you can also get to by clicking: (
("...your first post can't include an attached pic.")
As it also says in that thread, "The rules in this thread apply to you whether you read them or not."
It also says:
"From time to time new posting rules, tips, advice, and so on will be posted here, so please check this thread occasionally and read any new posts."
The Rules are not arbitrary. In this case, the member probably wanted to attach a pic. But the system doesn't allow first-time posters to attach pics.
Fewer members would run into problems like this if they just took the time to read the thread I already mentioned.
04-27-2005, 03:48 AM
Hi there. I drew the pictures using Flash. Can't take all the credit though as i traced the pose. I just changed the face and tits and clothing after that. Haven't got many more cartoons but made some really good (if i say so myself) sarah michelle gellar ball-busting fakes...only not sure if i'm allowed to show them...?
04-27-2005, 08:13 AM
Hi there. I drew the pictures using Flash. Can't take all the credit though as i traced the pose. I just changed the face and tits and clothing after that. Haven't got many more cartoons but made some really good (if i say so myself) sarah michelle gellar ball-busting fakes...only not sure if i'm allowed to show them...?Would have been better if you had given credit for the original art back when you first posted your tracings. Somebody along the way may have removed his signature from the original that you traced (as apparently often happens), but Knave's style is unmistakable. His work (some even still with signatures) appears in several other posts within this same thread. Those socks you erased are one of his well-known trademarks. You may not have spent much time in the ball-busting community but if you pay attention you will recognize that the number of actual contributors of original material is pretty small. Knave is an active member of this forum and most of the others. Even if you didn't know who he is or that the original was his work, you knew it wasn't your own, and in my opinion you should have given credit at the time. Now that you know whose work you traced and know he isn't some long dead unknown doodler, apologies might be in order.
04-28-2005, 02:51 PM
Haven't got many more cartoons but made some really good (if i say so myself) sarah michelle gellar ball-busting fakes...only not sure if i'm allowed to show them...?
You should post'em. Make a photo manip thread, that would be cool.
I'd be really interested to see any more cartoons you have, you have obvious talent and it's always exciting to run across fellow BB artists.
Thanks for the encouraging words Al, you're a real stand up guy, but you knew that already.
04-29-2005, 12:36 PM
Wow. Thanks for the awesome dressing-down Tamagotchi.
I am sorry to Knave; I honestly didn’t know who drew the thing – just found it on the net (can’t remember where). If I had known you’re name you can be assured I would have mentioned it as the pictures were merely idle copies I had made for my own amusement. They were never intended to be put on the net until I found this site and wanted to add to it. I never wanted any credit for them. Hope I didn’t piss you off or harm you mentally :) – please take them as a compliment to your artistic prowess. I’m a fan.
Oh, and I'll make sure to put up a manipulated photo thread soon. Thanks
04-30-2005, 04:57 PM
there used to be some pretty good pictures on the aussie bb website, they used to be computer generated but still good, anyone know where they went to?
05-02-2005, 10:04 AM
I've always been a fan of Tumor's work. I can't remember the last time I saw him around though. I think that's who you're thinking of.
05-02-2005, 11:04 PM
Wouldn't cartoons be a good way to introduce a girl to BB? I think by showing her some of the cartoons and gauging a reaction is nice little way to find out if she's into it or not. Would like to see more pics like this floating around.
05-08-2005, 12:00 PM
Wouldn't cartoons be a good way to introduce a girl to BB? I think by showing her some of the cartoons and gauging a reaction is nice little way to find out if she's into it or not. Would like to see more pics like this floating around.
I think so. I've been reluctant to bring up the subject with my gf, but have been slowly bringing things up like cartoons and that wakthesak game just to judge the reaction from that.
05-08-2005, 01:43 PM
Persoanlly, I feel, and this is just my opinion, you wouldnt be able to gauge her interest in BB from cartoons. Its too easy to disassociate them from reality, ie: you may find a cartoon of Bushes and Blairs heads on spikes in Downtown Bagdad very funny, or you may laugh like crazy at a cartoon of your Mother inlaw drving off a cliff. Neither of these things mean you actually want either to happen. In fact you may be repulsed if they did happen in real life.
iron horse
05-08-2005, 02:33 PM
In my humble opinion:
I agree that her reaction to such cartoons would not be the definitive guage of her interest in ballbusting...only a one-on-one conversation would do it.
With that said, I do believe the cartoons are an excellent way to make the introduction of the topic and start the conversation. Breaking the ice to the next level is never easy. If her reaction is very negative about the subject matter of the cartoon, she probably wouldn't be into it. If she laughs and enjoyes the cartoons, you can show her more. One thing I've shown women is the free ball-slapping game "Wak the Sak", here:
The game originally had a description saying it was for sadistic girls. The cartoon figure is of a naked man standing there with his exposed balls dangling. You use your cursor to move a hand and slap his balls. The faster and hard you hit his balls, the louder he screams and the higher your score - your finally score is presented next to his balls as they glow red showing the pain you've just inflicted on his balls.
I've introduced it to a number of girls, and some really, really enjoyed it comparing notes as to who could slap his balls the hardest and make him scream the loudest. Although their delight in slapping a virtual man's balls as hard as possible and making him scream as loud as possible doesn't transcend directly into the same desire in real life, one could certainly make the argument it is, at least, and indication they enjoy the concept somehow.
If she continues with interest and enjoyment of the subject matter, I'd think it would be easier to get into substantive conversations with her about it.
Again, IMHO.
05-10-2005, 10:36 AM
What's this beautiful bb comic!?!?
Something with "gold digger".....
Anyone out there knows about it?
05-10-2005, 05:18 PM
can we get the full comic :D or just the name of it ;)
05-11-2005, 12:46 PM
can we get the full comic :D or just the name of it ;)
THAT was the reason i posted it around :)
05-11-2005, 03:07 PM
In my surfing I have discovered thousands of comics that deal with S&M, bondage, torture and the like. The vast majority of these appear to be heterosexually oriented (i.e. man/woman or woman/woman but likely (?) not aimed at a dykey audience). Curiously, those that feature women as the sub out number those where a man is a victim by over 100:1. From where I sit, this balance does not appear to be representative of the scene at large as there are a considerable number of men that are into FemDom. Why is this proportion not represented in the cartoon form? Within the small male submissive cartoon scene BB itself is very rare such that we are more-or-less left with just the few examples shown in this thread. I can think of thousands of cartoons that show women being hung by their tits, having spikes in their cunts etc. etc. Can anybody offer an insight as to the cause of the imbalance in the ratio of cartoons depicting men and women on the receiving end of punishment? I’m just Inquisitiv.
PS. After years of searching, I do now have a small collection of comics that depict some BB :) I haven’t seen these on the web before. I’ll dig ‘em out sometime, scan them and post a few here.
05-12-2005, 12:12 AM
Well, I think it has to do with the fact that most comics are drawn by guys. A guy into femdom knows what he wants done to him. A guy into femsub knows what he wants to do to someone. Drawing a comic where something happens to a character is much more like doing something -to- someone than having it done to you. So a guy into femsub is going to find it more satisfying to draw the femsub comic than a guy who is into femdom is going to find it to draw the femdom comic.
At least, that's my best guess.
05-12-2005, 01:35 AM
What Smack said.
Plus: there are plenty of men who would fantasize about hurting women, but actually doing so is taboo. While a guy can't actually hand the chick who just dumped him by the tits, he can sure as hell draw a reasonabke likeness.
There is an element of domination in the sub (the "topping from the bottom" thing); consider that, in many videos, the girls wear flimdy outfits of traditional rashy/sexy things like fishnets. Drawing women like that, even if they are busting some balls, is exploitation of the female figure, and if the artist is a wee bit sensitive (many of them dang arrr-tists are), that's going to spoil the mood; it's not a scene of a man being dominated, it's a scene of a woman being exploited. If you fantasize about being dominated, it does not make sense to draw picures of exploiting others -- and, no, I don't think that people think things through that way, I think that there's a conflict that gets resolved that way.
