View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
04-10-2011, 12:00 AM
Yo solo pude econtrar este que tiene subs en ingles si te vale
muchas gracias por el link solo espero que no necesite pass jaja bueno algo es algo ojala traiga los videos separados no importar que sean en ingles luego los traduzco. Gracias por el link fastriker
04-10-2011, 08:01 AM
muchas gracias por el link solo espero que no necesite pass jaja bueno algo es algo ojala traiga los videos separados no importar que sean en ingles luego los traduzco. Gracias por el link fastriker
De nada! para eso estamos !compartir es vivir¡ yo necesito ayuda con este video para saber lo que dice esta chica que tiene pinta de ser muy caliente,pero cono no se tanto de ingles como para traducirlo necesitaria alguien que me lo escribiese pero se que es mucho pedir !estaria muy agradecido¡:ibow4u:**********/
04-10-2011, 08:38 AM
Catrated by a group of japanese female soldiers :autogun
Wow! This vid is hot but, i need to translate it. These girls are obviously modern day Japanese female soldiers, i wonder who they thought he was or what he did or perhaps they just wanted to have some fun with a man.
04-10-2011, 01:54 PM
Pues despues de dar cientos de vueltas por la red aqui os traigo las escenas que he podido capturar de la pelicula "LARO SO BAGA" en la que la chica se enfada con el tio y le intenta cortar la picha pero falla, y el tio escapa para que se lo cure otra mujer que no se quien es.
cuanto tiempo de la película es la escena en la que ha llegado hasta el todavía pctures de?
04-10-2011, 03:08 PM
De nada! para eso estamos !compartir es vivir¡ yo necesito ayuda con este video para saber lo que dice esta chica que tiene pinta de ser muy caliente,pero cono no se tanto de ingles como para traducirlo necesitaria alguien que me lo escribiese pero se que es mucho pedir !estaria muy agradecido¡:ibow4u:**********/
Pues segun entindo ese video es de un travesti que se da placer por ultima vez antes de cortarcelo por que que segun ya no le sirve asi que pa que lo quiere pero si veo el video tratare de hacer algun sub.
04-11-2011, 06:03 AM
Wow! This vid is hot but, i need to translate it. These girls are obviously modern day Japanese female soldiers, i wonder who they thought he was or what he did or perhaps they just wanted to have some fun with a man.
Doesnt even work for me i get 404 error not found page
04-11-2011, 07:22 AM
Pues segun entindo ese video es de un travesti que se da placer por ultima vez antes de cortarcelo por que que segun ya no le sirve asi que pa que lo quiere pero si veo el video tratare de hacer algun sub.
Pues gracias de antemano por lo menos por molestarte en ello.
04-11-2011, 02:06 PM
********** gun ( (
04-11-2011, 02:29 PM
Gulliver and the Lilliputians
04-11-2011, 08:39 PM
Doesnt even work for me i get 404 error not found page
I saw your post and tried this link again and it works. However, the video is bad about stopping then starting up again, so i just play it again and again and it will start playing all the way thru. It sounds to me like your flash player needs updating, good luck.
04-12-2011, 09:46 AM
Wow! This vid is hot but, i need to translate it. These girls are obviously modern day Japanese female soldiers, i wonder who they thought he was or what he did or perhaps they just wanted to have some fun with a man.
Is it a clip from a Japanese movie, I like to watch the whole movie if it is, to see what else they do the poor man.:bananajum
04-12-2011, 09:51 AM
Catrated by a group of japanese female soldiers :autogun
The clip is hot, did female soldiers cut off his balls? Or just try toy with the man.?
04-12-2011, 10:28 AM
The clip is hot, did female soldiers cut off his balls? Or just try toy with the man.?
It looked to me like the girls either chopped off his dick or, his dick and balls because the girl doing it really slammed the hatchet down hard! But, it didn't actually show it so, i'm not sure. :bananajum :Baahaha:
04-13-2011, 12:53 AM
Hello All,
Does anyone happen to have a copy of the Cruella film "Cruel Ladies in Power"? If features a good penectomy threat scene, I believe. There is a link below, but the attempts to join didn't work for me.
04-13-2011, 06:38 AM
Fantasy in the two pictures.
04-13-2011, 10:34 AM
Yo me he bajado los links y se me quedan en blanco y no los puedo abrir, mirare la manera de hacerlo. Aqui dejo algo para calmar las ansias,es una escena algo morbosa de una pelicula llamada kichiku dai enkai:video/q5qYAhA2/Kichiku_dai_enkai__cut_off_.html
04-13-2011, 11:54 AM
Yo me he bajado los links y se me quedan en blanco y no los puedo abrir, mirare la manera de hacerlo. Aqui dejo algo para calmar las ansias,es una escena algo morbosa de una pelicula llamada kichiku dai enkai:video/q5qYAhA2/Kichiku_dai_enkai__cut_off_.html
Probad mejor este que el otro no funciona
04-16-2011, 07:46 AM
here is a pic**********.jpg
04-18-2011, 07:30 AM
Parece que esto se ha quedado un poco parado ¿Alguien sabe algo de snodle? hace mucho queno se la ve por aqui,para una chica que teniamos esperemos no haberla perdido. Por cierto ¿alguien para escribir lo que dice la mistress del video? solamente es escribir en ingles lo que dice para que yo lo traduzca,y prometo subir unos buenos videos, aqui va un adelanto:
04-18-2011, 08:30 AM
Sobre mujeres castradoras
Castratrix's pet
04-18-2011, 03:52 PM
Sobre mujeres castradoras
This looks to me like a version from someplace like India of an American movie from the 1980's called The Ladies Club. In The Ladies Club a group of women several of who had been raped got together with a woman surgeon. The women lured in rapists, turned them over to the woman surgeon and she ********* them, then they were released minus their balls.
Whoa...from Scream 4. Fucked up. Will be gone soon.
04-19-2011, 12:46 AM
Wow this is a great thread! Lots of interesting posts :)
04-19-2011, 10:43 AM
very nice thread i think. maybe if someone could find more relevant pics or clips from ********** in movies that would be great:) are there any other movies like that maybe like hostel 2 or cannibal somthing something i would like to know
:wooow :letsplay:loveeyes
04-20-2011, 02:26 AM
The epiphany is at 14 minutes, with a few minutes of **** discussion leading up to that. This film was quite "inspirational" for me when I was discovering my...interests.:)
04-20-2011, 02:30 AM
The epiphany is at 14 minutes, with a few minutes of **** discussion leading up to that. This film was quite "inspirational" for me when I was discovering my...interests.:)
now that this is up, I realize I should have put it in movie links, oops.
04-20-2011, 11:05 AM
Ya que ha salido este tema... yo estuve la semana pasada con una mujer que hablando sobre el tema de lo que la justicia deberia hacer con los violadores, ella no paraba de decir que por si ella fuera, les castraria o les rebanaria la polla y mientras me miraba ,hacia el gesto con las manos de como lo cortaria.Lo que ella no sabe es que en el fondo me da morbo y me estaba excitando, y que llevo toda la semana pensando en ello.Cuando vuelva a verla intentare volvera sacar el tema JEJEJEEJEJ.
04-20-2011, 11:12 AM
now that this is up, I realize I should have put it in movie links, oops.
¿En que pagina estan esos links?
04-20-2011, 11:42 AM
now that this is up, I realize I should have put it in movie links, oops.
I was literally about to ask if anyone had clips of this movie when I came to the site today. Thanks!!! :ibow4u: :ibow4u: :ibow4u:
04-20-2011, 05:25 PM
Ya que ha salido este tema... yo estuve la semana pasada con una mujer que hablando sobre el tema de lo que la justicia deberia hacer con los violadores, ella no paraba de decir que por si ella fuera, les castraria o les rebanaria la polla y mientras me miraba ,hacia el gesto con las manos de como lo cortaria.Lo que ella no sabe es que en el fondo me da morbo y me estaba excitando, y que llevo toda la semana pensando en ello.Cuando vuelva a verla intentare volvera sacar el tema JEJEJEEJEJ.
Jajajaja esperemos que no sea una castastrix y la proxima vez no vengas ya como un eunuco por andar sacando esos temas con esa chica jajajaja fastriker
04-21-2011, 09:33 AM
Jajajaja esperemos que no sea una castastrix y la proxima vez no vengas ya como un eunuco por andar sacando esos temas con esa chica jajajaja fastriker
Baaaaaaaaaah! mucho hablan pero a la hora de la verdad...... la forzaria hasta que tuviese mi picha entre sus tijeras, y hay estaria el limite pero no creo que cosiga que llegemos hasta esa situacion.
04-22-2011, 09:10 AM
Woman denies biting off boyfriend's testicles. (No real good info in link)
04-22-2011, 12:13 PM
first and the last one i like
04-22-2011, 02:47 PM********-a-humans-balls
Real human **********... no bullshit... I'm surprised myself...
(WARNING: Not for the faint of heart)
04-23-2011, 01:41 AM
Another real story......
04-23-2011, 05:38 AM
Cool storie. Kinda to brutal for my taste but still, was fun
04-23-2011, 05:54 AM
No esta mal, pero lo malo es que lo hace un hombre.... si lo hiciese una mujer si que me subiria las pulsaciones y si cortara la polla en vez de los guevos.... se me sale el corazon por la boca.
04-23-2011, 08:07 AM
:confused: exelent forum ********** is one of my favorite fetishes and its really
nice to see such a thriving forum with likeminded people.
but are there anyone else who thinks that there should be more celeb castrators on this? or is it just me
04-23-2011, 10:05 AM********-a-humans-balls
Real human **********... no bullshit... I'm surprised myself...
(WARNING: Not for the faint of heart)
Thank you for sharing this video link... I love it... ^_^
04-28-2011, 12:39 AM
:confused: exelent forum ********** is one of my favorite fetishes and its really
nice to see such a thriving forum with likeminded people.
but are there anyone else who thinks that there should be more celeb castrators on this? or is it just me
No, it is not just you. There are many celeb women i would like to see ********** men in different fliks and different circumstances especially the hot females from the old movies. I have fantasized about Raquel Welch doing this many times and even saw her in a flik once where she played a woman cop after a ******. She finally trapped him using herself as bait and pulling her .38 out she pointed it at the front of his pants and said: Freeze, or i'll ruin your career!!
04-29-2011, 07:13 AM
El regalo perfecto para nuestra novia
04-29-2011, 08:19 AM
El regalo perfecto para nuestra novia (
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:weryfun:weryfun:weryfun:weryfu n:weryfun:weryfun:ibow4u::ibow4u::ibow4u:
Hilarious find thank you!
but are there anyone else who thinks that there should be more celeb castrators on this? or is it just me
No way!!!! Lol, me as soon as i watched her it was always 7of9 from Star Treks Voyger, God shes sexy (Jeri Ryann) ,and with her "Resistance is futile" dominatrix outlook. lol,those breasts would have conquered entire worlds, men offering her their genitals freely me being one of them! Pwwww i have to now go and find a picture of her and remonise my teen years lol!!! ;);):thumbup
04-29-2011, 12:11 PM
El regalo perfecto para nuestra novia
Great idea, too bad they dont sell testicles and the items look quite fake.
04-29-2011, 04:41 PM
El regalo perfecto para nuestra novia
fastrike ese que aparece en el frasco es el tuyo que le regalaste a tu novia el dia de san valentin o como ? jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja quien se anima a ese tipo de regalo jajaja
04-30-2011, 06:57 AM
fastrike ese que aparece en el frasco es el tuyo que le regalaste a tu novia el dia de san valentin o como ? jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja quien se anima a ese tipo de regalo jajaja
NO,NO,NO!!! No tengo complejo de Van Gogh de cortarme cosasy regalarlas asi como asi, pero este tipo de cosas como tarros con penes tambien vi un llavero de un pene cortado muy realista me imaginaba a una chica por la calle con el colgado del pantalon y entonces sabria que ese tipo de chica es una castratix y que luego entrase en su casa y tenga varios frascos con penes tambien !!muy morbosa¡¡
04-30-2011, 12:29 PM
NO,NO,NO!!! No tengo complejo de Van Gogh de cortarme cosasy regalarlas asi como asi, pero este tipo de cosas como tarros con penes tambien vi un llavero de un pene cortado muy realista me imaginaba a una chica por la calle con el colgado del pantalon y entonces sabria que ese tipo de chica es una castratix y que luego entrase en su casa y tenga varios frascos con penes tambien !!muy morbosa¡¡
Pues cuidado, si ves que tu novia compra frascos como del tamaño de tu mienbro huye lo mas lejos que puedas mas vale prevenir que terminar como eunuco, claro siempre que tu no quieres ser eunuco o si ?
04-30-2011, 06:17 PM
04-30-2011, 06:26 PM
link to a preview and links to video itself
05-01-2011, 12:06 AM
Video Not valiable, erase please uploade in dailymotion o similar no youtube please
05-01-2011, 07:15 AM
Video Not valiable, erase please uploade in dailymotion o similar no youtube please
Unbelievable that people still upload to youtube.
And that people still pay with paypal after the wikileaks incident.
All these companies apply corporate censorship.
So we strike them where it hurts: we boycot them.
05-01-2011, 10:00 AM
something unbelievable:Baahaha:
05-01-2011, 12:09 PM
link to a preview and links to video itself
the link is dead iam DownThemAll but not good!!!
firefox:download idem
how do you ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????tks!
05-01-2011, 04:47 PM
I Have no idea why these links are not working for anyone , they worked fine for me
I Only shared the links , I Am not the original uploader of these , i found them here on this page
The name of the video is "the last handjob" you should find the preview and the links on this page halfway down
.....I hope the link to the page works
05-01-2011, 06:14 PM
As for the movie clip with teri hatcher threatening
go to search videos then type in "all tied up ********"
when you get your search results click the one that says "AMEACA"
if you don't get it don't feel too bad because it's only a 9 second clip!
05-02-2011, 06:27 AM
I Have no idea why these links are not working for anyone , they worked fine for me
I Only shared the links , I Am not the original uploader of these , i found them here on this page
The name of the video is "the last handjob" you should find the preview and the links on this page halfway down
.....I hope the link to the page works
i got them fine, but that was yesterday morning?
05-03-2011, 11:23 PM
This looks awesome
Check it out, if you can't read spanish, don't worry, the video speaks for itself...
05-04-2011, 04:54 AM
This looks awesome
Check it out, if you can't read spanish, don't worry, the video speaks for itself...
is this out for download yet?
05-06-2011, 01:51 PM
What a great thread this is.
05-06-2011, 05:43 PM (
05-07-2011, 05:59 AM
Error 404 - page not found :(
05-07-2011, 09:59 AM
This looks awesome
Check it out, if you can't read spanish, don't worry, the video speaks for itself...
it looks funny! is there anyone here have the full movie download link? :iluvu:
05-07-2011, 05:51 PM (
error message.......
05-07-2011, 11:23 PM
error message.......
I tried google and got this:
05-08-2011, 12:27 AM
is this out for download yet?
I have no idea. I just saw that trailer and thought that this might be the place to post it :)
05-08-2011, 05:14 PM
getting a bit irritated that my links never work
...anyway here is the URL link from directly where it was uploaded to......and i really hope it works!
