View Full Version : ********** (fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.)
12-25-2002, 04:19 PM
It's amazing the shit that you think up trying to get off. The stuff you used to think about just doesn't get you off like it did, and now you need a weirder, stranger fantasy each and every time you pop off.
I have a ********** fantasy that I'd like to share. Each time I play it in my mind, it gets more and more detailed and juicier. The two main ingredients are sex and **********, and they are both mixed in together one way or another.
It all starts off in some far about country almost no one has heard of nor gives a damn about. Some far away place where the living is easy if you have money, and if you don't, then no one gives a shit about you. The population survives on it's wits end, and there's always something going on that makes it through the grapevine to the civilized world. It's something I here about from some dude that I don't even know that I meet at a bar, near where I live, and we exchange bullshit stories. He told me that he heard this story through a friend of a friend of a friend (etc.), about how you can get your very own sex slave for free!! However, there's a catch (isn't there always?). The catch is, you have to fight her. Huh? That's right, you fight her, and if you win, you get the girl. Sounds simple enough. Now, here's the bad part: if you lose, you really lose, because she cuts off your balls.
Enough of all the bullshit stories, I decide to investigate for myself whether or not this is true. I find out that, yes, it is true. In my typical round-about way, I found out where exactly this place is. It's a very large island somewhere in the south pacific. I decide to check it out, and I make arrangements and book a flight out there. Four days later, I find myself landing at the airport of the city. It's a very small city, and luckily most of the people there speak english, along with the native dialect.
I arrive at my hotel, and check in. The hotel receptionist asks me if I need anything. I reply, "Yes, a translator and guide. Send him to my room in an hour". I go to my room and unpack. Soon enough, the guide arrives, a small skinny man very knowledgable about the culture and the nightlife. He tells me his name is Mik. I ask him to tell me all about the rumors, and if they are true or not. He pretends not to know anything about it, telling me instead about the local boxing/wrestling scene. No, I tell him, "the sex fights - man against woman". His eyes open up wide, and he tells me that it is indeed true. The fights are real, and the entire thing is supposed to be hush-hush. "There are only a few places to go if you're interested, and if you have the money", he says. That night, Mik and I get into a small dirty car and head out away from the city. The highway turns into a small road, and the lights of the city soon disappear. I ask Mik to tell me more about the fights.
"Very dangerous", he starts to tell me. "The men fight the women, if the man wins he gets the woman for sex. All he wants, he owns her. Once he doesn't want her anymore, he can sell her to someone else, usually underground, for a lot of money", he tells me. I ask Mik to tell me the flip side. "That's the dangerous part. Woman doesn't want man for sex. She wants his...", he stops and points to his groin. "Balls?", I say. He gives me a sour look. "Yes, very bad", he says. "Tell me more", I say to him.
"Once long time ago, there is a company that pays for "man's parts", that company pays lots of money, they use for what they call, "research purposes". In the beginning, local men were victims but not anymore. Foreign men now take a chance. Most leave this island without their parts. There is nothing that the police or officials can do about it, and they have tried".
"How does this all happen?", I ask him. Mik looked at me, and after a while said, "The girls are very pretty and they know how to fight. They look for men to fight. You go into a place, and find one to your liking. If she agrees, then you'll go to a room and begin. After it is over, you notify the room attendant and you leave with your prize."
After a long drive, we arrive at the place. It looks like a dumpy hotel with a lackluster club inside. I try to go in, but this huge fat guy at the door stops me. "Tree hundred trann", he says. I don't know how much local money that is, so Mik jumps in and pays it for me. "Are you coming in?", I ask him. "No. I wait out here", is his reply.
I go in, and the joint is jumping. A band is playing in the corner, and I find a seat somewhere near the bar. The place is filled with foreign men and local women, the numbers being about equal. No sooner I sit down then some very lovely thing comes up beside me. "You alone here?", she says. "Yeah", is my reply. She is about 5'4" and 100 pounds, very cute. She tells me her name, but it's so difficult to pronounce I forget it. Then she says, "You wanna go to room with me?". "Sure", I say, so she leads me up there. "You know why we go up there, right?", she says. "We will fight", she says.
She takes me up there, and we enter a small bedroom. If you look closely enough, everywhere there are blood smears. There are ropes at the corners of the bed and a small bathroom away from that. "Take off your clothes", she says. I do, and she takes off hers as well. We're both naked, and she comes up to me and slowly wraps her hand around my balls. "We will fight for this", she says. Right now, I'm woozy from the lust, and my cock is rock hard, but then she slaps me hard across the face. The fight is on!
She kicks me in the stomach, and I reel back from the blow. She comes up and punches me in the chest and slaps me in the face again. She then takes me by the arm and throws me onto the bed. I grab her by the waist and twist her around so that she is under me. She then wraps her legs around my waist, and we twist around again, this time she is on top of me. She tries to sit on my chest, and lock up my arms. I notice her going for the rope on the corner of the bed and she takes it and ties it around my wrist. She then does the same with the other arm. For such a tiny girl she is very strong! She does the same with my legs, and now I'm tied down to the bed! Dammit!
After I'm tied down, she goes to each arm and leg and secures it down tightly. I try to break the ropes by flailing about, and she sees I'm in distress. "Calm down", she says quietly. "It will be all over soon". She gets on top of me and placing her hands beside my head, begins to massage me. "There, isn't that better?", she says. She works her hands all over my head and behind it, massaging the back of my head and neck. "Relax, relax", she says. I'm almost in a trance when she is doing this. She then puts a large piece of cloth in my mouth, and softly clamps her hand over my mouth. Turning my head to the side, she takes the palm of her hand and whacks me in the temple. Two or three blows later, and I'm ***********.
I wake up only to find her turned around with her hand around my balls. She is doing something that I can't quite figure out, then I realize what she is doing. She is tying my balls off with a piece of string. She looks back and notices that I'm conscious now. "Oh, you awake?", she says. She then uses her foot to smack me in the face. She smacks me in the face with her foot so many times that I go unconsious again. The next time I wake up, she is gone and so are my balls. Mik is untying me from the bed, "We must get you to hospital now!", he says.
In the aftermath, Mik tells me the whole story. After she got my balls, she notified someone outside the room, and then she left. They got me to the hospital, and all the doctor could do was to sew me up. My balls were gone. Forever.
On the plane ride home, Mik's words made sense. He told me just to go home, and forget about the island. Forget about what happened to me there, and never to come back ever.
So I did. And I wandered back into that familiar bar, near where I live. There, I found some dude at the bar, and we started to exchange bullshit stories. I asked him if he ever heard about a place where you can get your own sex slave for free? He told me he didn't, and in my typical round-about way, I began to tell him the "whole story".
12-26-2002, 04:28 PM
One of my favorite "games" is to make a guy believe that I'm really going to cut his nuts off. Or squish them, pull them off, bite them off, or whatever! It's all 'pretend', of course! He knows that I won't really do it (?), but if I wanted to, he couldn't do anything to stop me. I like the feeling of control and power that it gives me -- having a guy by the balls. Preferably tied up!
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?
I find this make-believe game to be exciting. A real turn-on!
By the way, in Mexico I worked as veterinary assistant, and have ********* farm animals of all sizes. I'm familiar with the different ways to do it.
I wouldn't really ******** a guy, though. Well, not unless he was ****** me or something, and there was nothing else I could do to stop him.
This is a "don't try this at home" topic.
Guys: Don't play around at this with a gal that you don't know and trust. The results would be very permanent, and would really put an end to your fun and games! --
- - - Sara
01-03-2003, 10:07 AM
Pic below:
You'd need a really good grip to just pull them off.
My hand isn't as big as the one in this photo. I'd have to use both hands.
I'd probably end up tying a rope around them and tugging.
NOTE: The pic referred to doesn't appear because all attached pics on the Forum were lost during the September 2004 Forum upgrade.
- Sara :)
06-25-2004, 04:33 PM
Sara,have you ever used the burdizzo clamp when you were a veterinary assistant?Itss sort of the most non gross method of **********.If you used it on a guy,you could hear the crunch of the cords being crushed and then slowly watch his balls shrink away over time and know that its because of what your hands did to him! :)
06-25-2004, 07:09 PM
Sadistic Sara said:
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?
The feeling of powerlessness and being controlled releives a lot of stress. It's fairly common among both men and women, although women typically act it out (if they do it safely) by going to a "kidnap" service (ask for light torchure and no sex unless you want to have the REAL experience of being kidnapped and raped -- in which case, don't pay the kidnap service, just hang out in aa dark alley and wait).
But I digress; the question was just about female domination, right? As in what this board is all about? I think I only ever was threatened with ********** once, and it was very exciting because I was SURE she wouldn't do it... and then I was 99% sure... and then I was about 95% sure... and then I started pleading and begging and whimpering (etc.) and I would have promised anything and everything.
It was such a huge relief when she released them that I probably would have married her.
So: WHY do I enjoy it? It gives me the chance to try to confront one of my biggest fears (well, okay, my BIGGEST fear; death would be, like, maybe 3rd): maybe I'll come out okay, maybe not.Facing a fear like that, stepping into the danger, and facing it is a total rush when you come out un-permanently-busted/sliced off. It's wonderful to give a lover, friend, playmate, whatever THAT much trust -- most women really enjoy being trusted that much and respect and enjoy that someone will trust her that much. So it's an emotional high, too -- it allows an incredible emotional intimacy, not just a sexual one.
How's that for a start?
07-11-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Lew27
Sara,have you ever used the burdizzo clamp when you were a veterinary assistant?Itss sort of the most non gross method of **********.If you used it on a guy,you could hear the crunch of the cords being crushed and then slowly watch his balls shrink away over time and know that its because of what your hands did to him! :)
Yeah, I've used it on smaller younger animals.
It's supposed to be better for them than other methods because there aren't any incisions to get infected.
I could feel the crunch, but not hear it.
There's a pic of that tool above this post.
On a guy it wouldn't be dramatic enough.
No trophies for me either! :)
07-25-2004, 03:55 PM
that was an excellent story gripcrush,got any more ?
10-14-2004, 10:18 PM
One of my favorite "games" is to make a guy believe that I'm really going to cut his nuts off. Or squish them, pull them off, bite them off, or whatever! It's all 'pretend', of course! He knows that I won't really do it (?), but if I wanted to, he couldn't do anything to stop me. I like the feeling of control and power that it gives me -- having a guy by the balls. Preferably tied up!
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?
I find this make-believe game to be exciting. A real turn-on!
By the way, in Mexico I worked as veterinary assistant, and have ********* farm animals of all sizes. I'm familiar with the different ways to do it.
I wouldn't really ******** a guy, though. Well, not unless he was ****** me or something, and there was nothing else I could do to stop him.
This is a "don't try this at home" topic.
Guys: Don't play around at this with a gal that you don't know and trust. The results would be very permanent, and would really put an end to your fun and games! --
- - - Sara For me the reason I like to be put in such a vunerable and helpless position is that society dictates that men should be in total control and be dominate, we're the "stronger" sex. It's nice to be able to submit to the "weaker" sex. And the best way is to get him where it hurts!
04-05-2005, 03:15 PM
One of my favorite "games" is to make a guy believe that I'm really going to cut his nuts off. Or squish them, pull them off, bite them off, or whatever! It's all 'pretend', of course! He knows that I won't really do it (?), but if I wanted to, he couldn't do anything to stop me. I like the feeling of control and power that it gives me -- having a guy by the balls. Preferably tied up!
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys.
Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?
I get a huge kick out of these sort of mind games (probably more than BB itself). I wouldn't really want it to happen (its a one way ticket) but even the slight thought that it might gets me rock hard!
04-05-2005, 09:03 PM
Be careful
04-06-2005, 06:39 AM
It's amazing the shit that you think up trying to get off.
You're telling me. The first time I saw a ********** fantasy picture, I thought I was gonna bust outta my pants! The helplessness/vulnerability is addicting. Not so strangely, cock-********** stuff doesn't get me off at all - it's gotta be by the balls.