Artists (male artists) prefer to draw chicks. Oh, yeah. Chicks walking the dog, chicks standing there, chicks walking along the beach, chicks with superhero powers flying through the air and throwing Buicks at each other, chicks licking ice cream, chicks, chicks, chicks! And if an artist is going to draw someone nude or semi-nude, does that mean that he is more inclined to draw a nude woamn or a nude man? Exactly. Bring on the chicks!!!
05-12-2005, 02:24 AM
Thank you for your input gentlemen. You present an interesting thesis smack. Perhaps I’m unusual as I would be well into drawing men getting busted. Unfortunately, I carry the handicap of being a really shite artist :( . I did play around with computer technology once and even made some movies that were OK (these were lost when my ex wiped my hard disk :( ) However, due to my handicap none of the material was truly original (i.e. I took somebody else’s work and adapted it). While I’m completely crap, I still gained some satisfaction from it.
Of late I’ve turned my dried-up creative juices to a new topic: It turns out that Kerry from this very forum has a fetish for what I believe is called breath-play. She likes to be hung while she’s fucked. I have to say that this is a completely new one to me but boy does it turn me on to string a chick up like that! I quite like drawing pictures of this too as it turns out. Dolcett ( provides some great ideas and starting material (although I’m not really into spit-roasting lasses). [Julie you may (?) like that site although its v hardcore]
Whoops, I risk going off topic there. So to return to BB: I thought the stuff jonoffen posted was great. Did this involve an art qualification or could a caveman like myself have a stab at this ‘Flash’ stuff? Where have the jonoffen/Knave pics gone (example below)? I loved them:loveeyes. Mimicry is definitely flattering and it didn’t appear that Knave was too bothered about your extension to his art (?). Altered originals or not, I think they’re great so keep up the great work jonoffen!!
Other input appreciated,
PS. Knave, you appear to be one of the few 'qualified' artists that draw in this area. Got any more stuff you could share with us? :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
PPS. Yes I am inquisitiv in case you were wonderin but i exceeded me upload limit on that account so cannot post attachments
05-12-2005, 04:07 AM
After years of searching, I do now have a small collection of comics that depict some BB :)
Hello Inquisitiv,
There's an awful lot of great stuff collected here on Legend's page that you might like (sorry if you have already seen the link).
Part of the seeming disproportion between comics and real life (photos/videos of living models) femsub could be that real life femsub material exists, but you and I don't happen to be looking for it. Probably our Internet searches are more geared toward femdom, so that's mainly what we uncover. From what I can see there are far more bondage sites featuring women tied, than men tied, but on the whole I don't see very many of either, as I don't personally like bondage. I think it could be a question of perspective.
David B.
05-12-2005, 04:34 AM
Hi David,
Thanks for the link. I’ve seen a few of them around before but was unaware of the ‘collection’. Some of it is new to me :) I thought had given up the ghost. There used to be lots of good stuff there (I think it used to host velvet kick amongst others). Does it host other BB sites?
Femdom/femsub I likes it ALL :) so I don’t generally gear surfing to any particular aspect. Even among the malesub material something like spanking vastly out numbers BB. I’m not sure whether this represents what sub men prefer on the whole (?).
I for one would love to see a well-drawn comic about a lass that likes to torture testicles :) You can do so much more with art than reality.
05-12-2005, 01:08 PM
Unfortunately, I carry the handicap of being a really shite artist :( He's lying again! He's not lying when he says he's a lightweight when it comes to BB though ;)
iron horse
05-12-2005, 02:24 PM
Since this thread continues to grow in length, I felt it warranted a post I made early on. It identifies some websites with, literally thousands of femdom cartoons, and virtually any artist that is into it:
Ballbusting and ballgrabbing femdom artwork, cartoons and comics are scattered about the Internet. However, most of this work has been consolidated on a few websites, most of which is free. All of the work I've posted on this forum is inclusive in these websites.
There are some femdom cartoon websites that requires membership and charges a fee for joining. Since the owners of these sites are not the artists, and, since the artists are represented elsewhere for free, I will not add those links below.
Here are the best sites I've found, and I welcome anyone to post any other links:
FemdomArt - this is a Russian website. Dozens if not hundreds of femdom artists and comic illustrators display their work here, and I'm sure you'll recognize much of it. Click on the respective artist to the left to see his/her work. (You can use one of the many free Russian translation websites to instantly translate the text into English):
The World of Mondo - An Italian website that focuses on sadomasochistic fetish, with numerous international femdom artists represented:
Lastly, many of the artists identified in the two sites above have their own websites, such as Sardax, for example:
05-12-2005, 09:43 PM
... I thought had given up the ghost. There used to be lots of good stuff there (I think it used to host velvet kick amongst others). Does it host other BB sites?
Why yes, actually, TLCnet hosts the California Mean Girls site among about a dozen others.
05-12-2005, 11:06 PM
He's lying again! He's not lying when he says he's a lightweight when it comes to BB though ;)
Kerry and Those Few Who Care:
Artists all tend to find their work awful; most of us are perfectionists and cannot bear the sight of our own work.
Trouble used to work as a cartoonist (I lampooned politicians before I joined 'em); most people told me that my artwork sucked (not like I felt differently), but I kept at it. I remember a time or two that someone found things that I had drawn impressive and/or well-done. I still thought that they sucked; if it ain't perfect, it sucks.
I've been thinking of doing some bb cartoons but a) they'll uck (in my opinion, and very likely in everyone else's, also; and b) the scanner here is busted, and not in the kicked-in-the-nuts kind of busted. That's probably a good thing; now I won't have to wear a bag over my head because some of you have seen my artwork. ;)
PS: Kerry, keep working on him. You'll turn the ol' softie into a heavyweight.
05-13-2005, 03:26 AM
Why yes, actually, TLCnet hosts the California Mean Girls site among about a dozen others.Whoops I missed that (sorry). How do I ‘get to’ the others?
05-13-2005, 03:37 AM
He's lying again! He's not lying when he says he's a lightweight when it comes to BB though ;):soomadOi! What about the code-of-conduct? Remember my digital nuklear arsenal?:eek:
The 'art' to which dearest Kerry (name and address withheld ;)) is referring was either not completely original or was not produced in an unaided fashion (its amazing what Photoshop can do with a photograph). Were she to see my original art in an unaided form I think she’d agree it is shite!
I’m all embarrassed now.
05-13-2005, 04:06 AM
See wot I mean? I spent 11 hours drawing this :weryfun
05-13-2005, 04:50 AM
Femdom/femsub I likes it ALL :) so I don’t generally gear surfing to any particular aspect.
Interesting, I'd completely forgotten that it is possible to like both. Does this extend to your own personal partipation, at times taking the dom role and the sub role at other times? Do you have a preference, or does this change?
David B.
05-13-2005, 06:24 AM
Interesting, I'd completely forgotten that it is possible to like both. Does this extend to your own personal partipation, at times taking the dom role and the sub role at other times? Do you have a preference, or does this change?I really do like both sides of the coin. I used to do a lot more femsub stuff (surprisingly its easier to find partners for that). I only properly began exploring my submissive side a few years ago. I’ve since found that this starts and ends with my testicles. I get nothing from anything else including penis stuff. As I’ve said before somewhere here, I think part of the kick comes from the ‘trust’ side of it. I do get a kick from being restrained and vulnerable but I’m usually too apprehensive to take it that far. I also like the thought of being busted as much (more?) as actually being busted (Kerry’s right, I’m a lightweight!). As for preference, it depends on what mood I’m in and who I’m with. I get nothing from dominating a girl that doesn’t want to be dominated. The key to it all is to make sure its fun and involves plenty of laughs whichever way around it is :).
05-13-2005, 08:10 AM
Whoops I missed that (sorry). How do I ‘get to’ the others?
InqTLCnet's "portal" is (
05-13-2005, 08:27 AM
TLCnet's "portal" is (
Oh I see. I was aware of groinkick but unaware of its connection to tlcnet.
many thanks for straightenig me out again.