05-10-2011, 05:22 PM
Nice fork & knife play
05-11-2011, 06:47 AM
JAJAJA is a true video!! Himself does not intervene any woman but still try to bring new things and be grateful
05-14-2011, 05:07 AM
the link is dead iam DownThemAll but not good!!!
firefox:download idem
how do you ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????tks!
Dear Serge,
The download seems to work for me.
By the way, can I ask where you found your avatar? It's great!
For everyone else: did anyone manage to join the full download of Cruella's "Cruel Ladies in Power" with HJSplit? I posted the link to the film plus this query a few weeks ago. A beautiful domme strokes a guy's cock with a knife and cuts it off in the last scene. However, I can't join the files.
Best wishes,
05-14-2011, 05:01 PM
I've been doing ********** captions over at ImageFap for the past few months, however, due to recent changes in IF policy, ********** is a big no-no over there. (People shitting and pissing all over each other is just dandy, however!)
Anyway, I've moved the contents of my galleries over to I'll throw up a few samples here, and if this is the sort of thing you dig, come by and say hi.
If it isn't, sorry to waste your time.
05-14-2011, 05:05 PM
Please remove my previous post... I did not realize there was a thread for captioned pics. Thanks.
05-14-2011, 08:42 PM
Great studd DD
05-14-2011, 10:15 PM
Dear Serge,
tks just girls envoice pics at me!hum the clip is perhaps :)**********&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sk=t&sd=d&sr=posts&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Rechercher
longin is free no pay!
but for look the clip you pay
she dont ******** men,look this interest at mistress vixen
05-16-2011, 01:57 AM
EXCELLENT ********** Cartoons
05-17-2011, 08:35 AM (
Looks like a girl learning to ******** a pig.
05-18-2011, 03:03 AM
Nice fork & knife play
it is an amasing clip....:iluvu:
05-18-2011, 07:26 AM
Puff! seems to me a little because I was not patetico.Si fails when trying to upload a video would send some much better.
05-18-2011, 07:32 AM
Here are good pictures of what I like.
05-19-2011, 04:10 AM
Here some chicks talk about historical examples of women cuting off a man's bits:
05-20-2011, 01:34 AM
05-20-2011, 02:41 AM
I never thought I'd see the day....
05-20-2011, 07:32 AM
Fake. I think the guy who is in this vid is actually a member on here. He admitted those were cherry tomatoes, not his balls.
05-20-2011, 05:37 PM
Do not know if it's here but I've seen is a video of it where she stabs him and gets the balls pins, identifiable by her fingers, tng sq fixation with the hands of the girls so no error.
05-23-2011, 05:33 AM
Vamos a darle un poco de color a este post con unas fotos que he podido encontrar por hay,que lastima que cuando tuve contacto con un colombiano que conocia a una chica colombiana que tenia ganas de cortar, no pude conseguir el mail de ella,pues eran muy cuidadosos de con quien hablaban del tema y ya no pude fingir mas,se que estan en un foro de ballbusting o parecido !!lo que daria por poder verla cortando una polla!!
05-23-2011, 06:20 AM
He encontrado este video que creo que no se ha visto por aqui, os animo a seguir buscando en internet pues quien sabe lo que esta por descubrirse.
05-23-2011, 10:30 AM
I had a great relationship with a woman who loved to roleplay. there were several different ones but the hottest were the ones involving a pretend **********. it was very life-like and very hot. there were many different scenerios, but to give you an example:
she sees me in a grocery store and recognizes me as the guy who raped her little sister. I got away with it because her sister couldn't prove it was me. she derives a plan to get even. she walks up to me and hits on me. I don't know who she is and am dumb enough to believe she is interested. we talk and she invites me over for a drink. at her place she spikes my drink. I wake up to find myself tied down naked to the bed. she tells me who she is and tells me I am going to pay for what I did. she then does a lot of CBT. after awhile she asks me why I did it. I tell her I was horny. she asks if that's is a good reason to **** someone. I say no...she asks what should i have done if I was so horny. I say. I should have just went home and jacked off. she asks why I didn't...I say I don't know...she asks if I know how. I say yes....she says show me...and unties one hand.. I start jacking off as she slowly ties a shoestring around my balls loosely. (we pretend its really a sharp wire). she tells me to let her know when I'm about to cum. when I tell her she says," you better enjoy it you son of a bitch...its the last time you ever will" and as I cum, she pulls hard on the strings, tightening them around my balls. it does hurt some, but doesn't cause permanent injury but we pretend that its ********** me. its very hot for both of us...we have others also if anyone is interested.
05-23-2011, 02:52 PM
He encontrado este video que creo que no se ha visto por aqui, os animo a seguir buscando en internet pues quien sabe lo que esta por descubrirse.
jajjajajajajajajajaja esa novelas colombiamas de los 90 jajajaja estaban bien chistosas me metaban y me siguen matando de la risa ya ni me acordaba de esa escena ajajajajajajajajajajjajajajajajajajajaja
05-23-2011, 07:19 PM
That is Mistress Thora Nang in her North Vietnamese uniform cutting off her prisoners balls. She is so erotic.
Vamos a darle un poco de color a este post con unas fotos que he podido encontrar por hay,que lastima que cuando tuve contacto con un colombiano que conocia a una chica colombiana que tenia ganas de cortar, no pude conseguir el mail de ella,pues eran muy cuidadosos de con quien hablaban del tema y ya no pude fingir mas,se que estan en un foro de ballbusting o parecido !!lo que daria por poder verla cortando una polla!!
05-24-2011, 01:56 PM
05-24-2011, 04:02 PM
it is an amasing clip....:iluvu:
Wow.. it realy got me hard :D i wanna be in his places ... my cock is nicer :D
05-24-2011, 06:31 PM
Me likey:bananajum
05-25-2011, 04:36 PM
I have had the pleasure of roleplaying with a few women who like the idea of pretending to ******** a guy. we pretend I am the guy who raped her sister. she ties me down and ties a shoestring around my balls loosely (we pretend its really a sharp wire) and makes me jerkoff. as I am about to cum she tells me I better enjoy it because this is the last time. she jerks hard on the string pretending to ******** me as I cum...very hot!
05-28-2011, 12:49 PM
We must find this movie! I've tried to emulate and some pages and nothing, so I hope someone around here has experienced mass that I sure do.
05-29-2011, 02:07 AM
Awesome ! Where is it from ?
05-29-2011, 08:52 AM
Esta chica es realmente fasscinante!!!!
05-29-2011, 03:41 PM
Esta chica es realmente fasscinante!!!!
Found on that website, WTF ? :confused:
05-30-2011, 05:09 PM
Don't know if anyone has spotted this ( yet
05-30-2011, 06:36 PM
Esta chica es realmente fasscinante!!!!
jajajaja buena web lastima que sea de pago aunque por ahi me parece haber visto algo de esos videos por otras web de castastrix aunque no recuerdo donde jajaja buen aporte.
05-31-2011, 06:00 AM
jajajaja buena web lastima que sea de pago aunque por ahi me parece haber visto algo de esos videos por otras web de castastrix aunque no recuerdo donde jajaja buen aporte.
:Baahaha: [/CENTER
La pena es que lo que dicen de ella sera mentira porque para ser miembro piden dinero asy que es fingido
05-31-2011, 01:28 PM
jajajaja buena web lastima que sea de pago aunque por ahi me parece haber visto algo de esos videos por otras web de castastrix aunque no recuerdo donde jajaja buen aporte.
:Baahaha: [/CENTER
La pena es que lo que dicen de ella sera mentira porque para ser miembro piden dinero asy que es fingido
es lo mas problable que sea videos actorales por lo que dices pero no me acuerdo mucho de esos videos hace un tiempo que los vi de todas maneras si los veo comento, pero reitero que es lo mas probable que sean actuados con efectos.
05-31-2011, 03:38 PM
es lo mas problable que sea videos actorales por lo que dices pero no me acuerdo mucho de esos videos hace un tiempo que los vi de todas maneras si los veo comento, pero reitero que es lo mas probable que sean actuados con efectos.
Pena porque seria la increible conocer o mejor haun,tener en este foro a una entusiasta de las tijeras rodeando una polla.
05-31-2011, 08:41 PM
1. To remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate.
3. To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate.
1. surgical removal of the penis
... there's a difference..
if you MUST post content that contains penectomy, please post in this thread
thank you :) :D
06-01-2011, 01:58 PM
Oh, come on.
Don't be such a sissy on this. ;)
06-01-2011, 02:15 PM
I think I should repost a few pictures from side three of this beautiful thread, posted back in year 2005:
I think "**********" is also generally usable and used as removal of ANY MAIN PART of ANYONES genitalia, even if I had very strikt oppinions about which of both I would enjoy and wich not. And I have.
06-02-2011, 08:38 AM
I think "**********" is also generally usable and used as removal of ANY MAIN PART of ANYONES genitalia, even if I had very strikt oppinions about which of both I would enjoy and wich not. And I have.
No, he has a point. I'm quite into many forms of testicle removal, but penectomy does absolutely nothing for me. When I come to this forum and see this thread has been updated, I'm often hopeful. When it turns out that someone has again ignored the perfectly-available-yet-often-ignored penectomy thread on this board, it gets frustrating.
Sometimes it's an honest mistake, especially if the poster is not a native speaker of English, but at least as often, it seems to be attention hounds who want praise and recognition by posting in the higher-traffic thread.
As a parallel, imagine someone who gets turned on by seeing pics of normal penis-in-vagina sex coming to see a thread devoted to such, only to find that the new pics are all anal. Close enough, right? Not to some.
06-02-2011, 09:48 AM
Amazing share....
06-02-2011, 10:49 AM
Once again I agree.
Penectomy is not ********** !
********** is not penectomy !
Is it so hard to see the difference ?
I am also not at all intrested in penectomy, of any kind !
If people don' t know the difference between a boat or a ship. OK
I would not make a point there, because who cares ?
The penis and testicles are both genitalia, agreed, but only removal of the testicles is called ********** !
Also I find people ignorant who don' t know the difference between people from India and people from Africa. Yes they are both black and poor, but getting back to genitalia, there is also a huge difference ! ;)
No, he has a point. I'm quite into many forms of testicle removal, but penectomy does absolutely nothing for me. When I come to this forum and see this thread has been updated, I'm often hopeful. When it turns out that someone has again ignored the perfectly-available-yet-often-ignored penectomy thread on this board, it gets frustrating.
Sometimes it's an honest mistake, especially if the poster is not a native speaker of English, but at least as often, it seems to be attention hounds who want praise and recognition by posting in the higher-traffic thread.
As a parallel, imagine someone who gets turned on by seeing pics of normal penis-in-vagina sex coming to see a thread devoted to such, only to find that the new pics are all anal. Close enough, right? Not to some.
06-03-2011, 05:01 AM
What's your problem? You are not pledged to watch the penectomy clips.
06-03-2011, 08:16 AM
Esto lo digo en mi idioma....porque estoy hasta la polla del puto ingles ¿vale?. Por supuesto que se la diferencia de castrar a penectomizar,pero lo que no sabia era que habia que dividirlo en categorias segun el tema a tratar y ponerlo en su debido sitio, pues yo entro en e foro a traves de ********** fantasies.... xq no me he acostumbrado ha hacerlo asi,no se preocupen que por la zona de castracion ya no me van a ver.
06-03-2011, 08:17 AM
a nerdy girl goes crazy from being picked on by school kids and decides to go physco and has her nerd bf hold a guy while she goes down on the guy shes taking revenge on and bites his junk off
06-03-2011, 10:22 AM
I have to admit, penectomy is my favorite and I love that thread. However the cock & balls being extremely close in proximity, taking one out might damage the other as well. So I check both threads because the stuff we have on this forum is really nowhere else. Personally I like them all mutilated, ground up, set afire, electrocuted, or brutalized in any way. Keep up the posts!
06-03-2011, 02:20 PM
No, he has a point. I'm quite into many forms of testicle removal, but penectomy does absolutely nothing for me. When I come to this forum and see this thread has been updated, I'm often hopeful. When it turns out that someone has again ignored the perfectly-available-yet-often-ignored penectomy thread on this board, it gets frustrating.
Sometimes it's an honest mistake, especially if the poster is not a native speaker of English, but at least as often, it seems to be attention hounds who want praise and recognition by posting in the higher-traffic thread.
As a parallel, imagine someone who gets turned on by seeing pics of normal penis-in-vagina sex coming to see a thread devoted to such, only to find that the new pics are all anal. Close enough, right? Not to some.
Very good point, I am a fan of **********(balls only), but the thought of a penectomy totaly turns me off!
06-03-2011, 05:02 PM
And of course there are people living in sumbarines under the sea, and people from holland under the sea!!!!, come on, don't be so ....
Once again I agree.
Penectomy is not ********** !
********** is not penectomy !
Is it so hard to see the difference ?
I am also not at all intrested in penectomy, of any kind !
If people don' t know the difference between a boat or a ship. OK
I would not make a point there, because who cares ?
The penis and testicles are both genitalia, agreed, but only removal of the testicles is called ********** !
Also I find people ignorant who don' t know the difference between people from India and people from Africa. Yes they are both black and poor, but getting back to genitalia, there is also a huge difference ! ;)
06-04-2011, 01:08 PM
Great site. Keep the pics coming.
06-05-2011, 01:04 AM
No, he has a point.No, he hasn't.:)
Whatever you special urgent interest is, I don't want to spoil it.
So don't you spoil it for others who have been meeting and talking in this thread for nearly ten years now about both, ********** and penectomy.
06-05-2011, 09:29 AM
But that is the goddamned point - there is a thread already on this board (currently on the front-fucking-page) that is designated for penectomy. Give me one logical reason why that thread should be ignored by people posting penectomy-only pics, and I will agree with you, but I don't think you'll be able to come up with one.
Here's the link to the penectomy enthusiasts thread:
I provide the link for others - I know you already know where it is. It only gets about about 10% the traffic this thread gets, and I think that's unfair to those who are mainly into penectomy (and please don't forget that part of my point - those who are into penectomy are done a disservice by the mis-posting of stuff).
Following your logic, there should be no problem with people posting, say, nipple severing pics, right? Do you agree? There are people out there into this - "smoothies."
Shall we try to find pics of prostates being excised to throw in?
(EDIT: and penises can't be *********)
06-05-2011, 11:05 AM
like to chat about cbt and ********** in german or english.
Have some nice pics and 3d poser art too of man in torture and femdom
06-05-2011, 11:40 AM
Give me one logical reason...I'm glad you ask. Maybe we will not agree, but at least you do not assume anybody who is not your oppinion is plain stupid.:)
Did I already state that I think I see your point? Your of course right about the definitions of the headlines.
One logical reason.
But you know that "logical" only means "coherant" or "without contradiction in itself".
And so it is logically correct to say: A lot of people use the word "**********" falsly. Langauge is not pure logic, it's logic IN tradition. And you have to admit at least, that the thread title is held explicitly general, "(fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)".
But I stated that already.
I'd like to give you another logical point, hope you find it convincing:
Back in 2002 there simply WAS no thread called penectomy. Penectomy ( was not started until 2008, six years later!
