View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
03-18-2009, 01:26 AM
Thanks for all your post. I have not seen this one listed yet.
Heres a Crazy one i downloaded and just edited and put together u cant see whos doing the cutting but its from a 1982 movie called
I had to erase and format my puter so i lost all my collection of videos but most of them u guys have all seen anyways so i guess i can always skim through and redownload em but as for now i have nothing new after this one till i make a few more guy in this is getting a penectomy and the youngster cant be older then 27
Wow reed kit is that a real penectomy? thanks for the contribution. srzl
03-18-2009, 05:08 PM
Scrotum is sliced, testicle is bared, tortured, and re-inserted, then sac is stitched, all in clinical setting
Sadly, it doesn't appear women are involved... interesting nonetheless
could that knife be any duller
03-19-2009, 09:24 AM
with music.:bananajum
03-19-2009, 01:05 PM
03-19-2009, 06:08 PM
i thought this one was took down years ago but somehow found it again amazon warrior woman from uncle bucks scratchpad
03-19-2009, 10:56 PM
Don't know if this one has been posted yet or not.
03-20-2009, 02:57 PM
The same as the Sex Exspress i uploaded here but its cool that theres a new place to download this from now
It sure would have been better had he been conscious while she was taking it from him. I would have preferred the stab edited out and we could have imagined him immobilized or passed out. I'm still not sure if penectomy and ********** are the same topic. Shouldn't she be cutting his nuts off?
03-20-2009, 06:04 PM
From my site, Amazon Femdom ...
Amazon castrations! These particular images had to be removed from the site due to Verotel's content guidelines, so I'll post them here! Enjoy!
03-21-2009, 04:15 AM
have you all really busted a guys balls before? wonder how it feels like:wooow
03-21-2009, 05:47 AM
nice pics - thanx. Would be an interesting world.....
03-21-2009, 12:08 PM
i thought this one was took down years ago but somehow found it again amazon warrior woman from uncle bucks scratchpad
nice post:jumpsmile i saw the images years back on cnbhorror site but i have not seen any updated versions yet.
03-21-2009, 04:29 PM
03-21-2009, 04:40 PM
:) Hi - New member here. I was pleased to run across this site and then to find this particular thread. ********** is my favorite topic.
Medical types of things have always been exciting for me, espically anything to do with testicles or a penis.
I was raised on a farm and we had two burdizzo's that we used from time to time on our livestock. One was a little bit smaller and the other was a large one. When I could get away to the barn, I would pull down my pants and squeeze my ballsack with one or the other of the burdizzo's. It would always make me so excited! I of course never went "all the way" because the pain was to much and I wimped out, but I came close a few times. Part of the excitment was that I would get caught and the other part was that with a little more pressure on the burdizzo handle I could become a eunuch.
I had read about eunuch's as I started to mature. The "sex manual" that I was given for my "sex education" went into a great bit of detail about the function of the testes and and how eunuch's were prized in the old days for the great choirs of the time. I thought at the time how great it would be to have no body hair and that my voice would never change.
As I grew older I thought at the time that I would never want to be a father and that if I was a eunuch that would take care of that.
Now that I am older still, ********** at the hands of a firm but gentle woman who is doing this for "us" or doing it for "my own good" is the stuff my fantasy life lives on.
More later.
03-22-2009, 11:00 AM
An Asian woman eats her penis.
They love cherry boy's pure penis.
just like vc women like to cut off GI cock and balls in war time.
03-22-2009, 12:58 PM
Hy HBB - this are horny and amaizing pics, thanks!!!
03-22-2009, 04:21 PM
You are a god, this is the best!
why she cutting off men penis, what wrong with her????????????:soomad
03-23-2009, 10:55 AM
From my site, Amazon Femdom ...
Amazon castrations! These particular images had to be removed from the site due to Verotel's content guidelines, so I'll post them here! Enjoy!
excellent work!!
03-23-2009, 08:41 PM
just like vc women like to cut off GI cock and balls in war time.
You said it zhiway. Those VC women loved those cherry boys. When you consider that most of the GIs going to Nam were in their late teens, there were a lot of guys that never knew the pleasure of being with a woman sexually. Something they reminded the men of as they slid their knives between their bound captives legs. I wonder if any of the women gave them a taste of sex either oral of vaginal before they severed their genitals. Just to let them feel what they will be missing should they survive the torture at the hands of some of the most sadistic female warriors.:machine:
03-23-2009, 11:58 PM
03-24-2009, 10:21 AM
You said it zhiway. Those VC women loved those cherry boys. When you consider that most of the GIs going to Nam were in their late teens, there were a lot of guys that never knew the pleasure of being with a woman sexually. Something they reminded the men of as they slid their knives between their bound captives legs. I wonder if any of the women gave them a taste of sex either oral of vaginal before they severed their genitals. Just to let them feel what they will be missing should they survive the torture at the hands of some of the most sadistic female warriors.:machine:
I think the VC women cutting off men penis is the worst, more evil, becuase without the penis, they still got those balls between the leg, and there aren't a penis to cum, that's torture a man, all the cum inside the balls,no way out,:cussing: but cutting off the testicls, the penis still can get hard. lost balls better to the penis.:soomad
03-25-2009, 12:41 AM
I think the VC women cutting off men penis is the worst, more evil, becuase without the penis, they still got those balls between the leg, and there aren't a penis to cum, that's torture a man, all the cum inside the balls,no way out,:cussing: but cutting off the testicls, the penis still can get hard. lost balls better to the penis.:soomad
I have heard stories of VC chicks cutting off the dicks of GIs and shoving them into their mouths and sewing their mouths shut. The penis would eventually work it's way into the poor guys throat and choke him. What a way to go, choking on your own cock.
03-27-2009, 06:05 AM
Here are 4 picture-stories about ********** and penectomies and Femcans ;)
03-27-2009, 10:14 AM
For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:
(note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).
Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).
I must say that listening to a hot young female doctor talking about women slicing off philandering cocks was very arousing. The site will ask you to fill out an (optional) questionnaire after viewing, to see how you liked it. I thought it was HOT HOT HOT and after some "manual override" activity was entirely satisfied. Need to see more of Genoa, of course.
Big thanks to the individual over at EA site who found this. Enjoy!
03-27-2009, 11:19 AM
Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.
03-27-2009, 02:13 PM
Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.
WHAT THE FUCK ???? hahahaha
03-27-2009, 04:57 PM
Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.
one of the best videos ive ever seen!!! i wish there were some other girls and guys watching her and girls talking about this nutcrushing and threatening the guys to apply the same procedure on them...
but its still perfect!!! thanks brother!...
Mr. Farknocker
03-27-2009, 05:41 PM
For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:
(note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).
Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).
My girlfriend is Thai. She mentioned that if she got raped by a friend, she would lure him into committing the act again and then cut his dick off. Yikes! I know now why she talks like that.
03-28-2009, 01:52 AM
one of the best videos ive ever seen!!! i wish there were some other girls and guys watching her and girls talking about this nutcrushing and threatening the guys to apply the same procedure on them...
but its still perfect!!! thanks brother!...
Problem with this video is that the woman is obviously a professional dominatrix, rather than a 'real' woman. Also, we didn't get to see the balls being cut off in the first place !
I recommend another video, which I left a comment about at the end of the 'Cowgirls Performing **********' thread. This video shows a female vet (albeit older than I'd prefer) ********** a minature horse. This is done as a demonstration in front of an audience including teenage girls ! The person filming the ********** was also a woman ! No-one apart from me has left any comments, so I'm guessing people just haven't visited that thread lately.
03-29-2009, 01:23 AM
These nasty things planted by the VC could ruin your whole day.
03-29-2009, 02:27 PM
wasnt there a clip of a afganistan ********** or sometihgn of a woman watching and the guy gets diced with a sword.?
03-29-2009, 03:56 PM
Any chance of capping or downloading this one? Couldn't get to play in my browser....This kind of thing should definitely be archived!
For those who enjoy the sensation of a woman's kitchen knife pressing into their male member, threatening to remove it - or the women who like play those fantasy scenarios - the following URL brings you to a presentation at a medical conference, given by the lovely Genoa Ferguson, MD:
(note: may work better using Internet Explorer, rather than FireFox).
Sweet Genoa speaks frankly about the hottest fad in wifely retribution that swept the Thai nation, with over 100 cases reported, and the challenges faced by overwhelmed MDs, trying to re-attach the errant members (the ones that weren't eaten by ducks, dogs, or other animals under the house).
I must say that listening to a hot young female doctor talking about women slicing off philandering cocks was very arousing. The site will ask you to fill out an (optional) questionnaire after viewing, to see how you liked it. I thought it was HOT HOT HOT and after some "manual override" activity was entirely satisfied. Need to see more of Genoa, of course.
Big thanks to the individual over at EA site who found this. Enjoy!
03-30-2009, 08:54 AM
(reply to post above)
If you view it from the conference web site, you will get synchronized presentation of video showing her talking, plus her powerpoint presentation. There's not a whole lot of visual content in the latter however, mostly text that repeats what she's saying - so the powerpoint is sort of optional.
I found it didn't work with Mozilla Firefox, but it works with MS Internet Explorer. Have not tried it with Google's new browser but that's an option if you have religious aversion to using anything from MS. No guarantees that it will work.
I may have saved the video on my other computer so could email that to anyone that's interested if the file size isn't too large - contact me at
cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com. I haven't tried posting to one of those large-video-file download sites, could also do that if someone sends me a pointer with link and description of the upload procedure.