05-13-2005, 02:52 PM
Funny pic :D
05-14-2005, 02:14 PM
There is a comic in there on the russian site from someone called "Ironwood". Any idea where you could get the entire comic? I have tried looking for it, but all I get is a series called "Ironwood" by some other guy. Any info would be appreciated.
05-15-2005, 04:30 AM
I also like the thought of being busted as much (more?) as actually being busted...
I suppose it's a strange paradox that even when I'm laying on my back getting trampled I still feel in control somehow. I agree that the fantasy side is as or more important than pain itself. What I really like is the thought that a women is being cruel and doing these things to me. It is the woman's decision to trample or kick, even though she knows how much it will hurt me, that I find so exciting. I always think if someone just wants pain alone, they may as well just slam their own hand in a door, or whatever. For me fantasy adds so much more to the experience.
David B.
05-18-2005, 03:16 PM
Anybody know who this is by?
05-18-2005, 05:29 PM
does anyone know who the artist of these two pics is?
I think he's from japan, I saw a site with many bb pics of him long time ago, he/she did many high quality pics of this kind plus some others that I didn't understand much.
Have anyone got anymore bb pics of he/she?
What do you think of these? hope this is not a repost.. :)
05-18-2005, 11:24 PM
Anybody know who this is by?
I think her name is Anne R Tist :p :p :p
Sorry, couldnt help myself :)
05-19-2005, 01:41 AM
I think her name is Anne R Tist :p :p :p
Sorry, couldnt help myself :)
OOH! Just for that, I say we kidnap Julie, drag her out into the woods, tightly bound and gagged, grab her by the cervix, pull it out, whack it with a hammer, and--
Wait a minnit.
I almost fell for that! She'd LIKE US to kidnap her, tie her up, gag her, grab her by the cervix, pull it out, and whack it with a hammer, plus the dozen other things I was about to put down! I almost got tricked! We co9uld have wound up, out in the forest, with Julie on the ground in a foetal position, trying to stuff her much-abused cervix back in! A lot of work, that, and she would delight in it!
05-19-2005, 01:59 AM
Oh I found another that might be by Anne R Tist too (?). It sort of looks like the same style (?)
05-19-2005, 02:16 AM
Oh I found another that might be by Anne R Tist too (?). It sort of looks like the same style (?)
Yeah, the detail on the bots is ver similar, the use of lighting is similar, the big BOOOOOOOBS (Trouble likes big boobs) is a common theme, AND THE SIGNATURE IS BLOODY IDENTICAL! Eye fink we have a match, Yer Honour.
05-19-2005, 05:17 AM
Yeah, the detail on the bots is ver similar, the use of lighting is similar, the big BOOOOOOOBS (Trouble likes big boobs) is a common theme, AND THE SIGNATURE IS BLOODY IDENTICAL! Eye fink we have a match, Yer Honour.Sorry, I didn’t see the signature on the first one. Thanks for pointing out how dumb I am (again). The big boobs & long nipples were my first clue to they being by the same person. Any ideas who they are so we can web search for other material?
06-10-2005, 03:08 PM
anyone know any good 3d render sites? they seem to be getting harder and harder to find...
Hi, I'm new here, are there any Japanese anime's like this?
06-11-2005, 03:08 PM
hey, what should i search on google for stuff like this?
Search for this site address: and see what they do to the cartoon burglar. :) Its a bit of a shame he breaks free.
06-11-2005, 05:03 PM
i'm looking for more stuff like page one
i'm looking for more stuff like page oneIf it existed, it’d be here. Sadly, threads like this tend to burn brightly at first when people can post age-old material and then fizzle along as truly ‘new’ stuff surfaces. We either need somebody to draw some new BB art or for a newer member that has some different archived material to come along (how about it Jiggy? :jumpsmile :jumpsmile). There's a lot more art out there showing pain inflicted of female genitals (just take a look at Julie’s thread at the moment). If I come across BB art I’ll be sure to post it. :)
06-12-2005, 02:43 AM
If it existed, it’d be here. Sadly, threads like this tend to burn brightly at first when people can post age-old material and then fizzle along as truly ‘new’ stuff surfaces. We either need somebody to draw some new BB art or for a newer member that has some different archived material to come along (how about it Jiggy? :jumpsmile :jumpsmile). There's a lot more art out there showing pain inflicted of female genitals (just take a look at Julie’s thread at the moment). If I come across BB art I’ll be sure to post it. :)
The last time I saw a USB scanner on sale, I shoulda grabbed it.
The art sucks, but it is appropriate (sort of) for the strip; have one completed, and a dumb plotline to guide me along.
Those who can... do. Those who can't... should stop after they draw a comic strip like mine. We'll see if the art improves as I go along. And if I EVER get a scanner, yes, this place is where they shall go until I rech my upload limit and have to regenerate into Tom Baker.
06-14-2005, 03:46 PM
Is anyone interested in CGI images?
Here is a sample pic i did.
06-14-2005, 04:00 PM
Hello Batmons,
I'd love to see more. That's a fantastic picture, with a huge amount of detail. How long does it take to do something like that?
David B.
Is anyone interested in CGI images?Oh yeah :loveeyes the boy has talent! :)
"Please Sir, can I have some more....."
06-15-2005, 12:38 PM
Here is another, light is a little off, but it happens :D
In responce to David_B, these pics can be done quite quickly, in under an hour easily.
If your interested in getting started in CGI art, check out Renderosity (
Here is another, light is a little off, but it happens :D Its great. Are they easy to alter once made? i.e. could you frame shift it a little and then buildup a short movie where she actually stomps? :) Keep up the good work its great to see some original stuff. :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
06-16-2005, 11:20 AM
Hello Inqy, since everything is in a 3d enviroment, you can set it at whatever angle you wish, and animations, though somewhat time consuming, are totally possible.
I recomend trying the program Poser ( for simple out the box rendering.
I also use 3ds max ( for creating the props in the scene's (like the vice in the first picture).
06-16-2005, 11:31 AM
Here is an old and slightly blurry picture with a guest appearance :D by Kylie Minogue.
06-28-2005, 08:41 PM
keep them coming
06-28-2005, 11:00 PM
A while back, someone posted a couple of scanned pages from Gold Digger and asked if anyone knew anything more about it.
(The two pages with the chicks who are drawn manga-style who flirt with the guy and then knee him simultaneously.)
Gold Digger is available from Antarctic Press. It's up to issue 66; I don't think it has BB in every issue, and certainly not on every page. I forgot to take a look at a copy last time I was near a comic book store. (Well, okay, I admit it; IN a comic book store...)
07-01-2005, 04:02 PM
That don't impress her much :D
Still a work in progress :o
07-02-2005, 11:18 AM
Thank you "trouble" i posted about (now i already know it) gold digger comic..
I'd like to find the entire number 66 then! :iluvu:
07-02-2005, 02:02 PM
Thank you "trouble" i posted about (now i already know it) gold digger comic..
I'd like to find the entire number 66 then! :iluvu:
#66 is the one that just came out or is just about to come out; being an American politician, I buy Captain America every month. It is, of course, my religion. I often pick up the flyer about what is coming up soon; I made a mental note to check the back issue bin and look for a copy and see what the thing is usually like (back issues usually have a mix of ver expensive issues and very cheap issues); like with most of my mental notes, I couldn't find where I had written it down and forgot to check.
Worry not; an issue of Captain America doing something (probably punching the Red Skull's lights out) will come out sooner or later, and then I shall have to get out that silly mat, face Mecca, chant, grab a bus over to the comic shop, and then secure the latest issue.
It's a religious thing, you see.
07-02-2005, 04:47 PM
That don't impress her much :D
Still a work in progress :o
That's an amazing image. The CG guy looks exactly as if he's doubling over by taking a knee.
I'd never really taken much notice of computer generated pics until you started posting them, but I'm really fascinated by them now. Your work is excellent, Batmons.
David B.
07-10-2005, 09:48 PM
does stuff like that take a long time?