So if "casual misuse" of the ********** thread happenes it is not illogical to tolerate it out of traditional reasons again, it's more like a sign of good manners, I would think. (No offence :).)
And finally I want to give you my "best" logical reason, which is to be debated about but it's just what I think:
There already have been disussions about what belongs where all the time not only in this forum. If your strict logic was all there was to say, the we BOTH would not belong here, because this is a ballbusting forum! :)
Can't you read? :D
So where does who belong? Is it realy sensible that every nuance of any given pervert interest should go have it's own forum with its own threads and so on? What is about the social character of a forum? Is it forbidden that two groups with overlaping interest post and talk together? Is it more a problem or more an enrichment? And if you insist on "Problem": Down to what extend would you split groups up? Locically there is no limit until every person sits alone in on very, very special forum...;)
That cannot be the sense of it all. And it isn't, look: If you imagine to see a woman standing right in front of you, naked, gorgeous, knife in hand! In that moment you feel the same as anybody here: Youre hot. So should I post those picture into the penectomy thread because when I made it I had a penectomy in mind and not a "**********"?
So ok, the last point is complex. I think it's logical but it depends on other opinions so you may debate.
But think about how much we all have in common and what the point should be only talking to people of exactly the same interst as yours and think about, how it came that we are still talking together in this "methusalem"-thread for nearly ten years now, then I freely admit, that youre point is also logically right.
But please! Let's take it with a little good will, humour if you like, with "a grain of salt"; this is not an official-government-**********-advice-site.
06-05-2011, 11:18 PM
...but they look like they are having fun.
06-06-2011, 02:43 AM
a nerdy girl goes crazy from being picked on by school kids and decides to go physco and has her nerd bf hold a guy while she goes down on the guy shes taking revenge on and bites his junk off
My god is the girl in that Ugly. No one download that trust me.
06-06-2011, 08:03 AM
My god is the girl in that Ugly. No one download that trust me.
ya shes a nerdy girl and part of the collection of videos ive uploaded for people since ive been on this forum atleast its a girl doing the job and hey download if u want people whos downloaded my videos ive uploaded before know i got some good videos but the pickings of penectomy and ********** videos are limited there not all gonna be gorgous i just like the fact that its a woman doing the deed and i like to think she did it because she really wants to destroy the guys manhood soo just the fact that she doesnt have a penis and takes his away is hot nomatter how ugly the girl is
06-06-2011, 08:39 AM
:)I'm glad you ask. Maybe we will not agree, but at least you do not assume anybody who is not your oppinion is plain stupid.:)
Did I already state that I think I see your point? Your of course right about the definitions of the headlines.
One logical reason.
But you know that "logical" only means "coherant" or "without contradiction in itself".
And so it is logically correct to say: A lot of people use the word "**********" falsly. Langauge is not pure logic, it's logic IN tradition. And you have to admit at least, that the thread title is held explicitly general, "(fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)".
But I stated that already.
I'd like to give you another logical point, hope you find it convincing:
Back in 2002 there simply WAS no thread called penectomy. Penectomy ( was not started until 2008, six years later!
So if "casual misuse" of the ********** thread happenes it is not illogical to tolerate it out of traditional reasons again, it's more like a sign of good manners, I would think. (No offence :).)
And finally I want to give you my "best" logical reason, which is to be debated about but it's just what I think:
There already have been disussions about what belongs where all the time not only in this forum. If your strict logic was all there was to say, the we BOTH would not belong here, because this is a ballbusting forum! :)
Can't you read? :D
So where does who belong? Is it realy sensible that every nuance of any given pervert interest should go have it's own forum with its own threads and so on? What is about the social character of a forum? Is it forbidden that two groups with overlaping interest post and talk together? Is it more a problem or more an enrichment? And if you insist on "Problem": Down to what extend would you split groups up? Locically there is no limit until every person sits alone in on very, very special forum...;)
That cannot be the sense of it all. And it isn't, look: If you imagine to see a woman standing right in front of you, naked, gorgeous, knife in hand! In that moment you feel the same as anybody here: Youre hot. So should I post those picture into the penectomy thread because when I made it I had a penectomy in mind and not a "**********"?
So ok, the last point is complex. I think it's logical but it depends on other opinions so you may debate.
But think about how much we all have in common and what the point should be only talking to people of exactly the same interst as yours and think about, how it came that we are still talking together in this "methusalem"-thread for nearly ten years now, then I freely admit, that youre point is also logically right.
But please! Let's take it with a little good will, humour if you like, with "a grain of salt"; this is not an official-government-**********-advice-site.
Let me start by saying I appreciate the time and effort you put into your post (just to be safe, I will clarify - no sarcasm in said statement of appreciation).
I also understand what things used to be like before the penectomy thread came to be. My only point is that now it is here, there is no further reason to conflate these two actually-separate fetishes. I have already provided what I hope are some helpful examples to illustrate my point of view regarding this conflation, so I will not waste you time with further ones.
Nor will I waste your time (more than I already have, that is) with further debate on the topic at hand. I understand your point of view, and you are correct: We are not going to agree on this, but so what?
I think you might concede half my point, though: There are a number of penectomy-related posts here that should at least also be posted in the penectomy thread. Currently, many of them aren't.
Also, as a consolation prize to all who have been disappointed by my bickering tone lately, here's a nullo pic
Fairly typical scenario - in the future males are occasionally culled, and those who don't pass whatever test are nullified. The girl in the pic is writing down "That takes care of Otani (name of guy in the machine)"
06-06-2011, 11:35 AM
It's amazing the shit that you think up trying to get off. The stuff you used to think about just doesn't get you off like it did, and now you need a weirder, stranger fantasy each and every time you pop off.
I have a ********** fantasy that I'd like to share. Each time I play it in my mind, it gets more and more detailed and juicier. The two main ingredients are sex and **********, and they are both mixed in together one way or another.
It all starts off in some far about country almost no one has heard of nor gives a damn about. Some far away place where the living is easy if you have money, and if you don't, then no one gives a shit about you. The population survives on it's wits end, and there's always something going on that makes it through the grapevine to the civilized world. It's something I here about from some dude that I don't even know that I meet at a bar, near where I live, and we exchange bullshit stories. He told me that he heard this story through a friend of a friend of a friend (etc.), about how you can get your very own sex slave for free!! However, there's a catch (isn't there always?). The catch is, you have to fight her. Huh? That's right, you fight her, and if you win, you get the girl. Sounds simple enough. Now, here's the bad part: if you lose, you really lose, because she cuts off your balls.
Enough of all the bullshit stories, I decide to investigate for myself whether or not this is true. I find out that, yes, it is true. In my typical round-about way, I found out where exactly this place is. It's a very large island somewhere in the south pacific. I decide to check it out, and I make arrangements and book a flight out there. Four days later, I find myself landing at the airport of the city. It's a very small city, and luckily most of the people there speak english, along with the native dialect.
I arrive at my hotel, and check in. The hotel receptionist asks me if I need anything. I reply, "Yes, a translator and guide. Send him to my room in an hour". I go to my room and unpack. Soon enough, the guide arrives, a small skinny man very knowledgable about the culture and the nightlife. He tells me his name is Mik. I ask him to tell me all about the rumors, and if they are true or not. He pretends not to know anything about it, telling me instead about the local boxing/wrestling scene. No, I tell him, "the sex fights - man against woman". His eyes open up wide, and he tells me that it is indeed true. The fights are real, and the entire thing is supposed to be hush-hush. "There are only a few places to go if you're interested, and if you have the money", he says. That night, Mik and I get into a small dirty car and head out away from the city. The highway turns into a small road, and the lights of the city soon disappear. I ask Mik to tell me more about the fights.
"Very dangerous", he starts to tell me. "The men fight the women, if the man wins he gets the woman for sex. All he wants, he owns her. Once he doesn't want her anymore, he can sell her to someone else, usually underground, for a lot of money", he tells me. I ask Mik to tell me the flip side. "That's the dangerous part. Woman doesn't want man for sex. She wants his...", he stops and points to his groin. "Balls?", I say. He gives me a sour look. "Yes, very bad", he says. "Tell me more", I say to him.
"Once long time ago, there is a company that pays for "man's parts", that company pays lots of money, they use for what they call, "research purposes". In the beginning, local men were victims but not anymore. Foreign men now take a chance. Most leave this island without their parts. There is nothing that the police or officials can do about it, and they have tried".
"How does this all happen?", I ask him. Mik looked at me, and after a while said, "The girls are very pretty and they know how to fight. They look for men to fight. You go into a place, and find one to your liking. If she agrees, then you'll go to a room and begin. After it is over, you notify the room attendant and you leave with your prize."
After a long drive, we arrive at the place. It looks like a dumpy hotel with a lackluster club inside. I try to go in, but this huge fat guy at the door stops me. "Tree hundred trann", he says. I don't know how much local money that is, so Mik jumps in and pays it for me. "Are you coming in?", I ask him. "No. I wait out here", is his reply.
I go in, and the joint is jumping. A band is playing in the corner, and I find a seat somewhere near the bar. The place is filled with foreign men and local women, the numbers being about equal. No sooner I sit down then some very lovely thing comes up beside me. "You alone here?", she says. "Yeah", is my reply. She is about 5'4" and 100 pounds, very cute. She tells me her name, but it's so difficult to pronounce I forget it. Then she says, "You wanna go to room with me?". "Sure", I say, so she leads me up there. "You know why we go up there, right?", she says. "We will fight", she says.
She takes me up there, and we enter a small bedroom. If you look closely enough, everywhere there are blood smears. There are ropes at the corners of the bed and a small bathroom away from that. "Take off your clothes", she says. I do, and she takes off hers as well. We're both naked, and she comes up to me and slowly wraps her hand around my balls. "We will fight for this", she says. Right now, I'm woozy from the lust, and my cock is rock hard, but then she slaps me hard across the face. The fight is on!
She kicks me in the stomach, and I reel back from the blow. She comes up and punches me in the chest and slaps me in the face again. She then takes me by the arm and throws me onto the bed. I grab her by the waist and twist her around so that she is under me. She then wraps her legs around my waist, and we twist around again, this time she is on top of me. She tries to sit on my chest, and lock up my arms. I notice her going for the rope on the corner of the bed and she takes it and ties it around my wrist. She then does the same with the other arm. For such a tiny girl she is very strong! She does the same with my legs, and now I'm tied down to the bed! Dammit!
After I'm tied down, she goes to each arm and leg and secures it down tightly. I try to break the ropes by flailing about, and she sees I'm in distress. "Calm down", she says quietly. "It will be all over soon". She gets on top of me and placing her hands beside my head, begins to massage me. "There, isn't that better?", she says. She works her hands all over my head and behind it, massaging the back of my head and neck. "Relax, relax", she says. I'm almost in a trance when she is doing this. She then puts a large piece of cloth in my mouth, and softly clamps her hand over my mouth. Turning my head to the side, she takes the palm of her hand and whacks me in the temple. Two or three blows later, and I'm ***********.
I wake up only to find her turned around with her hand around my balls. She is doing something that I can't quite figure out, then I realize what she is doing. She is tying my balls off with a piece of string. She looks back and notices that I'm conscious now. "Oh, you awake?", she says. She then uses her foot to smack me in the face. She smacks me in the face with her foot so many times that I go unconsious again. The next time I wake up, she is gone and so are my balls. Mik is untying me from the bed, "We must get you to hospital now!", he says.
In the aftermath, Mik tells me the whole story. After she got my balls, she notified someone outside the room, and then she left. They got me to the hospital, and all the doctor could do was to sew me up. My balls were gone. Forever.
On the plane ride home, Mik's words made sense. He told me just to go home, and forget about the island. Forget about what happened to me there, and never to come back ever.
So I did. And I wandered back into that familiar bar, near where I live. There, I found some dude at the bar, and we started to exchange bullshit stories. I asked him if he ever heard about a place where you can get your own sex slave for free? He told me he didn't, and in my typical round-about way, I began to tell him the "whole story".
Aha, it is not easy for me to understand a story written by English. But it seems pretty good.
06-09-2011, 05:39 AM
woman is ****** to give a guy head and she reaches in her pocketbook for something sharp and cuts off his baqlls while hes closeing his eyes enjoying raming his cock down her throat
06-10-2011, 07:04 AM
Anyone has "A Day Of Violence" ********** scene clip?
06-10-2011, 05:23 PM
We must find this movie! I've tried to emulate and some pages and nothing, so I hope someone around here has experienced mass that I sure do.
Pues mira trate de encontrar esta pelicula pero no pude al parecer es solo una pelicula de fens es decir algunos montajes de imagenes manipuladas que alguien hizo y luego de ahi corrio el rumor de que era una pelicula.
06-12-2011, 09:08 AM
i would like some more ********** pics but the stories are great too:)
maybe even some real cruel ones:machine:
06-12-2011, 09:14 PM
There is a video for uncommitted ********** scene from “The conman 2002",hope you like!
06-13-2011, 06:32 AM
Putos shaolins ,tenian que entrar en ese preciso instante......Que pena.
06-13-2011, 02:21 PM
Putos shaolins ,tenian que entrar en ese preciso instante......Que pena.
jajajaja si se hubieran esperado a que se lo mutilaran para entrar jajajajaja
06-15-2011, 05:27 AM
A este tio lo encontraron asi....
06-15-2011, 02:58 PM
There is a video for uncommitted ********** scene from “The conman 2002",hope you like!
GO TO THE PSY!!!! where is **********???????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
I surf 3g low 15k/s you understand!!!!! yesterday i donwload 10X and no film today i lookSpam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!Spam!S pam!Spam!:autogun:autogun:autogun:autogun:machine: :machine::machine:BUT NO ********** YOU GO SAY "FAKE **********"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
06-16-2011, 04:27 PM
No os vais a creer este foro y la seriedad que tiene respecto a la castracion o penectomia o incluso completos.
06-21-2011, 01:11 AM
Here a link for a real vid by rapidshare of young black guy get lost his dick 24Mb
06-21-2011, 01:15 AM
here my next link by rapidshare of femdom and girls at hot work, enjoy it include a comic-strip of castratixx 24,4Mb
06-21-2011, 05:48 PM
here some pics of burdizzo and elastrator works on useless balls and some ********** and femdom pics too by rapidshare for enjoy:bananad: 13,47MB
enjoy it
with sadistic greetings
06-22-2011, 08:12 AM
Thank you bermindal good apport
06-22-2011, 01:10 PM
Otras formas de castracion
06-22-2011, 01:17 PM
Otras formas de castracion 2
06-23-2011, 10:46 PM
Nora Skyy is a bratty blonde teen ballbuster ( who castrates a naked loser! (
Enjoy the ********** from our latest ballbusting update at :)
06-27-2011, 09:50 AM
here are a nice story about femdom-**********, enjoy it :-)
It was great seeing you last week. Yes, I have attended some rather interesting castrations recently, and it would be my pleasure to tell you about them to share with your readers.
One of the most entertaining castrations I was able to witness did not involve any tool or implement. Biting off testicles as a method of ********** is well established, but the particular one that I saw was designed for spectator enjoyment.