Here's some from my collection.. enjoy.
04-06-2005, 06:44 AM
And more (say "when")...
04-06-2005, 06:55 AM
How 'bout s'more?
04-06-2005, 01:51 PM
And wot a collection you have Jiggy :) My hat's off to you kind Sir.
I’ll have to sneak off for a wafty crank now! As this is ‘some’ from your collection I have to ask – have you got anymore?
This is great stuff and I really appreciate you for posting it.
04-06-2005, 01:59 PM
For those of you into the rougher side of BB through to ********** then there’s a gazillion stories on the topic for free at ‘The Eunuch Archive’.
Use this link to get there: and then just search the boxes on the right by alphabetical story title listing or by author.
New stories are added most days and have been for years. Use this link for the newer stuff.
Enjoy :) It’ll take you nearly a year to read it all!
04-06-2005, 06:28 PM
I have posted 2 mpeg files of some real shoe-inflicted (not sandals, Wimpy) damage at:
Apologies if you’ve seen them afore.
I guess this guy ended up in hospital (?)
YeeeHaaaaa! I just became a Supreme Poster :)
04-06-2005, 06:38 PM
For those amongst us that prefer to keep their balls then there’s an archive of over 300 mainly regular ballbusting stories indexed by topic at Some of them are pretty good. I just wish that some of the others didn’t involve children, ****** and the like! I see what we’re all into here as consensual kinkiness and I don’t like to see it all mixed up with genuine sicko-perversion.
On that note, ********** should remain a fantasy scenario. The reality is rather gruesome (see the BME website for examples). It is also extremely dangerous. Even if you survive the insult physically, it often leads to severe long-term psychological disorder.
Having said all that, if there are any babes out there that fancy the idea of ripping my nuts off then please post or send me a PM describing how you’d like to go about it :)
I was getting way too serious there for a moment,
04-06-2005, 08:27 PM
I have posted 2 mpeg files of some real shoe-inflicted (not sandals, Wimpy) damage at:
Apologies if you’ve seen them afore.
I guess this guy ended up in hospital (?)
Very unlikely that he even felt bruised after that- certainly didn't have a hospital visit or any kind of permanent damage. As you can see in the attached two screen grabs (one from each of your clips) his balls are very obviously scooting out from under her sole and not being crushed at all.
04-07-2005, 01:14 AM
You're way too hardcore for me Tamakeri. :ibow4u: Thanks for the captures.
It goes a bit too far 4 me once there’s blood involved.
You’ll be telling me next that the guys below were all OK after a few aspirin!
04-07-2005, 02:07 AM
You're way too hardcore for me Tamakeri. :ibow4u: Thanks for the captures.
It goes a bit too far 4 me once there’s blood involved.
You’ll be telling me next that the guys below were all OK after a few aspirin!
No I'd have to agree that those 3 guys don't seem to have "scooted" far enough fast enough.
04-07-2005, 05:37 AM
I really can't figure out why a guy would like to be in such a vulnerable, helpless situation, but it seems to really excite some guys. Maybe some of you could tell me why you like this?Why does the idea of being helplessly restrained while a woman attacks, and possibly removes, those that are dearest to me get me really excited?
Is it because some of us are inherently attracted to what we most fear? I saw a programme on Channel 4 (UK) a few years ago on fetishes. They dress some of these late night ‘documentaries’ up with psychoanalysts and the like so that they can show them as ‘proper’ public broadcasting but they are really there for the after-the-pub jerk-off crowd (like you & me). I digress – and we all know the punishment for not sticking to topic around here! To continue…. it had a section on how people can often develop a fetish for their biggest fear. Their prime examples were a couple of Jewish guys who got off on a Nazi concentration camp scenario. It was an interesting thesis.
Sara asked a good question above - as she is prone to. Nobody here has responded. So what is it that you – yes its you I’m talking to – think is the route cause of why you get off on the idea of being ruined by a beautiful babe?
I know the idea must appeal to you at least a little bit or you wouldn’t be reading this link :)
04-07-2005, 06:40 AM
And wot a collection you have Jiggy :) My hat's off to you kind Sir.
I’ll have to sneak off for a wafty crank now! As this is ‘some’ from your collection I have to ask – have you got anymore?
This is great stuff and I really appreciate you for posting it.
Ahh there inq, slow it down mate. You might go blind that way!! :) A "wafty crank" indeed!!!
(Believe me, I used to crank it quite often to these!)
Here's more for your pleasure...
04-07-2005, 06:49 AM
Unfortunately, I have to stop there. I'm late for work! More later.
ps. Inq, those last few pix you put up almost made me drive the porcelain bus. YIKES. The first pic MUST be fake (or else I'm at a loss as to how the poor bastard can maintain his erection whilst being *********). Can I somehow block viewing of those pix?! :)
04-07-2005, 09:49 AM
I have posted 2 mpeg files of some real shoe-inflicted (not sandals, Wimpy) damage at:
Apologies if you’ve seen them afore.
I guess this guy ended up in hospital (?)
YeeeHaaaaa! I just became a Supreme Poster :)
BTW, does anyone know where these clips came from? I know they have been around for a long time. I may be from Stardeck or the gal named Mischia Blanks. She has had a number of sites come and go that are very hard core (Iwish there were more like it).
04-07-2005, 09:58 AM
Sara asked a good question above - as she is prone to. Nobody here has responded...
Actually there were several good responses to Sara's question on the first page of this topic. As I've said before (, I am addicted to the fear of the pain which is why these pics of big cutters lined up to snap off the balls in one chomp do nothing for me. Too surgical- no ball pain involved therefore no interest for me. Now tie me up with balls exposed in front of a beautiful girl and her steel toed boots and turn her loose and that'll do it. Probably the same end result medically but the girl + boots = severe unimaginable pain equation is the one that winds my clock.
Attached pic is from a California Mean Girls update coming up this month
04-07-2005, 01:10 PM
Having said all that, if there are any babes out there that fancy the idea of ripping my nuts off then please post or send me a PM describing how you’d like to go about it :)I'm ready 4u but I think your a chicken. :cryingblu
You know where I am ;)
04-07-2005, 03:39 PM
GREAT stuff jiggy :) Wot a collection! I assume you were once a member of Cruella (?). Keep 'em coming :jumpsmile :jumpsmile :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
Ahh there inq, slow it down mate. You might go blind that way!! :) Hey who turned the lights out?
04-07-2005, 03:44 PM
I'm ready 4u but I think your a chicken. :cryingblu
You know where I am ;) Oi! I might have to punish you for that. I've learnt a few tricks in that department from our Julie :)
PS. Let's stick to email
04-07-2005, 04:00 PM
I am addicted to the fear of the pain which is why these pics of big cutters lined up to snap off the balls in one chomp do nothing for me.I think (?) I’m different on that front. I certainly get a big kick out of the pictures Jiggy is posting here :) GO JIGGY!. I get nothing from the real pictures whatsoever (they also make me wanna hurl)
When it comes to the fear of the pain (and I can well understand why you’d be afraid) does it have to be your balls? What if she had your cock in a mangle? Or the pain was not genitally associated? Surely, there’s another element to it. fear of the pain + fear of the ruination (?).
Time for bed ZZZzzzzzz
Y’all keep up the good work :)
04-07-2005, 04:18 PM
I get nothing from the real pictures whatsoever (they also make me wanna hurl)
When it comes to the fear of the pain (and I can well understand why you’d be afraid) does it have to be your balls? What if she had your cock in a mangle? Or the pain was not genitally associated? Surely, there’s another element to it. fear of the pain + fear of the ruination (?).
I completely agree with the bloody stub hurling concept.
It doesn't have to be testicle related to make me fear pain (i.e. I am afraid of being clubbed in the head by a flashlight) but the idea of a woman causing the pain and focusing it on my testicles is what is sexually addictive to me. No- I don't get the same effect from penis pain or even from the skin pain associated with cutting, burning or whipping the scrotum. Those things just hurt. Testicle pain hurts like a mutha but gets me a hell of an erection on the way!
04-09-2005, 07:16 AM
Anybody here play with banding? What’s the safety aspect to this? Does it hurt? And, how long is too long? Looks like the guys below took it too far!!
04-09-2005, 12:41 PM
So if you’re balls get beaten so bad that they swell up (see below). How long does recovery take? I think it’d be weeks for me! I guess Tamakeri would say that one wouldn’t really notice this kinda damage (?).
04-09-2005, 01:00 PM
So if you’re balls get beaten so bad that they swell up (see below). How long does recovery take? I think it’d be weeks for me! I guess Tamakeri would say that one wouldn’t really notice this kinda damage (?).
No, I'd give that one at least a 2 week rest. But I think I'd savor every minute of it! (Depending on who she was).
04-09-2005, 01:10 PM
No, I'd give that one at least a 2 week rest. But I think I'd savor every minute of it! (Depending on who she was).I’m heartened to hear that you’re not indestructible after all!
PS. have you been done that bad (or worse) before? :eek:
04-09-2005, 02:16 PM
I’m heartened to hear that you’re not indestructible after all!
PS. have you been done that bad (or worse) before? :eek:
Hard to say. You get a different perspective from first person. I have felt like that- but can't honestly say they got that big. I was off on summer vacation with the family and went into BB withdrawal, then overdid it badly when I returned. I had 4 1-hour BB sessions in 6 days in which one lady was wearing big heavy boots and one lady was using a racquetball racquet- edge on. I took two weeks off which is how long it took before I could bang them on the toilet seat without wincing. After that I was good to go.
04-09-2005, 02:45 PM
To stay on thread…
This sort of piercing looks pretty severe! I imagine it leads to permanent damage if practiced regularly.
PS. Sorry to keep posting. I’m hard at work and its so tedious! I need a 'fix' every few hours just to maintain my sanity (assuming I have any).
04-09-2005, 02:50 PM
Unfortunately, I have to stop there. I'm late for work! More later.Come back Jiggy. I miss your pic-posts! :loveeyes
04-11-2005, 06:54 AM
Here you go Inq.
"**********" play clip:
Ball piercing play (not for the squeamish):
04-11-2005, 02:28 PM
Cheers Jiggy,
The suspense is killing me! (see below)
Message from (not so)
We are really sorry, but you have downloaded 48362 KB in one hour. In order to finance this webspace, downloads just HAVE to be limited for free-users. This file would exceed your download-limit. Please wait or support us by getting a PREMIUM-Account. It is just a one-time fee and you will have access instantly.
Your posts are popular :)
04-11-2005, 04:54 PM
Wow, usually I don't get to squeemish but that is harsh :cryingblu . I wonder if there is such a thing as testicle jewelry for the piercings. Maybe hang a couple of rings off the old nads. My balls hurt just looking at that stuff.
04-12-2005, 06:36 AM
Yes, hence the "squeamish" warning. Actually, the ball piercing one gets me excited almost immediately. Something about her casual air whilst torturing that poor bastard is intoxicating - or is it that women inducing intense testicular pain in their men get me off?
Six of one, half a dozen of the other, I guess. Here's more ********** pics.
04-12-2005, 06:38 AM
More pics.
04-12-2005, 06:42 AM
"Please sir, may I have somemore?"
More later (really!). I have to get to work (boo! hiss!).
04-12-2005, 09:56 AM
Your a sick, sick man Jig. I do enjoy the threats though.
04-12-2005, 04:21 PM
Your a sick, sick man Jig.Oh yeah, he’s sick alright - but don’t you just luv him? Keep ‘em coming Jiggy. The drinks are on me the next time you’re in the UK. :) I’d prefer a slow steady stream of pics if possible – my dick gets too sore when you post 15 at once!! :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
I’ve let 'cruella' know what you’re up to. ;) The girl’s there seem slightly peeved that you are denting their livelihood. They tell me they’ve saved a particularly rusty and very blunt pair of shears for you. :)
I do hope that they send me the photos :jumpsmile :jumpsmile
PS. You work too hard Jiggy!! :)
04-13-2005, 06:48 AM
Your a sick, sick man Jig. I do enjoy the threats though.