07-13-2005, 05:29 AM
nice pics~
>>>>>NOTE FROM ADMIN<<<<<<
User banned for not reading the rules.
does anyone know who the artist of these two pics is?
I think he's from japan, I saw a site with many bb pics of him long time ago, he/she did many high quality pics of this kind plus some others that I didn't understand much.
Have anyone got anymore bb pics of he/she?
What do you think of these? hope this is not a repost.. :) this is the side where the pics are from, and i think the artist is a woman, 'cause i have known the name and it sounded female, but now i forgot it.
07-18-2005, 10:42 AM
in my opinion the best bb cartoons r in the style of the first post with the girl who is kneeing the cum out of that guy ,if i had talent in drawing i would make a comic of a girl bending over and a guy looks at her, she notices and turns around and knees the cum out of the guy, puts her hand on her hips and smiles at him, then walks away while hes on the ground
07-18-2005, 10:01 PM
in my opinion the best bb cartoons r in the style of the first post with the girl who is kneeing the cum out of that guy ,if i had talent in drawing i would make a comic of a girl bending over and a guy looks at her, she notices and turns around and knees the cum out of the guy, puts her hand on her hips and smiles at him, then walks away while hes on the ground
You know I have always been facinated with kneeing or Kicking the cum out of a guy. I've been told this is physically not possible though. Still your right it's makes for a great cartoon. :)
07-19-2005, 12:15 PM
You know I have always been facinated with kneeing or Kicking the cum out of a guy. I've been told this is physically not possible though. Still your right it's makes for a great cartoon. :)
I know from experience that it is possible. Not a full ejaculation, but definitely a few drops of pre-cum.
David B.
07-19-2005, 04:51 PM
You know I have always been facinated with kneeing or Kicking the cum out of a guy. I've been told this is physically not possible though. Still your right it's makes for a great cartoon.
I know from experience that it is possible. Not a full ejaculation, but definitely a few drops of pre-cum.
David B.
Sounds like more experiments are called for. Evilgrl! Try kicking HARDER!!!
OH! And I looked for some issues of Gold Digger in the back-issue bins of the comic book store. They are all like $3.40 or more. Too rich for my blood.
07-24-2005, 06:57 PM
You know I have always been facinated with kneeing or Kicking the cum out of a guy. I've been told this is physically not possible though. Still your right it's makes for a great cartoon. :)
Im in love :iluvu:
I don't know how many members are into women literally outfighting men, but its really my thing, so heres an illustration depicting that. I never do drawings of women being hit, but I do do drawings of men attempting to hit women who dodge the blow and retaliate with a blow to the mans weakest point.
08-06-2005, 01:15 AM
Hey, Try, that's really great. You should post more of your drawings. I know that I'd love to see them and I suspect that others would as well.
I hope that nobody is getting bored with my illustrations, but I do get a great kick out of sharing my fantasies with others of a like mind. I have read a lot of the messages on this site, and some of the thoughts expressed by others have given me ideas that may inspire my future drawings. I liked the the suggestion by one member of a girl taking exception to a man admiring her rear and giving him a kick in the balls, then smiling while he is bent over in agony. That could be the basis of a good drawing or two.
08-08-2005, 07:25 AM
That'a another nice picture, Try.
You have a very distinctive style, especally in the level of detail in the facial expressions of both characters. There's always a real look of pain on the guy, and an icy, 'this is what you deserve' kind of look on the girl.
The bending over idea might make a good series of maybe 3 pictures laid out as a cartoon strip. I would definitely like to see you have a go at that.
David B.
08-08-2005, 10:38 AM
Is there a site where I can find more of these?
thanks for letting me know you like my latest drawing. The suggestion you make about doing three or so drawings on the subject I spoke about in my message is precisely what I was thinking. I'm working on it, so expect something in the next few days.
Some squeezing pics I've done.
Does anyone know if the website Scrambled Eggs is ever going to revived?
08-23-2005, 05:04 AM
i hope so.
08-23-2005, 11:28 AM
Thanks for the awsome drawings TRY.
I really like the style of your pics and keep up the good work.
Thanks, BATMON, for the praise. I'm impressed by your CGI pics. Especially as I
wouldnt dare to attempt CGI, as doing anything with a computer scares me more
than the thought of having my balls kicked by a female bodybuilder.
I am hoping to do some drawings of famous beatuful women doing some BB,
but I still need more practice at getting the face right.
08-25-2005, 04:11 PM
Hello Try,
It came to me only today what your drawings remind me of... I think they have a look similar to British seaside postcard art from the 1950s. Both have a very distinctive style, particularly in the hourglass shape of the female characters, and the intensity of the expressions.
I am hoping to do some drawings of famous beatuful women doing some BB...
May I suggest Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft!! That would make a personal fantasy come true.
David B.
08-25-2005, 10:36 PM
May I suggest Angelina Jolie as Lara Croft!! That would make a personal fantasy come true.
I read in an interview that Angelina didn't like the original script for Tomb Raider because it was full of her "kicking guys in the nuts". Some unfortunate re-writes later, we got the bad movie we saw instead of the bad movie it could have been...
08-26-2005, 04:13 AM
I read in an interview that Angelina didn't like the original script for Tomb Raider because it was full of her "kicking guys in the nuts". Some unfortunate re-writes later, we got the bad movie we saw instead of the bad movie it could have been...
Damn! In that case, may I suggest that Angelina should NOT be honoured by one of Try's drawings! How about Lucy Liu instead?
David B.
08-26-2005, 07:34 PM
here's a good site for femdom pics--
08-26-2005, 10:54 PM
Damn! In that case, may I suggest that Angelina should NOT be honoured by one of Try's drawings! How about Lucy Liu instead?
If I could draw worth a damn (I can draw, but my artwork is cartoon-y, not in any way photorealistic like I want it to be -- I guess they weren't kidding when they said to take lessons!), I think I'd try duplicating that Seven of Nine chick. Was she the only thing that made Voyager worth watching or what?
But crappy TV aside: Try, the male and female bodies you draw have a certain consistency to them. I'd suggest that you take advantage of that and make a strip out of four or five drawings. Doing comics is Da Bomb. Before I became whatever it is I am now, I worked at drawing comics -- one series on which I worked made it to issue 83 (but no bb in it; I wasn't comfortable about being a sicko back then). Now, my fans (sic) will tell you that they were 83 issues of CRAP, but they bought the thing. Your artwork is better than mine and it would not be too hard to make a storyline more interesting than the ones I used (mine were politically-oriented which interested some people but bored the piss out of lots more).
For other cartoonists in the same boat as Trouble (i.e., can't draw and have an uninteresting comic series): you do not need to draw well or have a plot that interests anyone. If it comes out on time every month, people will buy it and read it. I don't know WHY that is, but I know other cartoonists who can't draw and/or write and they can confirm this: what people want is to see a title on the shelf at regular intervals.
Actually, the same thing goes with people making bb videos and clips for sale: a good bust is best to sell the product, but what REALLY keeps people coming back is just having material show up consistently and timely. (I think they already know that, but...)
08-28-2005, 02:58 PM
... Or Jennifer Garner, who is another of my favourite high-kicking, cult tv and movie super-heroines.
Also, 83 issues!!! I'm sure you can draw a lot better that you give yourself credit for, Trouble. I'd be very interested to see if ever you feel like posting any.
David B.
The short strip of pics I promised is now complete bar a bit of finishing off, and will be submitted in a day or two. I am just to tired to complete it today so here is a pic that illustrates a reaction from a man seeing a another man busted by a girl, a theme I will probably examine further in the future.
I am fascinated by the discussion of my doing celebrity BB pics, but dont get to excited it will be a while before I feel ready to submit a pic of that.
A note to Knave, you said you were excited at the thought of setting up a website devoted to BB cartoons and I sent you a private message about this to which you have not yet replied. So I'll just say again that I would love to be a contributor to such a website.