You know we have Chippendale's-like shows every Tuesday afternoon -- except our muscle hunks do more than just dance. We have fights and whipping sessions and other fun things -- where males punish each other for our entertainment. Fun, fun, fun.
Last Tuesday, two naked male hunka-hunks were paraded before the crowd. They were to wrestle, the winner earning the right to ******** the loser. They were almost identical to look at -- tall, smooth and tanned -- except one was blond and the other had black hair. Their muscled bodies were well developed, not over-built like some that I have seen.
The match was over quite quickly, but then that was not the main event. I rather think that it was fixed, anyway. Well the loser, the blond, knelt at his vanquisher's feet and in a shaky, but clear voice, he asked to be ********* because as a loser he
"did not deserve the honor of being called a man".
There were a lot of hoots at that word -- man. We normally don't call our males "men" even when they have their balls. Some of us call our males "boys". Some call them "dings" -- like in an old sci-fi fem-dom TV series -- I think they got that word from German -- eine dinge -- a thing. At least one member of our group calls her males "shit" and another calls her males "piss-pots" because that's what she uses them for.
I noticed both winner and loser were sporting erections -- I can maybe understand the winner, but the loser ... can anyone understand males? They get off on humiliation and being punished and even mutilated -- as long as it's for women. I don't understand it, but I love it.
The winner pulled the loser to his feet as we hooted and applauded. Then he nodded and the loser did a handstand. The winner stepped behind him and lifted him by his waist. The winner moved the loser to a comfortable position such that his testicles were against the winner's mouth.
The loser wrapped his arms behind him around the winner's thighs. The winner pulled one hand around the loser's waist to get a good hold. He raised his other hand and took hold of the loser's throbbing penis. At the same time as he started to stroke the loser's penis, the winner sucked the losers testicles inside his mouth and started chewing them.
Now it was a race against time. Would the winner ******** the loser before he had a chance of a final orgasm? We all watched in rapt silence as the winner's hand pumped up and down and his teeth ground side to side, cutting their way through the loser's gonads.
The loser was making weird noises, part cries of pain from the attack to his genitals, part moans of the pleasure his penis was experiencing.
In this case, the end was a draw. The loser's penis erupted in a torrent of semen which spurted high in the air only seconds before the winner raised his head and showed us the two severed gonads in his blood streaked mouth.
We applauded and wolf-whistled ecstatically, breaking our silence -- most "unlady like." -- But, then, who ever said we were "ladies." Not prim and proper ones, at least.
As is customary, the winner's owner allowed him to eat the loser's testes. Then he drank some of the blood, his mouth helping to stem the flow. Unfortunately the pain made the ******** lose control for a second or so and his rectum emptied under the winner's chin.
We all laughed. This did not bother the winner at all; he just grinned. Then he walked around the arena, still holding his prize whose soft penis dribbled urine onto the sand. We applauded and whistled and made some obscenely suggestive gestures -- it's all part of the fun.
Then he lowered the loser to the ground. We got quiet so we could hear the loser, his voice even shakier than before, thank the winner for ********** him.
The loser kissed the winner's feet, and licked up his legs. When he reached the winner's genitals, he begged to be allowed to bathe them. The winner agreed, and the loser's greedy mouth enveloped the winner's scrotum.
The winner moaned with pleasure, tweaking his nipples, his firm young buttocks quivering with delight. He grabbed the loser's head and ****** his member into the loser's mouth. Seconds later he tensed and with a roar he ejaculated. The loser once again thanked his victor.
Like the woman on the radio says, there's nothing hotter than watching two athletic young guys "service" each other. We all love it and most of our Tuesday shows have some of it.
Then our enforcers -- 350 pound seven foot black giants, all hard muscled with pecs bigger than most males' butts -- our enforcers grabbed both males and gave them a whipping for their PDA. We might love to watch it, but we have to punish the males for having fun with each other, even if it is for our entertainment. It's important to punish males whenever they have fun.
Self ********** can be visually stimulating. I saw one such even last year. The young slave had been caught masturbating. Some owners don't let their males masturbate except when ordered to do so. It was a farm where males were milked in a machine six times a day, but a bank of milking machines was out of order and males were getting milked only once or twice a day. Accustomed to being milked six times a day, this male couldn't help himself. I sort of felt sorry for him, but an example had to be made, lest other males do the same thing.
The young male was spectacularly well hung -- a good fourteen inches long when he came, only semi hard. I don't think he could get it all the way hard -- I've heard that size of a cock can't get hard without making the guy pass out from all the blood diverted there. In any case, it was as thick as a young boy's wrist and only half-circumcised, and when the slave stimulated himself to an erection for his final orgasm, the head protruded through the partial foreskin and gleamed a deep burgundy-red.
The slave's equally impressive gonads were nested in a hairless sack which hung low between his muscular thighs. It was truly a shame that such a specimen had to lose his prize and he would not be able to contribute to the farm's facial-cream production, but he could still pull a plow, plant, hoe, grub, and do other farm work. Rules are rules, and breaking them is bad for discipline.
Here, the slave is allowed to redeem himself by ********** himself. Otherwise, he not only loses his gonads, but he also loses his cock. Non-milking males are allowed to masturbate and even fuck each other -- under female supervision, of course. So there is a true incentive for the slave to do the cutting himself. Many of the farms around here practice this form of discipline because it has proved effective.
At this particular slave farm, the method of self-********** is especially appealing. It is not just the slicing off of scrotum, as they do in some places. Here the slave must suffer for his misdemeanor.
Here's what happened the time I was there. He walked around the small ring, holding his balls down in their sac and offering them to all the women here to touch, fondle, squeeze, slap, or punch. I gave them a good squeeze -- with both hands, squishing as hard as I could, clawing my finger-tips into the hard balls, making him gasp and squirm in pain. A couple other women here to witness the event also squeezed them -- so hard it made not only his ball sac turn purple-red but made his chest turn red too.
When all the women got a turn at making his balls ache, the young male stood against the ********** post. This device was then raised so that the rounded end entered his anus. He gasped as his rectum was filled with the five inch post, and was ****** to stand on tiptoes when the end pushed against his colon. The height had been preset, and the slave's testicles each rested on one sloping side of a triangular block which was fitted to the front of the post.
I have to tell you, the young man's gonads were very attractively displayed like this. Male genitals can be disgusting looking or they can be beautiful, depending on many factors, not the least of which is the muscularity and physical beauty of the male they're attached to. This male's genitals looked like a plump still life sculpture -- sort of like fruit in a bowl -- full, plump, round, almost artificial in their perfection.
With the strain he was under in his bowels and otherwise, the male dripped with sweat. And the droplets slid down the glossy skin, hanging under each gonad, growing to a glistening diamond before dropping off, just to start again. It was mesmerizing watching this for the nonce. I thought it was a shame to destroy this beauty, but, as I said, it had to be done.
But there was more to the show than just his strained and sweating body and his self **********. The slave stroked his hardening member, tweaking his nipple with the other hand, giving us a masturbation show. He ****** himself lower onto the post, grunting with the effort, so that his feet were flat to the ground. His masturbatory actions became faster, his body was tense as he concentrated on achieving the very best orgasm possible, maybe hoping that such a show would make his owner change her mind and let him keep his balls and go back to being a milking-male.
The slave's legs trembled, his abdomen and buttocks quivered. His toes curled and uncurled. He moaned softly, the sounds increasing in volume as his hand gained speed. Suddenly he went rigid, he cried out and his seed gushed out to land several feet in front of him.
He pumped slowly, milking the contents of his scrotum for the very last time. When he had relaxed, the final traces of semen dribbling out of the end of his softening penis, the slave took the knife offered to him by the guard.
He closed his eyes, sighed and composed himself. He opened his eyes and in a booming voice delivered his rehearsed speech.
"I apologize to my owners and to those who so thoughtfully have tried to help me in my service. Especially to my mistress and to her managers who have punished me often, trying to help me learn how to be a proper milking-slave. I did not appreciate their efforts which, had I been more attentive, would have saved me from my current fate.
Xxxx"I also apologize to the guards who also tried to help me to become the best milking-slave I could be. I was pig headed and did not learn. I was a worthless member of the work-force and cheated my mistress of my milk and now am suffering for my transgressions.
Xxxx"I also address my fellow milking-slaves who have been selected to witness this punishment so they can tell the others. I tell you, never touch your organ. It is not yours; the milk it produces is not yours. Both belong to the mistress. She owns your bodies and all they produce. You exist only for her pleasure, for her use. Work hard, take the punishments that are given and thank your mistresses for them. Concentrate your mind on your mistress' glory, especially when you are being milked. Remember the pleasure you get from the milking is given you by the mistress. She can make milking a painful punishment as well, so be diligent and give her all the milk you can possibly produce.
Xxxx"Now I am ready."
His hand shook as he held the knife out to all of us then to his mistress. He waited, probably hoping she would reprieve him. But that would be bad for discipline so there was no reprieve.
The milking-male placed the serrated blade against the top of the triangular block. He took a deep breath and pushed down. There was some bleeding, not much. He pulled the scrotum skin taut with his free hand, and sawed through the top. He was sobbing, and was unable to stifle his screams as the knife cut the scrotum open.
When the slit was large enough, the slave peeled it back and pulled out his right testicle. He then pulled out the left testicle. He was shaking and biting his lip so hard that blood trickled down his chin. The two testicles, each resting on one side of the block, twisting on their cords as though they knew their end was imminent.
The slave lifted the left testicle and pulled it upwards so that the spermatic cord was stretched tight. This must have been very painful because he was screaming as he did it. He sawed through the cord very close to his crotch, until the testicle was severed.
While the male held his dripping gonad up to a round of applause, a guard cauterized the wound with an electric soldering iron as the male put his testicle in a silver bowel. The male then took a deep breath and swallowed hard, his Adam's apple diving deep into his throat before bobbing out again. Then he repeated the whole act, step by step, and cut off the second testicle. And again the wound was sealed.
Finally, the slave had to cut off his scrotum, leaving just sufficient skin for the surgeon to sew closed. His testicles and scrotum were passed around for us to look and touch, if we wanted. One woman picked one testicle up and licked it, opening her mouth and pretending to drop it down her throat.
The closing of the wound was performed with the male still at the post. When it was finished, the area disinfected and the slave had received the requisite shots, the post was lowered and the slave walked rather unsteadily around to show us the results of his operation. He winced as some of the women toyed with the wound, but he made no other sound.
The owner told me since the male was no longer a milking-slave, he wasn't that much use to her and offered him to me as a remembrance. I would have rather taken him before he had gelded himself, but he was a spectacular specimen any way, and there is no way he can now impregnate me. And I am pleased to report that although his ejaculate was clear and seedless, he could still ejaculate and his extraordinarily large cock, though never as hard as my other males' members, was still very filling and satisfying.
Without his balls, though, the male started to soften and lost his spectacular athletic build. I have no use for soft males no matter how big their cocks, so I sold him last month to a meat-packing plant. Castrates do have sweeter meat than intact males.
The removal of the complete genitalia, as practiced at some locations, can be rather interesting. In one place the woman who performs the ********** has perfected a technique for modifying the rectum and urethra. She performs the procedure without anesthetic, naturally, so it is quite entertaining.
For a few days prior to the operation she inserts a manipulative tube into the male's bladder, through the urethra, and another into his rectum. The tubes are changed daily. The slave is strapped to the table and his shaved genital area is swabbed. His legs are pulled apart and strapped into stirrups to give the surgeon unrestricted access to the target zone -- especially amusing for women since most of us have had our feet up in stirrups up for some male gynecologist.
If the slave is lucky, one of the attendants will masturbate him for the last time. This is not always the case, and many a slave has lost his manhood with his testes bursting with semen. I have heard that these slaves make excellent fuck-buddies as their innate drive for satisfaction can never be quenched and they get hard and stay hard at the least stimulation.
The incision is made around the base of the scrotum, around the penis and then a slit is made under the urethra as far as the anus. The screams of the slave as this is going on is most amusing -- both for the medical team who clearly enjoy their work, and for those of us lucky enough to spectate.
The penis is severed at the base and the testes are removed. A sterile tube made of a very advanced, supple plastic is inserted into the slave's bladder, along the urethra and into the side of the rectum, just inside the anus. The ********** wound is then completely closed and the urethra is sewn up.
The tube gradually dissolves over a week or so, leaving its shape in the urethra. The final result, and I have been fortunate enough to have a couple of slaves who had undergone the procedure, is inspired. The anus leads into two orifices, the rectum and the urethra.
The male learns to clench his anal sphincter a little tighter than before the operation as he now has to hold in urine as well as a watery shit.
Again, the male will lose his muscularity. For some, this is OK; others will want to administer testosterone to keep the male toned and fit, though unable to function sexually -- at least as a male. I myself would send such a male to a meat factory because he is no longer worth keeping. But, then, that is me.
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Thank you for giving me the chance to share my experiences with your readers. I hope we can meet again soon. Meanwhile, I am off to a slave farm which castrates errant slaves by dissolving their genitals in acid. That sounds like a lot of fun. I shall be sure to write and tell you about it.
Until then, sincerely,
06-27-2011, 10:40 AM
here are a nice story about femdom-**********, enjoy it :-)
It was great seeing you last week. Yes, I have attended some rather interesting castrations recently, and it would be my pleasure to tell you about them to share with your readers.
One of the most entertaining castrations I was able to witness did not involve any tool or implement. Biting off testicles as a method of ********** is well established, but the particular one that I saw was designed for spectator enjoyment.
You know we have Chippendale's-like shows every Tuesday afternoon -- except our muscle hunks do more than just dance. We have fights and whipping sessions and other fun things -- where males punish each other for our entertainment. Fun, fun, fun.
Last Tuesday, two naked male hunka-hunks were paraded before the crowd. They were to wrestle, the winner earning the right to ******** the loser. They were almost identical to look at -- tall, smooth and tanned -- except one was blond and the other had black hair. Their muscled bodies were well developed, not over-built like some that I have seen.
The match was over quite quickly, but then that was not the main event. I rather think that it was fixed, anyway. Well the loser, the blond, knelt at his vanquisher's feet and in a shaky, but clear voice, he asked to be ********* because as a loser he
"did not deserve the honor of being called a man".
There were a lot of hoots at that word -- man. We normally don't call our males "men" even when they have their balls. Some of us call our males "boys". Some call them "dings" -- like in an old sci-fi fem-dom TV series -- I think they got that word from German -- eine dinge -- a thing. At least one member of our group calls her males "shit" and another calls her males "piss-pots" because that's what she uses them for.
I noticed both winner and loser were sporting erections -- I can maybe understand the winner, but the loser ... can anyone understand males? They get off on humiliation and being punished and even mutilated -- as long as it's for women. I don't understand it, but I love it.
The winner pulled the loser to his feet as we hooted and applauded. Then he nodded and the loser did a handstand. The winner stepped behind him and lifted him by his waist. The winner moved the loser to a comfortable position such that his testicles were against the winner's mouth.
The loser wrapped his arms behind him around the winner's thighs. The winner pulled one hand around the loser's waist to get a good hold. He raised his other hand and took hold of the loser's throbbing penis. At the same time as he started to stroke the loser's penis, the winner sucked the losers testicles inside his mouth and started chewing them.