Would that be "threats" or "treats"?? :)
Slow steady stream eh? Alright, I'll throw a few up every now and then. I guess that works, as I'm dangerously close to my "limit" for uploading files anyway. Wonder what happens when I hit it. Oh Sarah, I've been naughty! Hey, us Canadians have to punish our own...
As for cruella, their "spread" is actually pretty dissapointing. There aren't as many pics on cruella related to ball torture as you'd hope. Most are the typical crawling/grovelling/etc (ie. typical mistress-slave) type pictures that everyone has. Strangely enough, I've not seen much erotic ********** type pics from any other provider.
Hey, I might just take you up on that drink! :)
04-13-2005, 08:47 AM
Alright, I'll throw a few up every now and then. I guess that works, as I'm dangerously close to my "limit" for uploading files anyway. Wonder what happens when I hit it. Oh Sarah, I've been naughty!
When you hit your limit for uploading files there are a whole bunch of things you could do.
Stop attaching pics. (BOOO!!!)
Delete a few of your older attachments. (BOOO!!) You can do that from the link at the bottom left of your "User CP".
Sign up as "jigab00-2" and continue posting and uploading pics until you reach your next limit. (Shhh!) :o
Get a website where you can put your collection of pics, videos, etc., and post the links to them on this forum.
Ummm... Use more imagination than I have right now to think of other ways. ;)
- Sara :)
PS. I like the pics you attach! :D
04-13-2005, 09:39 AM
I saw a clip once of a doctor actually ********** himself. Wel not quite but he made an incision in his sack, removed his balls and then put them back. I'm sure it's still floating around out there.
04-13-2005, 02:32 PM
Thinking about it: great :)
Doing it: v v scary :cryingblu
Methinks its best left as a fantasy.
Jiggy-2, Jiggy-3, Jiggy-4, Jiggy-5, Jiggy-67
I luv it!
04-13-2005, 09:05 PM
When you hit your limit for uploading files there are a whole bunch of things you could do.
Stop attaching pics. (BOOO!!!)
Delete a few of your older attachments. (BOOO!!) You can do that from the link at the bottom left of your "User CP".
Sign up as "jigab00-2" and continue posting and uploading pics until you reach your next limit. (Shhh!) :o
Get a website where you can put your collection of pics, videos, etc., and post the links to them on this forum.
Ummm... Use more imagination than I have right now to think of other ways. ;)
Convert files to .png format to take advantage of the smaller file size and correct replication after resizing. Smaller file size. Mmmmm. Yeah.
04-14-2005, 02:46 AM
...but they look like they are having fun.
04-14-2005, 03:32 AM
The fantasy's hot but no way. Freud really hit the nail on the head, I'll tell ya that.
04-21-2005, 10:31 PM
This guy talks about how he pierced his testicle (I do not advise you try this!)
04-22-2005, 10:19 AM
Ive seen the pics on the BME extreme site (2 or 3 of them). Are there any other good resources for banding pics or videos, and talk about banding play or banding for ********** purposes?
04-22-2005, 03:28 PM
I think I posted these on this forum so the lazy can click here:
Note Inserted By Sara:
That link is to what is currently Post #31 in this same thread.
04-23-2005, 11:31 PM
Thanks sara, those are the ones I was talking about, that I already had.. I think this is very erotic, and would love to see any more pics or stories dealing with banding and elastration, either for play or **********.
04-26-2005, 05:04 AM
Hi I'm new.You're off thread dude.
05-01-2005, 02:19 PM
watch this link
05-01-2005, 02:29 PM
And this too
05-13-2005, 04:12 PM
Hey, be careful with those things!
05-20-2005, 05:18 PM
These 3 attached pics are extreme. But ********** is an extreme topic.
No, I didn't take the pics. My hands are smaller than that. ;)
- Sara :)
05-21-2005, 11:29 AM
Thanks for posting the pics, Sara.
When you see balls in the raw like photos 2 and 3, it makes you wonder how come balls are of so much interest to all of us. BB crosses my mind at some point every day, but human balls themselves are nothing much to look at. It puts a different perspective on our fetish seeing these photos. I'm glad you posted them.
David B.
Ive seen the pics on the BME extreme site (2 or 3 of them). Are there any other good resources for banding pics or videos, and talk about banding play or banding for ********** purposes?I'm not aware of any :( but here's a pic.
05-29-2005, 08:14 AM
The supreme sacrifice for his Supreme Queen...
05-31-2005, 10:56 AM
heres one you guys may have seen
88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8
Note Inserted By Sara :
Members should read the posting rules, tips and advice before posting.
It's better than discovering the rules by trial and error or by guessing or making assumptions.
The thread with that important information is at the top of each page here, and is entitled: "Important Notices To All Members From Forum Administrators ~ ~ {Read Before Posting!}".
Clicking on the following link will also take you to that thread: (
In this case, the member would have read in that thread that the system doesn't allow first-time posters to post attachments.
This member has been banned -- but is free to register again, read the rules in the thread I mentioned, and start fresh -- without inadvertently making posts like this one and annoying the other members here.
- Sara (Moderator and Administrator)
88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 8
heres one you guys may have seenThere's nowt there maxvain :confused:
Are they getting cold yet?
06-02-2005, 12:39 PM
ingy you have some great pics. that last one looks like his nuts are just gonna shrivel up and fall off.
here is a link to a custom taxidermy site. its a girl that does all the stuff on here, and unless youve got a strong stomach, i wouldnt go peeking around, but here is one thing she does thats of interest to this thread,
i dunno about you, but i'm gonna buy one. its hot knowing that a girl cut it in half.
here is a link to a custom taxidermy site. its a girl that does all the stuff on here, and unless youve got a strong stomach, i wouldnt go peeking around, but here is one thing she does thats of interest to this thread,
i dunno about you, but i'm gonna buy one. its hot knowing that a girl cut it in half.I guess it’d be a great conversation piece and might act as a nice lead into BB. :)
06-03-2005, 06:48 AM
Well, this thread has strayed dangerously into that whole "reality" minefield. Let's bring it back to "fantasy" shall we?
06-03-2005, 07:08 AM
Do you think that this piercings could ******** man?
06-03-2005, 02:26 PM
Do you think that this piercings could ******** man?I dunno but I would not reccomend that anybody try this. Post #53 in this thread is relevant:
Scrotal piercing appears to be very common. There are nearly 200 images of examples to be found at: (and 5 below :))
I thought the vibrating piercing on that site ( l+%28Primary%29&JType=Vibrating%20Tongue%20Barbell ) was interesting. :) Imagine this in yer bell end or clit!!
And while were on the topic of piercing etc. Just look at this guy. What are the back ones hangin offa? His asshole! :eek:
I found a few more banding shots for ya.....
Not sure if all these count but they're interesting anyhow:
06-11-2005, 06:52 PM
Does anyone know how long you can band your balls before you cause any permanent damage.
i don have any exsperiense about this but i read in this post that a cople min is ok but if you fall a sleep and have it there a cople hours then your might get some permanent be carefull
06-12-2005, 09:04 PM
*sigh* Well, that's the end of the line for this account uploading pictures.
Fantastic stuff Jiggy, :) I always look forward to your posts. :jumpsmile :jumpsmileDon’t let a full account stop you posting – I never let it hold me back! :D
06-13-2005, 03:48 PM
I'm not into ********** fantasies but I do like my nuts tightly bound as some of these pics (above) show. After I've been able to squeeze my nuts through quite small rings or after I bind them with cord, I like some hard pressure directly on my nut (or both nuts together).
By the way, I have examined the ********** bands that they actually use and they're too small for me to play with...relaxed, the body of the band itself has a diameter of about 3/16" and they have a small diameter with a lumen of about that much too...overall they're not quite 3/4" in diameter...I don't think I'd like one put on my thumb. The devise that stretches them over the balls looks like the one pictured a couple threads up but unlike the rubberband in that pic, the real ********** band itself is mighty powerful. My lobster claw bands are plenty tight for my old nuts.
The Geezer
Mr. Jiggs
06-14-2005, 10:53 AM
Dear jigab00,
Hah, fancy meeting you here, you old rotter!
Those are magnificent pictures you're posting up, I must say, jolly good indeed. In fact, if I had my druthers, I'd be posting a good lick of pictures up myself old man! Hah, pip pip cheerio and all that tommyrot what...
Mr J
Dear jigab00,
Hah, fancy meeting you here, you old rotter!
Those are magnificent pictures you're posting up, I must say, jolly good indeed. In fact, if I had my druthers, I'd be posting a good lick of pictures up myself old man! Hah, pip pip cheerio and all that tommyrot what...
Mr JWelcome aboard Mr. Jiggs. ;) I do hope that your posts will be as good as your friends. :) That old rotter has set a very high standard indeed.
Toodle pip,
Mr. Jiggs
06-14-2005, 05:48 PM
Tish tosh, my good man! Anything that ne'er-do-well can do, Mister Jiggs can do better!
Hark, and behold the magnificence, the munificence! :)
Mr. J
Chocks away boys, we’ve another rip-roaring >3.5 megabytes of such magnificence to come from Mr. Jiggs. What a jolly good fellow he is . :)
06-20-2005, 12:44 PM
[QUOTE=Geezer]I'm not into ********** fantasies but I do like my nuts tightly bound as some of these pics (above) show. After I've been able to squeeze my nuts through quite small rings or after I bind them with cord, I like some hard pressure directly on my nut (or both nuts together).
Evertime that I have done something similair it tears the hell out of my nutsack. Does the skin toughen up after doing this for awhile or am I just a wimp?
06-21-2005, 08:52 AM
Evertime that I have done something similair it tears the hell out of my nutsack. Does the skin toughen up after doing this for awhile or am I just a wimp?
I don't believe that the skin toughens up because when I don't leave enough scrotal skin in the pouch that I form when I isolate my nut (or nuts) and then apply the pressure, the skin still stretches and stings before I can apply the real pain producing pressure to my balls...and scrotal sting is not the sensation that I am looking for. I've been applying a hard squeeze on my balls for many many years and my scrotal skin still stings when I don't leave enough room in my isolation pouch. I do believe, though, that I've got much more scrotum that I used to have, due, no doubt, to my stretching and pulling on it as I pleasure my balls.
I isolate by balls with my rings or cord so they don't escape back up into my inguinal area...the key, if your manipulative purpose is to produce ball pain, is to be sure to include enough scrotal skin so the skin doesn't get stretched as the balls deform under pressure. (That's not to say that I don't also like to bind my balls into a tight pouch sometimes but when I'm into squeezing them hard and going to far as to deform them, I'm looking for ball pain, not skin pain.)
I'm convinced that as I apply a hard squeeze on a ball (although the pressure seems to make it smaller in one dimension) it actually expands overall...a sphere is the smallest shape to contain a certain volume. When you compress that spherical shape, it naturally enlarges the surface area as the shape is deformed. Taking that theory to an extreme, if you were to flatten a water balloon enough, it would eventually burst because the balloon itself can't expand enough. The bottom line is to give your expanding ball plenty of sack to expand into as you squeeze and manipulate the ball itself inside that loose sack. The tunic layer of the ball [i]could]/i] break or tear but it is really resiliant and it does stretch (take it from one who knows). The natural pain that you produce by self-squeezing a ball will always make you stop long before you endanger the structure of the's when severe, and often uncontrolled, pressure is applied to a ball that it could burst through its tunic.
I don't do hitting or kicking because although it is certainly intense, it's too short in both the preparation, application and enjoyment as it's actually happening...and too variable and uncontrollable in the actual application. I DO NOT want to burst a ball. When I am into a squeezing session, I can control (exactly) the amount and location of my pressure. With kicking or hitting, sometimes it's hit or miss and the pressure is really uncontrollable...with squeezing and constricting, I'm always on target as long as I can force myself to keep the pressure on and my ball doesn't escape my grasp. That's why I like to be squeezed, even if it's by one of my mechanical devises.