03-30-2009, 01:43 PM
(reply to post above)
If you view it from the conference web site, you will get synchronized presentation of video showing her talking, plus her powerpoint presentation. There's not a whole lot of visual content in the latter however, mostly text that repeats what she's saying - so the powerpoint is sort of optional.
I found it didn't work with Mozilla Firefox, but it works with MS Internet Explorer. Have not tried it with Google's new browser but that's an option if you have religious aversion to using anything from MS. No guarantees that it will work.
I may have saved the video on my other computer so could email that to anyone that's interested if the file size isn't too large - contact me at
cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com. I haven't tried posting to one of those large-video-file download sites, could also do that if someone sends me a pointer with link and description of the upload procedure.
Cheers for that, but I actually was able to get it going in Firefox, there is a Flash video link here:
I quite liked this video - especially as it seemed somewhat useless as far as actual research, and more just the morbid fascination of the rather cute young doctor - her little smiles throughout and her seeming lack of sympathy for the victims is very sexy. And the picture of her with the snake at the end - priceless.
Thanks for this one, it's a gem.
04-02-2009, 06:44 AM
From film daughters of lesbos (1968) in the end there is a beautiful scene of **********, and also in the film ellos robaron la picha de hitler there is a castrion scene, very real.
These are some poser pics I recently found. ( ( ( ( ( (
04-04-2009, 06:47 AM
I don't know if this is real or not, but it's pretty graphic.
Dude chops both his balls and dick off.
Not for the faint of heart!
04-05-2009, 05:24 AM
heres a new one i made from the crazy femcam gore movie Binge and Purge /not the best out there but intresting the girls play rock paper scissors to decide whos gonna cut off his dick (
04-05-2009, 02:57 PM
Wow thank you very much. Fun fun. Heh
04-06-2009, 09:19 PM
From film daughters of lesbos (1968) in the end there is a beautiful scene of **********, and also in the film ellos robaron la picha de hitler there is a castrion scene, very real.
I edited the clip from daughters of lesbos like ya wanted its not the best scene ive ever seen but for 1968 i guess its okay nothing actually shown just alot of talk and tease and its narrated by a woman talking this movie so u dont hear them talking just a narrator woman
04-07-2009, 01:01 AM
This one is from the necro files 2 its pretty stupied actually the whole movie was pretty lame but i edited the penectomy scene where the zombie rips off the guys dick looks fake as heck and then uses it on the female hooker he was orginally banging this zombie has a really huge wang that throughout the movie he rapes woman with and its soo huge he basically kills em with it i was kinda hopeing for a scene where he got that giant wang cut off but no luck there
04-07-2009, 11:08 AM
ya know this one has been around awhile but i dont remember if it was posted here or not its a japenese animie penectomy bite off scene
04-08-2009, 07:15 AM
Asian movie that i edited this whole movie is about wives cutting off there manhood i mean the first scene i added on here isnt great but theres a couple more i added from the movie also theres a scene that i didnt add where one of the asian wives after she cuts off her husbands manhood grinds it up into a hot dog and visits her husband in the hospital and hes begging for it back saying they can reattach it still if she gives it to him and after he eats the hot dog she says i did give it to u u just ate it lol theres a about 4 ****** penectomys in this clip i made from the movie but i think people would enjoy the whole movie so ill prob add that to a megaupload for people to download and watch after they see these clips but the whole movie is woman cutting off there husbands manhood /
I no longer post on i use to post clips there alot for people to enjoy but the moderator of the site kept deleteing my post and it kept haveing bugs or errors in the site where u log on then try to post something and it would say u dont have access rights to post that sites not worth going too and i think its closeing down soon anyways (
04-08-2009, 08:13 AM
This is a spanish movie about hitler penis found in a jar hidden in some undiscovered place anyways theres a ********** attempt in this and a mad scientist dr ********** scene and a ball grab and a penis trophy room scene where the amazon woman and trying to get the hitlers penis and willing to take other trophys along the way unfortuently the only ********** scene in this is done by the mad scientist dr which is a guy so download if u choose not a very good movie otherwise (
[quote=reedkritt;62532]This is a spanish movie about hitler penis found in a jar hidden in some undiscovered place anyways theres a ********** attempt in this and a mad scientist dr ********** scene and a ball grab and a penis trophy room scene where the amazon woman and trying to get the hitlers penis and willing to take other trophys along the way unfortuently the only ********** scene in this is done by the mad scientist dr which is a guy so download if u choose not a very good movie otherwise ([/quot
reedkit just want to say thankyou so much for you contributions . love the penectomy stuff . srzl
04-08-2009, 11:14 AM
Bull cock and balls crushed. I don't know what's worse, the necro-bestial testicle pulverization or her laugh.
From which site is this video from?
04-08-2009, 12:13 PM
Asian movie that i edited this whole movie is about wives cutting off there manhood i mean the first scene i added on here isnt great but theres a couple more i added from the movie also theres a scene that i didnt add where one of the asian wives after she cuts off her husbands manhood grinds it up into a hot dog and visits her husband in the hospital and hes begging for it back saying they can reattach it still if she gives it to him and after he eats the hot dog she says i did give it to u u just ate it lol theres a about 4 ****** penectomys in this clip i made from the movie but i think people would enjoy the whole movie so ill prob add that to a megaupload for people to download and watch after they see these clips but the whole movie is woman cutting off there husbands manhood (
Wow, this was probably the best video posted yet. Thanks a lot.
04-08-2009, 01:25 PM
Asian movie that i edited this whole movie is about wives cutting off there manhood i mean the first scene i added on here isnt great but theres a couple more i added from the movie also theres a scene that i didnt add where one of the asian wives after she cuts off her husbands manhood grinds it up into a hot dog and visits her husband in the hospital and hes begging for it back saying they can reattach it still if she gives it to him and after he eats the hot dog she says i did give it to u u just ate it lol theres a about 4 ****** penectomys in this clip i made from the movie but i think people would enjoy the whole movie so ill prob add that to a megaupload for people to download and watch after they see these clips but the whole movie is woman cutting off there husbands manhood /
I no longer post on i use to post clips there alot for people to enjoy but the moderator of the site kept deleteing my post and it kept haveing bugs or errors in the site where u log on then try to post something and it would say u dont have access rights to post that sites not worth going too and i think its closeing down soon anyways (
:thumbup I just had to thank you for your hard work and one of the best posts in this thread.
:bananajum I for one am really looking forward to the full movie. :bananajum
04-08-2009, 07:37 PM
A great clip thanks. I love watching women cut off dicks especially Asian women who can be the sexiest and most sadistic. Two qualities I love to see in ladies. :bananajum
04-08-2009, 07:49 PM
feels good to have people appreciate the work for a change its not easy getting these scenes i mean i know people like pics too but iam no artist and most the pics u can find are on the gurochan sites from penis guro 1 as far as i know all the way up to penis guro 9 with about 100 pics per penis guro site of course some are repeates and it is just animation but theres some good ones but as many videos out there of this actually happening makes me think its more popular then i orginally thought
04-08-2009, 07:51 PM
ya know this one has been around awhile but i dont remember if it was posted here or not its a japenese animie penectomy bite off scene
I was wondering if you found any clips of castratios. Penectomy is not quite the same thing as **********. Nullification would do, too.
04-08-2009, 08:08 PM
heres a vampiric type one caniablistic / witchcraft cant quite tell what they are but there immortals and they play helpless captives to some guys that think there easy pickings then punish em one gets his shlong blown off and the other guy thats in a wheelchair with a nasty attitude that brought up the guys that are holding the females captive is horney as hell and demands a blowjob and at first shes relunctunt but then she gets into it and gives them as much mercy as they where gonna give her and her friends who they thought they had right where they wanted em
04-08-2009, 08:11 PM
I was wondering if you found any clips of castratios. Penectomy is not quite the same thing as **********. Nullification would do, too.
ill look for ya like i said i get what i come across there not easy findings period but as many as there are it must be a common thing
04-09-2009, 10:16 AM
ill look for ya like i said i get what i come across there not easy findings period but as many as there are it must be a common thing
Man I dont know how the hell you find these things, mabye I just suck at searching for stuff but I have tried and the most that I find are pics that have already been posted to this thread. In either case thank you for your hard work, please know that it is greatly appreciated. Hell I signed up for a month of rapidshare just so I could download all the ones that you uploaded to that site in a reasonable amount of time.
04-09-2009, 09:07 PM
My new Cartoons can be found at
please leave a comment
04-10-2009, 07:54 AM
My new Cartoons can be found at
please leave a comment
Some really great drawings there. I wish I could draw like that.
04-10-2009, 05:18 PM
These are HOT! Great art. I personally wish that the amazons were not giants, though. I'd rather see regular sized women dominate the guys! For whatever reasons in outerspace or on a strange island, they just happen to be stronger than men.
From my site, Amazon Femdom ...
Amazon castrations! These particular images had to be removed from the site due to Verotel's content guidelines, so I'll post them here! Enjoy!
04-12-2009, 11:48 AM
very nice this cocks
love those meat.:iluvu:
04-12-2009, 12:48 PM
Any man taken prisoner of war should not be but should expect to be *********. It has been performed on POWs for centuries. About all you can hope for is that the one doing the slicing is as sexy Ilsa or even as hot as a good looking Vietnamese chick. If you are going to be made sexless it might as well be that the last thing you feel wrapped around your package is the hand of a woman. !! :cryingblu :machine:
is it real happen in war time???? male always get *********. I thought it justs make up story for people who like to read it, I never heard any news or from tv.:)
04-12-2009, 08:52 PM
is it real happen in war time???? male always get *********. I thought it justs make up story for people who like to read it, I never heard any news or from tv.:)
It did happen in Vietnam but the news media will not use the work *********.