Now it was a race against time. Would the winner ******** the loser before he had a chance of a final orgasm? We all watched in rapt silence as the winner's hand pumped up and down and his teeth ground side to side, cutting their way through the loser's gonads.
The loser was making weird noises, part cries of pain from the attack to his genitals, part moans of the pleasure his penis was experiencing.
In this case, the end was a draw. The loser's penis erupted in a torrent of semen which spurted high in the air only seconds before the winner raised his head and showed us the two severed gonads in his blood streaked mouth.
We applauded and wolf-whistled ecstatically, breaking our silence -- most "unlady like." -- But, then, who ever said we were "ladies." Not prim and proper ones, at least.
As is customary, the winner's owner allowed him to eat the loser's testes. Then he drank some of the blood, his mouth helping to stem the flow. Unfortunately the pain made the ******** lose control for a second or so and his rectum emptied under the winner's chin.
We all laughed. This did not bother the winner at all; he just grinned. Then he walked around the arena, still holding his prize whose soft penis dribbled urine onto the sand. We applauded and whistled and made some obscenely suggestive gestures -- it's all part of the fun.
Then he lowered the loser to the ground. We got quiet so we could hear the loser, his voice even shakier than before, thank the winner for ********** him.
The loser kissed the winner's feet, and licked up his legs. When he reached the winner's genitals, he begged to be allowed to bathe them. The winner agreed, and the loser's greedy mouth enveloped the winner's scrotum.
The winner moaned with pleasure, tweaking his nipples, his firm young buttocks quivering with delight. He grabbed the loser's head and ****** his member into the loser's mouth. Seconds later he tensed and with a roar he ejaculated. The loser once again thanked his victor.
Like the woman on the radio says, there's nothing hotter than watching two athletic young guys "service" each other. We all love it and most of our Tuesday shows have some of it.
Then our enforcers -- 350 pound seven foot black giants, all hard muscled with pecs bigger than most males' butts -- our enforcers grabbed both males and gave them a whipping for their PDA. We might love to watch it, but we have to punish the males for having fun with each other, even if it is for our entertainment. It's important to punish males whenever they have fun.
Self ********** can be visually stimulating. I saw one such even last year. The young slave had been caught masturbating. Some owners don't let their males masturbate except when ordered to do so. It was a farm where males were milked in a machine six times a day, but a bank of milking machines was out of order and males were getting milked only once or twice a day. Accustomed to being milked six times a day, this male couldn't help himself. I sort of felt sorry for him, but an example had to be made, lest other males do the same thing.
The young male was spectacularly well hung -- a good fourteen inches long when he came, only semi hard. I don't think he could get it all the way hard -- I've heard that size of a cock can't get hard without making the guy pass out from all the blood diverted there. In any case, it was as thick as a young boy's wrist and only half-circumcised, and when the slave stimulated himself to an erection for his final orgasm, the head protruded through the partial foreskin and gleamed a deep burgundy-red.
The slave's equally impressive gonads were nested in a hairless sack which hung low between his muscular thighs. It was truly a shame that such a specimen had to lose his prize and he would not be able to contribute to the farm's facial-cream production, but he could still pull a plow, plant, hoe, grub, and do other farm work. Rules are rules, and breaking them is bad for discipline.
Here, the slave is allowed to redeem himself by ********** himself. Otherwise, he not only loses his gonads, but he also loses his cock. Non-milking males are allowed to masturbate and even fuck each other -- under female supervision, of course. So there is a true incentive for the slave to do the cutting himself. Many of the farms around here practice this form of discipline because it has proved effective.
At this particular slave farm, the method of self-********** is especially appealing. It is not just the slicing off of scrotum, as they do in some places. Here the slave must suffer for his misdemeanor.
Here's what happened the time I was there. He walked around the small ring, holding his balls down in their sac and offering them to all the women here to touch, fondle, squeeze, slap, or punch. I gave them a good squeeze -- with both hands, squishing as hard as I could, clawing my finger-tips into the hard balls, making him gasp and squirm in pain. A couple other women here to witness the event also squeezed them -- so hard it made not only his ball sac turn purple-red but made his chest turn red too.
When all the women got a turn at making his balls ache, the young male stood against the ********** post. This device was then raised so that the rounded end entered his anus. He gasped as his rectum was filled with the five inch post, and was ****** to stand on tiptoes when the end pushed against his colon. The height had been preset, and the slave's testicles each rested on one sloping side of a triangular block which was fitted to the front of the post.
I have to tell you, the young man's gonads were very attractively displayed like this. Male genitals can be disgusting looking or they can be beautiful, depending on many factors, not the least of which is the muscularity and physical beauty of the male they're attached to. This male's genitals looked like a plump still life sculpture -- sort of like fruit in a bowl -- full, plump, round, almost artificial in their perfection.
With the strain he was under in his bowels and otherwise, the male dripped with sweat. And the droplets slid down the glossy skin, hanging under each gonad, growing to a glistening diamond before dropping off, just to start again. It was mesmerizing watching this for the nonce. I thought it was a shame to destroy this beauty, but, as I said, it had to be done.
But there was more to the show than just his strained and sweating body and his self **********. The slave stroked his hardening member, tweaking his nipple with the other hand, giving us a masturbation show. He ****** himself lower onto the post, grunting with the effort, so that his feet were flat to the ground. His masturbatory actions became faster, his body was tense as he concentrated on achieving the very best orgasm possible, maybe hoping that such a show would make his owner change her mind and let him keep his balls and go back to being a milking-male.
The slave's legs trembled, his abdomen and buttocks quivered. His toes curled and uncurled. He moaned softly, the sounds increasing in volume as his hand gained speed. Suddenly he went rigid, he cried out and his seed gushed out to land several feet in front of him.
He pumped slowly, milking the contents of his scrotum for the very last time. When he had relaxed, the final traces of semen dribbling out of the end of his softening penis, the slave took the knife offered to him by the guard.
He closed his eyes, sighed and composed himself. He opened his eyes and in a booming voice delivered his rehearsed speech.
"I apologize to my owners and to those who so thoughtfully have tried to help me in my service. Especially to my mistress and to her managers who have punished me often, trying to help me learn how to be a proper milking-slave. I did not appreciate their efforts which, had I been more attentive, would have saved me from my current fate.
Xxxx"I also apologize to the guards who also tried to help me to become the best milking-slave I could be. I was pig headed and did not learn. I was a worthless member of the work-force and cheated my mistress of my milk and now am suffering for my transgressions.
Xxxx"I also address my fellow milking-slaves who have been selected to witness this punishment so they can tell the others. I tell you, never touch your organ. It is not yours; the milk it produces is not yours. Both belong to the mistress. She owns your bodies and all they produce. You exist only for her pleasure, for her use. Work hard, take the punishments that are given and thank your mistresses for them. Concentrate your mind on your mistress' glory, especially when you are being milked. Remember the pleasure you get from the milking is given you by the mistress. She can make milking a painful punishment as well, so be diligent and give her all the milk you can possibly produce.
Xxxx"Now I am ready."
His hand shook as he held the knife out to all of us then to his mistress. He waited, probably hoping she would reprieve him. But that would be bad for discipline so there was no reprieve.
The milking-male placed the serrated blade against the top of the triangular block. He took a deep breath and pushed down. There was some bleeding, not much. He pulled the scrotum skin taut with his free hand, and sawed through the top. He was sobbing, and was unable to stifle his screams as the knife cut the scrotum open.
When the slit was large enough, the slave peeled it back and pulled out his right testicle. He then pulled out the left testicle. He was shaking and biting his lip so hard that blood trickled down his chin. The two testicles, each resting on one side of the block, twisting on their cords as though they knew their end was imminent.
The slave lifted the left testicle and pulled it upwards so that the spermatic cord was stretched tight. This must have been very painful because he was screaming as he did it. He sawed through the cord very close to his crotch, until the testicle was severed.
While the male held his dripping gonad up to a round of applause, a guard cauterized the wound with an electric soldering iron as the male put his testicle in a silver bowel. The male then took a deep breath and swallowed hard, his Adam's apple diving deep into his throat before bobbing out again. Then he repeated the whole act, step by step, and cut off the second testicle. And again the wound was sealed.
Finally, the slave had to cut off his scrotum, leaving just sufficient skin for the surgeon to sew closed. His testicles and scrotum were passed around for us to look and touch, if we wanted. One woman picked one testicle up and licked it, opening her mouth and pretending to drop it down her throat.
The closing of the wound was performed with the male still at the post. When it was finished, the area disinfected and the slave had received the requisite shots, the post was lowered and the slave walked rather unsteadily around to show us the results of his operation. He winced as some of the women toyed with the wound, but he made no other sound.
The owner told me since the male was no longer a milking-slave, he wasn't that much use to her and offered him to me as a remembrance. I would have rather taken him before he had gelded himself, but he was a spectacular specimen any way, and there is no way he can now impregnate me. And I am pleased to report that although his ejaculate was clear and seedless, he could still ejaculate and his extraordinarily large cock, though never as hard as my other males' members, was still very filling and satisfying.
Without his balls, though, the male started to soften and lost his spectacular athletic build. I have no use for soft males no matter how big their cocks, so I sold him last month to a meat-packing plant. Castrates do have sweeter meat than intact males.
The removal of the complete genitalia, as practiced at some locations, can be rather interesting. In one place the woman who performs the ********** has perfected a technique for modifying the rectum and urethra. She performs the procedure without anesthetic, naturally, so it is quite entertaining.
For a few days prior to the operation she inserts a manipulative tube into the male's bladder, through the urethra, and another into his rectum. The tubes are changed daily. The slave is strapped to the table and his shaved genital area is swabbed. His legs are pulled apart and strapped into stirrups to give the surgeon unrestricted access to the target zone -- especially amusing for women since most of us have had our feet up in stirrups up for some male gynecologist.
If the slave is lucky, one of the attendants will masturbate him for the last time. This is not always the case, and many a slave has lost his manhood with his testes bursting with semen. I have heard that these slaves make excellent fuck-buddies as their innate drive for satisfaction can never be quenched and they get hard and stay hard at the least stimulation.
The incision is made around the base of the scrotum, around the penis and then a slit is made under the urethra as far as the anus. The screams of the slave as this is going on is most amusing -- both for the medical team who clearly enjoy their work, and for those of us lucky enough to spectate.
The penis is severed at the base and the testes are removed. A sterile tube made of a very advanced, supple plastic is inserted into the slave's bladder, along the urethra and into the side of the rectum, just inside the anus. The ********** wound is then completely closed and the urethra is sewn up.
The tube gradually dissolves over a week or so, leaving its shape in the urethra. The final result, and I have been fortunate enough to have a couple of slaves who had undergone the procedure, is inspired. The anus leads into two orifices, the rectum and the urethra.
The male learns to clench his anal sphincter a little tighter than before the operation as he now has to hold in urine as well as a watery shit.
Again, the male will lose his muscularity. For some, this is OK; others will want to administer testosterone to keep the male toned and fit, though unable to function sexually -- at least as a male. I myself would send such a male to a meat factory because he is no longer worth keeping. But, then, that is me.
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Thank you for giving me the chance to share my experiences with your readers. I hope we can meet again soon. Meanwhile, I am off to a slave farm which castrates errant slaves by dissolving their genitals in acid. That sounds like a lot of fun. I shall be sure to write and tell you about it.
Until then, sincerely,
these stories are awesome!!! thanx for sharing..
06-27-2011, 11:54 AM
here are my next story about a sadistic vietnamese girl from the net, enjoy it;)
The events described in this story are what should have been punishment for five soldiers that raped a young woman in Vietnam during the war. They got off with a light sentence and a discharge from the service.
I believe if the Viet Cong got their hands on these American G.Is the sentence would have been as in this story. This does not reflect on the majority of the American soldiers that fought in Vietnam whom I respect greatly. However, war crimes were committed by both sides and the penalty was paid for by anyone unfortunate enough to be captured, especially by the Viet Cong.
**********, usually performed by a female V.C. warrior, was the common punishment. The horror of being captured was often replaced with pain as the sharp blade of the womans fighting knife sliced through the prisoners scrotum and penis.
The names in this story have been changed to protect the guilty.
It is a steamy hot tropical day in the North Vietnam city of Hanoi, in June 1968. Inside the office of General Van Pao it was even hotter. He sat behind his desk and standing in front of him was a beautiful exotic thirty-one year old woman.
She had long black hair, a strong shapely body and firm breasts. Her name is Mai Lin, a Viet Cong platoon leader, commander of men. An expert in the interrogation of prisoners captured by her platoon. She just left her camp at hill 55 ten miles west of China Beach.
Her brutal tortures earned her the nickname "Apache Woman" by South Vietnamese soldiers and American G.I.s. Her method consisted of prolonged knifeblade torture climaxed by the emasculation of the prisoner. Her total was up to twenty-eight as of June 19th.
"I am here as instructed General", she said in a soft but strong voice.
"Mai Lin, I called you here to take on a new mission. As you know, many of our young female Vietnamese females have been brutally raped and tortured by out enemy".
"Yes sir."
"Well one week ago, my niece was the victim of an attack by five G.I.s on patrol. They did not kill her, but the **** and beating was severe. Three men raped her, the other two did not but they held her down for the other three."
"I am sorry to hear that General, but how can I help you?"
"I know of your past actions on your prisoners. These men deserve to experience the pain of your knife. I want them found, their bodies tortured and their sex organs removed and brought to me."
" But General do you know who they are?"
"I know one," he said as he tossed her a set of dog tags. "Le Mai, my niece tore them off of neck of one of them as she was being raped. I will have our intelligence find out where this patrol is located and their future movements including R&R. I have assigned three other V.C. women now posing as whores. All have done quite well in setting up their G.I. victims.
"All take extreme pleasure in personally using their razors and knives on the hardons and nutsacks of men in the act of fucking, causing them an extremely painful death. My favorite is Kim. She gets off by ********** the man while he is cumming."
"Yes General, they sound like the type of women I can work with."
"I will set you up in a building just a few blocks from the favorite Saigon bars frequented by G.I.s. The proper restraining devices and cutting implements will be there. If you need anything else, contact me."
The next day, Mai Lin met with the three other girls, Kim, Pearl, and Tai in the bedroom/torture chamber set up by the General. The information on Brian Jacobson the name on the dog tags was provided. He and his squad were due for a few days R&R in 5 days. Also in the room was Le Mai, the Generals niece.
She wanted revenge and said she will point out the ****** pig bastards to the girls at the New York Bar which according to intelligence reports is frequented by Jacobson.
"Girls this is the plan," said Mai Lin. "We will lure Jacobson to this room, strip him and tie him to the bed. We will use our knives and extract the names of the other four rapists. We will then give the pig Jacobson his just reward."
The other girls laughed as she simulated the cutting off of his manhood. The day arrived when Jacobson was scheduled for his R&R. Le Mai was in the bar with Mai Lin and Pearl, the other two women were back at the room waiting patiently for the arrival of their first ******. At 8:10 pm, in comes Jacobson.
"There he is" said Le Mai.
"Okay, we will take it from here, said Mai Lin.