09-10-2005, 03:59 AM
for once I have some time to post !
could anyone tell me the name of the cartoon site that used to be available via the Groinkick site? I especially liked the anime style cartoons for their detail and inventiveness.
09-10-2005, 01:02 PM
for once I have some time to post !
could anyone tell me the name of the cartoon site that used to be available via the Groinkick site? I especially liked the anime style cartoons for their detail and inventiveness.
That was a great site. I believe it was called Legend or Legends... but it was something like that.
Little set pics that I promised.
I didnt upload the pics right, so I hope it works this time.
09-16-2005, 01:42 PM
Did someone mention Jerri Ryan somewhere.
I think she just "Popped" by
09-20-2005, 10:46 PM
that ones are SOOOOO cool!
09-24-2005, 10:43 PM
It's great seeing the artistic talents of the members here :)
09-25-2005, 09:40 AM
yo you you you you yo yo you you yo
User banned for trivial posting
10-07-2005, 10:51 PM
A knife to the balls
10-16-2005, 04:12 PM
hey guys, these pics are really amazing
10-16-2005, 04:36 PM
Any more? I love ball busting cartoons.
Dualing Banjo
10-20-2005, 04:02 AM
Another from Knave :ibow4u:
10-20-2005, 01:40 PM
Trouble asked me to kick him HARD, so I did :p
10-22-2005, 03:12 PM
more balbusting cartoons
10-23-2005, 05:28 PM
Julie, my dear, where did you find that toon? That may be the only way to keep Trouble quiet.
10-23-2005, 11:50 PM
I decided it was time to get a blog.
Somewhere to post ideas and cartoons.
-Knave (EM)
10-24-2005, 02:05 AM
Julie, my dear, where did you find that toon? That may be the only way to keep Trouble quiet.
It was from a book of Politically INCORRECT jokes :p
10-25-2005, 02:44 PM
It was from a book of Politically INCORRECT jokes :p
Weird. What was politically incorrect about it?
BTW, soooo sexy that that cartoon makes you think of me.
10-25-2005, 04:42 PM
I decided it was time to get a blog.
Somewhere to post ideas and cartoons.
-Knave (EM)
well, great job Knave! and your new pics are damn good!
Keep up the good work, I'm one of the many fan of your drawings since you began posting them on the bbgroups board! ;)
Just a suggestion: why don't you repost all your old drawings in a row? ;)
10-25-2005, 10:23 PM
nibbles my man, I considered that...but I decided to keep the blog for strictly new content. Maybe I'll post an oldy if I run out of creative steam some day.
Glad you like the site! Feel free to comment on the pics, I look forward to opinions and suggestions.
10-26-2005, 05:22 AM
Here's some stuff i did a while back. i know the second one's not a cartoon, but i couldn't thing of anywhere else to put it.
10-26-2005, 07:13 AM
Great stuff Jonoffen. I’m glad to see you back here :)
10-26-2005, 07:20 AM
nibbles my man, I considered that...but I decided to keep the blog for strictly new content. Maybe I'll post an oldy if I run out of creative steam some day.
Glad you like the site! Feel free to comment on the pics, I look forward to opinions and suggestions.They are truly awesome. Please – pretty please, no less – post some oldies :)
10-26-2005, 10:58 AM
Jonoffen! That first one ROCKS! Funny and sexy....fexy!
Post more you scurvy dog!
Chewbally....we'll see....we'll see. :)
10-26-2005, 01:55 PM
I'm going to post just a pair of ideas, as a suggestion, for your next drawings, should you like it.
The first one is your version of the pic I'm attaching, I think that with your style it could look damn cooler. ;)
And the second one is... why don't you draw something inspired to barefoot princess? Would she like it? Maybe she will reply to this message to let us know what she thinks about.
10-28-2005, 02:31 PM
Dear Sir,
Any chance of adding in some peril to the situation. I'd love to see a cartoon where a guy might just lose what’s dear to him in addition to getting busted. How about a nuts-tied-to-the-ceiling while balancing and being busted by a bevy of beauties situation?
Yours sincerely,
PS. I wish I could draw like you man :ibow4u:
10-28-2005, 02:33 PM
Here's something I found
10-29-2005, 06:34 PM
Any pics of Famous toons busting, or comics?
10-31-2005, 05:41 PM
Has anybody else seen that GIF file of the cartoon blonde woman hitting a guy in the nuts with a golf club? I forget where I saw it but it was awesome and I would love to see it again.
11-02-2005, 01:36 AM
In your opinion, whats the best place to find ballbusting cartoons on the net?
11-02-2005, 03:30 AM
imo, the tall girls site
but knave with the sock+ballbusting fetish has put together a nice blog
the force user
11-02-2005, 01:04 PM
does anyone have any kneeing pics?i havent seen alot
11-02-2005, 01:29 PM
Hi Luke,
It seems like an eon since I heard anything of you man. I hope you’re taking Yoda’s advice and looking after yourself properly. May the force be with you.
11-03-2005, 01:05 AM
Yanno, Chewie, in the movies, all you ever said was, "GROOOOOOOONK!!" or "Mnuaam-hmm... GLAAAAH!" What's with the crisp dialogue akk of a sudden? Don't tell me you were actually just some really tall guy in a furry costume!
11-03-2005, 03:06 AM
I used to find the scripts rather depressing when I first got them. Usually when I got a line it was ‘Mnuaam-hmm... GLAAAAH’. That was a real favourite of our George’s. He knew that I was actually quite articulate as my mother is human (I’m only half Wookie). Casting decided that a real Wookie might be far too difficult to contain on set if it got angry. The half-caste thing seemed to work well as at least I could read and I hadn’t ever killed anybody in real life. I’ve got some home movies of mum and dad somewhere that I’ll try and post if I find ‘em.
GROOOOOOOONKK, (Good effort but it’s double ‘K’ at the end).
the force user
11-03-2005, 12:18 PM
yes chew,iv'e been swell. and let the force be with you as well my good friend.
Knave, just seen your new site and very impressed! I know we have spoken before about a cartoon site, and if its ok with you I will soon send something to your site. I will be sending some new pics to this forum soon to, which will involve deleting the first couple of my drawings as I have reached the maximum quantity allowed.
Something I have got to mention. I've joined a number of Yahoo sites, of which there are many about BB, and there are thousands of pics and files there. I've managed to find a lady into BB with whom I now have correspondance and she is a real enthusiast, telling me in loving detail of her real and imagined experiences. And she loves my drawings! I'm feeling ok!
So I really recommend Yahoo to BB fans.
11-03-2005, 11:43 PM
imo, the tall girls site
but knave with the sock+ballbusting fetish has put together a nice blog
thanks trauma :)
11-04-2005, 02:39 AM
I’ve got some home movies of mum and dad somewhere that I’ll try and post if I find ‘em.Sadly, Mommy passed away last year. I guess it was a combination of the lower lifespan of humanoid life-forms and the fact that she really didn’t take care of herself after Dad left us. As a result of her untimely departure, I inherited most of her stuff (although my younger brother Bigfoot got his share as well). I looked through a bunch of it today to try and find those movies of Mom & Dad when myself and BF were nippers. I was quite shocked to come across footage of Mom & Dad with Dad’s friend Konghara (a Kongie from Dad’s home planet). I’d never realised that Mom used to look so hot or that her & Dad were such intimate friends with Konghara. I guess the movie I found (still shot below; movie posted at ) might be of the moment when BF or myself were conceived.
All in all, I find it a little disturbing to have watched Mom & Dad on the job. However, I console myself with the belief that y’all feel the same way about the event that led to your origin. And hell, I guess my Mom’s a lot fitter than most people’s Mom so it could be a sicker thought.
PS. I have an uneasy feeling that the Wookie in the vid isn’t real and therefore might not be Dad. His cock looks so small as to be that of a large adolescent human in a costume. I find this really sick. What would Mom have seen in a thin 6 inches when she could’ve had some real Wookie cock? I guess its possible that Dad just suffered from the Wookie form of micropenis that I thankfully failed to inherit. I probably need therapy but I’m concerned that there isn’t an analyst out there with training to enable a conceptualization of the unique struggle of being half human/half Wookie.