They like to use the word tortured or mutilated, even now as to what is going on in the middle east. There were two soldiers captured and the media said mutilated. But the mutilation did consist of them being *********.
04-13-2009, 04:10 PM
This is the asian version has a manhood slice off scene after a fight and a ********** threat type intimidation with a guy tied down on the ground with his arms above him and his legs spread open wide as the back of a motorcycle tire spins fercoiously at his balls by asian woman threating to destroy his manhood (
04-13-2009, 07:40 PM
Did you see how fast she cut that thing between his legs off ? WOW.
I love it. Especially when done by a sexy Asian woman.!!!:bananad: :bananajum
04-13-2009, 09:51 PM
During the Vietnam war, an average of 700 men a year "survived" genital mutilations either loss of cock and or balls and were sent home sexless. Most from land mine schrapnel or a bullet slicing off their prick or nuts. :machine:
It did happen in Vietnam but the news media will not use the work *********.
They like to use the word tortured or mutilated, even now as to what is going on in the middle east. There were two soldiers captured and the media said mutilated. But the mutilation did consist of them being *********.
04-14-2009, 02:48 PM
During the Vietnam war, an average of 700 men a year "survived" genital mutilations either loss of cock and or balls and were sent home sexless. Most from land mine schrapnel or a bullet slicing off their prick or nuts. :machine:
I am not sure whether the Vietnam war stories were true or just an attempt to keep GIs from having sex with the locals.
04-14-2009, 11:13 PM
What sources do you have for your stats, fullsett? I'm curious where you saw that information about **********/penectomy during the Vietnam war.
04-15-2009, 07:01 AM
Looked like almost too fast cut off. A lot of GI's ended up coming home without their packages from what I hear.
04-16-2009, 12:30 AM
From film LOS OJOS DE LA VICTIMA, the ********** scene is so hot !
Another 2 movie are
El Castrado.
Dead Silence.
04-16-2009, 06:34 PM
Just an old clip of Cruella I came across. ********** fantasy with Miss Evil (
Maybe someone'll get something out of it.
Sorry if it's been posted before.
04-17-2009, 12:46 AM
Apparently there's at least 1 ********** scene in this movie:
I haven't watched it yet, but when I do I'll let you know when it happens
You have to sign up for an account to watch it, but its free.
04-17-2009, 01:44 AM
liked vey much the last 3 pics on this thread
thanks very much
04-18-2009, 11:12 AM
I have this one for now, but thats all. I will produce some more, but it takes time, probably this week.
Love those photos, excellent works, more please.:bananajum :bananad:
04-18-2009, 03:19 PM
Just an old clip of Cruella I came across. ********** fantasy with Miss Evil (
Maybe someone'll get something out of it.
Sorry if it's been posted before.
No kidding I saw this movie about 10 years ago online. Internet classic.
04-18-2009, 07:39 PM
VanD or others: what exactly is that tool that she's using on him? (No, I don't see anything like it at my local hardware store!)
I have seen this used before in a variety of scenes, commonly grabbing testicles (in the scrotum) with it, but more rarely also applied to the man's penis.
It would have been much more erotic (my opinion) if he had been totally erect, and if they showed in detail how they apply it to his hard cock and how they could use it to remove his male member. I think it's got rather dull rounded "jaws" that could apply severe pressure to an erect penis without actually removing it or doing much damage.
I would love to feel that cold steel coming down on my hard shaft ...
Just an old clip of Cruella I came across. ********** fantasy with Miss Evil (
Black Sky
04-19-2009, 02:53 AM
VanD or others: what exactly is that tool that she's using on him?
It's a burdizzo.
04-19-2009, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the Wikipaedia link! Not something I want to feel on my testicles:
"While the risks of blood loss and infection are low, anesthesia is a must, without which, the burdizzo causes blunt force causing trauma to the spermatic cords, which are thickly wrapped in nerve fibers. The pain caused by the burdizzo is immediately overwhelming, causing the human to collapse. Vomiting may well occur, and humans have entered a state of shock, and later coma, resulting in death from the intensity of this pain."
Not erotic, at least for this guy. But I would enjoy a woman applying something like that, with rounded (not sharp) "jaws", to my erection.
04-20-2009, 01:49 AM
the problem is small, if you cools your sac and egg with ice water.
i dit it often for horny tortureplays.
after ten minutes of sticking the tied sac in a big cup with ice water the sac is complete numb and your eggs too!
so the clambing would be no problem - complete painless!! and with a little cooling after the clambing from time to time you can decrease the hurts in the howers after the eggs death, until the bodie has accepted the new blood curcuit in your bellow, when the pressure in your unclambed cords rests or stumps is went back to a normal situation. Then you are feeling well again....
04-20-2009, 01:47 PM
...some pictures for you
04-20-2009, 03:32 PM
Apologies if this is the wrong place for this question, or if it has been asked before, but I am curious to know how many Dominant women out there have ********** fantasies.
04-20-2009, 08:10 PM
What sources do you have for your stats, fullsett? I'm curious where you saw that information about **********/penectomy during the Vietnam war.
Unfortunatly, I did not bookmark the sites. However I did locate this one again. The author has an anti US slant to his writing but his research on genital war injuries from the Civil War up through the Iraq War is pretty accurate. The "Bouncing Betty" aka "********** Mine" was used by the VC and NVA extensively in Vietnam. Ask any Vietnam Vet especially those that walked "point" what they feared, and I am sure they would tell you stepping on a Bouncing Betty and loosing everything from his waist down including his sex package.
Here is the site and some clips from it. I will try to find the others.
Dr. Imbascini said he amputated the genitals of one or two men every day.
Soldiers who survive suffer much more grievous injuries. Bulletproof Kevlar vests protect soldiers' bodies, but not their limbs, groin and genitals.
The war also witnessed the introduction of a new type of landmine, one that, when stepped upon, blew directly up and thus destroyed not only the victim's legs but genitals as well.
The Vietnam War witnessed the introduction of a still newer generation of weaponry that inflicted major physical calamities, including a significant increase in injuries to external male genitalia.
For men reared under the tyranny of patriarchal masculinity, nothing is so shameful as the loss or severe injury to one's genital, to a man's ability to sexually perform. Many men experience it as **********. The loss of an eye, hand, leg or other body part doesn't make a man any less of a man; each organ can be replaced, thus sometime even strengthening, empowering the man. However, the lose of the ability to sexually perform, to fuck, is for (some?, few?, many?, most?) men in America experienced as a lose of masculinity, a challenge to self-hood.
"because of frequent use of land mines [in Vietnam], such [genital] injuries accounted for 41.6 percent of all urogenital trauma." [Arneri, p. 3902] Looking at one brief period of the war, March 1966 to July 1967, the total number of hospitalized soldiers was 17,726, of which those who suffered external genitalia wounds were 594 or 3.4 percent.
04-21-2009, 10:03 AM
...some pictures for you
It look so nice. I love it....Thank you for sharing..!!
04-21-2009, 10:28 AM
Thanks for your source, fullsett. This covers occupational injuries, but doesn't mention capture & subsequent **********. Any statistics for the basis of the account of "Apache woman" from _One Shot One Kill_? I've read references to wartime ********** of POWs or the injured on the battlefield, such as Rudyard Kipling's allusion to Afghan females ********** fallen British soldiers. But I have yet to see statistics for those wars.
By the way, I couldn't get the link below to work no matter how I changed it. (Removing the extra '.', dropping the html, www, or http prefix.) Is the site still up?
04-21-2009, 10:33 AM
I lake ********* man.
the testiscle look good, seem nothing wrong with it, why he wanted to take it out, rare!!!:Baahaha:
04-21-2009, 10:36 AM
I have seen this picture before. I think it is on a photo hosting site called Webshots. The woman holdingup the testicle is a veterinary student studying to be a veterinarian. She herself has just ********* a large male dog and she is holding up his last testicle after she cut it off. It is part of a series of photos that shows this woman performing the entire **********. You can find the entire series at Webshots. Search under subjects like neuter surgery, or veterinary surgery, or veterinary school, subjects like that, you should be able to find this and more pics and series like it on some photo hosting sites.
By the way, I would love to be surgically ********* by this beautiful and omnipotent woman, especially if I was awake while she is doing it and if instead of surgical clothes she was wearing a regular long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. Then I would love to spend the rest of eternity personally serving and worshipping her as if she herself is God.
So the testiscle she holding is not belong to men???
04-21-2009, 04:46 PM
Very good looking this picture, and I love to be done the same cut off my ball .
this is crazy, why cut off their own testiscles, once it cut loose, never will have them back again, and will miss all the fun with the nuts.:soomad
04-21-2009, 04:47 PM
Here as a modest contribution to the group. A few pics about balls torture
Notice the few one that are nailed on a board. Its called a butterfly and may be an interesting preliminary to ********** securing the scrotum just before the removal.
seat4her :D
nice photos. want more, please.:bananajum :bananad:
04-21-2009, 06:25 PM
Thanks for your source, fullsett. This covers occupational injuries, but doesn't mention capture & subsequent **********. Any statistics for the basis of the account of "Apache woman" from _One Shot One Kill_? I've read references to wartime ********** of POWs or the injured on the battlefield, such as Rudyard Kipling's allusion to Afghan females ********** fallen British soldiers. But I have yet to see statistics for those wars.
By the way, I couldn't get the link below to work no matter how I changed it. (Removing the extra '.', dropping the html, www, or http prefix.) Is the site still up? (
Try to cut and paste the below to your browser. It worked when I tried it.