The two girls, dressed to kill, short skirts, low cut tops, stockings and high heels approached Jacobson. Like two black widow spiders getting ready to devour their mate.
"Hey G.I., buy us a drink?" Said Mai Lin.
After two weeks in the jungle, he was ready and willing to do anything to relieve the buildup in his groin.
"Sure!" Said Jacobson.
Three drinks were ordered and the game began. Pearl caressed his obvious erection and said,
"We must do something to this cock."
"We?" said Jacobson.
"Yes," said Mai Lin,
"Pearl and I work together, do fuckie suckie at same time, I suck your balls while she sits on your cock," Jacobson could not stand it.
"How much?" he asked.
"Twenty dollar", said Mai Lin.
"Lets go!" he said.
"We have a place near here, come with us," said Pearl.
"I'm cummin'," he said.
Upon entering the room, Jacobson found it dark. As he entered, he felt a sharp and hard object at both his throat and groin.. Tai and Kim held AK47 rifles with bayonets at his vital parts.
"What the hell" said Jacobson.
The light came on and Mai Lin ordered him to strip. The girls with the weapons pointed at him were attired in stockings, garters and heels. Shapely and beautiful. Jacobson starred at the weapons and briefly glanced and the women behind the guns. As he stripped, so did Mai Lin and Pearl. Jacobson was scared, excited and shocked.
"What are you going to do to me?" he said.
"That depends on how you cooperate" said Mai Lin.
"What do you mean?" asked Jacobson.
Mai Lin said,
"22 days ago you and four others raped and beat a young Vietnamese virgin. We know you did it and how you all did it. Your problem is that she is a Viet Cong General's niece."
Jacobson felt a lump in his throat and said,
"Oh God No."
"General Van Pao wants revenge and your cock and balls cut off," said Mai Lin.
"Oh no please do not do that to me, please!" he pleaded.
"There is only one way to save yourself, and that is to name the others," said Mai Lin.
"I'm no snitch" said Jacobson.
"Good, we will torture you, slice off your nuts and your buddies will go home and fuck their wives and girlfriends, while they think of how you were ********* in Vietnam." Said Mai Lin.
At that time, Pearl enters the room with a glass jar containing a man's sex organ floating in some liquid.
"This is the last G.I.s dick and balls I cut off when he refused to talk. But it may save you G.I., I can wrap your dog tags around it and give it to the General. He will not know. While he is looking at it, you could be free
and fucking other tight Oriental pussies and enjoying being a man," said Mai Lin.
"If not, you will suffer" she said.
She ran a sharp straight razor down the underside of his penis, causing slight cuts every half inch or so.
"I will tell you the names, please do not cut me!" yelled Jacobson.
He gave the names of the others and their participation. After giving the information, Mai Lin said,
"Good, we girls appreciate your cooperation, and we will show you how much."
Tai put on some soft Oriental music and did a slow sexy dance in front of the prisoner who was now tied spread eagle to the bed. As Tai was getting his blood pumping into his penis, Mai Lin whispered to Kim,
"This one is yours."
Jacobson was fully erect, veins popping out of the sides of his cock. Pearl gently blew on the tip with her lips just out of reach of the prick's head. All the girls took turns putting on a show for their victim.
Kim got on the bed and put her pussy on Jacobsons mouth. She said,
"Lick me good G.I."
He licked passionately as Kim wrapped her lips around his penis. She could feel the volcano erupt in his balls and shoot through his cock. As he ejaculated, with gobs of cum spurting out, Kim sliced off his testicles with a straight razor. The cut was so clean and quick, that he did not realize it until he opened his eyes and saw Kim holding his nutsack over his face with blood and cum gushing out of it landing all over his face.
Jacobson screamed in horror and as he did, Kim shoved the severed scrotum into his mouth. She put her hand over it so he could not spit the sack and balls out.
Mai Lin said,
"You ****** pig must pay for your crimes against our women."
She then took a bayonet and sliced off his penis at the base. As she removed his cock, she said,
"You no fuck no more G.I."
The doomed man gagged on his own balls as blood gushed out of the gaping hole between his legs.
"Death by **********, that is how all ****** pigs should die." Yelled Mai Lin.
The women laughed as they thought of the painful and horror filled fate of the former man now a eunuch. The severed testicles and penis were wrapped with his dog tags and put in a jar for the General.
"Now on to our next man," said Mai Lin, as she looked at the listed names of the other rapists.
Mai Lin delivered personally the jar containing the trophy and the list of names to the General.
"Good work Mai Lin," said the General.
"Thank you," replied Mai Lin.
The general told her,
"I will give this list to our intelligence and tell you where your next mission will be. Did the others do well?"
"Yes sir," said Mai Lin, "they all became real excited at the sight of Jacobson's ********* body. Kim said she actually came when she cut off his balls as he was cumming. They are looking forward to more action. We discussed ways to cause more pain for our prisoners."
"Very good," said Van Pao"
About three days later, Mai Lin got word of the location of the next assignment. Sam Simpson was being held prisoner at a camp in the jungle near the Laotian border. He beat Le Mai severely while ****** her and also used his tongue on her vagina.
Mai Lin told the girls that they were going into the jungle to take care of Simpson. They arrived at the camp and were greeted by the camp commander. He said Simpson was being held in a cage and he was being prepared for her interrogation.
Mai Lin told the commander she had something special in store for Simpson...,
"commander, you will enjoy helping us."
Mai Lin instructed the V.C. soldiers to tie the prisoner spread eagle between two trees about three feet apart. She then approached her prisoner with a straight razor and put it to his lips. Simpson stared at her and thought to himself, how can anything so beautiful be so deadly?
Her high cheekbones and lovely skin were just inches from his face. Her body was naked except for erotic undergarments, (stockings, garter belt and stiletto heels.)
Mai Lin rubbed against his groin and he got an erection that strained the crotch of his pants. Mai Lin bent down and sliced open his pants to expose his engorged manhood. Simpson's face was horrified as the three other women all approached with razors and sliced off all his clothing.
When they completely stripped him, Mai Lin got up to his face and said,
"G.I., you like to fuck Vietnamese women?"
He replied nervously,
Mai Lin asked,
"You like to beat and **** young Vietnamese virgins?"
"No" said Simpson.
"You lie pig, you did **** and torture a virgin and now you must pay!" yelled Mai Lin in an angry voice.
The camp commanded and his men were invited to watch the females work on Simpson's body. Pearl and Tai took turns doing a sexy strip tease in front of the captive male. They would all caress his engorged cock and full balls.
The Viet Cong men watching laughed and many were excited themselves. Some openly masturbated. Mai Lin instructed the guards to untie Simpsons feet and spread them about two feet apart. She propped up a rifle with a bayonet attached and put the blade at Simpsons asshole.
"Up on your toes you fucking ******" said Mai Lin.
Simpson complied and she raised the blade accordingly. The moment he would relax and came off his toes, he would be painfully violated by the bayonet.
The V.C. soldiers could not believe the cruel tortures Mai Lin came up with. But they knew of her reputation and loved watching. They were glad it was not them suffering at the hands of the lovely Mai Lin.
Mai Lin instructed the camp commander and the two soldiers that captured Simpson to lay down in front of their prisoner. The other three women slowly approached and began sucking the cocks of the Viet Cong. Mai Lin told Simpson to watch closely,
"That is something that you will never feel again, soft female lips around his hard cock."
Simpson could not hold himself up any longer. His legs became weak and he came down on his heels and was impaled by the blade. Screaming in pain and quivering. The excitement was too much for the V.C. soldiers being fucked as the girls sat on their cocks. All ejaculated shooting semen and screamed in pleasure as Simpson screamed in pain.
Mai Lin put a pair of forceps in Simpson's mouth and pulled out his tongue. She sliced it off with her razor and said,
"You will lick no more pussys with this."
Bleeding from the ass and mouth, Pearl clamped wires from a field telephone to his penis and scrotum. Tai induced electrical charges to his manhood which caused extreme pain to his organ. Pearl took out her ********** knife and placed the blade at the base of his soon to be missing sex tool between the nut sack and bleeding asshole. As Kim erotically rubbed her cunt with the severed tongue, Mai Lin poured a cup of semen gathered from the masturbating Viet Cong down his throat. She then commanded Pearl to,
"******** THE FUCKING ******!!!".
Pearl stabbed the prisoner below the balls and with a firm and circular upward cut, removed his cock and scrotum. Bleeding from all three areas, ass, groin and mouth, Mai Lin knew that the eunuch could not last long, and to give him one last shot of pain for his ****, she twisted the bayonet in his ass a few times.
The severed tongue, balls, and cock were placed in a jar with Simpsons dog tags wrapped around them and they were prepared for delivery to the General. But not before Kim used the cut off cock to rub on her pussy, causing an orgasm to drip onto the manhood mixing with the ********* prisoners blood.
She mocked the eunuch soldier by inserting the cut off end into her cunt making it appear she had grown a penis. That was the last thing Simpson saw as he lost his lifeblood, regretting ****** Le Mai.
General Van Pao smiled as he viewed the mutilated organ of Simpson in the jar.
"Another great job!" He exclaimed.
"We enjoyed it General, This ****** deserved all he got. I wish we could have made him suffer for days for what he did to your poor niece" said Mai Lin.
Van Pao said,
"The next two men will be those that held down Le Mai, for the other rapists. They did not **** her but I still want the proper justice."
"You will get justice" replied Mai Lin.
Spotted in a bar they frequent, were Chuck Mims and Dan Woods. When they left about 1:00am, they were followed by Mai Lin and Pearl. Kim and Tai were back at the torture/ ********** chamber, preparing for the next two prisoner/ rapists.
As soon as Woods and Mims rounded a corner, in a seedy part of Saigon, two Viet Cong soldiers pointed weapons at them, put them face down on the ground. Mai Lin and Pearl blindfolded them and tied their
Both were led to the room of sexual doom. Still blindfolded, they heard the voices of four Asian females. Kim and Tai stripped the prisoners and tied them to an X frame lying on the floor.
Both men were horrified when Kim said,
"These will be nice for my collection"
She fondled their cocks. Both men heard the sound of a womans high heel shoes as Mai Lin approached
them. She told them why they were there. Both Woods and Mims said that they did not **** Le Mai.
"Yes I know that but you did help the others. Your punishment will perhaps not be as severe as the others, but I promise you both that this will be a night that you will never forget. Just as poor Le Mai will never forget the **** of her virgin pussy by you yankee pigs," said Mai Lin.
"I have a little something special planned for the both of you. Very simply, one of you will lose your penis and the other will have your testicles cut off. I will sew the wound between your legs up and you will be released. You will be sent home and be laughed at by American girls as none will want a
eunuch or a man with no dick."
"If you do not decide which you want to lose, I will cut the cock and balls off of both of you."
Knowing that it was a painful decision, Mims said that he wanted to keep his balls and Woods wanted to save his cock.
Mai Lin being the V.C. bitch she is said,
"No I want your balls Mr. Mims, and Mr. Woods I will have your penis cut off."
Mai Lin called over Kim. Both men still blindfolded felt the sharp tip of an AK47 bayonet run down their chests to the groin area.
Mai Lin said,
" I want you both to eat the pussies of Pearl and Tai, I want you both to get big and hard. The man with the largest cock will save himself and the other will be ********* both balls and dick and will have the cut off manhood shoved down their throat."
Pearl squatted down as well as Tai. Both licked frantically at their womanhood. Mai Lin had Wood's cock in her left hand and stroked it with the knife in her right. Kim did the same to Mims. Both women were getting very excited.
Mai Lin said,
" Let me know girls when you both cum."
Both men's dicks were ridgid with veins popping out the sides and that all important tube on the underside swollen. At the same time, both Pearl and Tai screamed,
That was the signal for Mai Lin and Kim to do their thing.
Mai Lin pulled hard on Wood's penis and sliced it off with her knife. The sharp blade went through the engorged member at the base where it once joined his ballsack. Off it came spurting blood and cum all over her naked tits.
"You no fuck no more G.I." she said as she laughed loudly.
Kim nutted Mims with a slow intentional painful slice through his scrotum. Off came the testicles and ballsack. Kim shuttered with excitement as she came. Her honey fluid running down her thighs as blood ran down Mims' legs.
Mai Lin sewed up the wounds with no anesthesia. Both men screamed and strained against their restraints holding them down.
As the same V.C. soldiers watched and masturbated at the sight of the emasculated soldiers, Mai Lin said,
"I told you this will be a night you will never forget".
Mims and Woods were dumped out several blocks away. Found a short time later they both received medical attention and "survived". Both had hopelessly mutilated sex organs and will never to be able to fuck again. Mai Lin was careful to sever important nerves in Mims cock so even with hormone injections, an erection will be impossible. Woods, his testicles will produce hormones but he has nothing attached to have manly feelings with or to shoot cum.
The four vicious ********** Asian females laughed as the sewed the cut off cock from Woods to the severed balls from Mims and placed then in a jar of liquid with both men's dog tags.
"Our next job will be the most exciting for us and the most painful for the fifth ******. Ladies I do not think you have ever seen a man ********* like this one will be," said Mai Lin.
George Lance was sipping a drink at his favorite bar when approached by Tai. A few hand strokes later and Lance was being escorted to the torture room.
Upon entering, he too was overpowered by the force of the women and the weapons they possessed. He was stripped and bent over a table with his legs spread apart and his upper body and chest ****** flat on the table top. His ass was very vulnerable in this position. Tai held up his head and made him look towards the door to the next room.
What he observed both excited and frightened him. Walking towards him was Mai Lin. Shapely and clad only in nylons, a garter belt and very high heels all red in color. But something was strange. Between her legs was a large wooden didlo shaped like a penis. It had the veins, head and all the other characteristics carved into it. But wait, OH NO! said Lance.
Imbedded into the head if the dildo were several razor blades. Mai Lin with a slow sexy walk, approached Lance and put the deadly penis on his face, causing small but painful cuts on his lips and chin. He could see the muscles in her well developed legs and pubic area twitch and move as she shoved the phallus in his face.
Mai Lin said,
" I wore red so my stockings would not get ruined by your squirting blood."
Lance was so scared, he could not speak. He could only watch as Mai Lin rubbed the blood on the dildo and walked out of site behind Lance to his protruding asshole.
"I know you fucked Le Mai in her virgin Vietnamese ass. Now you will know the pain she felt and more." said Mai Lin.
She then put the razor edged penis at his ass and slowly, very slowly slid it in. Lance screamed bloody murder, and when Mai Lin had it halfway up his hole, she rammed it home up to his prostate gland. Blood, screams and pain filled the room as Mai Lin laughed and violently fucked his ass.
She withdrew the wooden razor bladed cock, now soaked with blood.
Lance was then tied down to the floor still bleeding from his anus. Pearl then walked up to Lance and stood over him with her legs spread apart. He was looking straight up into her moist pussy. As Pearl fingered herself with one hand, she held up a cage with a large rat inside and showed it to Lance.
Mai Lin said,
" You ****** bastard will be ********* by the mouth of this rat."
Pearl placed the rodent into a large burlap sack and quickly closed the top and wrapped it around the base of Lances sex organ. Trapped inside the bag with the penis and scrotum of Lance, the rat started biting fiercely, as Lance screamed in pain and shock. The ladies enjoyed the show as the bag filled with blood.