...and no, I don't think that anybody that really manipulates his testicles with the intention of causing himself true ball pain, a wimp.
The Geezer
06-21-2005, 09:15 AM
Unfortunately my sac doesn't hang as low as I would like so I am slowly working on that because it is very true that the pain many times comes from that "sting" of the sac rather that the ball itself. Thanks for the info Geezer.
Ice Warrior
09-14-2005, 04:01 PM
There's a it of knife play to be found here....
09-14-2005, 07:25 PM
Very unlikely that he even felt bruised after that- certainly didn't have a hospital visit or any kind of permanent damage. As you can see in the attached two screen grabs (one from each of your clips) his balls are very obviously scooting out from under her sole and not being crushed at all.
oh boy those heels/ankles/legs are hot... I wonder where the movie of that is.... (the one where there is blood)
09-14-2005, 09:43 PM
This message is hidden because toyboy2 is on your ignore list.
Gosh darn it! I put ToyBoyBagBone (The Man With No Pubic Bone and No Ossicles) on my Ignore list and now I can't read his messages!
Guess I'll just have to go back to the topic. Darn shame, that.
Now, maybe it's just me, but I thought the world of Jeri Ryan (sp?) on Voyager. Sure, she played a character with a flat voice because she can't act (women who can't act are best at playing the parts of robots, much as Arnold did great on film so long as he was in the role of the Terminator), but her character, and her breasts, all three of those things were very appealling. Remember the episode where Ensign Kim is trying to seduce her with his minimalist skills with the opposite sex, and she reacts be deciding to initiate a sexual encounter as a science experiment?
Just think how much better that episode would have been if she had decided to try, as a science experiment, to CUT HIS 'NADS OFF! I mean, was there ever a character, other than Kirk, of course, who truly deserved to be ********* live on tee vee?
SEVEN OF NINE: "Drop your pants. I'm going to emasculate you."
ENSIGN KIM: "Uh... That's not part of the script..."
SEVEN OF NINE: "Watch my breats for a second." (moves back and forth)
ENSIGN KIM: (Looks at her chest, then sudenly seems zoned out.)
SEVEN OF NINE: "Hypnotized?"
ENSIGN KIM: (Looks hypnotized)
SEVEN OF NINE: "Good. I think I shall experiment by first cutting off your left Cowper's Gland."
[Live step-by-step ********** of one bad actor by another -- ON PRIME TIME!!!]
Ratings would have soared, Star Trek wouldn't have gone down the toilet, and I'd be shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison -- there IS no better ending than that, I tell yah.
09-14-2005, 11:59 PM
Ratings would have soared, Star Trek wouldn't have gone down the toilet, and I'd be shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison -- there IS no better ending than that, I tell yah.
Oh, Trouble, Sweetie, I can think of something FAR better than u being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison. ME being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison :bananajum :bananad: :bananajum
09-15-2005, 05:02 AM
If a guy was ********* would he need to take pills to live a normal life and would he be able to have sex after losing his balls?
The Rani
09-15-2005, 11:38 AM
Gosh darn it! I put ToyBoyBagBone (The Man With No Pubic Bone and No Ossicles) on my Ignore list and now I can't read his messages! Yep, he’s on my ignore list too. Has he ever said anything that wasn’t worth ignoring? I think not. Somebody lemme know if he ever says anything worth reading :asleep
Ice Warrior
09-15-2005, 11:53 AM
Yep, he’s on my ignore list too An ignore list. What a wonderful idea! Nevertheless, I’ll give the boy a chance for now. Those movies, posted by a deceased hero of this forum :(, are likely to be long since dead as they were hosted by I believe this site only allows a limited number of downloads. does not have this caveat and only deletes files if they’ve not been downloaded for a month or so. I believe I saw the movies that boybagphone2 is looking for at a yahoo group after being directed there by another hero ‘Tommy the cool cat’. I suggest that you search around the Yahoo groups as there’s LOADS of movies there showing all kinds of things (including the ones you’re looking for). Tommy may be more helpful.
The Rani
09-15-2005, 12:13 PM
Those movies, posted by a deceased hero of this forum :(Yeah. Wotever became of inquisitiv : i-quv : Inq : Inqy and Co.? It’s a real shame he doesn’t supply material here anymore :( It seems that quite a few of the other champion posters and suppliers of inks/pics/movies don’t contribute anymore either. Wot happened to Sara? Did she take them all to a rival camp that I’ve not heard about? Anybody know where the posse road off to?
Sharon, is it possible to undelete inquisitiv's attachments or something? There were some really good ones. I didn't join in time to download them :( Is he banned from posting now?
09-15-2005, 11:21 PM
Oh, Trouble, Sweetie, I can think of something FAR better than u being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison. ME being shacked up with Jeri Ryan in prison
Oooh. Mmmm. That... that is better! First of all, you would need to drop this "consensual only" crap -- Ryan might say "No' and it IS prison. I say if your bitch doesn't respect you as the Queen of Cell Block D, kick her labia up into her cervix. Hell, yeah. We turn that into a reality TV show and Jeri Ryan would get on EVEN MORE TV screens than she got on by wearing a padded bra and a skintight outfit.
09-15-2005, 11:49 PM
If a guy was ********* would he need to take pills to live a normal life and would he be able to have sex after losing his balls?
Testosterone pills (or injections) would certainly help a ********* man to feel more normal, but a person who is ********* after reaching adulthood should be able to live a normal life even without testosterone supplements. Hormones tend to affect the mood, so his mood might change (for the better or the worse). Testicles are not the only source of androgens, so he would not be completely without them.
As for sex: if his penis is still there, it can still get erect, and still be used. His libido would probably decrease sharply, so it would not get so hard so often, orgasm might be a bit tougher to achieve, but the functioning should otherwise be normal.
Where I used to work, one of the managers had a boyfriend whose balls had been ripped off in an accident. I don't know whom she made the mistake of telling that, but, pretty soon, everybody in the workplace knew her boyfriend had no balls. One worker commented to her that she was a very lucky woman. She smiled and blushed. His reference was apparantly to how her boyfriend could not fertilize her, meaning that they did not have to use a condom (also known as the Trouble Method) or other birth control, or, possibly, to the decrease in libido in her partner potentially meaning that it took him longer to achieve orgasm, meaning she could have sex with him longer than with your average standard-issue male.
Our work was very boring so we talked about sex a lot.
On Another topic: Rani! Yes, there was a fight and some people went their separate ways. That's it, kimo.
The Rani
09-16-2005, 02:31 AM
If a guy was ********* would he need to take pills to live a normal life and would he be able to have sex after losing his balls?There’s a fantastic eunuch resource (discussion and information and thousands of stories) at Eunuchs differ a lot depending on whether they lost their conkers before or after puberty.
The Rani
09-16-2005, 02:51 AM
Hey Troubled, I can't seem to attach things to PMs and I don't have yer email. I just wanted to pass on that photo I took of you and yer dad in New Orleans this weekend.
09-16-2005, 03:44 PM
Hey Troubled, I can't seem to attach things to PMs and I don't have yer email. I just wanted to pass on that photo I took of you and yer dad in New Orleans this weekend.
Don't laugh! Got us a seventeen-pounder fishing without bait on Main Street. Yew can always just e-mail Condoleeza, yew know she always cc:'s me ever'thin' I need to know.
The trip to Nawlins was a bust, 'though. I mean, no bust. none of the ladies I usually see there wuz home.
09-17-2005, 01:00 AM
Yeah. Wotever became of inquisitiv : i-quv : Inq : Inqy and Co.? It’s a real shame he doesn’t supply material here anymore :( It seems that quite a few of the other champion posters and suppliers of inks/pics/movies don’t contribute anymore either. Wot happened to Sara? Did she take them all to a rival camp that I’ve not heard about? Anybody know where the posse road off to?
Sharon, is it possible to undelete inquisitiv's attachments or something? There were some really good ones. I didn't join in time to download them :( Is he banned from posting now?
Dear Rani,
First of all welcome to the site I hope you will like it here :)
As for your questions about what happend and all then you can see it here:
Regarding inquisitiv : i-quv : Inq : Inqy and Co. then all these persons was the same guy who after what happend asked to get his accounts deleted.
His attachments can not be retrived.
He is not banned here at all and can join the forum any day ;)
The Rani
09-17-2005, 04:56 AM
Thanks Sharon. To get back on thread here's a pic from BME. They have plenty more bodymodification stuff for free at
09-19-2005, 04:24 PM
I also get a massive hard on when i think of a woman having the power to ******** me if she feels like it. Its all about feeling helpless to her every desire. Makes me rock hard everytime.
09-26-2005, 02:19 PM
boybagphone2 and or toyboy-number-whatever are NOT the same poster as me.
I am an eloquent, polite poster who does not share very often due to the fact that I am primarily interested in a very small subsection of the fetish, relating more to leash-play, threatened hand-squeezing, and the fetishization and spiritualization of the evolutionary biology of the exposed testicles of the human male.
Toyboy makes me wish I had chosen a different nick.
I once again point out the difference, and ask that everyone stop comparing us, in jest and otherwise.
Thank you,
Ice Warrior
09-26-2005, 03:47 PM
the exposed testicles of the human maleI figured this shot was a little more than ball biting so belonged here :)
PS. I think toybag_cellbone2 has ceased to post here so you're cool :)
09-27-2005, 02:52 AM
Dang. That's a little more exposed than I'm into. I meant more along the lines of the heart, being in the ribcage, is not exposed; whereas the testicles, being in the scrotum, are. So dang.
All the same, thanks for the sentiment. :)
Castratrix's pet
09-28-2005, 10:59 PM
Please excuse the length of this post, but there are things I need to know. I'm a submissive male with strong femdom ********** fantasies and I'm trying to understand them.
In my fantasy I'm always dressed in a long sleeve shirt with my sleeves down and my arms covered completely to my hands in long sleeves, but I'm naked from my waist down.
I'm strapped down helpless to an operating table by a group of beautiful dominant women. I'm the only man there and I don't have long to remain a male, the women are going to ******** me. The castratrix is my mistress. She is an especially beautiful and domiant even sadistic woman. She has her hair tied back out of her way and she is wearing a long sleeve shirt like a light blue chambrey or light blue soft denim long sleeve workshirt.
She takes her place at the operating table to perform the **********. Looking me in the eyes, she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows. She rolls up her sleeves in a way that's casual and also The Goddess in control, and a little higher than to just above her elbows. As she does so she tells the other women just what she is going to do to me.
She performs the ********** very very slowly, also very skillfully gently and omnipotently. It's obvious she wants me to survive the ********** at her hands.
Throughout the operation the Castratrix describes each step in the operation to the other women, and they and the Castratrix talk among themselves about everything having to do with **********, what she is doing to me and why, what I will be and what I will be like when she's done and why I'll be that way. I have a huge erection and the Castratrix at one point masturbates me while she is performing the ********** surgery on me. Throughout the operation I keep looking up at the Castratrix watching and feeling her ********** me. I feel and experience all the things you would expect a man to feel and experience physically, emotionally, and sexually while he is undergoing ********** surgery performed by a very beautiful and dominant woman.
She takes out my right testicle first, then my left one. The second half of the operation while she operates on my left and last testicle is more intense.
Standing over me is this beautiful, dominant, sadistic woman with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows as she performs ********** surgery on me and my manhood is destroyed at her hands. Unable to resist her I worship her as Goddess as she cuts my nuts out and my manhood is destroyed at her hands, worship of her that will continue forever after the operation. Emasculated at her hands I become her very own personal eunuch slave and I will personally serve her and worship her as Goddess, and I will forever belong completely to her.
What does anyone here think of this fantasy and the elements that make it up? I would especially like to hear from the women here about this because I need insights and guidance I can only get from women and a woman's perspectives on this.
I know this is just a fantasy, but often there is something we are searching for through our fantasies. What am I searching for here and how do I find it, what should I do with this?