04-21-2009, 06:30 PM
Ok here it is i hope you enjoy it the first few seconds is not it but it turns into it so enjoy.Maybe someone elce had some nice clips to share.If so pm me or post them here.
just watched it, do you have the full version of the video!!! roy's nut hanging!!!:bananajum :bananad:
04-21-2009, 09:57 PM
So the testiscle she holding is not belong to men???
Here is a video link to what easily could have preceeded that picture. Ball exposure.
04-21-2009, 10:28 PM
great vid! thanx for the link. (It hurt just watching it....)
04-22-2009, 09:03 PM
I never thought of it that way. An occupational injuries, I got a chuckle out of that. I guess loosing your balls and or dick in battle is the ultimate occupational injury. I wonder how OSHA would handle that. In the book Marine Sniper, it was documented that the Apache Woman, an attractive 30 year old VC ********* about 15 soldiers after torturing them for hours. She even used live rats on some, ouch !!!
I read another account from a female Vietnam nurse who witnessed a whole squad of GIs that were captured, stripped naked, hung by their ankles, *********, and had the severed genitals stuffed in their mouth. I will post the name of the book and the author when I find the site.
I have not heard of the Afghan women ********** soldiers but it is not surprising. Many times POWs are turned over to women to be tortured and sexually mutilated.:cryingblu
Thanks for your source, fullsett. This covers occupational injuries, but doesn't mention capture & subsequent **********. Any statistics for the basis of the account of "Apache woman" from _One Shot One Kill_? I've read references to wartime ********** of POWs or the injured on the battlefield, such as Rudyard Kipling's allusion to Afghan females ********** fallen British soldiers. But I have yet to see statistics for those wars.
By the way, I couldn't get the link below to work no matter how I changed it. (Removing the extra '.', dropping the html, www, or http prefix.) Is the site still up?
04-23-2009, 11:34 AM
"We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."
The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review
Mention of Afghan women ********** fallen British soldiers can be found here:
Afghan women ********* all the male captives before they killed them with knives. Rudyard Kipling had this to say about Afghanistan:
‘When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your Gawd like a soldier!’
04-24-2009, 03:01 PM
This is nice scene between 4:20 and 4:35
The alien say that he cut a tongues, but i think that was something different ;)
04-26-2009, 01:46 AM
How many fantastic videos and pictures! But why can't I access into megavideo or youtube? I'm in China now....:o
04-26-2009, 06:50 AM
:eek: (
Luv this scenario with a pretty young amazon and a captive, and her enjoying his babbling as she waits to take her trophy. a weell done image and I hope there is a stroy board of pictures to a bloody end. tanks for the fantasy image
04-26-2009, 04:43 PM
:eek: (
wow! looks good! she's so cute!
Can you post the vieo please?
04-27-2009, 10:26 AM
this is a old black and white movie from the 60s it envolves a group of woman ********** a guy and teaseing him before the police catch them and him all cuddled over holding his missing parts in his hands nothing actually seen but i hadnt contributed in awhile getting more diffucult to find these vids so iam comming up with the best i can
04-27-2009, 10:40 AM
:eek: (
It looks good..!! Really want to watch the film..!!
04-27-2009, 11:29 AM
a woman is raped by a group of hunters and her bf put in the hospital and she wants revenge all she can remember is reading the back of one of the hunters jackets that had his hunting id on it which is stupied for him anyways to make a long story short these hunters that raped her get robbed and she ends up punishing the wrong people but she doesnt figure that out to the end and shes just pist that none of these guys remember her as if she wasnt there first or there was soo many people they raped before but in her head she believes she killing the right people until the end when she finds out from her bf that is out of the hospital that the cops found and caught who put him in the hospital and raped her so it kinda sets itself up for another revenge type movie lol
It looks good..!! Really want to watch the film..!!
would like to see if real please if fake could still be interesting
a woman is raped by a group of hunters and her bf put in the hospital and she wants revenge all she can remember is reading the back of one of the hunters jackets that had his hunting id on it which is stupied for him anyways to make a long story short these hunters that raped her get robbed and she ends up punishing the wrong people but she doesnt figure that out to the end and shes just pist that none of these guys remember her as if she wasnt there first or there was soo many people they raped before but in her head she believes she killing the right people until the end when she finds out from her bf that is out of the hospital that the cops found and caught who put him in the hospital and raped her so it kinda sets itself up for another revenge type movie lol
Thanks for your time
04-27-2009, 05:48 PM
:eek: (
Please, please, please tell us where we can find this video. :ibow4u:
04-27-2009, 08:26 PM
this is a old black and white movie from the 60s it envolves a group of woman ********** a guy and teaseing him before the police catch them and him all cuddled over holding his missing parts in his hands nothing actually seen but i hadnt contributed in awhile getting more diffucult to find these vids so iam comming up with the best i can
Great flik. I had a boner the whole time these women were taunting and ********** this poor bastard.:bananajum
04-27-2009, 08:32 PM
Thanks for your time
Great !!!! I loved the close up of her holding his severed cock & nads in her hand.:jumpsmile
04-28-2009, 01:10 AM
My goodness. The Hunting Season clip was very exciting. How you are able to find such treasures? Bravo!
04-28-2009, 12:48 PM
A beautiful housekeeper loves cherry boy's lovely penis.
She happily cuts out her penis. And, it eats the penis delicious.
04-28-2009, 01:40 PM
see this
:jumpsmileGreat pictures - :bananad:
04-28-2009, 11:29 PM
Thanks for the link on the Afghan women. Can you imagine lying helpless on the battlefield and seeing a young womam coming towards you knowing she is going to slice off your manhood as you are ****** to watch ??!!
I wonder if your whole sex life flashes before your eyes as she cuts it off.
I have some more info on Viet chicks that loved to deball and decock enemy soldiers that I will post.
"We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."
The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review
Mention of Afghan women ********** fallen British soldiers can be found here:
Afghan women ********* all the male captives before they killed them with knives. Rudyard Kipling had this to say about Afghanistan:
‘When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your Gawd like a soldier!’
04-29-2009, 09:29 AM
there is the url...
but you must be member!!! it is free to become member! all you need is to... send them a video of you...
do you have this video, I love to see how much his balls can take it.:)
04-30-2009, 05:50 AM
a satantic cult type of guys are forceing a girl to give the guy head and she bites it off and spits it out before the actual evil beings come by her and him cuddled on the ground pick up his missing head and chews it (
04-30-2009, 06:56 AM
This site is wonderful.Thanks for everything..
04-30-2009, 07:48 AM
a satantic cult type of guys are forceing a girl to give the guy head and she bites it off and spits it out before the actual evil beings come by her and him cuddled on the ground pick up his missing head and chews it (
Thanks.It's good vid...And somebody help me?? I can't see Attached Pictures...How can i activate my account :S
04-30-2009, 11:32 AM
Another xcbt ********** video
04-30-2009, 03:24 PM
Another xcbt ********** video
04-30-2009, 03:24 PM
do you have the pass word for the rars
04-30-2009, 11:56 PM
well untill comedyst ( gets back with the pass word heres some art from me i hope this is the right section
05-01-2009, 03:00 AM
pass: palmito (Try this pass)
05-01-2009, 04:23 AM
pass: palmito (Try this pass)
Real funny posting password protected files without the password.
Lucky for us there are password crack programs.
I got the file unpacked, but it is 569 MegaBytes. Where can I upload it ?
I understand that people put passwords on files, so website administrators do not know what the content is. But if you want to share a file, supply the password.
edit: the password is not palmito. (just in case you were wondering)
05-01-2009, 05:13 AM
Real funny posting password protected files without the password.
Lucky for us there are password crack programs.
I got the file unpacked, but it is 569 MegaBytes. Where can I upload it ?
I understand that people put passwords on files, so website administrators do not know what the content is. But if you want to share a file, supply the password.
edit: the password is not palmito. (just in case you were wondering)
I found the password..
Another xcbt ********** video
could anyone generate the thumbnails for this video (with mpc etc.) and share it here? it's a relatively bigger video, people should want to decide does it worth to download.
Here is a small one
large enough...thanks
05-02-2009, 05:25 AM
well untill comedyst ( gets back with the pass word heres some art from me i hope this is the right section
That Is So Hot!!!
05-02-2009, 05:06 PM
I found the password..
Neither password works for me. Any others? :(
05-02-2009, 09:43 PM
fullsett, that was a funny thought- having your whole sexual life flash before your eyes as your genitals lay before the ********** knife on the battlefield.
By the way, some here mentioned the posted_by_barbara password didn't work for them on the xcbt rars . It worked just fine for me once I had all the parts.
05-03-2009, 05:43 AM
Cool Video. The password "posted_by_barbara" worked for me.
05-03-2009, 09:24 AM
Not my sort of thing but found this nasty pic.
05-03-2009, 12:00 PM
I love see pic and vdo **********:)
05-03-2009, 09:00 PM
I love picture and vdo ********** :bananajum:bananajum:iluvu::iluvu:
05-04-2009, 08:12 AM
Has anyone ever seen this movie? I saw it years ago, but only on VHS. Not sure if it made it to DVD. It was not graphic like some of today's movies, more along the lines of Hard Candy, where it is implied. Still, pretty good though.
05-04-2009, 08:52 AM
Fantastic place! It's amazing!
05-04-2009, 09:27 AM
05-04-2009, 09:49 AM
Look at her face, the joy!
05-04-2009, 10:09 AM
i luv the attitude, going to make this my profile!
05-04-2009, 10:17 AM
Not my sort of thing but found this nasty pic.
Yep, nasty indeed! :-) nice find! There obviously is one more "happy" fellow without balls around...