PPS. I apologise for bearing my heart like this.
PPS. Any women out there (preferable in South Wales [that's the old not the new version]) that like the thought of Wookie cock to go with their BB? :D
11-04-2005, 02:31 PM
hey i love bb cartoons the best
11-04-2005, 03:40 PM
Hi everyone, i'm new here so i don't know how to post pics but i link them in somrhow. These are more like footjob pics but they are good. Enjoy! ( ( ( ( (
11-04-2005, 10:16 PM
Hi Melrak,
You cannot post attachments the usual way on your first post (or download other people’s attachments). However, you should be getting full access to the system by now :) vBulletin is the best. Thanks for sharing the pics. It’s a real shame that so much of the BB anime seems to have been censored. I guess there must be original versions out there somewhere. Anybody know where?
Thanks again,
11-04-2005, 10:52 PM
Jeeze you guys are sick! It seems that many who visit here are not too fussy when it comes to weird sex. Presumably, y’all arrive at this place as you have an interest in the finer arts of BB. I find it amazing that in two days near a hundred of ya download my Mom’s home Wookie sex movie - I guess this says it all.
I hadn’t really appreciated that such a big percentage of the population (admittedly in this case a population of self-selected perverts) would have an interest in such freaky stuff. It’s all falling into place now. It makes sense now why ‘Freaks of Porn’ (OK sicko’s here’s the web site ) have offered BF 2000 bucks a day just to fuck a bevy of beauties on film. I think I managed to convince him that it would be a bad idea but you never know with BF – he’s a vulnerable guy. I just hope he stays on the straight and narrow. He went completely off the rails for a few years after Mom died and said he couldn’t face society. He spent near a decade living in the woods running from paparazzi and the like. I spent a long time trying to track him down and rescue him. I finally managed to find out where he was via a Nam vet called John who mistook me for BF when I was out looking for him.
BFs doing OK nowadays; I’ve managed to find him work on the Star Wars convention scene etc. There’s often too much stuff for me to do so BF stands in. I’m very proud of the progress he’s made. I worry he inherited some of Mom’s exhibitionism and I hope that he doesn’t get tempted by the big bucks on offer from the Freaky sex scene.
Talking of which - and apologies for sounding completely hypocritical - would and of you BB film makers out there be interested in making a BB movie with a Wookie on the receiving end? :D
11-04-2005, 11:26 PM
Knave, just seen your new site and very impressed! I know we have spoken before about a cartoon site, and if its ok with you I will soon send something to your site. I will be sending some new pics to this forum soon to, which will involve deleting the first couple of my drawings as I have reached the maximum quantity allowed.
Something I have got to mention. I've joined a number of Yahoo sites, of which there are many about BB, and there are thousands of pics and files there. I've managed to find a lady into BB with whom I now have correspondance and she is a real enthusiast, telling me in loving detail of her real and imagined experiences. And she loves my drawings! I'm feeling ok!
So I really recommend Yahoo to BB fans.
I look forward to your e-mail try!
I'll take a look at Yahoo!
11-05-2005, 01:38 PM
Here are two cartoons of Japanese origin, which I thought were very interesting. The word in the background is 'Kinderqueen'. When I looked up the word in Google I found this Web site:
Although the main galleries seem to be off-line at the moment, if you click on the stories link on the menu page, there are some more drawings.
David B.
Although the main galleries seem to be off-line at the moment, if you click on the stories link on the menu page, there are some more drawings.
Here are a few more salvaged:
11-05-2005, 10:34 PM
Hi Melrak,
You cannot post attachments the usual way on your first post (or download other people’s attachments). However, you should be getting full access to the system by now :) vBulletin is the best. Thanks for sharing the pics. It’s a real shame that so much of the BB anime seems to have been censored. I guess there must be original versions out there somewhere. Anybody know where?
Thanks again,
In Japan, showing boobs, naked butts, and all kinds of stuff that is regulated here, is unregulated for all (?) ages -- showing genitalia in print media and film, etc., is banned -- for all ages. A private individual can draw a picture of anything s/he wants, including dicks, balls, pussies, and pasta noodles, but selling said pictures commercially would be Trouble. Well, except for the pasta. You can film udon and show it and the regulators won't hassle you.
There ARE, of course, nekkid pitchers sold in Japan, **** tapes, etc., but I hear that all has to be sold on the black market.
In anime, monsters often have things like, oh, tentacles, which end in what looks mysteriously enough like the head of a penis. In Iczer-One, for example, I remember an evil alien guy's penis-looking tentacle going into a woman's mouth and down her throat, and coming out a bit later and blasting her with some white fluid.
Another movie (name forgotten), where two demons grab a woman, and one shoves a tentacle (that looks like a giant dick) into her crotch, while the other shoves a tentacle (that looks like a giant dick) down her throat; and they tentacle the woman while squeezing her nobs -- showing a *penis* is regulated, showing a tentacle from a demon (that looks just like a penis) jammed into a woman's mouth is unregulated. Perfectly innocent, too.
Everyone who wants to move to Japan, raise a tentacle.
A Rill
11-06-2005, 07:10 AM
So wots the Japanese hang up with public hair all about then?
We risk going very dangerously off topic here – something punishable by death in the former regime. Nobody appears to care anymore; but just in case I’ll get us back to BB toons with the beauty below. Its one of my all time favs :)
11-06-2005, 09:57 AM
Kinderqueen was oftentimes too brutal for me. These are also excellent dom cartoon sites that feature bb frequently:
11-06-2005, 02:19 PM
So wots the Japanese hang up with public hair all about then?
Let me confess first of all that: I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWER TO THAT. I know, I know, I don't say that often enough and, truth to tell, it was hard to squeeze out. However, I would suspect the same law; probably says, "The male and female genitalia and/or public hair are unfit for broad commercial media distribution..." -- only, yanno, in Japanese.
We risk going very dangerously off topic here – something punishable by death in the former regime.
Yeah, but can you honestly say that you don't think we deserve the highest penalty? I'm just hoping they hand the instrument of carrying out my sentence to EvilGrl. Woo hoo!
And asking questions about bb cartoons ("Why don't the Japanese draw dicks on these guys?!?") is something that I think you, I, she, and maybe even some of the people of Nippon would agree is appropriate for a thread on bb cartoons.
11-08-2005, 04:02 AM
Don't forget the high lord of testes-centered hentai, babel.
11-08-2005, 12:55 PM
Babel is indeed king of BB hentai. I wish he spoke English, or I Japanese, so I could thank and praise him properly.
11-08-2005, 01:32 PM
Babel is indeed king of BB hentai. I wish he spoke English, or I Japanese, so I could thank and praise him properly.
rumors says that babel should be a girl... does anybody know it for sure? ;)
11-09-2005, 12:07 AM
rumors says that babel should be a girl... does anybody know it for sure? ;)
Check for boobs. If you grab her chest ad no boobs, then either it's a guy or the gender is irrelevant.
Helpful hint: I am going to HAVE to find a feminist and try that line...
11-13-2005, 02:20 PM
Here are two cartoons of Japanese origin, which I thought were very interesting. The word in the background is 'Kinderqueen'. When I looked up the word in Google I found this Web site:
Although the main galleries seem to be off-line at the moment, if you click on the stories link on the menu page, there are some more drawings.
David B.
Hi guys, am new here, but loving this forum so far. Who'd have thought there were so many like minded souls out there? It's great!
Has anyone found any more of these Kinderqueen pictures then? I've been doing standard searches, but all they come up with is Japanese sites with fonts that I can't display, but which I think are all just link sites anyway... :(
PS while I'm here, I'd just like to give a BIG hand to Knave. Love your work man! I'm having to check back everyday now just to see what piece of genius you come up with next.
Adios :bananawin
11-13-2005, 07:18 PM
PS while I'm here, I'd just like to give a BIG hand to Knave. Love your work man! I'm having to check back everyday now just to see what piece of genius you come up with next.