After about seven minutes of this torture, Kim removed the sack. All that was left of Lance's cock and ball area were a few veins hanging limply from the hole on his groin. Moaning Lance slowly bled to death as life drained from his crotch. Kim stabbed the bag and killed the rodent and dumped the rat into a jar with Lance's dog tags wrapped around it.
Although Mai Lin often used this technique on other prisoners she interrogated and tortured in the jungle, the other girls had never witnessed it before. All were quite impressed with her method.
General Van Pao placed the jar next to the other trophies the women collected, smiled and commended Mai Lin, Tai, Kim, and Pearl. Mai Lin received a promotion in the Viet Cong military. The others received a generous sum of money for their work.
"I am sure there will be others that need to be captured and brought to justice", said Van Pao. "I will be calling you ladies to do more to make men pay for their crimes against our Vietnamese women."
"We are looking forward to other such assignments." said Mai Lin, Pearl, Tai and Kim.
All smiled and nodded yes. Kim said she could not wait to get back to Hanoi and fuck her Viet Cong lover as she tells him what was done to the ****** prisoners.
06-28-2011, 10:48 AM
Wow. Awsome story.
06-29-2011, 06:53 AM
Hablando del tema e aqui unas ilustraciones.
06-30-2011, 05:14 PM
cool :iluvu:
very nice
07-02-2011, 11:35 AM
Who can upload this movie?
07-04-2011, 01:06 PM
Hi friends of ********** fun,
here my next video from the net of real scalpel ********** for enjoy, by rapidshare:
bye bye and a hot summer day:wooow
07-04-2011, 01:09 PM
here a set of some pics (artwork) from the net for you, by rapidshare only.
myabe you like any pics...
here the link for fun:**********_art.rar
bye bye
Bernd:D ;)
07-04-2011, 02:20 PM
hi bernd, wanna torture my balls on cam. switch to yahoo messenger. my name is ballbusting666. its real and youll see me doing as you say...
Jay Draconis
07-07-2011, 03:52 PM
I'm a new member. I have a fair number of /banding/**********/penectomy/nullification pictures (pretty good morphs). Most are solo shots and are "after" -- to me they leave the greatest room for fantasy. Do others like that sort of thing?
07-07-2011, 10:52 PM
a lot of really good stories there, but i haven't been able to access them for a week. hope they'll be back soon
07-08-2011, 03:14 AM
I'm a new member. I have a fair number of /banding/**********/penectomy/nullification pictures (pretty good morphs). Most are solo shots and are "after" -- to me they leave the greatest room for fantasy. Do others like that sort of thing?
Very much yes
07-08-2011, 07:17 AM
i dont think they will be back. is down for nearly two weeks.
07-08-2011, 09:33 AM
thanks, i thought it was just me or my computer or something, guess i'm not the only one having problems with
i dont think they will be back. is down for nearly two weeks.
Love it! I'd love to post some original manips on the subject but alas...I am but a newbie and not allowed.
07-08-2011, 03:17 PM
07-08-2011, 03:42 PM
woman starts killing people to get into dream home. a penis gets severed !
07-08-2011, 09:56 PM
i dont think they will be back. is down for nearly two weeks.
That's such a shame :( I loved that site lol
07-10-2011, 02:33 AM
Hi friends of male torture fun,
a nice sunny hot summer sunday for you, here are my next link to rapidshare of 3 cool vids of penectomy and real ********** too, have be fun:bananajum*********_vids_fun.rar 59,2MB
bye bye with sadistic greetings
07-10-2011, 02:36 AM
Hi friends of **********,
if you like some more femdom-stories here please mail here...
I have any more stories for you and some funny drawnings or pics too
bye bye and a happy cool summer sunday
Bernd:) :D
07-10-2011, 07:53 AM
hi bernd, do you have any thumbnails for those vids? :wooow
07-11-2011, 05:38 AM
FWIW, there are three videos in the file:
- a self-********** short - about 38 seconds long, and it's not entirely clear he did it for real, or that he took both. From some site named YNC, it's the kind of video you often find/found on BME.
- a surgical **********-type of video, which runs about 2:30. It also has some cuts and jumps in the footage, but is of a higher quality than the first video, and is done by two others - not a self-**********. While one of them might be a woman, it's not clear. It is, however, pretty straight forward and surgical.
- The third video appears to be from a Spanish-speaking country, and is a semi-surgical penectomy performed on someone who appears to be very young (although he also appears to have a full amount of pubic hair). The penectomized is restrained during the procedure, but it doesn't appear to be involuntary. He even shows off his new crotch to the camera at the end. It is pretty grainy in wuality, but it does go on for well over nine minutes.
Also, FWIW, the first two videos have music tracks as their only sound. The last one might have a narrator at the beginning, but most of the background is Spanish music.
07-11-2011, 06:27 AM
Que lastima que de penectomia no hay nada,yo busco y no hago mas que encontrar castracion y mas catracion,aunque pensandolo bien es logico,a ver quien es el chulo que se corta la polla para quedarse inutil orgasmicamente hablando.
Jay Draconis
07-11-2011, 01:27 PM
@font-face { font-family: "Cambria"; }p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: "Times New Roman"; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; } Mistress Olympia is very formal, and she is respectful of her subs’ freedom of choice before any intensification of the relationship—e.g. permanent marks, full slavery, body-modification. Whether literally irreversible or not, she considers each progression to be irrevocable, insisting on fully informed consent. Sometimes a sub requested a new humiliation, either spontaneously or at her suggestion. Sometimes she simply withheld her favors until the sub accepted a new level.
For several years now I have done all Mistress Olympia’s cutting. She rarely tolerates a sub longer than a few weeks before must sacrifice either his balls or cock, and ultimately both. Unlike most male masters she has no interest in having major alterations be part of a “scene.” More interested in the psychological aspects, she makes an elaborate process of securing the sub’s request for modification. Then she wants a safe, sterile, painless emasculation with a quick recovery. Once any notion of “manhood” is eliminated she usually achieves a remarkable depth of devotion and dependency, especially with those who showed most the spirit when they were men.
Recently she asked me to see Josh. He was unusual—very independent, even a little cocky. I thought he might be more a thrill-masochist endorphin-junky than a true submissive. He certainly had stamina—could take hours of bondage, flogging, and needle-play without a whimper. His previous mistress had given him hours of that, but hesitated to go deeper. Toward the climax of their most intense sessions, he would ask her to cut off his cock. Inexperienced but carried away, she finally did it. Weak binding, no catheter, no preparation for cautery or sutures! He ended up in the emergency room and she ended the relationship. Josh, however, delighted in being dickless—it attracted most Doms and he played the field, even with some Masters. Then he met Mistress Olympia. She awakened a real sense of submission—spiritually, not just physical excitement. Of course she required exclusivity. Soon it was time for the major sacrifice, but Josh, who would allow almost anything, stubbornly clung to his body-hair, beard, and the balls that supported them. Mistress Olympia didn’t mind the hair or muscles—she delighted in the irony of a hyper-masculine eunuch or nullo. That was one reason she sometimes preferred penectomy, especially with the bigger ones, but she could certainly afford hormone replacements. She insisted on a major sacrifice from Josh and all he had to offer were balls, bag, and a stump. The “consultation” with me was mostly to reassure him that he wasn’t going to end up in the hospital again and to reinforce his faith that Mistress Olympia would take care of him after he gave her his manhood. Knowing Olympia, I am sure it was unnecessary, but a few days later she told me he had very sweetly and humbly requested **********.
So I have an unusual specimen for my collection—big balls and bag with the thoroughly healed stump of a once thick dick. (Mistress Olympia has no interest in preserving “garbage.”) When I have more posting privileges, I’ll submit before and after shots of Josh.
07-11-2011, 03:24 PM
But because the testicles produce male hormones, men who have lost both of their testes may experience a reduction in sex drive and difficulty in getting and/or maintaining an erection. When both testicles have been removed, the next step is usually testosterone replacement therapy.
And i really don't want testosterone replacement therapy, that's why i want to keep them :-)
07-13-2011, 12:20 AM
Awsome clips
07-13-2011, 01:24 AM
Anybody have any info on this movie?
07-13-2011, 04:05 PM
Click here (
Cheers.. :cryingblu
07-14-2011, 05:36 AM
Anybody have any info on this movie?
I think it was also called "The Ladies Club" Youtube may have some footage of it.
07-14-2011, 06:14 AM
Act of vengance is on netflix isntant view. Not much other than a few ball kicking and pouring sulfuric acid (off camera) over a ****** genitals.
07-14-2011, 09:53 AM
Yo una vez en el apartado de peliculas de lei que hay una pelicula italiana en la que una madre le corta elpene a su propio hijo pero no dan el nombre.
Castratrix's pet
07-14-2011, 10:14 AM
I think it was also called "The Ladies Club" Youtube may have some footage of it.
"Act Of Vengence" and "The Ladies Club" are two seperate and different movies. I have seen "The Ladies Club" and yeah it was a good movie but I wish the ********** scene had been a lot longer and more graphic.
Jay Draconis
07-14-2011, 02:53 PM
As promised
07-15-2011, 02:14 AM
Act of vengance is on netflix isntant view. Not much other than a few ball kicking and pouring sulfuric acid (off camera) over a ****** genitals.
I saw it on there the other night and was curious, thanks for the info!
A couple of my manips on the subject...hope they please you.
07-16-2011, 09:44 AM
Yo he encontrado esto por hay, lo vi hace tiempo y que no os importe que este con censura xq ni siquiera es una polla de goma lo que corta es una especie de viscera animal que para nada daba el pego
07-16-2011, 12:17 PM
A couple of my manips on the subject...hope they please you.
Not bad pics. Especially the last one. But resolution is too low.:asleep
Not bad pics. Especially the last one. But resolution is too low.:asleep
The resolution is fine, the size is the maximum allowed by the website, perhaps I'll drop the resolution so I can post it at a bigger size. Glad you like it!
07-17-2011, 01:04 AM
The resolution is fine, the size is the maximum allowed by the website, perhaps I'll drop the resolution so I can post it at a bigger size. Glad you like it!
I'll drop the resolution so I can post it at a bigger size= sounds like a good idea 2 me :) ;)
07-17-2011, 05:01 PM is there again, but I still miss the Fiction Archive.
07-17-2011, 06:09 PM
you beat me to it is there again, but I still miss the Fiction Archive.
just go to check my email and this was left from the vbulletin.
This message is to inform you that is going back online at 2:00PM Central Daylight Time. At that time will cease being our main server domain. Everything will be pointed back to We are doing this because all the search engines have us cached as and we would like prreserve that. It may take a couple of hours for evereything to take effect and spread all around the internet. Your patience please.
Thank you
07-18-2011, 01:16 PM
Hello All,
I know it's a long shot, but I have a request. Seeing as ballmoney is no longer extant, does anyone happen to have their video number 25? This was known variously as "Rebecca die Kastrierlady", "Kastrationsvideo" and "Rebecca - Castrator, Burdizzo, Elastrator". I have the preview, but I have desperately been searching for the full-length version - alas, to no avail. If anyone could help, or knows someone who has it, I would be most grateful.
Best wishes,
07-19-2011, 04:04 AM
Check out "********* Balls" - lots more videos to put up over the next few weeks. store 23084
Jay Draconis
07-21-2011, 08:29 AM
Happy young eunuch.
07-22-2011, 02:13 AM
07-22-2011, 04:53 AM
As promised
fake phooshop. come on man
07-22-2011, 08:39 AM
Well fake or not fake, i like this thread - and want to see if my profile works
07-26-2011, 08:56 AM
Some more photoshoped pictures... Sorry if it has been posted before...
O......HHHHHH ya
I see the laddy was doing some cool thing,and I like that.
07-26-2011, 03:36 PM
Aqui viene una pregunta sobre un tema particular: ¿como habria que hablar a una chica que aparentemente no tiene ningun interes sobre juegos fetichistas ni de dominacion etc para que me haga lo que sale en estas fotos?
07-27-2011, 02:21 PM
una cosa de estas es lo que quiero
07-27-2011, 04:44 PM
una cosa de estas es lo que quiero
En la imagen esa que pusiste ahi no se o por lo menos no alcanzo a ver que trae la chica esa en la mano ¿es acaso una tijera? por que no se ve del todo bien .
07-28-2011, 04:49 AM
En la imagen esa que pusiste ahi no se o por lo menos no alcanzo a ver que trae la chica esa en la mano ¿es acaso una tijera? por que no se ve del todo bien .
Se ve bastante mal, si no dale a ctrl + para agrandar, ya sabes.
07-28-2011, 03:12 PM
[URL="http://********************/do/storeinfo"]= http:// www. clips 4 sale. com/ do/ storeinfo
copy in adress bar and in google look first line and look censured under
No Underage Material - All actors must be 18 years of age or older
No Horror/Snuff - You can't act out someone being maimed or killed
No Nonconsensual Sex - You can't show someone having sexual intercourse against their will
No Asphyxiation - You can't suffocate or insinuate altering someone's breathing
No Animal Sex - There can't be any sex with animals. Please make sure there are not any animals at all in the clips or videos
No Hardcore Bondage with sex - No full bondage with penetration of any kind. If someone has all 4 limbs bound, they cannot be penetrated
No Penetration with any form of bondage - You can't have someone fully bound( both arms and both legs) and penetrate them in any way
No Necro - You can't have sex with dead people
No Blood - There can't be any blood or simulated blood shown in any videos or clips
No Scat - There can't be any feces or simulated feces in your clips or videos
No Vomit - You can not show any vomit in your clips
No Fisting - There can be no fisting in clips. This includes anal fisting
No Chloroform - You cannot use or imply using any type of chemical to render someone ***********
No weapons - There can be no weapons shown on C4S. This includes prop weapons
No drugs - There can't be any drugs shown on C4S
No ****** Sex - You can't imply someone is being ****** to have sex against their will
No Pissing/Peeing - There can be no peeing on other people or show someone consuming urine
No Crushing - There is to be no crushing of any animals. Such as, but not limited to: Crabs, lobsters, spiders, fish, scorpions, lizards
No intoxication
07-29-2011, 07:35 AM
[URL="http://********************/do/storeinfo"]= http:// www. clips 4 sale. com/ do/ storeinfo
copy in adress bar and in google look first line and look censured under
No Underage Material - All actors must be 18 years of age or older
No Horror/Snuff - You can't act out someone being maimed or killed
No Nonconsensual Sex - You can't show someone having sexual intercourse against their will
No Asphyxiation - You can't suffocate or insinuate altering someone's breathing
No Animal Sex - There can't be any sex with animals. Please make sure there are not any animals at all in the clips or videos
No Hardcore Bondage with sex - No full bondage with penetration of any kind. If someone has all 4 limbs bound, they cannot be penetrated
No Penetration with any form of bondage - You can't have someone fully bound( both arms and both legs) and penetrate them in any way
No Necro - You can't have sex with dead people
No Blood - There can't be any blood or simulated blood shown in any videos or clips
No Scat - There can't be any feces or simulated feces in your clips or videos
No Vomit - You can not show any vomit in your clips
No Fisting - There can be no fisting in clips. This includes anal fisting
No Chloroform - You cannot use or imply using any type of chemical to render someone ***********
No weapons - There can be no weapons shown on C4S. This includes prop weapons
No drugs - There can't be any drugs shown on C4S
No ****** Sex - You can't imply someone is being ****** to have sex against their will
No Pissing/Peeing - There can be no peeing on other people or show someone consuming urine
No Crushing - There is to be no crushing of any animals. Such as, but not limited to: Crabs, lobsters, spiders, fish, scorpions, lizards
No intoxication
This is requirement for clips*4*sale videos? I check some videos there in time & again, and everything I see in there is against rules. I see bondage people with penetration, knife, drink pee, breath play, scat... It is all there. Oh my, if they don't care about rules, why should we! :thumbup
Castratrix's pet
07-29-2011, 08:13 AM
Something I've wondered because it's part of so many femdom ********** stories. When a beautiful sexy woman is ********** a man does he get an erection and does he actually cum while she is performing the ********** on him? Like I said, it's in so many femdom ********** stories so I wondered if it happens in reality.