05-04-2009, 01:18 PM
well untill comedyst ( gets back with the pass word heres some art from me i hope this is the right section
horny pics, but with such a hot rockhard cock the blood had to spray wide and thick in a great arc from the cock root!!:bananawin
05-04-2009, 01:53 PM
Has anyone ever seen this movie? I saw it years ago, but only on VHS. Not sure if it made it to DVD. It was not graphic like some of today's movies, more along the lines of Hard Candy, where it is implied. Still, pretty good though.
I searched through torrent sites looking for that movie. I could not find it.
All I have are short clips.
05-04-2009, 05:21 PM
Very, very nice. Yes, it's not graphic, but the man is restrained, helpless, sort of like a ****. No doubt what they did to him.
this is a old black and white movie from the 60s it envolves a group of woman ********** a guy and teaseing him before the police catch them and him all cuddled over holding his missing parts in his hands nothing actually seen but i hadnt contributed in awhile getting more diffucult to find these vids so iam comming up with the best i can
05-04-2009, 08:29 PM
I love this clip. The close up if him looking at his severed cock and balls in her hand reminded me of this account from the biography "Marine Sniper" where the Viet Cong Female castrates her captive.
As the fog thickened just before dawn, the Viet Cong woman torturer completed her work on her prisoner. "Goddamn-fucking GI. You no fuck no more," she said, as she approached him with a long, curved knife in her hand. Taking his genitals in her left hand, she jammed the blade's point beneath the base of his penis, grazing his pubic bone. She pulled the knife with a sweeping, circular cut that released both testicles and his penis in one large handful of flesh that gushed with blood.
a woman is raped by a group of hunters and her bf put in the hospital and she wants revenge all she can remember is reading the back of one of the hunters jackets that had his hunting id on it which is stupied for him anyways to make a long story short these hunters that raped her get robbed and she ends up punishing the wrong people but she doesnt figure that out to the end and shes just pist that none of these guys remember her as if she wasnt there first or there was soo many people they raped before but in her head she believes she killing the right people until the end when she finds out from her bf that is out of the hospital that the cops found and caught who put him in the hospital and raped her so it kinda sets itself up for another revenge type movie lol
05-04-2009, 08:30 PM
Has anyone ever seen this movie? I saw it years ago, but only on VHS. Not sure if it made it to DVD. It was not graphic like some of today's movies, more along the lines of Hard Candy, where it is implied. Still, pretty good though.
yeah i have and if u went though all the videos on here youd know that i posted a couple from that video on here
05-05-2009, 05:07 AM
It's a killer pic. The girl shows her upskirt undies while ********** her slave. The slave is on all fours like her doggy.
05-05-2009, 03:34 PM
anyone get a good burdizzo pic ?
05-05-2009, 11:25 PM
This will teach him not to piss off his girlfriend. Although he may never have another if his sewed on cock does not work. LOL!!!:D (
Fit of jealousy costs An Giang youth his manhood
Cho Ray Hospital Saturday admitted a twenty-nine-year-old man from An Giang Province whose jealous girlfriend had severed his genitals.
His relative said N.D.L’s girlfriend had cut the victim’s penis off during a manic fit of jealousy, and thrown it in the front yard before running away.
His family took him to the loca hospital along with his severed member in a plastic bag inside an icebox, before moving him to HCMC’s Cho Ray Hospital.
It took doctors more than two hours to reconnect the arteries, veins, nerves and other tiny parts of his penis.
“The severed organ has shown signs of revival after the reattachment,” said Dr. Duong Quang Vu, the main surgeon. “However, it will take a couple days more to ascertain (the extent of recovery).”
“Operating within six hours from the time the penis has been separated from its owner would ensure the operation’s success. But this is a 13-hour case,” he added.
05-06-2009, 12:21 AM
Soldiers in Vietnam did not have to be on the battlefield to lose their genitals. I remember reading a Look Magazine issue, a large format weekly news magazine popular in the 70s. An article discussed the night life in Saigon and the dangers horny GIs encountered. It described how female Viet gang members would pose as whores. They would lead a GI down a dark alley with the promise of sex. At a predetermined point, she would stop and pull down his pants. Then a group of her fellow gang members would come out of hiding with sticks and other weapons. They would beat the hell out of the guy. They would hold him down as the woman went through his pockets and remove any jewelry if he was stupid enough to wear any. She would then add to the GIs "humilation". She would go down between his legs as the men held his legs apart. She would ******** him with her knife or straight razor.
Ouch. Talk about the ultimate war wound. How do you explain that to your friends and family when you get home?
"We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."
The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review
Mention of Afghan women ********** fallen British soldiers can be found here:
Afghan women ********* all the male captives before they killed them with knives. Rudyard Kipling had this to say about Afghanistan:
‘When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your brains, and go to your Gawd like a soldier!’
05-06-2009, 06:19 AM
Just an old clip of Cruella I came across. ********** fantasy with Miss Evil (
Maybe someone'll get something out of it.
Sorry if it's been posted before.
Thanks VanDattum.
It's nice to see this old clip in a format bigger than postage-stamp size.
Now, does anyone happen to have that a large version of old Cruella clip in which a beautiful, long-haired woman threatens a masked man with a knife in her kitchen? The scene ends with her telling him: "I'm gonna cut your knob off". Classic stuff.
Great vampire pictures, by the way.
05-07-2009, 04:59 AM
this looks amazing yet no reply on where video comes from :confused:
05-07-2009, 12:33 PM
havent made any new videos ya but ill get around to it
05-08-2009, 04:10 PM
join my group and help yourself
i have no restrictions
05-09-2009, 01:53 AM
I just watched a movie called "Storm Warning" (2007). I found it on a well known internet based dvd rental agency. Three men living alone on an island are visited by a couple who is lost. Turns out the three men are crazy drug dealers. They make the couple slaves. Pretty disturbing stuff, including the butchering of a baby kangaroo. However, around one hour ten minutes into the film, one of the "farmers" rapes the woman. Turns out she inserted a personal defense device which really tore him up. A few minutes later we see him trying to remove it with pliers. The family dog finishes what she starts. Very graphic.
05-09-2009, 04:07 PM
Something like this.....?:jumpsmile
05-11-2009, 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by Intact4Now (
"We had a whole squad that was brought in one day. They had been hung up by their ankles. Their genitals had been cut off and stuffed in their mouth."
The quote's source is Christine L. Kane's "Inside the Death Factory: Women of Vietnam", an article in the Boston Review
( (
Wow. I know that better body armor has allowed more to "survive" their injuries. Loosing your genitals to an IED is bad enough, but to be hung by your ankles knowing your balls and schlong were about to be cut off and watching as they are shoved in your mouth has to be the ultimate "war wound". The VC were vicious in what they did to prisoners, but there are incidents where US troops did ******** their prisoners. I guess this is what is meant by "all is fair in love and war".:machine:
05-12-2009, 09:15 AM
I remember a photo from cuddlynecrobabes or such that had a photo of a female vampire holding a severed cock with nuns standing around her schocked and many severed cocks stashed about the castle like room. Very hot photo.
05-13-2009, 06:11 AM
I love collection of ********** weak man movie and photo, especially when they scream with pain. Its hot !
Anyone watch film : El Castrado, storm warning, Sweatshop (, Jessicka Rabid (,
She-Demons of the Black Sun (, Forest Cult Ritual (
I learn that these film ********** scene is quite graphic.
Any movie clip available??
05-14-2009, 12:44 PM
this is a old black and white movie from the 60s it envolves a group of woman ********** a guy and teaseing him before the police catch them and him all cuddled over holding his missing parts in his hands nothing actually seen but i hadnt contributed in awhile getting more diffucult to find these vids so iam comming up with the best i can
this one is a classic - much more fantasy than gore and better than most on the site
05-14-2009, 01:01 PM
Something like this.....?:jumpsmile
was this done by a girl with a pair of scissors if it was its cool.:bananajum she can do mine too.
05-14-2009, 01:17 PM
Fake ********** news story. Gets good around 1:40 and at the end:
Just wanted to post in this topic as it is one of my favourite topics to discuss. I love the notion of a man getting his nuts removed by whatever non-surgical means.
More though, I love the idea of a man having his penis removed. I enjoy reading historical accounts where this has been done.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not a man-hater or anything. Quite the contrary. I just find the thought of a guy getting his penis/nuts taken away to be quite arousing.
This is a favorite fanatsy of mine, and I especially like the descriptions of various tribes of Native americans, and the tortures they performed on captives, and the penectomies after victories. There are several excellent stories of captives sufferieng ********** and torture at the hands of warrior women and the tortures they performed. I especially enjoy the tales of amazons and their exploits, and the fantasy of being defeated and then stripped and *********, as I ly there helples is so exciting. It was so exciting to hear from a woman who enjoys the other end of this fantasy.
05-15-2009, 12:43 AM
This is a favorite fanatsy of mine, and I especially like the descriptions of various tribes of Native americans, and the tortures they performed on captives, and the penectomies after victories. There are several excellent stories of captives sufferieng ********** and torture at the hands of warrior women and the tortures they performed. I especially enjoy the tales of amazons and their exploits, and the fantasy of being defeated and then stripped and *********, as I ly there helples is so exciting. It was so exciting to hear from a woman who enjoys the other end of this fantasy.
How about stories of Viet Cong women cutting off the cocks and balls of their bound and helpless captives. The higher ranking officers were often taken to the Hanoi Hilton and tortured yes but not like others. The enlisted men and lower ranking officers were not as fortunate. They were often sexually taunted and their genitals skinned and removed by women for the entertainment of the other VC and NVA.