{blush} thankyou. It's good to know the dancing bananas of the world approve of my message. BB toons are HOT!
11-14-2005, 09:06 AM
Knave, your The Nutcracker Suite version is great!!!
But, remember, its a suite with two acts ;-)
11-14-2005, 09:25 AM
Yep, Knaves pictures are kind of famous. He is my favourit Artist beside good old RIV hehe
11-15-2005, 02:52 AM
You are fuckin awesome – and then some :) Thank you, thank you, thank you. I pinned No 3. of Jodie & Knave 2 up above my desk at work. A female workmate thought it funny/cute and asked me about it. I showed her the rest and opened up about my secret fetish. I lied and told her I’d never told anybody before. She said she thought it was really sweet that I’d opened up to her, reached over and gave them a squeeze and suggested that we go for a drink after work. Woooooooooooow wot an evening! Me bollox are still purring. Keep up the great work.
Its clear that you have a huge worldwide fan base.
Awesome, awesome, awesome.
Do you find that your work helps you get busted?
And wots with the love of cheese? Can you get good cheese in the Midwest? Oh fuck, I like a good bit of cheese. I was hugely disappointed to see another great lover of cheese – our Wallace (famed with his dog Gromit) - sell out to the American market in his new movie. I CANNOT believe that he actually described Monterey Jack as being good! Oh boy, the length people will go to in order to please Hollywood.
Rant over,
11-15-2005, 04:29 PM
And wots with the love of cheese? Can you get good cheese in the Midwest? Oh fuck, I like a good bit of cheese. I was hugely disappointed to see another great lover of cheese – our Wallace (famed with his dog Gromit) - sell out to the American market in his new movie. I CANNOT believe that he actually described Monterey Jack as being good! Oh boy, the length people will go to in order to please Hollywood.
Rant over,
Are ye daft, Chewie?!? 'Ave ye never heard of the famed Wisconsin cheddar, then, eh? And t'ain't nuffin rong wit' me Monterey Jack that can't be cured by jalapenos, mate!
But, yeah, Wallace and Grommit -- and Monterey Jack??? That's just not right.
11-16-2005, 01:51 AM
Has anyone seen the episode of futurama called "Amazon Women In The Mood"? It is in season 3 and involves exactly what you would think. With the the guys dying by having their pelvises crushed, and numerous scenes of ballbusting throughout, it could very well be my favorite episode ever aired. Does anyone know how I can find it so I can watch it over and over on my computer? Thank you! :iluvu: :Baahaha:
11-16-2005, 02:41 AM
Has anyone seen the episode of futurama called "Amazon Women In The Mood"? It is in season 3 and involves exactly what you would think. With the the guys dying by having their pelvises crushed, and numerous scenes of ballbusting throughout, it could very well be my favorite episode ever aired. Does anyone know how I can find it so I can watch it over and over on my computer? Thank you! :iluvu: :Baahaha:
Oh, ( has season 1 I'm certain and probably seasons 2 and 3 are there or will be soon. Also check ( which really does tend to beat Amazon on price.
11-16-2005, 10:53 PM
cool stuff!1
11-16-2005, 11:28 PM
My toons served as the avenue through which you got a night of BB pleasure Chewy!!! I'm honored, and pissed! My gf busts me, but not too regularily and not too enthisiastically (but damn she does it hard) and here Jodie and my cartoon likeness have basically PIMPED you out to hot lady folk!? Well...great!!
And in response, no. No ladies have beaten down Knave's anonymous door looking to bust him. It's probably because my work keeps me basically in hermit status.
Humph! I deserve a hot sock related BB session for my efforts! I'll just have to do with a nice plate of brie with some crackers.
11-17-2005, 12:01 AM
My toons served as the avenue through which you got a night of BB pleasure Chewy!!! I'm honored, and pissed! Yeah, I owe u big time :D Hope it happens for u too soon. You deserve it.
Thanks. Looking 4ward to Jodie and Knave 3 :)
I'll just have to do with a nice plate of brie with some crackers.Make sure its the real thing and is at that stage where its just going runny :iluvu:
Have you ever seen
11-17-2005, 11:28 AM
Make sure its the real thing and is at that stage where its just going runny :iluvu:
Oooh yeah baby! That's the stuff!
11-17-2005, 04:41 PM
Gr8 cartoons ny more
11-21-2005, 03:20 AM
Anybody knows about this pic?
11-21-2005, 05:33 AM
Nice Ballbusting Link
11-22-2005, 11:06 AM
I love Cartoons with a lot of ballbusting and more with ballgrabbing/ballsqueezing! 8)
Please post more of that!
11-22-2005, 03:48 PM
You heard the Lady, get posting those cartoons. :D
11-22-2005, 03:54 PM
I believe the reaction here ( is almost certainly that of a man :(
11-22-2005, 04:37 PM
What the...?? You think I'm a male because I don't like to see males that bust other males balls?
I am a REAL Woman and very interessted in ballbusting!
It turns me on to see Woman hurt males between their legs!
I do lot's of those things with my BF but I also like to see it on my Screen!
Is that a crime?
hello people¡where did you find cartoons picas over ball busting & ballgrab?thank you I know had some good stuff, haven't checked them out recently though
What the...?? You think I'm a male because I don't like to see males that bust other males balls?
I am a REAL Woman and very interessted in ballbusting!
It turns me on to see Woman hurt males between their legs!
I do lot's of those things with my BF but I also like to see it on my Screen!
Is that a crime?
why would it be a crime? does he get jelous or something?
11-23-2005, 02:19 AM
What the...?? You think I'm a male because I don't like to see males that bust other males balls?
I am a REAL Woman and very interessted in ballbusting!
It turns me on to see Woman hurt males between their legs!
I do lot's of those things with my BF but I also like to see it on my Screen!
Is that a crime?
:(No it’s no crime. He did have a point though as your previous vernacular has not been that of a lady. However, there’s certainly no cause for dispute. I suggest you kill the debate by posting some photos of youself squeezing balls :p
Oh Knave (:ibow4u: ), you've really started something! :D
11-23-2005, 05:36 AM
You heard the Lady, get posting those cartoons. :D
Well, man or woman...
11-23-2005, 06:33 AM
Sorry,but my BF don't want to upload some Pic from us...especially from his swollen balls!
I would love to post them..but he don't want it and I got to respect that!
11-23-2005, 09:39 AM
Hi, Im new to these forums, and I like ballbusting cartoons, I have a few pics myself, but does anyone know of a good place to host these images so I could post them?
11-23-2005, 01:07 PM
Just post 'em right here Dude! :) Oh Yeah :D
I already went through this for Magnum. Its easy peasy. If Magnum can get it then I'm sure u can too.
11-23-2005, 03:25 PM
I believe the reaction here ( is almost certainly that of a man :(
Ah, it's the age old are you a woman or a man pretending to be a woman question. Speaking for myself I hate when people over the internet question me on that. Fortunately this doesn't happen too often in real life. :Baahaha: But I have had recently a "girl" I was talking to turn out to really be a boy. So I guess I understand why some people will wonder about it. However my take on it is if you read enough posts or chat with them long enough it soon becomes evident what they are. Well at least most of the time. I guess there might be some people who can pull it off. The thing I can't understand is why people do it. I mean here it doesn't matter if your a girl or a guy, you are welcomed.
11-23-2005, 05:41 PM
Here are my pics, I have some more, but they have been posted already. Hope you like them.
11-23-2005, 07:10 PM
Ah, it's the age old are you a woman or a man pretending to be a woman question. Speaking for myself I hate when people over the internet question me on that. Fortunately this doesn't happen too often in real life. :Baahaha:
Yeah! What she said! I hate it when people mistake me for a guy!
Oops... I mean, I-- Oh, bother. :(
11-23-2005, 11:04 PM
Let's see if this works
Hello Sexy Sara!
I thought you would find the attached cartoons cute and funny. Hope you and your fans delight in these as I did.
nice cartoons !!!