Also, Are there women who have fantasies like this about ********** a man and keeping him as her slave? Are there women here who have actually performed any castrations even if it's on male farm or ranch animals? Please tell me about it. How you did it, which method you prefer. How did you as a woman feel while doing it, did you enjoy doing it? Have you ever done it by cutting the testicles out, have you ever done it wearing a long sleeve shirt with your sleeves rolled up above your elbows?
I would love to find some photos or a video of a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows surgically ********** a male farm or ranch animal like a pig. I would just like to see a woman cutting a male's nuts out for real to know what that looks like.
Is there a woman who would really do this to me for real? If you knew you could really get away with it would you do it to me for real? If so please tell me why and how you would do it. Please describe what you look like. Describe the shirt you would wear and how you would roll up your sleeves. Describe the procedure as you would perform it on me. How long would it take you to perform the ********** on me?
What would it be like for me while you're doing it? Would I feel much pain, would I have an erection, would I cum or would you masturbate me while you're operating on me, woule I have much bleeding, would I feel fear and panic? Would I feel sexual arousal? What would it be like for me physically, emotionally, and sexually while you are performing the ********** surgery on me?
Most important, what would the rest of my existence be like personally serving you as your very own personal eunuch slave ********* at your hands and worshipping you as Goddess?
There is a part of me that is very very afraid of this and that doesn't want it ot become reality, and a part of me that really wants it for real, and there is even a part of me that feels I would almost willingly lie down on a castratrix's gelding table and just submit to my fate at her hands, and even a part of me that just doesn't know.
I know I've asked a lot of questions here, and I know how some of them seem. I'm trying to know and understand my ********** fantasy and the feelings I have because of it. I need and want to know. I hope others here will answer all the questions I've asked here, especially women, I need the thoughts, insights, perspectives, and guidance on this that I can only get from women.
Thank you
09-29-2005, 02:32 AM
Good luck to u dude; I doubt that any women here will have the time to indulge your fantasy (or talk about it). For a start ********** is illegal all over the world. It is also very dangerous for the victim. If you survive the actual insult then you’ll likely have psychological problems to deal with. I believe the eunuch suicide rate is very high – that’s got to be saying something. Check out if you haven’t already; it’s a fantastic resource and you might find others there to discuss your fantasy with. I believe there are a couple of women who’ll relieve you of your nuts in Mexico. However, it’ll set you back ten grand (USD). If you’ve got lots of cash and can travel further then the Far East is a good bet (Vietnam/Thailand) and will likely cost less. Why not just lop them off yourself, save the money and then have a great holiday? Alternatively, there are some good phone-sex operators in the West that will play out almost any scenario over the telephone provided you pay them well. Stay safe.
Castratrix's pet
09-30-2005, 02:39 PM
I would love to find some pictures or videos of the following.
1. A woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. There is just something to me about a woman when she is wearing a long sleeve shirt and she has her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I would like to see a woman in a long sleeve shirt rolling up her sleeves, and I would love to see a woman in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
2. A group of dominant women surgically ********** a man ( mock ********** scene ) especially where the man being ********* is wearing a long sleeve shirt with his sleeves down and his arms completely covered in long sleeves, and the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
3. An actual surgical ********** of a male farm or ranch animal, for example a pig, being performed by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I would just like to see an actual surgical ********** being performed by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I don't have any pictures or videos like this. Does anyone know where I might find some?
I would also like to hear some women talking among themselves about ********** a man.
09-30-2005, 03:47 PM
BME have a bunch of ********** shots. Free sample shots below. Its graphic stuff - best left for fantasy as the reality is v messy!
09-30-2005, 03:48 PM
This lot should be enough to put anybody off the real thing. I hope they cure you.
09-30-2005, 03:51 PM
I'm more into the idea of 'play' myself. Best keep 'em so that you can use 'em again :)
09-30-2005, 06:40 PM
at various yahoo groups. share the wealth, Clancy, and don't be a hog ;)
10-01-2005, 04:25 AM
We’ve been expecting you Mr. Bond. ;)
Up rather late last night weren’t you?
10-01-2005, 06:34 AM
Well, well, well. A little nut-cutting talk brought Robin Hood out of Sherwood Forest :jumpsmile:jumpsmile. You're a long way from home dude. While you're over here stay out of Nottingham - we don't want the sheriff getting hold of you!
10-01-2005, 07:49 AM
grrr how come i cant open the thumbnails anymore?
10-01-2005, 10:40 AM
grrr how come i cant open the thumbnails anymore?Because this is your first post. If you made one before then it rather looks as if it was deleted.
Castratrix's pet
10-02-2005, 02:44 PM
Are there women who have fantasies in which she herself castrates a man then makes him serve her as her very own personal eunuch slave?
I would like to know if there are women who have fantaqsies about being a castratrix and I want to know about these women's femdom ********** fantasies.
10-03-2005, 02:59 AM
The trip to Nawlins was a bust, 'though. I mean, no bust. none of the ladies I usually see there wuz home.
Bush has just released a statement following his investigation into the
New Orleans disaster - The blame is being put on a Muslim suicide
************************************************** ********************
President Bush has asked for pop groups to stage a benefit
concert for The victims of New Orleans however Katrina and the
Waves have not been invited.
************************************************** ********************
Mayor of New Orleans has denied rumours the Mar di Gras is cancelled.
He expects a record number of floats this year on Main Street.
************************************************** ********************
5 black men in purple dinner jackets & bow ties were found
floating today under a pier in New Orleans, DNA tests later
identified them as The Drifters. Rumour has it they were under
the boardwalk down by the sea
************************************************** ********************
Eric Burden & the animals are re-releasing their earlier hit, it
begins "There was a house in New Orleans"
************************************************** ********************
Hurricane Katrina, typical female! When she came she was warm, wild
and wet. When she left, she took the house and contents with her.
************************************************** ********************
Two planeloads of volunteers left Liverpool airport today bound
for New Orleans to assist with the looting.
10-07-2005, 02:13 AM
Anybody here into having their cock cut off?
No, me neither! :eek:
PS. I think its 'faked' ;)
10-10-2005, 02:57 PM
Castratrix Aphrodite :ibow4u:
Now that's more like it :D
10-11-2005, 01:45 PM
::snip, snip::
Well, its more a threat I use than an actual fantasy.
Castratrix's pet
10-12-2005, 12:40 PM
First, I'm not always comfortable about my ********** fantasies, I guess because they don't seem normal in terms of what we would expect most people to consider normal. Oh my, what if someone especially someone I knew found out? so I do have some uncomfortable feelings about them. That's why with forums like this I often leave from time to time.
If you have not already done so, please go back and read my other posts on this thread and on the thread, "Castratrix".
I want to know what others think, most especially what women think about my ********** fantasies and the fetishes that go with them.
Very often we are searching for something through our fantasies and fetishes, and I feel I'm searching for something through my ********** fantasies and fetishes. What is it I'm searching for? Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas about that? I would appreciate any suggestions anyone might give me about that.
Something else I keep asking because I really need and want to know. Are there really women who have ********** fantasies, fantasies in which she herself castrates a man then keeps him as her slave? If there is a woman like this I wish she would please tell me about it. It would be helpful to me to know.
Are there women who have ********* male farm animals on a farm or ranch where she herself actually performed the ********** and actually enjoyed doing it? Are there women who have done that and on occasion imagined that it was a man she was **********? If anyone knows about a woman doing the ********** on a farm or ranch please tell me about it, I would like to know,
again, it would be helpful to me to know.
The reason I keep asking to hear from women about this is that I need insights into my ********** fantasies and fetishes, into women's fantasies about ********** a man, into all these things I've been asking about from a women's perspective. Women would have insights and perspectives on all of this that I as a man do not have, and I need that.
If you don't feel comfortable posting your answers and insights publicly here, then please feel free to send me a priavte message. I really need answers to my questions, and I need women's insights and perspectives on all of this.
Thank you.
10-12-2005, 03:40 PM
I want to know what others think, most especially what women think about my ********** fantasies and the fetishes that go with them.
You just did:
::snip, snip::
Well, its more a threat I use than an actual fantasy.
10-12-2005, 03:58 PM
Listen to the Troubled gentleman above. He has been known to speak some sense (occasionally).
Speaking as one who has a ********** fantasy myself, I feel well positioned to offer some insight here. First, as I’ve said before, its not very likely that the type of woman you're looking for exists outside of male fantasy. It is extremely unlikely that they exist here. Lets face it, with Sara’s departure, our female input here is somewhat diminished.
We have:
Sharon, who makes a living at this kinda thing and is far too busy to be going around thinking about loping off nuts.
Julie, a kiwi-ensnared scouser who is so kinky as to be into anything – except ********** guys.
Agnetha, who has never exhibited any castratrix-tendency
The new ‘Lady’ from Wisconsin
And Evilgirl.
I reckon Evilgirl is yer best bet but don’t hold yer breath.
If you’re seeking an answer then it is this Sir: You WANT such a woman to exist and you want to engage in discourse with her so that you can get off on it. Hey, I’d like to converse with her too* You are fooling yerself if you actually believe your motives are really any other than this.
Now the gif flie below is what I call a nut roast :D
*Please see my Dalek fantasy in the castere…castrix…causter…lady-ball-cutter thread
10-12-2005, 04:17 PM
Hey, I only just realised that gif files would 'play' here :) The one below shows a guy losing wots dear to him one at a time :)
10-12-2005, 08:45 PM
Here's one I prepared earlier.
10-12-2005, 11:26 PM
Yeah... Evilgrl... Plus, she knows Snake Girl.
I say we start a new petition: if Evilgrl gets enough signatures e-mailed to her, we might get her to consider experimenting with ********** male test subjects.
10-13-2005, 05:32 AM
The link below will take you to a realmovie of two women cutting open a guys ballsack and fishing out its contents. They then proceed to stick needles in his skinned nuts. Its fairly graphic and I do not expect that it will remain posted at rapidshare for long. Get it while you can you SICK, SICK people :D**********.rm.htm l
10-13-2005, 05:38 AM
And here's some photos :)
10-14-2005, 05:00 PM
How kind of them to help with the banding :)
10-15-2005, 06:40 AM
Am I talking to myself here? Do you want more? or should I stop?
10-15-2005, 01:19 PM
Am I talking to myself here? Do you want more? or should I stop?
I think I'll answer that, since, as Julie18nz will tell you, I can't shut up (she complained that she asked me about a video editing pogram and it took me 108 words to tell her, "No").
I look at these pictures sometims, but they really don't compare. My friend, the crazy older psycho chick, if she and I could agree on a photographer, I'd rather have a pic to look at of her busting me. Neither of us is going to win any beauty pageants, but, you know how it is.
She had a picture of my genitals on her refrigerator for a while. I thought, "Damn, woman, I have a mind, too!" Just kidding, I thought it was great. I think one of her kids must have dropped by when she had it up, 'cuz I can't persuade her to put it back.
But these photos, with the wacky outfits, and the bizarre situations in which testicles are bound and gagged, and the staged looks on any faces, it doesn't do much for me. I'm into BB because of the times when people just came up to me and did the proverbial It. (It would seem that my personality predisposes women to want to hit my testicles - unlucky for me at first, but lucky now that I am an addict.)
Some of them are pretty good, 'though, and I would encourage you to keep posting more just because I want to keep Julie18nz happy.
10-15-2005, 03:02 PM
Thank you all for this fantastic pics! I'm so happy to know this board now! :-)
10-16-2005, 01:17 PM
I would encourage you to keep posting more just because I want to keep Julie18nz happy.As its Julie you care about, I just stuck some CB stuff in Julie’s thread (see: ). She’s much more into cunt pain – especially when its delivered by pretty women. Hopefully, this’ll keep u happy by keeping Julie happy. I’ll leave off on the pseudo nut cutting as it doesn’t appear there’s much interest in it here these days (Bring back Jiggy!).