05-15-2009, 10:55 AM
Hello, here are a few pictures that I came across. Hope there is something new for some of you.
05-15-2009, 08:53 PM
Hello, here are a few pictures that I came across. Hope there is something new for some of you.
Great. I really love the one with the Asian beauty Mai Lin about to emasculate her captive.:bananad:
05-16-2009, 03:43 PM
heres a intresting one u dont get to see the cutters face so you cant tell if its a guy or girl doing the cutting so use ur imageination to whatever pleases you best a guy is makeing a type of bondage rope porno with his girl they hear something outside but hes a big dude he can handle whosever outside so he leaves her tied up in the chair and goes to investigate with a knife gets his wang cut off and the terror on his face is pretty belieavable and he passes out and the person who cut off his wang goes into the house where his girl is still tied up in a chair and as shes screaming the castrator shoves her bfs severed penis into her mouth and grabs her throat and chokes her with her bfs penis in her mouth interesting sounding right
05-17-2009, 01:20 PM
Reedkritt does it again folks.
Dude, you are the man. :)
05-17-2009, 07:05 PM
This lady published a book on the subject of **********. She's very cute and in her biography, pulled a kid by his penis on her bike when she was 14. She's an erotic dancer now. The book is a collection of stories written mostly by her, but a lot of other people contributed. It's violent, but really good. There's a sample of it on the website. Highly recommended: The Adventures of Betty Johnson.
05-17-2009, 07:33 PM
Isn't this the Betty girl who had a page about biting?
05-17-2009, 10:58 PM
Betty Johnson is a fantasy, not a real person...
05-18-2009, 03:51 PM
havent made any new videos ya but ill get around to it
whow! these are really pics - very amazing!!:bananawin
05-19-2009, 08:09 AM
Scrotum is sliced, testicle is bared, tortured, and re-inserted, then sac is stitched, all in clinical setting
Sadly, it doesn't appear women are involved... interesting nonetheless
scaring me
oh my god
05-19-2009, 11:49 AM
Extreme ball exposure....:wooow
05-19-2009, 12:51 PM
This is a favorite fanatsy of mine, and I especially like the descriptions of various tribes of Native americans, and the tortures they performed on captives, and the penectomies after victories. There are several excellent stories of captives sufferieng ********** and torture at the hands of warrior women and the tortures they performed. I especially enjoy the tales of amazons and their exploits, and the fantasy of being defeated and then stripped and *********, as I ly there helples is so exciting. It was so exciting to hear from a woman who enjoys the other end of this fantasy.
jlj, if you have any of those stories (in your head, or from books) of Native Americans, can you share them with us? I would like to learn more. I recall reading that the word "scalping" was often a euphemism for "**********" to spare the sensibilities of women and children, when attacks were discussed in the newspapers. Any real stories of what happened?
In Yugoslavia's Serbian wars something similar happened. "In one incident, prisoners were lined up naked while Serb women from outside undressed in front of the prisoners. If any prisoner had an erection, his penis was cut off. The witness saw a named Serbian woman thus ******** a prisoner."
This is an intriguing account because it clearly took some planning in advance. Somewhere in Serbia is a woman who participated in this emasculation, perhaps in the planning. Was it her idea? Did she suggest it to the prison authorities and they agreed to set it up? What about the women who undressed in front of the prisoners, and presumably watched the ensuing cutting of erect penises? How were they convinced to participate in this? did someone explain what would happen, and they thought it might be exciting? Or were they deceived, and the cutting a shocking surprise?
Somewhere in Serbia there are some women I would really like to interview!
05-20-2009, 07:28 AM
Ball extreme torture video :17MB
05-20-2009, 08:49 AM
jlj, if you have any of those stories (in your head, or from books) of Native Americans, can you share them with us? I would like to learn more. I recall reading that the word "scalping" was often a euphemism for "**********" to spare the sensibilities of women and children, when attacks were discussed in the newspapers. Any real stories of what happened?
In Yugoslavia's Serbian wars something similar happened. "In one incident, prisoners were lined up naked while Serb women from outside undressed in front of the prisoners. If any prisoner had an erection, his penis was cut off. The witness saw a named Serbian woman thus ******** a prisoner."
This is an intriguing account because it clearly took some planning in advance. Somewhere in Serbia is a woman who participated in this emasculation, perhaps in the planning. Was it her idea? Did she suggest it to the prison authorities and they agreed to set it up? What about the women who undressed in front of the prisoners, and presumably watched the ensuing cutting of erect penises? How were they convinced to participate in this? did someone explain what would happen, and they thought it might be exciting? Or were they deceived, and the cutting a shocking surprise?
Somewhere in Serbia there are some women I would really like to interview!
I'm from Serbia... your story is totaly nonsense !!! You dreamed it?
05-20-2009, 10:05 AM
Actually, prisoners of Serbians were ********* & subjected to sexual humiliation. Here's a reference:**********+of+serbian+prisoners&source=bl&ots=tnsGh4brJ1&sig=mf6gn-dp2qHz3UBkXzae3aerGoc&hl=en&ei=2yYUSpzpEYbmsgOE1cTqDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10 . It's from Kelly Dawn Askin's _War Crimes Against Women_, & in the chapter she mentions how men were sexually humiliated/tortured, as well. The chapter is titled, "Crimes Against Women During the Yugoslav Conflict", & seems to chronicle atrocities of the early 1990s.
It's not the only online reference to how Serbians treated Bosnian (Muslim) prisoners of war.
No one's claiming that all Serbians participated; rather, some Serbians treated their enemies this way, & it interests many here that the particular torture was aimed at men's genitals.
05-20-2009, 10:15 AM
Actually, prisoners of Serbians were ********* & subjected to sexual humiliation. Here's a reference:**********+of+serbian+prisoners&source=bl&ots=tnsGh4brJ1&sig=mf6gn-dp2qHz3UBkXzae3aerGoc&hl=en&ei=2yYUSpzpEYbmsgOE1cTqDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10 . It's from Kelly Dawn Askin's _War Crimes Against Women_, & in the chapter she mentions how men were sexually humiliated/tortured, as well. The chapter is titled, "Crimes Against Women During the Yugoslav Conflict", & seems to chronicle atrocities of the early 1990s.
It's not the only online reference to how Serbians treated Bosnian (Muslim) prisoners of war.
No one's claiming that all Serbians participated; rather, some Serbians treated their enemies this way, & it interests many here that the particular torture was aimed at men's genitals.
totaly offtopic,butt where the Serb prisoners in this story? propagand is a Miracle...
05-20-2009, 03:24 PM
totaly offtopic,butt were the Serb prisoners in this story? propaganda is a Miracle...
This story is well-documented. A team of medical and legal experts, mostly women from the U.S., visited the war-torn sections of former Yugoslavia, and interviewed hundreds of witnesses, mostly victims of ****. These U.S. experts have no ax to grind (i.e. they are only interested in medical and emotional recovery, truth, and justice) - most people in the U.S. know very little about that awful conflict and don't care who won or lost. See
for the report, and see Section 3, paragraph 7 for the description of this specific event. To answer your question, the Serbs were in charge of the prison, and Bosnians were the prisoners.
You seem upset that Serbs might actually do something evil. In that conflict, both sides did terrible things, and it appears that Serbs did it as a matter of official policy, approved from the top down. There is no society on earth that is comprised of all good people, and when evil is approved at the top they can do evil things and believe it's "right". The U.S. is no exception; more than 100 detainees - many innocent of any "acts of terrorism" - have died in U.S. custody in Iraq and Afghanistan, some beaten to death. These are also documented, but not well-known. The controversy about "aggressive interrogations" including waterboarding is ongoing here and in the news almost every day. At least in a free society we can debate it and talk about it.
Let's leave politics out of this. I don't care if the Serb woman who did this is "good" or "evil"; I just want to talk to her. Maybe you can help us locate her, how about that?
05-20-2009, 08:54 PM
So far, no review has gone into gruesome details, though, from what we gather, here's how it goes down, more or less: After knocking him ***********, Gainsbourg bores a hole in Dafoe's leg with a hand drill and bolts him to a grindstone to keep him from escaping. Then, she smashes his scrotum with some sort of blunt object (the moment of impact happens slightly below the frame). We don't actually see his testicles become disengaged from this body, though it's apparently implied. Next, she brings him to a climax with her hands and he ejaculates blood (yes, it's shown). But that's not all! Later, in an extreme closeup — lensed by Oscar-winning Slumdog Millionaire cinematographer Anthony Dod Mantle! — Gainsbourg cuts off her own clitoris with a pair of scissors.
05-21-2009, 12:53 AM
Home extreme ball torture video. 23MB flv
05-21-2009, 02:57 AM
Extreme 48 amateur pictures:**********,torture: 40BM/rar/
05-21-2009, 06:45 AM
I found these on a yahoo group.
They are obviously photoshop creations. In fact, I doubt anything like this has ever been done.
I would think this would be very painful, and slow.
Interesting though I thought.
05-21-2009, 01:14 PM
[quote=Finder;64138]jlj, if you have any of those stories (in your head, or from books) of Native Americans, can you share them with us? I would like to learn more. I recall reading that the word "scalping" was often a euphemism for "**********" to spare the sensibilities of women and children, when attacks were discussed in the newspapers. Any real stories of what happened?
OK, I have a story I write a long time ago about native americans - it es to big to share here, send me your e-mail and I will send it to you
05-21-2009, 01:35 PM
@ abbey: Rapidshare is a pain in the a#* (and not in any good way....) Could You please provide that file via torrent or anything else??? please :jumpsmile
edit: Ok, so, after nearly uncountable attempts I worked at last. And OMG, was it worth it!!!