11-25-2005, 09:39 PM
yeah I liked that
11-26-2005, 02:14 AM
I'm new BB lover. Where can i get BB cartoon? Can you help me?
11-26-2005, 09:26 AM
Hello Wahwah,
Nearly every BB cartoon site I have ever seen in listed under this thread. Have a look at the previous pages.
David B.
12-01-2005, 05:04 AM
Self made picture ;)
12-01-2005, 03:16 PM
Nice details Dereknor. I especially like her body jewelry! :)
(her obvious female arousal is another good touch)
12-01-2005, 05:39 PM
Wow I had no idea there'd be so many. Some a little too much for me though :P
12-01-2005, 07:22 PM
Keep up the work Dereknor. I am really liking this forum!!!!!
12-02-2005, 04:07 AM
Thats my first picture after 2 years. Learned some more tricks with Photoshop ;)
But this picture take me about 9 hours to draw. Don't know when I have enough time again
12-02-2005, 05:25 PM
Fantastic picture, Dereknor. It was worth every minute of those 9 hours of effort you put into it.
David B.
12-03-2005, 09:44 PM
Let's see if this works
Great toon, any more on this story.
Seems like it about to get better !!! :D
12-04-2005, 01:00 AM
Great toon, any more on this story.
Seems like it about to get better !!! :DSadly, no and no. I didn't collect any more of it as that was the only one with any BB in it :( I think they just fucked him into submission - my kinda torture :D
12-04-2005, 09:14 AM
someone got hard cartoon images
12-04-2005, 10:38 AM
does any body know where i can see some stripperella busts?
12-06-2005, 06:33 PM
My GF likes these cartoons a bit too much, I'm getting worried :P
12-10-2005, 01:38 PM
i hope it is onli art
12-12-2005, 03:41 PM
Let's see if this works
a suggestion for your pics, what about a comic inspired to the one posted in the Marshman's message? ( )
With some more scenes of the way they use to make him talk and scream, and where the girls' faces are showed. :)
Just an idea I would like to see drawn from you. ;)
12-13-2005, 05:16 AM
This may have been posted earlier, but there's tons of stuff at
Edit: dang, i knew i'd seen it here earlier. it's on the first page.
12-13-2005, 05:36 AM
Amazing how the cartoon images can generate so much realistic feelings.
12-13-2005, 02:36 PM
I thought I'd add a couple of toons to my posting. Enjoy.
12-13-2005, 04:46 PM
I luv this toon. She's definitely the one in charge here :)
12-16-2005, 05:13 AM
I really like the femdom cartoons posted in the forum.More plaese.
Also like to see females being the voyeur in shots if anyone has such pics.
12-16-2005, 06:08 AM
Wow very nice Pictures !
THank you very much : )
I really like cartoon BB
12-16-2005, 12:33 PM
Wonder if she will get the answers she wants?
12-17-2005, 11:11 AM
Does anybody know a site where there are lots of Whizzer cartoons...I really like them, and appreciate the ones posted on this site.
12-17-2005, 12:08 PM
Hello I am new on this board. it has some very good stuff in it. especially i like the link to the m3 art. i don´t know why i like it the most. i mean, who wants to have mashed balls. i not. it has really i´ts own special something. maybe i think
in my phantasie: the men in that art are comic figures. so, as a comic figure all parts of the body can be rebuild, especially the balls.
the other stuff posted in that board is also amazing. this is really the best (legal)
board to cbt i´ve ever seen.
12-17-2005, 12:10 PM
does anyone has a link to art, where superheroines are wrestling against normal
guys and ball-busting them.
and of course they not just only do it the normal way (the ladies are superheroines and not normal woman), they also use their super powers. just think of what a heroine could to with telekinese, material transformation (on a man), temperature, superstrength.......... powers.
and don´t find anything related on the net.
12-17-2005, 01:38 PM
Not quite wot yer looking for but rather cool nonetheless :)
Given the size of the tits, I doubt Trouble's gonna compalin too much about these :D
12-17-2005, 02:44 PM
This is just a test if that picture upload thingy work for me?
so here are some pictures from my archive.
does any1 have the cartoon of a guy wearing a humbler, with 2 girls putting their full weight on it, 1 on each side? i think i saw it a while ago on but i cant find it now. its amazing! hope sum1 can help
12-17-2005, 05:34 PM
This is just a test if that picture upload thingy work for me? so here are some pictures from my archive. The picture upload thingy is working just fine :D bbwsh81 (wot kinda name is that!) so just keep on uploading :ibow4u:
2/5 are new to this thread :bananad:
12-17-2005, 05:45 PM
does any1 have the cartoon of a guy wearing a humbler, with 2 girls putting their full weight on it, 1 on each side? i think i saw it a while ago on but i cant find it now. its amazing! hope sum1 can helpNow, now djto – I can see that we need to impose a few rules around here:
RULE 1: When you see it – download it.
RULE 2: When you’ve downloaded it – share the wealth by posting it here :D
RULE 3: When you do post it here – please try not to attach it with an insipid comment (otherwise we find that Trouble tends to get a little ‘pissy’)
If you'd 'av followed the rules then we need not have had this conversation :thumbup
12-17-2005, 08:11 PM
There are so many bb links missing. what happened with hundra's site?
12-17-2005, 09:54 PM
RULE 3: When you do post it here – please try not to attach it with an insipid comment (otherwise we find that Trouble tends to get a little ‘pissy’)
A guy makes just a FEW gut-wreching screams of agony and pretentious lectures, loudly protesting some minor quibbles, and it sounds like I'm never gonnah hear the end of it. Can't a feller bellyache (and curse out the folks who aren't following the rules on new posts, and... this isn't turning out well, lemme change direction: Rock On, Tommy!) in peace?!? ;)
12-18-2005, 07:14 AM
hello Tetrap, my name means "ball busting with superheroines, i´m born in 1981"
= bbwsh81
i know it´s a unusual name, but hell i need pictures with that drawn stuff in it.
look in one of my previous posts to have a short overview of what i mean.
12-18-2005, 05:03 PM
Wouldn't cartoons be a good way to introduce a girl to BB? I think by showing her some of the cartoons and gauging a reaction is nice little way to find out if she's into it or not. Would like to see more pics like this floating around.
You certainly have a point. But then again, I think that Hollywood is already warming everyone up to ballbusting, lol. I probably see one or two ball busts each time I go to the movies, including the previews. BB may not be as taboo as it used to be ...
12-18-2005, 10:22 PM
You certainly have a point. But then again, I think that Hollywood is already warming everyone up to ballbusting, lol. I probably see one or two ball busts each time I go to the movies, including the previews. BB may not be as taboo as it used to be ...
No doubt! From the database of ballbusting in the movies that used to wander about the Internet, I counted up number of films, busts, etc., by year and by actress, etc. If the database is a good representative sample (iffy), then the number of times a pair of testicles gets kicked in the movies increases slightly faster than doubling (over) every decade.
If the funny papers were increasing at the same rate, pretty soon, we'd see Dilbert getting his nuts punted.
12-20-2005, 08:40 AM
update topic =)
New pic
12-20-2005, 12:47 PM
Yeah hey! It's the latest from my toon blog!
Thanks for the interest and helping me spread the word about the site!
12-22-2005, 08:47 AM
Knave, your bbtoons site is incredible! The cartoons are so imaginative, it amazes me everytime I look at it!
12-22-2005, 10:40 AM
Knave, your bbtoons site is incredible! The cartoons are so imaginative, it amazes me everytime I look at it!
Thanks a ton Raphael! I wish I had more time to work on it, drawing BBtoons is somehow therapeutic for me.
12-22-2005, 04:27 PM
Admittingly, I don't know that much about you, or your work (I just know it's awesome), but have you ever thought of doing a professional paysite with bbtoons? Although I know no one wants to pay for it, but you might get sponsors and that could eventually lead to your own animated cartoon. Well, perhaps I'm being a bit too optimistic, but it was just a thought. ^_^
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