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Hello Sebi40,
How are you? I hope you and yours are keeping safe in these scary times. You are most welcome re; my response to your message.
The lady in question did not emasculate her husband. In a male human, (as you are aware) the gonads (testes) are external. This places them at greater risk for injury than, their female counterparts the ovaries which, are internally placed. Specifically, the sperm ducts (which carry the sperm manufactured in the testicles to the prostate and beyond) are fragile. They can easily be damaged, sometimes significantly enough to impede impregnation. A blow that causes swelling or scar tissue to form in the testes, can achieve this unfortunate result. This is what happened to the former colleague, I referenced in my message. His wife (my friend) did not destroy or otherwise render his testicles non viable.
There maybe a language issue here. Perhaps, you are communicating something, you do not intend to? In any event; my friend made it clear to me that, she has no intention of becoming an adulteress. That is, she will NOT be "having children with another man.".
"But assuming a couple have children already, would you consider a wife being OK to spend her life near a cas*trate man?" In a previous message you seemed to suggest, a Pakistani staffer of yours had an antiquated view of women and marriage. Forgive me, but you 'seem' to have one as well. I know a number of married couples (some intimately;)) in which, the man is unable to sire children. Granted, I am acquainted with far more couples where, it is the woman unable to have children. In both circumstances, the couples have fashioned happy and fulfilling lives together. So, I reject your initial insinuation that, a woman could not be happy with a husband who, could not give her children. To answer your question directly; it depends on the woman. Some wives want children very much. If a man who is unable to impregnate such a wife and will not consider alternatives then, the couple should go their separate ways, in my opinion.
Yes, I know a few married couples in which, the male partner is a gelding. That is, he lost his 'precious plums' to illness or injury. Some have 'little people', some do not. I can not speak with absolute certainty, as to the 'quality' of a relationship. No one on the outside of a marriage, really knows what is going on inside one. However (to me), seems many of these women meant what they said re; "For richer or poorer, In sickness and in health, For better or worse".
Personally, I question your reading material. This maybe difficult for you to accept, but there are plenty of marriages in which; there is "no cheating, no domestic violence, and so on" by the husband. It is absurd to think that, one needs to mutilate the person one professes to love, in order to prevent any of that! A man that genuinely loves his wife will not do any of this. If he has an emotional / psychological problem, he will seek professional 'help'. To wit; I was once close to a woman who's husband had / has an attraction to men. Unfortunately, they are wealthy socialites residing in a rather oppressive society. The husband loved his wife enough to submit to some rather cruel (and in my opinion barbaric) treatments to 'cure' his homosexuality. Or at least, bisexuality.
For a healthy male human; the disadvantages FAR outweigh any supposed "advantages". The loss of the major source of testosterone (testicles) has a catastrophic effect on the male body. Also, there can be devastating emotional / psychological consequences.
"still the sexual relation / satisfaction for the woman can remain a problem do she need another man to satisfy her?" I have NO doubt you are male.<chuckle> Seems, so easy for men to separate the emotional and the carnal. Both women and marriages are complex things. Inherent, in a sexual attraction for many women is an emotional one. In order to be physically attracted to a man, we must like 'something' about him. Men do not seem to have this as, a prerequisite.lol Also, in terms of your question... a woman's value system plays an important role. It is difficult for many to break their marital vows. Even when, many feel there is good (or at least sufficient) reason to do so. Such as a philandering spouse. Also, it depends on the kind of physical intimacy a women needs. Many women can be satisfied with cunnilingus. Put another way; some 70% of women do not achieve orgasm through penetrative sex alone. On the other hand, there are women who are attracted to and enjoy sex with gelded men! However, even for many of these ladies the lads need to be able to achieve erections. This means being on some form of Testosterone Replacement Therapy(TRT).
So that, you know I speak with some 'authority'; I am unable to have children. My husband married me anyway.<chuckle> Something unfortunate happened to me many years ago. Hubby basically received 'damaged goods'. Judging by the inference in your question "would you consider a wife being OK to spend her life near a cas*trate man?" seems, likely you might see me as 'tainted'. Fortunately, hubby is more progressive in that regard.:)
"When I was a kid I read 1001 Arabian nights books. There it was a clear distinction between an eunuch and a man/bull and any heroine in those stories needed both
How are you seeing this?" Personally, I feel you need to update your reading.<chuckle> Preferably, starting with non fiction. You might even consider reading a book or two written by a woman!lol Perhaps, one written by a woman dealing with a husband afflicted with prostate or testicular cancer? Or maybe, a wife whose spouse suffers from erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation? Actually (in a way), I have already addressed your last question. That is, when I spoke (typed?) about women's carnality.
Sorry, if I was a bit cheeky. I am functioning on very little sleep.<mia culpa!>
Be careful and safe,
Messalina :)