The collection sent shivers up and down my spine - and every other pic made me feel a very deep pain "down there"....
05-21-2009, 08:09 PM
[quote=Finder;64138]jlj, if you have any of those stories (in your head, or from books) of Native Americans, can you share them with us? I would like to learn more.
OK, I have a story I write a long time ago about native americans - it is too big to share here, send me your e-mail and I will send it to you
Gracias AJG for that offer. You can email me at cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com. Looking forward to your story. If you are interested, I can also post it to EA (Eunuch Archives) and give you credit of course as the author.
Best wishes,
05-22-2009, 08:00 AM
Gracias AJG for that offer. You can email me at cho_pitoff (at) yahoo (dot) com. Looking forward to your story. If you are interested, I can also post it to EA (Eunuch Archives) and give you credit of course as the author.
Best wishes,
Yes, I posted it there years ago, here it es for all are intrest to read it, sorry it is so long
05-23-2009, 11:30 PM
Extreme 2..... 74 amateur pictures + video:**********,torture...: 38BM/rar/
no pass
05-24-2009, 06:01 PM
I came across this on Youtube.
I don't really have words for it. It's... different to say the least.
I personally liked it : )
She first plays with it, then un-sheaths it and eventually crushes the inside between her fingers. :D
05-25-2009, 06:47 AM
Extreme 3..... 56 amateur pictures + video:**********,torture,penis amputation...: 91BM/rar/
no pass....
05-25-2009, 10:02 AM
@ abbey: Rapidshare is a pain in the a#* (and not in any good way....) Could You please provide that file via torrent or anything else??? please :jumpsmile
edit: Ok, so, after nearly uncountable attempts I worked at last. And OMG, was it worth it!!!
The collection sent shivers up and down my spine - and every other pic made me feel a very deep pain "down there"....
How about Mediafire-dot-com? It's free, it's fast, it's unlimited.
05-25-2009, 04:19 PM
Hello, here are a few pictures that I came across. Hope there is something new for some of you.
I have done a lot of photo manip over the years and these are some very early ones. I take images in free circulation off the net and change them to suit my own ********** fantasy, often adding text. I am not sure if all the text on these is original but the image manip is mine still. There are hundreds more at**********
I have done a wide variety of images so I hope you can see something you like :)
05-26-2009, 05:22 AM
Saw this today in the news.... not my thing at all as its M/M ********** in a love-rival OJ Simpson sort of way, but sure some of you will like it...,,2-10-1462_2521906,00.html
05-27-2009, 07:18 PM
I have done a lot of photo manip over the years and these are some very early ones. I take images in free circulation off the net and change them to suit my own ********** fantasy, often adding text. I am not sure if all the text on these is original but the image manip is mine still. There are hundreds more at**********
I have done a wide variety of images so I hope you can see something you like :)
It sounds hot but thedarkspot requires a person to register and login before viewing. Seems a bother. Is it worth it?
05-27-2009, 07:33 PM
Extreme 3..... 56 amateur pictures + video:**********,torture,penis amputation...: 91BM/rar/
no pass....
87.2 MB and an 8 min download time. That is a lot of memory. And then it didn't play. Makes me wonder now just what was downloaded into my computer. Why rar and not wmv? I'm disappointed. It sounded soooo good.
05-27-2009, 07:48 PM
I came across this on Youtube.
I don't really have words for it. It's... different to say the least.
I personally liked it : )
She first plays with it, then un-sheaths it and eventually crushes the inside between her fingers. :D
Really nice. The link from there "when neuters go wrong" was awesome. Smooth muscle contractions had an ex-vivo testicle moving. ( a dog's , i think)
05-27-2009, 09:12 PM
Really nice. The link from there "when neuters go wrong" was awesome. Smooth muscle contractions had an ex-vivo testicle moving. ( a dog's , i think)
That was very weird...I didn't think testicles had muscles that moved like that, especially after being removed!!
05-27-2009, 10:57 PM
Yes, that was interesting - I think human testicles have that too (or at least in the scrotum) to regulate temperature - if it is too cold they contract and get pulled closer to the body.
05-28-2009, 01:44 AM
You are right pianoboy, human testicles have got a muscle called cremaster that contracts to make testicles come close to the body in some situatios such as low temperature.
05-28-2009, 04:39 AM
87.2 MB and an 8 min download time. That is a lot of memory. And then it didn't play. Makes me wonder now just what was downloaded into my computer. Why rar and not wmv? I'm disappointed. It sounded soooo good.
.rar is the extention of WinRAR this is an archive program you can download a free trial online. I tested the file and it works just fine.
When you have an archive program that can handle rar files simply open it in the program and you can extract the folder.
anyways interesting collection thanks for posting it ;)
05-28-2009, 05:47 PM
.rar is the extention of WinRAR this is an archive program you can download a free trial online. I tested the file and it works just fine.
When you have an archive program that can handle rar files simply open it in the program and you can extract the folder.
anyways interesting collection thanks for posting it ;)
Thanks for this assistance. I found a free trial download and was able to see all of the jpg's. the two video clips are avi format. I've never gotten anything but audio and psychadelic images when I've tried to play one of those. VLC is supposed to be able to , but, windows tends to pick things up in default.
05-28-2009, 07:09 PM
Thanks for this assistance. I found a free trial download and was able to see all of the jpg's. the two video clips are avi format. I've never gotten anything but audio and psychadelic images when I've tried to play one of those. VLC is supposed to be able to , but, windows tends to pick things up in default.
There is also a fully free program for extracting rar files that can be found at The program is called 7-zip and is one of the most commonly used rar and zip extraction programs in the IT community. As far as the vids are concerned, have you got VLC set as the default player for avi?
05-29-2009, 01:17 AM
It sounds hot but thedarkspot requires a person to register and login before viewing. Seems a bother. Is it worth it?
yes,it's worth it
05-29-2009, 03:02 AM
There is also a fully free program for extracting rar files that can be found at The program is called 7-zip and is one of the most commonly used rar and zip extraction programs in the IT community. As far as the vids are concerned, have you got VLC set as the default player for avi?
yeah 7-zip will also work I was just too lazy to install it 6 months ago when I had to reinstall windows.
since we are talking about compression programs for people to install we should also post a bit of a warning.
some compression software can cause problems with installer files. If you find that you get errors when trying to install a program saying the installer is corrupted check your compression software prefs. The prefs will list what file types that will be opened using the compression software remove the check for .CAB file type and retry your installer ;)
In some cases the compression software will set itself to handle a file type it doesn't always play well with.
I won't bash any programs on here so just keep that in mind as a possible issue.
05-29-2009, 05:11 AM
I have always fantasized about having my balls busted by an extremely sadistic dominatrix, looks unimportant. The dominatrix would have me bound en strappado. My arms would be pulled up behind my back ******* my upper body to be parallel to the floor. My legs would be sprad apart as far as possible and anchored in place. My neck ideally would be placed in stocks and I would be tightly gagged. The stocks would be big enough to prevent me from seeing anything going on behind me. Any additional bondage would be applied to my body to prevent me from moving as little as possible.
The dominatrix would then be permitted to torture me most any way she wishes until I agree to permit her to crush my balls into mush. The methods the dominatrix could use to get me to agree to permit her to crush my balls would include,but not be limited to, whipping, needle play, branding, use of fire and ice, electric and electric shock, just to name a few.
Once I agree to permit the dominatrix to bust my balls, she would kick them until there was nothing left of my gonads but mush.
Unfortanutately this is very dangerous and definitely not advisible. However I wonder if there really would be any female ball busters out there that would be interested.
Castratrix's pet
05-29-2009, 07:08 AM
Unfortanutately this is very dangerous and definitely not advisible. However I wonder if there really would be any female ball busters out there that would be interested.
I have wondered if there are any females (dominatrix/castratrix) out there who would be interested in rolling up her sleeves and surgically ********** me in front of an all woman audiance, doing the ********** the way a surgeon or veterinarian would do it, then keeping me as her very own personal eunuch slave/pet, one that she herself had cut.
05-29-2009, 08:39 AM
14 Extreme pic.testicle outdoor 11MB JPG WinRar
05-29-2009, 10:32 AM
14 Extreme pic.testicle outdoor 11MB JPG WinRar
Very NICE. I'd love to see the doing before the done.
05-29-2009, 11:29 AM
Has anyone got any good pictures of a sac being removed and the testicles being tortured while exposed and hanging?
05-29-2009, 02:29 PM
I was surprised to see this on youtube, so I doubt if it will be there long. I am sure it will be pulled. This is done by men, but there are women watching.
05-29-2009, 11:53 PM
It's already gone :-( that was fast!! Does anyone have a copy? Now I'm really curious!
Buxom Ballbusters Illustrated Stories
Gestapo Mistress, Dommy mommies, femdom cuckolding!
Castratrix's pet
05-30-2009, 07:03 AM
Any pics showing her doing the cutting, perhaps his balls and a scalpel in her bloody hands? Please.
05-30-2009, 05:20 PM
14 Extreme pic.testicle outdoor 11MB JPG WinRar
Thank you very much,share you collection more please.
05-31-2009, 05:53 AM
05-31-2009, 08:12 AM
It sounds hot but thedarkspot requires a person to register and login before viewing. Seems a bother. Is it worth it?