07-29-2011, 12:21 PM
una cosa de estas es lo que quiero
this site doesnt work
07-30-2011, 07:32 PM
remove the space ex:s e r g e= serge http:// www. clips 4 sale. com/ do/ storeinfo
:( crazy search is over clips **********, is not censured but you pay 5$for all clips but the site is free just subscrire fetish and group **********.
07-31-2011, 10:19 AM
This is great site.
08-08-2011, 03:23 PM
Would also go under the cartoon thread
if anybody knows where to download in original size, would be interesting
You can find more here:
08-09-2011, 11:38 AM
I LOVE this Picture! This is exactly how I would like the deal to go down. The only thing that would make this picture better was if there were real women in Nylons posing!!!
08-16-2011, 02:56 AM
Hat einer Lust diese Eier zu zerstören:bananajum
08-19-2011, 07:35 PM
Mistress Bagyrra
This is profile look! is not free subscire is free but not see pics or vidéos
I enjoy the following:
corporal punishment, cross dressing, bondage, animal play, slave/pet/maid training, ball busting, CBT, chastity
devices, enema, fisting, figging, financial domination, milking, abrasion,,scratching, tweezing,drowning,
suturing, whipping,canning, injections breath control, bastinado, blood play, body modification, piercing, corset
piercing, cupping, devil's fire, resistance play, sensation play, edge play, fear play, humiliation play, orientation
play, pain play, breast/nipple torture, blood sports, water sports, needle play, shaving, waxing, execution,
confessional, sexual harassment,****** feminization, human furniture, tease and denial, medical scenes,
goddess worship, physical examination, :bananajumcastration (to be discussed):loveeyes, sensory play, strap on, pin wheel,
vibrators and a lot more :) :iluvu:
08-19-2011, 08:30 PM
Female Dominant, 37, Toronto, Canada
08-22-2011, 09:12 AM
very nice:wooow
08-23-2011, 05:50 PM
That emmanuelle site is pretty cool
08-25-2011, 05:24 PM
horror movie with a good ********** scene. undead hooker bites his dick off. its the first part of the movie.
08-26-2011, 04:18 AM
mmmh, they can go on at next with my balls
dkg...your work is awesome...thanks. :ibow4u:
Here's of my all-time favorite pics...I don't know where I got it and the quality sucks but I love it. I love the chick on the right with the belt of low hangers. Can anyone re-make this? I'm totally into ********* balls still in the cocks...
08-26-2011, 04:21 AM
i wish it were my balls in here hand - please contact me if you like as a female games like this
These 3 attached pics are extreme. But ********** is an extreme topic.
No, I didn't take the pics. My hands are smaller than that. ;)
- Sara :)
08-26-2011, 04:23 AM
let us play together - you can take my both balls if you like
Do it gurl!
08-26-2011, 04:37 AM
yes let us play in the same style
Some more titilating pics of VC Women enjoying themselves.
08-26-2011, 05:20 AM
a great site with great pictures
08-29-2011, 07:26 PM
Castratix Rebecca Stelee's latest comic is now available in (
[img= .jpg] ( 3_123_584lo.jpg) [img= .jpg] ( 4_123_705lo.jpg) [img= .jpg] ( 5_123_595lo.jpg)
Check the Rebecc Steele section
08-30-2011, 07:47 PM
Chacho;99522 Castratix Rebecca Stelee's latest comic is now available in
Muy buenas imagenes en verdad me gustaria tener completo ese comic en mi coleccion.
08-30-2011, 08:43 PM
Muy buenas imagenes en verdad me gustaria tener completo ese comic en mi coleccion.
Puedes ir a la, y con un paypal puedes adquirir el comic...
Si no tienes tarjeta, mandame un mensaje privado y te daré alternativas de pago...
PD. En la seccion de Rebecca Steele puedes encontrar mas comics de Rebecca...
Night Traveller
09-02-2011, 04:12 PM
too bad he saved by the servant is the most erotic and hot video I have ever seen!!!:iluvu:
Can anybody download it and upload on RapidShare or
09-02-2011, 05:14 PM
i want been ********* by woman
09-05-2011, 04:09 PM
Hey everyone, i'm new here and wonder what is a safe time to have your balls banded. I've seen sooo many different times posted on the internet. Any real experience???
Thanks, and i LUV this post!
"That was so sweet, it was painful..."
Has anyone have the full size picture of this picture
09-06-2011, 11:03 PM
I ran my zoom level up to 400 and the picture looked pretty good but, it was a little fuzzy. Nice pic though.
09-07-2011, 01:05 AM
How's this!
09-08-2011, 12:59 AM
For those who love ********** stories:
very nice. :)
09-09-2011, 05:12 PM
Love to see pictures of women about to cut a guys cock or balls off it so erotic
09-09-2011, 05:22 PM
does anyone out there have a video or pictures of a woman biting off a man's testicles :bananawin
09-09-2011, 07:28 PM
Will these do?
09-09-2011, 09:08 PM
thank you for the pictures,,,,, but the manhood is still attached i was looking for the REAL DEAL,,if you can post that where they bit it all the way off and they are eating it :bananawin :bananawin :bananawin :bananawin
09-09-2011, 09:25 PM
if anyone has a video or pictures that they can post im looking for something a "BIT" different , Pictures or Videos of a woman that bit off a man's penis or testicles and is eating them ,,,the REAL DEAL,,,if you can post that ,,,the pictures and videos that i have seen are a " BIT " laime,,,thank you ,,,mike:asleep :asleep :asleep
09-10-2011, 09:03 AM
Estoy alucinando!!! he encontrado el video que estuve buscando un tiempo pues vi unas fotos en relacion con el y aun no le he visto entero pero debe de ser muy bueno.
09-10-2011, 02:18 PM
if anyone has a video or pictures [...] a woman that bit off a man's penis or testicles and is eating them ,,,the REAL DEAL,,,if you can post that
michael***, there are no such pictures, don't you realise that?
09-10-2011, 03:57 PM
Estoy alucinando!!! he encontrado el video que estuve buscando un tiempo pues vi unas fotos en relacion con el y aun no le he visto entero pero debe de ser muy bueno.
it seems as this is a common theme among them. the wait was worth it, thank you.
09-11-2011, 07:29 AM
Please upload to something better than Oron.
09-11-2011, 02:38 PM
Para que voy a poneros las imagenes del video cuando os doy la facilidad de descargarlo? lo que si deberia haber hecho era comentar que se hacia en el para que no os tirarais de los pelos hasta haberle descargado, perono me apetecia rebuscar para conseguirlas.
09-11-2011, 10:53 PM
I want to ********** scene on every movie
scene cutting penis and ball off
09-12-2011, 10:33 AM
I want to ********** scene on every movie
scene cutting penis and ball off
Hey Nipparnnag,
For my money, the original I Spit On Your Grave - 1978 (aka Day of the Woman) has the best ********** scene. You don't actually see knife cutting balls, but it is pretty intense! Hard Candy - 2005 is another good candidate.
If your looking for a scene that actually shows a knife cutting off balls (which is what the true definition of ********** is btw, no penis cutting at all...) you're gonna have to look hard. Outside of hardcore porn, the American film industry is EXTREMELY reluctant to show male genitalia on screen...
Also, I just want to say hello to the forum!!! Luv this topic - it's sexy as hell!!!!
09-14-2011, 05:35 AM
Some of my very favorite pictures are of guys with empty ball sacks. Could it be that I want that for myself? Hmmm.
09-14-2011, 10:56 AM
Hey Nipparnnag,
For my money, the original I Spit On Your Grave - 1978 (aka Day of the Woman) has the best ********** scene. You don't actually see knife cutting balls, but it is pretty intense! Hard Candy - 2005 is another good candidate.
If your looking for a scene that actually shows a knife cutting off balls (which is what the true definition of ********** is btw, no penis cutting at all...) you're gonna have to look hard. Outside of hardcore porn, the American film industry is EXTREMELY reluctant to show male genitalia on screen...
Also, I just want to say hello to the forum!!! Luv this topic - it's sexy as hell!!!!
Most movies that even have genital mutilation tend to focus on the penis. The first one you mention, I Spit On Your Grave was meant to imply she was cutting off the guys dick. Though I guess you can interpret the scene either way since you don't actually see anything getting cut. Although in the new remake she is clearly cutting off the guys dick even though she mentions gouting a horse witch actually involves **********, not penectomy.
Your right about American cinema though, I live in America and I can say first hand that the vast majority of our population are a bunch of prudes. I find it silly that people can be so disgusted by there own own body that they feel the need to prevent others from seeing anything similar to be unacceptable. I'm not saying lets all get naked and dance in the streets but the naked human body is as natural as it gets, like a tree, or a lake, or the night sky. Following the logic of prudes we should find these things inappropriate and offensive.
09-14-2011, 12:40 PM
I want to see the full movie, PURE has a link to download.
another mention of the rebecca steele stuff here:
09-15-2011, 01:51 PM
two girls have a lot of fun with penis&balls and enoying the last shot.:letsplay
09-16-2011, 03:08 PM
[quote=Sunagwa;100037]The first one you mention, I Spit On Your Grave was meant to imply she was cutting off the guys dick.
Hmm, I don't think so. All the literature and reviews that go with the original ISYG clearly state that the tub scene is a '**********' scene. When you take that with the previous scene where Jennifer is holding Johnny at gunpoint and he whines that he only reason he raped her is because " a man is just a man" - then her "unmanning" him by ********** certainly makes sense.
But you are right, since everything she cuts is underneath the bubble bath, we can imagine whatever we want.
As far as the remake, Jennifer clearly tells Johnny that horses that can't be tamed get gelded - which certainly implies that she castrates him with the shears.
Oh well, imagination is a wonderful thing...
Just Hanging
09-17-2011, 08:26 AM
Saw that movie like over ten years ago, but remember like it was yesterday.
Just think about it though, she got him hard before she made the slice, when he stood up, there was no erection sticking out of the soap, just a little red spot. Afterward, the blood stains on the wall were evidence that blood was squirting out high pressure at a 90 degree angle from the guy running around the bathroom in a panic trying to get out.
09-17-2011, 10:28 AM
haven't seen the movie in a long time but I'll never forget that bathtub scene.
09-17-2011, 12:20 PM
This touches on an issue addressed in this forum before. "**********" technically refers to removal of the testes but has been applied generically to genital ablation- penis or testes. Though it is off topic for this forum, see how "Female Genital **********" is sometimes used to describe genital amputation of the clitoris, though no extirpation of the ovaries occurs.
Many film reviews categorize genital ablation this way. Whether it is to keep the act intentionally ambiguous about what's being chopped off or because the reviewers don't know penectomy applies to penis removal is anyone's guess.
In both ISOYG, the **** victim chops off a ******'s penis. In the remake, Jennifer references "gelding" but cuts off his penis. It's in keeping with the "horse" rhetoric (****** calls her a showhorse, asks her to show her teeth; she pulls out his teeth & handles him the way a horse would be- well almost).
[quote=Sunagwa;100037]The first one you mention, I Spit On Your Grave was meant to imply she was cutting off the guys dick.
Hmm, I don't think so. All the literature and reviews that go with the original ISYG clearly state that the tub scene is a '**********' scene. When you take that with the previous scene where Jennifer is holding Johnny at gunpoint and he whines that he only reason he raped her is because " a man is just a man" - then her "unmanning" him by ********** certainly makes sense.
But you are right, since everything she cuts is underneath the bubble bath, we can imagine whatever we want.
As far as the remake, Jennifer clearly tells Johnny that horses that can't be tamed get gelded - which certainly implies that she castrates him with the shears.
Oh well, imagination is a wonderful thing...
09-17-2011, 11:21 PM
I want to see the full movie, PURE has a link to download.
This movie
Movie name : PURE
Title: Pure
Director: David Aaron Clark (
Format: DVD
Release Date: 2009-09-30
09-18-2011, 05:53 AM
Totally want to see the full version of that!
09-18-2011, 06:15 PM
Arousing remake of "In the Realm of the Senses".
Note how reviews of "Pure" reinforce the trend of calling penis removal "**********" (
This movie
Movie name : PURE
Title: Pure
Director: David Aaron Clark (
Format: DVD
Release Date: 2009-09-30
09-21-2011, 05:44 PM
In both ISOYG, the **** victim chops off a ******'s penis. In the remake, Jennifer references "gelding" but cuts off his penis. It's in keeping with the "horse" rhetoric (****** calls her a showhorse, asks her to show her teeth; she pulls out his teeth & handles him the way a horse would be- well almost).
In the ISOYG remake all we have to go on is what Jennifer says. And since she specifically refers to gelding, then for my money she snips Johnny's nuts off with the shears.
Like I said before, since we never see what either Jennifer is cutting in both ISYOG films, we will never really know.
09-21-2011, 09:40 PM
In both ISOYG, the **** victim chops off a ******'s penis. In the remake, Jennifer references "gelding" but cuts off his penis. It's in keeping with the "horse" rhetoric (****** calls her a showhorse, asks her to show her teeth; she pulls out his teeth & handles him the way a horse would be- well almost).
In the ISOYG remake all we have to go on is what Jennifer says. And since she specifically refers to gelding, then for my money she snips Johnny's nuts off with the shears.
Like I said before, since we never see what either Jennifer is cutting in both ISYOG films, we will never really know.
You can see it in the second one, she picks his dick up off the floor and shoves it in his mouth. Though I'd wager she got the whole package in one clean chop from the way she does it.
09-22-2011, 01:24 AM
ma c'è qualche sito in italiano dove ci sono storie o esperienze di ballbusting o con fantasie di castrazioni? Mi ricordo anni fa che c'era un sito a proposito chiamato donnepericolose. Non c'è nulla del genere in giro per la rete? grazie
09-22-2011, 02:56 AM
la sezione storie in italiano di è la piu vasta raccolta di ballbusting, poi ce ne sono anche nel Fiction Archive dell E.A. ma dopo che il sito è stato riammodernato devono ancora essere reinserite. Graziose in particolare tutte quelle di Angie a tema castrazione. Questo è ciò che so io ma credo potresti rivolgerti a Fittizioh per altre informazioni.
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