Castratrix's pet
10-16-2005, 03:49 PM
Please continue the pseudo nut cutting pics of women cutting out men's nuts.
I'm really enjoying the pics you posted showing women ********** men. I would like to see any and all the pictures like this that you have. If you have any pseudo nut cutting videos or video clips showing women ********** men, would enjoy seeing them too. Would especially like to see pics and videos where the woman doing the ********** is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
10-16-2005, 10:26 PM
The sleeves are long but they ain't rolled up.
10-17-2005, 05:46 PM
Stumbled across this picture yesterday... enjoy!
10-18-2005, 04:19 PM
Dear Pet,
I’m sure you could get what you want if you get yer wallet out. Ask Sharon to do a set for you. I’m sure they’d set it up for a few hundred bucks :) If our generous hosts here are not up 4 it then I believe might oblige. Dig deep. Make sure you share the wealth too.
Here's 4 different ways of doing the job - which is best?
Dualing Banjo
10-19-2005, 02:42 AM
Here's 4 different ways of doing the job - which is best?
Not the saw and not the hammer :eek: If I have to chose I'd go for the clean cut. While a knife could provide this OK something seems to pull me toward those snipper/crusher things. I guess I'm not alone in this, as at least 50% of ********** poses seem to involve these kinds of implements. I get rock hard when a girl puts my nads in such things, squeezes the handles so it hurts, looks me in the eye and threatens to destroy me. It is a very trusting thing to do. I get even hornier if I’m restrained in such a way as to be powerless to stop her. Methinks its a little like playing Russian Roulette tho’. If I manage to engineer this scenario with enough women sooner or later one might take it a little far. I have met a couple of girls who actually liked the idea of ********** me – maybe I shouldn’t have let them slip through my fingers. One used to tie my balls using piano wire and a slip not and tie it to a hook the ceiling while I stood on a stool in handcuffs. She’d then torment me and threaten to pull the stool away until I promised to give her a massage or lick her cunt and arse for an hour or wotever she fancied. Once she left the room and went to watch a film!! I was petrified that I might fall.
Any girls in the UK interested in getting to know me while my balls are completely in their power please get in touch. The ball’s in your court… or snippers…. or mangle…. or wot-have-you. I really like the idea of a girl that likes this kind of stuff and I'd certainly make it worth her while ;)
10-19-2005, 08:45 PM
She's nailed his nuts to a board!
10-19-2005, 08:51 PM
I'm not really sure wots going on here
10-19-2005, 09:04 PM
If you shag the wrong woman in parts of the world they’ll cut your dick off. Movie of such at link below. Still shots attached. _Ouch___.mpg.html
Castratrix's pet
10-21-2005, 02:41 PM
Seeking pics of femdom surgical ********** where the castratrix is surgically removing her male/eunuch victim's testicles the way a surgeon or veterinarian would perform the operation. Can be in an operating room setting or some other femdom scene setting. The male doesn't even have to be human it can be a male farm or ranch animal being ********* on the farm or ranch by a woman, but would prefer her victim to be human.
Would really love to see some pics like this where the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
I know I keep asking about this. It's just that I have been looking for this for a really really long time. If anyone has anything like this please post it here even if you have to somehow make it up.
Castratrix's pet
10-21-2005, 02:47 PM
Another fantasy thought came to me.
What about the idea of somehow a girl giving a guy a handjob/balljob till it destroys his balls cause they just can't take it any longer?
Or maybe she has developed some new chemical that reacts with both a guy's male body chemistry and a girl's female body chemistry. The girl puts this chemical on her hands to use as a lubricant to give him a handjob and just as he's about to cum it turns his balls to a liquid and his balls flow out of him with his last cum?
Ok, it's way out different and I know impossible, but it's a fantasy.
10-21-2005, 06:40 PM
Would really love to see some pics like this where the castratrix is wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. Like Troubled said, the only way you are really going to get exactly what you want is to pay for it. Have you tried this?
Castratrix's pet
10-23-2005, 08:15 AM
On my income I really can't afford to have any pics or videos custom made like this. I'm sure it would cost lots and lots of money.
Also I don't know where I would find the people, props, and so forth to make them anyway. I especially don't know where I would find a woman willing to be in such pictures or videos.
So I guess I will just have to enjoy the femdom ********** pictures and videos or video clips I can find already made even if they don't have all the elements I'm looking for, like the castratrix wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, or her doing the operation the way a surgeon or a veterinarian would do it.
So if anyone has any more femdom ********** pics or videos at all please post them here so we can all enjoy them.
Castratrix's pet
10-23-2005, 08:28 AM
This thread is about ********** fantasies, stories, pics, methods, etc.
Where do femdom ********** fantasies come from, what causes them? What do these fantasies mean?
In most cases, maybe in all cases, when someone has a fantasy or fantasies there is something they are searching for through those fantasies. What is it that people with femdom ********** fantasies are really searching for through these fantasies?
Men who have fantasies about being ********* by a woman or by women and then even serving the castratrix as her eunuch slave, what is it these men are really searching for through these fantasies?
Women who have fantasies about ********** a man where she herself performs the ********** and then even ******* him to serve her as her eunuch pet, or women who are turned on or find such fantasies interesting, what is it these women are really searching for through these fantasies?
What is the best way to handle or deal with these fantasies?
This is something I have been asking for a long time but have found no real answers. What does anyone here think, how would you answer these questions?
Castratrix's pet
10-25-2005, 11:21 AM
Does anyone know of any femdom ********** sites? I'm looking for sites on the internet dedicated to femdom **********, to men being ********* by women with women performing the castrations.
I know about and I know about some of the sites on Yahoo.
Are there any other sites on the internet about dominant women ********** men or male slaves?
10-26-2005, 08:02 AM
Crazy way....:)))
10-26-2005, 10:23 AM
Does anyone know of any femdom ********** sites? I'm looking for sites on the internet dedicated to femdom **********, to men being ********* by women with women performing the castrations.
I know about and I know about some of the sites on Yahoo.
Are there any other sites on the internet about dominant women ********** men or male slaves?
This site is very hard core and I believe it has ********** stuff on it, You will just have to check it out.
Castratrix's pet
10-27-2005, 03:25 PM
I want to know if there are any cases where a man was actually ********* by a woman? Are there any cases where a woman has actually performed a ********** on a man for real? Any where it was witnessed only by women?
10-28-2005, 02:35 AM
I want to know if there are any cases where a man was actually ********* by a woman? Are there any cases where a woman has actually performed a ********** on a man for real? Any where it was witnessed only by women?
Try searching for two things, firstly the ********** thing your looking for, its the best metacrawler that there is (beats Google hands down) and the second thing you should search for is a good shrink :p
10-28-2005, 02:25 PM
You look about 12 years old. I think it best she just puts you out of your obvious misery.
A Rill
11-01-2005, 09:45 PM
Do it gurl!
11-02-2005, 04:37 AM
Try searching for two things, firstly the ********** thing your looking for, its the best metacrawler that there is (beats Google hands down) and the second thing you should search for is a good shrink :p
first, why are you sucking the dogpile's cock:/ yahoo+ what you seek+ lycos+ whatever you insist is releveant makes my seach entries worthless!
i can't wade through 20 pages to find 2 relevant:/
second, katharis is great for the ********** fantasy. I've lately only been inerested in seeing the busting. kicks + knees
Castratrix's pet
11-05-2005, 02:24 PM
Does anyone have any new femdom ********** pics showing women cutting out men's balls? I've been to and to several Yahoo ********** groups, but all the pictures and visuals are the same old ones we've seen before.
Would love to see some new femdom ********** pics that we've not seen before. Would also love to see some femdom ********** videos as well especially some new ones that have not been shown much yet. Photo manips are nice too.
I don't know how do do things with the computer to make anything like that and don't have to mone for making custom pics and videos.
If anyone has any new femdom ********** pics or videos they can post here, please post them. Thanks.
A Rill
11-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Dear Pet,
Just make some effort here PLEASE! What have YOU got to give? All you seem to do here is ask for what YOU want. Consider changing. As a gesture of goodwill……
11-06-2005, 07:10 PM
ok try this link, not fem-domme but damn good anyway
Dualing Banjo
11-07-2005, 02:21 AM
Thanks Sailor. I love the shots below. You can tell it hurt! :eek:
Just one question: Why?
11-08-2005, 02:51 AM
Hello Sailor,
(I never thought I’d see myself writing that!). That’s a great site. It contains a whole bunch of stuff from Femaledom in addition to stuff form other pay sites. I suggest y’all get it while you can as I doubt it’ll be around for too much longer.
How do you find these things?
11-08-2005, 01:24 PM
Well I guess that's the link gone Sailor. No doubt the site itself will come under attack now.
11-08-2005, 01:41 PM
The procedure…
11-08-2005, 01:42 PM
The end result….
11-08-2005, 08:06 PM
scroll down and click on the burdizzos, some spanish script, some pics, some clips
enjoy :bananajum :bananajum
11-09-2005, 04:20 AM
No doubt the site itself will come under attack now.
Hi Sailor,
The servers still there but that site is gone.
Let us know if you come a cross any other good sites.
Castratrix's pet
11-09-2005, 05:15 PM
I asked for some more femdom ********** pictures and videos or video clips to be posted here on this site. I was asked what I have to give in return.
At The Eunuch Archive ( ) they have a Story Archive of ********** stories.
I used to be a member of Eunuch Archive and under the author name "Hereunuch" I posted 13 femdom ********** stories on the Story Archive there.
If anyone wants to go there and read any of my stories there, please do so. It might be interesting to know what anyone here thinks of any of the femdom ********** stories I wrote there under the name "Hereunuch".
11-09-2005, 06:19 PM**********/
sorry about the first time
scrol down and click on the burdizzo's
11-10-2005, 09:12 AM
It might be interesting to know what anyone here thinks of any of the femdom ********** stories I wrote there under the name "Hereunuch".Well the obsession with shirt sleeves confirms that those ere stories were definitely penned by your fair hand.
..Hat’s off to ya,
PS. Where the hell did this sleeve thing come from anyways?
PPS. Check out Sailor's link above if it still works. Its jam packed with nut cutting
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2005, 10:47 AM
I don't know really where my sleeve fetish came from, I just know it has been with me for a very long time, almost all my life really. Even as a teenager I was never really comfortable wearing short sleeves, only long sleeves, but I don't know why or where this came from.
Also I've always had this thing about a woman in a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, but I have no idea why or where it came from.
Obviously the sleeve thing has lots of dominance/submission symbolism.
Me having my arms covered in long sleeves symbolizing weakness, inferiority, submission, being bound or restrained not able to move or do things as readily, the kinds of things we would associate with the male slave in femdom.
I seem to feel those things more when I'm in a long sleeve shirt and my arms are covered in long sleeves.
A woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows symbolizing power, dominance, superiority, supremacy, Omnipotent Goddess, in total control, free and unencumbered ready to work and do the job (in this cast ********** a male). When I see a woman with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows she does seem somehow more powerful, dominant, in control, and Omnipotent.
I don't know where these feelings and so forth come from, but that's how it feels to me.
I hope that answers your question.
Castratrix's pet
11-13-2005, 11:07 AM
Found an interesting site that has to do with **********.
It's a site with training videos from a veterinary college. One of the videos shows a complete ********** surgery being performed on a male dog. It shows the entire operation from incision through sewing shut the empty scrotum.
I got to it by going to Google Images and typing in cvm **********
I think the procedure in the video is being performed by a male veterinarian, but all you see is the veterinarian's hands, the surgical instruments, and the testicles as the operation is being performed.
Watching it I imagined it was being done by a woman veterinarian wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, and that she was ********** me.
I downloaded a closeup photo of a beautiful woman's face and enlarged so it seemed I was laying on an operating table looking up into her face and into her eyes, yes, imagining she was wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows. I looked into her face and eyes for a few moments, then switched to the video. Just as the second spermatic cord was severed and the last testicle was cut off I switched back to the woman's face looking dire3ctly into her eyes so that I went from seeing the last testicle being cut off, to looking into a beautiful woman's eyes as if she was the one ********** me.
