Quote Originally Posted by gary198 View Post
I think that this constitutes STATUTORY **** everywhere. Easy to see you have no daughters.
Of course as a father you want your daughter to stay a virgin until marriage. But this parental feeling denies the sexual maturity of a young woman.

I hope I will be more fair to my children when they become teenagers.

Quote Originally Posted by Pupuce View Post
Problem is that it is not sexually bad but morally. Age gives you advantage on younger woman, being myself 22 and soon 23, I know how getting a 14-15-16 years old girl in my bed is easy. That's not fair. :/ They have no chance to resist, so I don't do it.
Lets say I was a single man of my age. No woman has a chance to resist me , so that is not a good reason NOT to have sex with teenage girls. The only reason I can come up with ( besides the law ) is that in general teenage girls are incredibly annoying. When I was a teenager, I would date girls in their early 20's, because they were less annoying and chances of having sex were bigger :-)

Quote Originally Posted by Snakelinux View Post
Why can't women 14-15-16 years old resist sex? Are you talking about ****** them?

For the record men should be sexually attracted to women who are sexually mature regardless of age but if you don't want to go to jail you pass them on by. Pedophiles are men who want girls (women not sexually mature). Psychologists make this distinction even though society, which is ignorant, does not. It is like calling one of two male gay lovers a her or a wife even though neither one of them thinks they are a girl; or vice-versa for two female lesbians.

I wish society was educated so that we did not have those misconceptions but I will take what I can get.

This also means that they do not ******** men who sleep with underaged but sexually mature women because the guy is considered to be perfectly normal, psychologically.
Yes the ignorance annoys me as well !
Because I fully agree pedophiles damage children and they are sick and need to be stopped. So calling a man who wants to have sex with a young sexually mature woman a pedophile is disturbing.

Personally I think teenage girls are annoying. But physically I see no problem with a male having sex with a sexually mature female.