Similar to here really, but its up too you. I have posted over 500 manip images and I am not the only contributor. I am sure you will hate some images but maybe like some others. You will have seen some elsewhere on the net but I post them first on the DS. :)
05-31-2009, 10:50 AM
NEW ExtremeIV 126 amateur pictures:**********,extreme,torture: 12BM/rar/
06-01-2009, 01:16 AM
Egyptian cuts off organ
06-01-2009, 01:57 AM
I remember a photo from cuddlynecrobabes or such that had a photo of a female vampire holding a severed cock with nuns standing around her schocked and many severed cocks stashed about the castle like room. Very hot photo.
Dear Ken,
That sounds great. Any chance of posting it or tracking it down?
Best wishes,
06-01-2009, 06:13 AM
That forum and description of the photo-manip indicates it's an image created by Nicole. She produced a large number of images for the Necrobabes site some years ago. If that site is now defunct and I have the image you seek (or similar) I will post it here.
06-01-2009, 10:33 AM
I have a question:
Is it possible for a woman to destroy the balls with her bare hands?
06-01-2009, 12:01 PM
14 Extreme pic.testicle outdoor 11MB JPG WinRar
06-01-2009, 12:17 PM
how to upload my collection
06-01-2009, 01:55 PM
Hope everyone injoys drew this today
06-02-2009, 12:06 AM
She looks so innocently - that's cute *gg*
06-02-2009, 04:55 AM
it looks like she has bit off the whole package! with this little sweet mouce???
show, how this should go!!!:bananajum
06-02-2009, 06:26 AM
That forum and description of the photo-manip indicates it's an image created by Nicole. She produced a large number of images for the Necrobabes site some years ago. If that site is now defunct and I have the image you seek (or similar) I will post it here.
Dear Finder,
Thanks very much indeed. I look forward to it.
As it happens, I had some contact with "Nicole" last year. They're still doing manipulations, but it turns out that "she" is, in fact, a "he".
Best wishes,
06-02-2009, 07:38 PM
Venator, that's interesting. Did you meet "Nicole" in person, talk on the phone, or did he / she reveal gender in an email exchange? I often wondered if "Nicole" was a he, as he / she obviously had a deep fascination with the subject and more than passable skill at finding online photos to start with and then doing photo-manips - with a very recognizable style. There would be, to say the least, very unusual interests and talents for a woman.
For awhile I was sending "Nicole" some $ in exchange for photo-manips emailed to me, but that was a few years ago. At some point he / she was in the business of selling clocks with custom photos on the face (no, not those photos!)
CnB FemCan (Female Cannibals) site is still online, but it's hard to tell if they have substantial new content since the last time I subscribed, years ago.
06-03-2009, 05:11 AM
06-03-2009, 05:30 AM
06-03-2009, 12:08 PM
Hi I'm from Germany and my English is not very good. But I am in search of ********** pictures here on this forum and I pushed for the many times thank poster image :ibow4u:
06-03-2009, 01:42 PM
Dear Ken,
That sounds great. Any chance of posting it or tracking it down?
Best wishes,
I tried looking all over, but no good. I had it on a geo webpage once, but it is gone now. I think it was posted on a yahoo group way back, which is gone too though.
06-03-2009, 11:34 PM
Egyptian cuts off organ
Thanks for post. That was interesting. But it's rude to say it, he will be somebody's bitch now.
Without his penis he will have to take it in the "manhole."
That is a cruel World! :cussing:
06-04-2009, 06:45 AM
penectomy video,penis amputation02 25MB-divx RAR
06-04-2009, 08:55 AM
For the people that speak dutch
06-04-2009, 05:57 PM
I always have the fantasy that a girl kicks my balls so many times that they get useless and then some nurses remove them!!
06-04-2009, 08:28 PM
Dear Finder,
Thanks very much indeed. I look forward to it.
As it happens, I had some contact with "Nicole" last year. They're still doing manipulations, but it turns out that "she" is, in fact, a "he".
Best wishes,
...I mean, that's fine and all. It just really bursts my bubble.
I had fallen into the belief that the female model most often
seen in Nicole's pics was "her.":confused:
06-04-2009, 09:27 PM
Got some new stuff up
06-05-2009, 10:10 AM
[quote=Finder;64548]Venator, that's interesting. Did you meet "Nicole" in person, talk on the phone, or did he / she reveal gender in an email exchange? I often wondered if "Nicole" was a he, as he / she obviously had a deep fascination with the subject and more than passable skill at finding online photos to start with and then doing photo-manips - with a very recognizable style. There would be, to say the least, very unusual interests and talents for a woman.
Dear Finder,
Without wishing to go into too much detail about what was, after all, a private exchange, I can say that I had e-mail contact with "Nicole". A number of personal details were revealed, such as his / "her" place of residence. The mention of gender came during the course of a conversation in which I talked about the fantasy element of ********** and the like (i.e.: that I wouldn't want it to happen in reality, but that the idea or the threat thereof really turned me on). Amongst other things, "Nicole's" reply carried the phrase "I too am a normal man". Fairly conclusive, I think.
Sorry if I've ruined anyone's illusions with this information. Perhaps those upset by it should turn their attentions to drawings by artists such as Lady Carole or Karla79de who - as far as I am aware - are definitely female!
Best wishes,
06-05-2009, 09:51 PM
Yeah I always wondered on them. I still would love to see that vampire with the severed cocks photo, it was the best.
Both Karla and Betty seemed like they may be guys, karla I think I chatted with once, but she/he was gone right away, always figured it was a guy. Betty chatted once or twice over the years, but I think a guy took over and published all those stories. I did meet one lady in to it, and it was very hot. I am sure if I was more brave I would have pulled out a cutting board then and there, and I would now be sans one cock. So it is a good thing I am old school when it comes to dates, but boy was she hot.
Oh and this video is very hot
It is part way down.
06-06-2009, 12:08 PM
penectomy video,penis amputation02 25MB-divx RAR
it's not female domination!!!!!:machine:
06-06-2009, 01:23 PM
Extreme 48 amateur pictures:**********,torture: 40BM/rar/
downloaded the file, but can't open .rar files, do I need download something else to see the .rar files???:confused: :(
06-06-2009, 01:31 PM
downloaded the file, but can't open .rar files, do I need download something else to see the .rar files???:confused: :(
did anyone seem the video clip about ROY'S NUT something, something??:letsplay . Roy got balls torture by a woman.:bananad:
06-07-2009, 12:48 PM
Awhile ago I came across a video clip on this forum. It showed a man sitting in a chair and a woman going down on him. Before he could climax she reaches up with what looks like a pair of garden shears and cuts his dick off. For the life of me I cannot find that post. Can someone help me find it?
Also, for those of you who want the full movies as opposed to just these clips. Have you thought of downloading them through torrents?
06-08-2009, 12:43 AM
It's from Twisted Sisters. Not sure if the rapidshare links still work, but it was here about 6 months ago: Scroll to the bottom of the page.
06-08-2009, 01:09 AM
downloaded the file, but can't open .rar files, do I need download something else to see the .rar files???:confused: :(
Search the web for something names "winrar"
06-08-2009, 06:47 AM
[quote=ABBEY;64597]penectomy video,penis amputation02 25MB-divx RAR
NO PASS(word)
I downloaded and unZIP'd the large file by ABBEY. Note that for JPEG (.jpg) and MPG-encoded files there's little benefit to ZIP-compressing them, as JPEG and MPEG-encoding algorithms are already very efficient at compression. But that's another discussion.
Many of the images in the file are BME copyrighted. I know some "copyrighted" material gets posted here but this one concerns me because BME is the host for Eunuch Archives, which is the main forum many of us frequent. EA has built a well-developed and caring community of users over the past decade and more. A few people, myself included, have made financial donations to EA to help pay their overhead costs but BME support is largely what keeps them going.
As to the material itself - many of you are familiar with the specific kinks some of us take pleasure in, as exemplified by stories and posts by Finder, Coinflipper, Slammr, Shortie, Ibn Michael, and many others who post to EA. So I downloaded ABBEY's post with some anticipation and oddly enough found no erotic content.
Everyone here has a different sexual profile of course, a broad spectrum of interests that, with the application of sufficient testosterone or the female equivalent, meet their personal definition of "erotic". The photo set of mostly self-administered genital modification and bloodletting for whatever reason doesn't work for me. A previous poster asked "Where's the femdom?" or words to that effect. Your mileage may vary.
06-08-2009, 08:59 AM
:autogunMy pics 18 years old boy ,made in Thailand
06-08-2009, 09:01 AM
Some more pics :bananad:
06-08-2009, 10:08 AM
I don't know if this should be on this thread but here are some youtube pix of male penis and balls . If you feel I should not have it on this thread then let me know which thread it belongs ( ( (
06-08-2009, 11:13 AM
Thanks for post, but I dont want to see more that 20 second of first video. I think it is a dead guy -yes. It is examine of dead guy penis. It make me feel pain in my body. Maybe I'm just a sissy boy! LOL :cryingblu
06-08-2009, 11:21 AM
Very informative AND interesting videos!
Thank you! :bananajum
06-08-2009, 11:49 AM
Oh, man!
The second and third links are..., well maybe I'm just a sick bastatard. :D
But in the second one, I don't understand every word, but after explaining one or two differentliy-crossected penisses (explainig it very closely :cryingblu) to the girsl and boys around, the (female) doctor turns over to that other penis and says like: "Ok, Now: This is another penis we have, we finally found it, we thought this was missing." And now: everyboudy is laughing very loudly, and..., sorry, fuck, but imagining, if they would they would discuss (and touch) MY penis like that (maybe because they found it...) ...
Sorry. I will get Hair on my palms... :D:D
06-08-2009, 12:04 PM
Oh and this video is very hot
It is part way down.
Wow!!! SO friggin hot!!!
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