11-13-2005, 01:09 PM
Your kinda woman...
11-14-2005, 03:14 AM
Heres the address to a site containing movies mentioning ********** or ********** scenes:
Castratrix's pet
11-16-2005, 02:38 PM
In the stories I wrote on Eunuch Archive ( under the username Hereunuch, I tried to describe what I thought the man was going through and experiencing while the women were ********** him.
I would really like to know what others think. What would it really be like?
What would it really be like for me or for any man to be laying tied or strapped down helpless to a table looking up at a beautiful young woman watching her as she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows knowing that she is going to cut his nuts out?
What would it be like when she takes his balls in her hands to finish prepping him for **********?
What would it be like for him while she is ********** him? Would he have an erection, would he cum and what would that be like? How much pain would he have, would he feel sexual arousal, would he feel intense fear and panic, would he feel helplessness and hopelessness, would he worship the woman who is performing the ********** on him? Physically, emotionally, and sexually what would it be like for him seeing, feeling, and experiencing it as a woman surgically castrates him?
Afterword, what would it be like for him to be a eunuch and personally serving and worshipping the woman who had performed the ********** on him and at whose hands his manhood had been destroyed?
What does anyone think about that?
I would like to see a video or hear an audio where women discuss ********** and talk about ********** a man. To hear women talking about this.
11-16-2005, 05:31 PM
I probably carry a ‘Y’ chromosome (although I have no formal karyotypic proof of this) but if I may comment:
What would it be like for him while she is ********** him? Would he have an erection, would he cum and what would that be like? Once she got going it’d be pretty shitty. If you’re lucky she might’ve used an anaesthetic. If you’re really lucky she may have given you a high dose of morphine-like opiate – in which case you probably wouldn’t care so much.
How much pain would he have Well that’s gonna depend on the above but my guess is that without any kind of anaesthetic it'd probably smart a little. Lets look at this from a purely evolutionary/medical angle – your balls hurt so bad for a reason. If they get permanently damaged then that’s the end of the line in a genetic sense. They hurt bad cuz they are evolutionary critical. It’s no more than the flip-side of a fuck feelin really good. Its been designed that way as it is good in the genetic sense. Its also responsible for why foods high in calories (sugars & fat – or the ultimate mix of the two chocolate :)) make us feel good. Things that were genetically good for cave man feel good. This whole thing got a little blurred when things that feel good but aren’t good (recreational drugs) were ‘discovered’. I digress. Bollox hurt so badly because they are indispensable to the continuation of species. Every nucleated cell in your body expresses human leukocyte antigen class I molecules that enable the cytotoxic T cells of the immune system to nuke it should it become infected with an intracellular pathogen. That’s every cell in your body except for those that are ‘immuno-privileged’. The cells of only two organs in the body are of such high importance to be in this category – the retina and the testes. This is simple because primeval men who couldn’t see or who couldn’t produce gametes were a genetic dead loss. These functions are so important that the body risks the cells essential to it being vulnerable to attack by pathogens rather then have them nuked by the immune system if a pathogen did get in. To cut what could be an even longer story short: bollox as so packed with pain receptors because they are genetically indespensible.
Sorry to get on one there….. to continue:
would he feel sexual arousal
No. He would not be able to maintain an erection
would he feel intense fear and panic, would he feel helplessness and hopelessness
Afterword, what would it be like for him to be a eunuch and personally serving and worshipping the woman who had performed the ********** on him and at whose hands his manhood had been destroyed? It’s quite likely that she’d have very little interest in him. i.e. lose bollox = game over. As you’ll be well aware, there will be a considerably heightened possibility that he’ll be emotionally disturbed and there will much increased odds that he may go so far as taking his own life!
What does anyone think about that? I think its best kept as a fantasy
11-16-2005, 05:37 PM
Apologies.I'm not sure what came over me there. Here’s some British pictures for u (as evidenced by the three-pin plug style on the wall). God bless the Queen and all that…..
11-17-2005, 04:50 AM
There was this video called Roy's nut-hang with a mistress suspending him by the balls and then she pierces through them. I think its quite topical!
Anyone know where we can download it? Or perhaps post it here ?
11-17-2005, 05:29 AM
there is the url...
but you must be member!!! it is free to become member! all you need is to... send them a video of you...
11-17-2005, 06:35 AM
11-17-2005, 09:03 AM
That’s every cell in your body except for those that are ‘immuno-privileged’. The cells of only two organs in the body are of such high importance to be in this category – the retina and the testes.
The retina and the testes? I doesn't know about Englishmun, but 'ere in America, that's FOUR organs!
Luckily, I down't much care for retina-busting, but m'friends have rb (retina busting) parties and exchange naughty films about it and all that. Bloody perverts. Couldn't believe me ears at first -- blokes who enjoy getting kneed in the "balls" (obviously, they meant their eyeballs; I mean wot else could it have been, the balls of their feet? That I do not think!). 'Ere's a sample: (
Castratrix's pet
11-17-2005, 10:06 AM
Something I have said before is that very often when someone has a deep seated fantasy, like my femdom ********** fantasies including the strong sleeve fetish that goes with them, there is something that person is searching for through that fantasy, something deeper than just what appears on the surface of it.
I have been trying to figure out and understand what it is I'm really searching for through my deep seated and strong femdom ********** fantasy, my fantasies of being surgically ********* by a woman wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows, then being made by her to be her very own personal eunuch slave ********* at her hands and made by her to personally serve her and worship her forever as Goddess.
I have also been trying to figure out and understand what I should do to find and fulfill what it is I'm really searching for here.
I would appreciate any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and so on that others here can give me on what I'm searching for here and how to find it. Again, I have never gotten many thoughts, insights, and so on from women. I would really appreciate some replies from women because I feel women can give me some insights that men cannot.
Going to a mental health professional or "shrink" is not a good answer to find what I need to find and understand. Too often mental health professionals are too limited by some standard thinking and standard answers that don't really answer anything here.
Probably a dominatrix who has experience working with ********** fantasies would be the best one to answer my questions.
But I would appreciate hearing the insights of others on this, and again, especially from women and women's insights.
11-17-2005, 10:17 AM
I love ********** males.
11-17-2005, 12:00 PM
I would appreciate any thoughts, ideas, suggestions, and so on that others here can give me on what I'm searching for here and how to find it. Again, I have never gotten many thoughts, insights, and so on from women. I would really appreciate some replies from women because I feel women can give me some insights that men cannot.I disagree. Your fantasy is about what’s going on in your head. What special insight can a woman give on that a man, particularly a man with a similar fantasy, cannot give. You are just searching for something to get off on. Its obvious that this is the reason you want to talk to women about it. Its time you admitted this to yourself and moved on. Why not just call up a phone-sex service that specialises in such things and discuss it with the woman on the other end of the phone?
Castratrix's pet
11-17-2005, 04:03 PM
I love ********** males.
Welcome Natali. I noticed this was your first post.
You said you love ********** males. Are you a castratrix? Have you actually performed a **********? If you have please tell us about it. It's nice to know there is a castratrix here.
To me, God is female and the Castratrix is God!
11-17-2005, 04:40 PM
Gr8 story...ny more of em
11-17-2005, 05:51 PM
i camt belive some of the pics on this forum
some crazy shit!!!!
11-17-2005, 09:42 PM
Wow, I remember reading somewhere here about this movie-- Hard Candy ( (If someone's got links to that post or thread, i'll gladly apologize for this rant!) It sounds really...well. I don't know how people are going to react to it, I mean, I wonder if they're going to show her cuttin' that guys manhood. Ballbusting galore, only--it's on the big screen. It'll definetly give some wives a few ideas.
11-17-2005, 10:23 PM
Wow, I remember reading somewhere here about this movie-- Hard Candy ( (If someone's got links to that post or thread, i'll gladly apologize for this rant!) It sounds really...well. I don't know how people are going to react to it, I mean, I wonder if they're going to show her cuttin' that guys manhood. Ballbusting galore, only--it's on the big screen. It'll definetly give some wives a few ideas.
This is the link to that post ( But no need to apologize. I'm sure they'll be very tasteful and considerate, given that the issue is a potentially sensitive one. HA! Yeah, no way are they going to show nuts getting cut off; that would get the X rating so fast it would make the actress's skirts whirl. The movie sounds similar to Death Game. From the wayback machine:
Death Game: (1977) Great knee as Sondra Locke teases the guy she's terrorizing about accusing him of statutory ****. HOT!
11-17-2005, 10:38 PM
Dagnab! My link just takes you to the thread, not to the post. Okay, okay; I suck. Use the search function. Some poor underpaid programmer in India took a well-paying job away from somebody in the US or Europe to wrte that search tool into vBulletin, so you might as well use it.
Castratrix's pet
11-18-2005, 11:44 AM
I know I keep asking, but I really would like some idea, hopefully from a eunuch or a castratrix, of what it is really like for a man to experience being ********* by a woman.
What is it really like for a man to lay there helpless on an operating table with a beautiful woman standing over him watching her as she rolls up her sleeves knowing she is going to ******** him and his manhood is about to be destroyed at her hands?
What is it really like physically, mentally and emotionally, and sexually while being ********* by a woman? To look up at her and to watch and feel it as she cuts out his testicles and his manhood is destroyed at her hands?
What would it really be like afterword if she kept him for herself to be her personal eunuch slave/pet ******* him to personally serve her and worship her as Goddess for the rest of his life?
I really want to know and the best person to tell me what it's like would be a eunuch whose ********** was performed by a woman especially by the woman who is his mistress, or also a castratrix who has actually performed the ********** on her slave and made him to personally serve her and worship her as Goddess.
I hope someone like this will answer me please. Thank you.
11-18-2005, 01:30 PM
Oh, hehe! thanks Trouble
11-19-2005, 12:58 PM
I'm not sure what she's planning here :confused:
11-19-2005, 10:15 PM
I'm sure they'll be very tasteful and considerate, given that the issue is a potentially sensitive one. HA! Yeah, no way are they going to show nuts getting cut off; that would get the X rating so fast it would make the actress's skirts whirl.
It will be interesting to see what happens. When the film was shown at the Sundance film festival earlier this year . . .
During one post-screening Q&A session, a man in the audience stood and, quivering with anger, read off a diatribe from notes he had written during the film. --
And as mrxwins said, it is certain to inspire immitation. I remember reading a review at the time that said they did not actually show act. But since it is NC-17, anything is possible.
Lastly, to add a bit of content, here's a link to a movie which also doesn't show the act, but will be of interest here: For good or ill, I haven't been able to find any copies of it available anywhere.
Castratrix's pet
11-21-2005, 09:02 AM
I have an inner and personal spirituality that says "God is Female and The Castratrix is God," and this is part of what guides me in the direction I'm going.
11-22-2005, 08:31 AM
I love ********** males.
Hi Natali. Are you a castratrix ? Can you perform male ********** ?
11-27-2005, 12:26 PM
thanks for sharing that cartoon. Can you give the name or it?
11-27-2005, 01:04 PM
Yes, I ********* my five lovers at will.
I, love games of ********** and all my lovers, I ********. I finish lovers up to the conset to be ********* and lick my cunt when I want!
Yes, I ********* my five lovers at will.
I, love games of ********** and all my lovers, I ********. I finish lovers up to the conset to be ********* and lick my cunt when I want!Hi Natali, Have you got any movies or photos? :D
How did you do it? Did you use a knife?
Castratrix's pet
11-28-2005, 01:27 PM
Natali, please tell us how you do it and what it is like for the man while you are ********** him. Please answer the questions I have asked here, I really want to know and so do others here. Thank you.
In the stories I wrote on Eunuch Archive ( under the username Hereunuch, I tried to describe what I thought the man was going through and experiencing while the women were ********** him.
I would really like to know what others think. What would it really be like?
What would it really be like for me or for any man to be laying tied or strapped down helpless to a table looking up at a beautiful young woman watching her as she rolls up her sleeves rolling them up above her elbows knowing that she is going to cut his nuts out?
What would it be like when she takes his balls in her hands to finish prepping him for **********?
What would it be like for him while she is ********** him? Would he have an erection, would he cum and what would that be like? How much pain would he have, would he feel sexual arousal, would he feel intense fear and panic, would he feel helplessness and hopelessness, would he worship the woman who is performing the ********** on him? Physically, emotionally, and sexually what would it be like for him seeing, feeling, and experiencing it as a woman surgically castrates him?
Afterword, what would it be like for him to be a eunuch and personally serving and worshipping the woman who had performed the ********** on him and at whose hands his manhood had been destroyed?
What does anyone think about that?
I would like to see a video or hear an audio where women discuss ********** and talk about ********** a man. To hear women talking about this.
11-29-2005, 02:50 AM
You say the same too much. Please post foto.
11-29-2005, 06:01 AM
Does anybody have new foto?
11-29-2005, 06:02 AM
Job is done
11-29-2005, 07:31 AM
Wow, I remember reading somewhere here about this movie-- Hard Candy ( (If someone's got links to that post or thread, i'll gladly apologize for this rant!) It sounds really...well. I don't know how people are going to react to it, I mean, I wonder if they're going to show her cuttin' that guys manhood. Ballbusting galore, only--it's on the big screen. It'll definetly give some wives a few ideas.
Howdy, I posted a link to it a few weeks ago here.
clicky (
I am hearing different reports about what happens in this movie though.
One is she castrates him and throws his testicles in the bin.
Two is she makes it look seem she has ********* him but actualy hasn't.
Some more for safe keeping :)
It's quite a collection :D
12-03-2005, 06:37 AM
I do not think these fotos here.
12-03-2005, 06:42 AM
Knifes to cut
12-03-2005, 10:24 AM
When I was teen, in my mother´s farm, I liked to watch ********** calves. It always be a little strange for me, (yes, i´m a woman) but I liked this...
I was a bad girl, and I liked to kick the bull´s big balls from behind!! (ok, now I´m not proud this, poor bulls...)
But this goes on a little strange for me…
I would like to exchange experiences, pict, videos with others about this.
My email is
(sorry my English…)
Juliana Veiga
12-03-2005, 10:38 AM
someone have a picture/movie about ********** in farm/veterinary? SadisticSara says that have pictures (in the beginning this forum), but it isn´t online, it was erased. Someone could send me, please?
12-03-2005, 10:43 AM
hi check ur email
Castratrix's pet
12-03-2005, 12:04 PM
hi check ur email
Checked my email but there was nothing there.
Castratrix's pet
12-03-2005, 12:11 PM
[QUOTE=juliana00]When I was teen, in my mother´s farm, I liked to watch ********** calves. It always be a little strange for me, (yes, i´m a woman) but I liked this...
I was a bad girl, and I liked to kick the bull´s big balls from behind!! (ok, now I´m not proud this, poor bulls...)
But this goes on a little strange for me…
I would like to exchange experiences, pict, videos with others about this.
My email is
(sorry my English…)
I don't have any real experiences just fantasies. I also don't have any pictures or videos at all, but like I have said, I would love to see some pictures or videos of ********** being performed by women with the woman who is performing the ********** wearing a long sleeve shirt with her sleeves rolled up above her elbows.
If you have anything like that Juliana please post it here. Thanks.
Castratrix's pet
12-03-2005, 12:59 PM
hi check ur email
Just remembered. In my profile and user CP I have said that I don't wnat to receive email from other members.
If you have something either send it to me in a private message or post it here for everyone to enjoy. Thanks.
12-03-2005, 01:12 PM
sorry castrexic i didnt mean u
Ice Warrior
12-03-2005, 01:30 PM
When I was teen, in my mother´s farm, I liked to watch ********** calves. It always be a little strange for me, (yes, i´m a woman) but I liked this...
I was a bad girl, and I liked to kick the bull´s big balls from behind!! (ok, now I´m not proud this, poor bulls...)
But this goes on a little strange for me…
I would like to exchange experiences, pict, videos with others about this.
My email is
(sorry my English…)
Juliana VeigaHi Juliana,
Welcome to the forum although the way things tend to go with women in these parts the chance of us hearing from you again are fairly minimal. I should warn you that Toyboy has a history of harassing female members that post here. I’ll not email you, as I do not have any animal material and find this aspect a little repulsive . Take care,
Ice Warrior
12-03-2005, 01:36 PM
like I have said
You've said it more than enough times. Saying it more is just gonna piss people off. If you're gonna leave - LEAVE. If you're gonna stay then heed the advice given to you by others here. I don't wanna hear about rolled up sleeves again for a few months OK!?
12-04-2005, 02:34 AM
Was ist hier ernst gemeint?
12-04-2005, 04:46 AM
Was ist hier ernst gemeint?
Yes, I think some guys here take it fairly seriously, though not sure how many would really want it done or would like it afterwards :)
12-04-2005, 07:07 PM
Yes, I think some guys here take it fairly seriously, though not sure how many would really want it done or would like it afterwards :)
It's HER!!! [Cuddles]
Personally, after looking at Knave's artwork, I must admit I... I... want to be ********* by a beautiful young woman wearing long socks, with the socks rolled up, and then we'll have a traditional Pagan wedding (but I guess I'll have to skip the orgy), and then I'll be her pet mouse after that.
Do any women here want to talk to me about rolling their socks up, giving my thinking organ a lobotomy, and then engaging in a traditional Pagan wedding so that they can have a *********/lobotomized mouse as a pet forever n' ever?
please tell me your shoe size before answering; beautiful women who wear something smaller than a size 10 pump need not apply.
12-04-2005, 10:13 PM
ouch thats a bit much and yet could be fun
12-04-2005, 10:32 PM
Do any women here want to talk to me about rolling their socks up, giving my thinking organ a lobotomy, and then engaging in a traditional Pagan wedding so that they can have a *********/lobotomized mouse as a pet forever n' ever?You make me cry when laughing. I hope you find lady with long socks.
Taran Beast
12-04-2005, 10:59 PM
Yeah I'm digging the socks idea :D
Continued anthology:
12-05-2005, 09:59 AM
[QUOTE=Trouble][B][COLOR=LightGreen]It's HER!!! [Cuddles]
Personally, after looking at Knave's artwork, I must admit I... I... want to be ********* by a beautiful young woman wearing long socks, with the socks rolled up, and then we'll have a traditional Pagan wedding (but I guess I'll have to skip the orgy), and then I'll be her pet mouse after that.
Trouble, was that you in the women's sock dept. at macy's trying to roll down all the socks on all of the mannequins?
Castratrix's pet
12-05-2005, 03:40 PM
Yes, I think some guys here take it fairly seriously, though not sure how many would really want it done or would like it afterwards :)
For most men with femdom ********** fantasies I think it is just that, a fantasy, and that most of them would probably not go through with it or like it afterwards.
But while they are very rare, I think there are a few such men who would really go through with it, maybe even enjoy it being done to them, and would be happy with it afterward. I think there are also a very few very submissive men who would let his mistress do anything to him she wants to do, even letting her ******** him. Very rare, but I think a few such men do exist.
Even more rare, I think there are a very few dominant women who would really ******** a man against his will and enjoy doing it to him. Very very rare, but I think there really are a very few very dominant women who aren't interested in "regular or normal sex" but who's real turn on is to have total absolute omnipotent Goddess power over a man and that for a few such women her ultimate turn on would be to ******** a man against his will then make him serve her for the rest of his life as her personal eunuch slave and would be happy with it afterward. Again very rare, but I think a very few such women do exist.
Do I think it has ever happened? I think almost anything we can think of has happened or been tried at least once.
While it is extremely rare, I think there are a very few very rare cases where a very dominant woman like this has actually ********* her male slave against his will then made him to serve her for the rest of his life as her personal eunuch slave, and where both of them were very happy with it afterward in a lifelong mistress/slave relationship. Again extremely rare, but I think there are a very few very rare cases where it has happened.
12-05-2005, 07:25 PM
Trouble, was that you in the women's sock dept. at macy's trying to roll down all the socks on all of the mannequins?
I've been found out! :o
12-05-2005, 07:41 PM
Do you think she'll do it?
Taran Beast
12-06-2005, 02:25 AM
Do you think she'll do it?I dunno did she? Got any more :D
12-06-2005, 03:22 AM
Re: Post #225
I’m sorry to disappoint you Pet but yer wrong. The kind of woman you describe is not going to be interested in keeping you as her gelded slave in any kind of monogamous relationship. What’s to stop her tossing you aside and moving on to the next guy? What you are chasing does not exist. You’re a repetitive, boring man (those two I can deduce and others here appear to agree) nearing retirement with no assets to speak of (gleaned from the bits atween the shirt sleeves and stuff in yer earlier posts). Why would a beautiful young castratrix be the slightest bit interested in you? What you need - and I hope what you are looking for - is a good woman to love you and knock some fucking sense into you. The sooner you sort yerself out and get one the better.
Drop this fantasy if you can or keep it as fantasy. Turning it into reality will only make you unhappy.
Anyway I thought you said you’d found what you were looking for. I should’ve guessed it wasn’t true as you also said you were going to stop posting. :cussing:
12-06-2005, 06:49 PM
I dunno did she? Got any more :D
This one did!!!
Taran Beast
12-06-2005, 07:51 PM
This one did!!!I can see :eek: I like that stuff. Where's it from?
12-13-2005, 02:32 PM
Just a couple more illustrating some of the methods- burdizzo and cleaver.
12-13-2005, 04:06 PM
Another way...
12-13-2005, 04:41 PM
Some CGI 4u
12-15-2005, 04:05 PM
This ones for Jiggy :ibow4u:
12-17-2005, 07:26 AM
Time to prune
12-17-2005, 08:51 AM
awesome pictures guys!
12-19-2005, 04:33 PM
thanx for all those great pics jiggy
12-21-2005, 08:07 AM
Some everyday castrations.
12-22-2005, 07:32 AM
This is not realy my thing, bit squeemish. But try
12-22-2005, 10:37 AM
I tried both links, which give u the same site, but all I got was a semi blank home page with links that didnt work
12-22-2005, 02:15 PM
I tried both links, which give u the same site, but all I got was a semi blank home page with links that didnt workHere's wot yer missing:
12-22-2005, 03:04 PM
I see two more pics of a woman cutting off a pigs balls. There are also 3 movies although I think one is already linked to in this thread. The page does appear a little fucked up.
12-22-2005, 04:28 PM
Back with a few more.
12-22-2005, 04:57 PM
I see two more pics of a woman cutting off a pigs balls Here they are....
12-22-2005, 09:49 PM
:cussing: she idnt have her sleeves rolled up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heh heh heh :mad:
12-22-2005, 11:15 PM
Well guys, I think I won't be viewing this thread for a while. I've seen enough to make me feel pretty squemish. I thought working at a hospital would help me out, but I just can't understand the sexual arousal... I'm going to need some therapeutic normal porn for a little while... ^_^
12-24-2005, 08:33 AM
********** has been one of my long time fantasies as well. My girl and I have been experimenting for a while now and all I can say is that once you've played at being ********* it makes normal sex seem detached and frivolous. My girl is very open and willing but tact is needed with her or she becomes VERY AGITATED! One time I woke her up for some fun when my roomate left for the weekend. She had to work the next day and didn't appreciate being woke up. After a little bantering she decided to take matters into her own hands (litteraly)! She squeezed me harder and harder asking me "is this what you wanted!" over and over. Needless to say I had a hard time explaining the funny way I was walking!!! Kind of scary the next day with pink urine and all. My girlfriend actually enjoyed it though as she gloated over her victory the whole next week.
12-26-2005, 07:34 PM
This is not realy my thing, bit squeemish. But try
12-27-2005, 07:16 AM
some balls and scrotums
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